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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. I am so sick of thread after thread after thread of 'I lost 40 lbs in the first 30 days and now am at a stall and it's 32 days post surgery, is this normal? Is this it for me???'

    Do people really think 2 days without a loss is a stall? I seriously have been contemplating answering back and saying 'no, that isn't normal. I think you may be done.' Simply just to be as absurd as the stupid posts. I don't remember being so obsessed but I guess that isn't ny nature anyway. I considered myself truly a slow loser. The most I lost in one month was 10 lbs and that was month 1. I have averaged between 6 and 9 lbs a month every month since. But guess what? After almost a year I am almost 90 lbs down and 10 lbs to goal. Have I freaked out - no. I follow the plan and do my thing...

    Hakuna matata people!!!

  2. So my crazy friend talked me onto buying these cute jeans. They are a little on the tight side but a size 29! I've NEVER paid $99 for a pair of jeans. .. or much of anything else. But I love these jeans!

    Going wogging this weekend! Glad the weather is a little better. Not add warm as I'd like though.

    Adorable!! Where a cute pair of heels and you will be rocken' thos jeans!! :)

  3. Ladies & Gentlemen ...... A short note on this milestone day.....I'm now down 200 lbs. I should get to goal weight by August or September if I stay on this course. Yea me!!!

    I know we can all get to where we need to be. I'm so proud of all of you. I can honestly say that this group is a big part of the reason I am able to reach this milestone weight loss number. My sincere thanks for all of your support.

    Well so much for keeping this short :-)


    Yay!!! I am so proud of you!! Our surgaversary is the same day. It is amazing what you've achieved. Kudos!!!

    I signed up for my first 5k yesterday. I plan on "wogging". I am not a runner....yet!!

    I need to jump start the loss again. Wogged this morning. 1 mile and a half in 18 minutes... I'll take it!

    Have a blessed day!

    Wogging... I love it!! Congrats and good luck!

  4. So I am nearly 10 months post RNY. I have lost over 180 pounds and feel terrific. I am only 5'2". When I began this journey, my BMI was over 60, I am now under 30, but still in the 'overweight' category. My goal is to try to lose another 15-20 pounds, which will put my BMI in the 'normal' range. Over the weekend a family friend told me I need to watch out for anorexia! When I explained my BMI, she said that I am a large boned woman, and that I should not try to reach a normal BMI. I am not really sure I am larger boned. I have had so much fat on my body that I don't know how anybody could see the size of my bones!

    So, here's my question. Has anybody else had push back from family or friends as you approach your goal? How have you handled those comments?


    I tell people all the time that at 267 5'2" I was all fat. Big bones didn't play a role. So at 5'2" 138 lbs how would they now? Girl, do your thing and let them wonder. I've fantasized about telling people I lost my weight from lipozene or some other stupid reason just because im sick of the questions. I'm more than my weight and so are u. :)

  5. Im within 2 pound of breaking the 200 lbs lost milestone! they are not going gently into the night! I thing they are the ghosts of cheesesteaks and hoagies past.......damn them :-) have a great day all you skinny people.

    PS: we all Rock!!!

    Wow that is phenomenal!!! Gosh I'm so excited for you.

    Mmmm philly cheesesteak how I miss u.....

  6. First of all, congrats on the weight loss. I am like you; I need to loose more but am OK where I'm at. Great job!

    Second of all, I am very sorry you are having conflicting feeling about your pregnancy. I wasn't married with either of my first two children. We were together as a couple but didn't get married until after I had our second child. We didn't have our own home either, we rented. We lived paycheck to paycheck. I would NEVER use this as a reason to not have a child. You have said you would be a great mom and that you and your partner love each other. THAT is what matters! Take a chance! A baby is a gift from God or whoever you believe in!! You can do it; people do it all the time, and with much less than you have! As for your mental state; your conflicting feeling show that you are thinking this through, both for yourself and your unborn child. That is a sign of mental stability if you ask me. ;)

    Good luck to you and keep us posted! I wish you the best as always.

    I'm a junie but want to agree with Dorian! I am so proud of you Obeasta for sharing your true feelings and reaching out for support. If that isn't mental stabiliry what is? Babies are a treasure. Having never been able to conceive and always wanting to be a mom more than anything, don't throw your gift away. There is always adoption to consider. My two siblings are adopted and I adore them. There are so many people who would love to have a child and can't so please consider that option too.

    I again am very proud of you for reaching out to your friends.

    Prayers being sent up for you that you get peace whatever you decide.

  7. I have several. They are GREAT. I am also getting one this weekend, I am going to try a French. Mine last a good three weeks. The only down side is that they are really hard on your nails, so once you take it off you will have very fragile nails. The polish itself is also very difficult to remove when the time comes, takes patience.

    I am between a french or a pretty pink. My nails are pretty short do you think a french would work? I am going to do gel shellac. Nails are crap now so what can it hurt?



  8. WAY TO GO!!!! I have been thinking about you and wondering, so thanks for letting us know. I feel exactly the same way about the confidence. It's nice to know if somebody is looking at you it's not because your the largest person in the room!

    Thank you! I'm so excited for this new chapter in my life. I'm going to treat myself to a gel manicure this weekend. I've never had one before and have short nails. Anyone get them? They look pretty and last a couple week's.

  9. Awww, good for you, I hope you receive all that's due to you and some...it's about living the rest of our lives in peace and happiness, we have been Blessed with a new way of life, so I say do what pleases your heart, I love your story. Good luck and keep us posted.

    Well, I got the job!!! Having had such a rough three months, getting the call with the offer today really made my day. I am 100% sure my newfound confidence is from the weight loss. I finally feel like ny outside matches my inside. I have always been a positive person but now I have confidence too. :)

  10. Have any of you had to give yourself a B12 injection yet? I'm sitting here staring down the needle. I think I'm gonna wait for my hubby to get home from work and make him do it.

    My husband gives me mine. It doesn't hurt at all. Just tell him not to flinch or pull back. The first time ny hubby did it he hesitated just as he was putting the needle in and the needle bent and that sucked. Now, I just have him jab it in and push the syringe slowly. There are a ton of you tube videos if you are unsure how to do it. Luckily my bff is a nurse so she showed us both how.

  11. As of Friday 4/11 I weighed in at 213.4. I weighed 248.0 the day of surgery on 1/16. It's been a slow process since my band to bypass revision surgery..I'm being patient..

    I think 10 lbs a month is fantastic! I'm a band to bypass revision too and was lucky to get 7lbs a month in the beginning. But guess what? Im almost a year out (june) and close to goal. It all adds up and by january of next year you'll be amazed. :)

  12. To piggy back yocolefleets post, I interviewed last week for a position at mayo Clinic doing something completely different than what I've done for the last 20 years of my career. I am excited, nervous and really proud of myself for taking the chance. A year ago, I wouldn't have had the confidence to make a move like this. I made it to the second round of interviews on Friday meeting with the physicians associated with this particular program and they all went well. In fact two of the doctors said, "I look forward to working with you". I should find out next week or the following. If I don't get the job, I am still happy because I made the step. I'm very comfortable in my current role and trying for something so different is very exciting!

    So YoColeFleet, we are sisters in recognizing our inner strength and following dreams. P.s. I just love your short hair! it is so cute on you. Very Halley berry. ;)

  13. 4/10/14, it was my 10th month Surgiversary and I passed my surgeons goal, I have lost 100 lbs., I am now at 135, yay me. I am wearing a size 4-6, and loving it, I have no saggy skin, just a little bat wing but nothing major. My muscle tone is good, I've made major career changes, I quit my professional job to do something I've always wanted to do, I'm in Cosmetology school full time and loving it, so I don't regret any of my decisions and plus my husband and daughter has been very supportive.

    Congratulations! Following our dreams is so important. You look gorgeous but more importantly you look happy. I'm thrilled for you! :)

  14. I have been in a stall since late December. I have got to find a way to get past all the old fears jumping in my head. It's at those times, I want to eat everything I shouldn't! I keep reading where lots of people are near their goal, and I still have at least 25 pounds to go. It's frustrating. I am hoping that I can say I am back on track soon.

    Head games are the worst! Thanks for helping me see that I am not alone.

    I still have at least 20 to lose for my personal goal.

  15. Hey there fellow Junies

    You all have been busy! I feel off track for a month! Stupid stall plate head games with me! Back on track now and sitting pretty at 202.4

    So close to onederland I can almost taste it!

    I haven't been in onederland since high school.

    I'm doing my first 5k this Saturday for in honor of my brother for autism awareness!

    I will be cheering you on virtually! I'm so proud of you!!

  16. Hey guys it's been awhile just wanted give an update. I'm feeling greT and couldn't be better. I'm just loving life more and more. I've lost what I've wanted I've been staying away from the weigher and just trying to maintain now.. Last time I weighed myself I was 145lbs. With a total lose of 130lbs. Woohoo!!!

    Before n after

    This past weekend

    Pre op - 275lbs.

    Surgery day June 24th, 2013 - 258lbs.

    Post op currently 145lbs.

    Wowzers!!! You look great!!!!

  17. Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone. I have been obsessing and killing myself working out everyday and counting the calories etc. But you are all correct, I just need to take a step back and calm down. Look how far we have all come and be proud! And I ordered that swimsuit on Amazon for like $40 and just prayed it would look good! I also found another one that is the pin up girl style for $6 !!! I couldn't resist. We just bought a beach house where I hope to be spending some time this summer. I didn't want to spend a hundred dollars on a ladies swimsuit that I may only be able to wear a few times with how often our bodies change. Thanks everyone for being my voice of reason!

    Very smart on the suit!! I too live at the beach and spend a lot of time outdoors. This is going to be the first summer for me since my 20s where I feel comfortable being out there. I won't go in the Water until June (I'm a cold water weenie, even in fl) but I sat out there yesterday and read my book and it was wobderful.

  18. My dress came this week. Petite small was perfect! Yesterday I was looking for some capris for my trip and actually fit into a size 6!!!! I'm sure they just ran a little big because I'm an 8 in everything else, but it was an ego boost nonetheless! :-)

    Terry I can't tell u how happy this makes me!! Im an 8 petite now too and jyst ordered 3 dresses from landsend last night in small petite (6-8). I was nervous but now I have hope. I bought a new suit yesterday for an interview on tuesday from ann klein in 8 petite and still can't get over it fits!!!

  19. Okay junies, I have to vent! I'm so frustrated right now. I have increased my Water and Fluid intake as well as my Protein to around if not over 100 grams/oz a day. I have also been power walking/jogging 2 miles 4-5 days a week. I have not lost anything. So irritating. I started doing weight loss yoga today so maybe that will kick something into gear! I know I'm toning and building lean muscle mass but I still want the scale to move!!! Im so close!Any other suggestions would be great. Think skinny thoughts!lol. I am 186 as of now and would like to be at least to 158 by my I year surgery date June 19. Which will put me at 100lbs in a year and 170 lbs from my highest. Oh and I got brave and bought a swimsuit too ladies!

    First off you look amazing!!! It will happen you know it will. Calm down work the program and you'll get there. Ny dr reminded me last week that rny patients can lose most effectively between 12-18 months. Girl, we're not even to 12 months yet. :)

    I have 20 more I want to lose. I was saying by june and that just isnt realistic. Ive adjusted it to february ( yes you read that right) of 2015. I will be 43 in february and I thought hittibg ny goal of 120 to 125 by then is realistic and doable. If I get to goal before then great, if not im just going to work. Maintenance here we come!!!

    P.s. that suit is so cute! I just bought obe from landsend last week too but not nearly as cute.

  20. Completely anecdotal but I've had both surgeries. I had the band in 2008 and got revised to rny in june 2013. Both surgeries had the same recovery tine for me and the stages for food were virtually the same. The only difference for me is I was hungry post band (that shocked me and was hard emotionally). Whereas with rny I didn't have any hunger and literally had to put my eating on a schedule.

    The pros and cons are well documented. Consult with your doctor. My philosophy is if I trust this person enough to open me up I sure better trust their judgment too. My story isn't a bash against the band or a rah rah for rny, it is simply my story.

    My last bit of advice is to enjoy the process. Recovery physically goes fast and is over in a blink. It is the mental stuff that's harder... I still struggle with my new body but am told that will get better with time.

    Good luck!

    Oh and I am thrilled with my rny. I live how I feel and look. It was the best gift I've ever given myself.

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