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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. Hi all you Junies.

    The thread for this group has been moved back to its original location "June 2013".

    Alex responded to my PM very quickly. If you have a chance send him a thank you he is an awesome admin.


    Wonderful! Thanks RJ!!

  2. Highest weight: 267 (December 2007)

    Surgical weight: 230 (June 2013)

    Today's weight: 135

    Almost the 3rd week in a row at this weight. I suspect I am close to being done with my weight loss but am still working at it. I really want to get into the 120s. I have my 1 year follow up on June 25th and would love to go into that appointment in the 120s. I'm still pleased regardless as I wear anywhere from a size 4-6 to an 8 dependent on the cut. Never in a million years did I think I'd get there considering at my high I was a 24!

  3. I never log on to this site using my computer, so I never see stats because I usually only log in via my phone. I totally understand how it has changed your life because I feel the exact same way. I had dinner with my in-laws tonight, along with my brother in law and his wife. My husband's brother and his wife hadn't seen me since Christmas and they just kept going on and on about how great I looked; I wore one of my fit and flare dresses from Landsend, in a really pretty coral color. It was nice because it was so genuine and made me feel so good. I thought about it after we left the restaurant and realized the last time they saw me I was in the 160s. I was 135 this morning. I am going a little nuts ordering new clothes though. Talbot's is having a really nice sale right now. I spent 100.00 there this week on a new dress and a skirt and color blocked top. Tonight I went on their website and bought 2 more dresses, 2 skirts and two tops - for 249.00!

    Anyone else wondering why we are in the 2014 year and not the 2013 year? I wonder if we should ask to be moved by Alex? I had a hard time finding you all on my computer and wonder if we've lost people as a result?

    Carol I didn't realize you've lost 198 lbs!!! My goodness that is phenomenal! I am so proud of you!!

    Thanks! It has changed my entire life!

  4. I had my surgery on 5/30, all went well, got my drain out yesterday, but been in a lot of pain 6 days post op, very emotional today as well. Feeling depressed.

    Hang in there, feeling down when getting anesthesia out of your system is normal. I struggled with that too and by 1 month out was back to my old self.. Congratulations on taking this important step to a newer healthier you!! :)

  5. GREAT IDEA! OK, so here is what I am doing. I am limiting my Protein to about 85 grams - it had been creeping over 90 - even though my calories have stayed about the same. I am increasing my vegetable intake, especially broccoli and cauliflower. These REALLY seem to fill me up, which helps with the increased hunger, I feel much more satisfied. I have upped the Water so I am getting between 80 - 100 ounces a day. This morning the scale moved to a new low, it wasn't a big move (.2 pound) but it was a move! I am worried about tomorrow as I have THREE graduation parties to attend, one is for my niece which I am helping to give, so I will be working with food. Lots of temptations, so I hope I don't undue all the hard work I put in this week.

    Let me know what you are doing and how its working. Together we can do anything! Have a good one!


    I am making sure to split all my food into five little meals, really 3 meals and 2 Snacks. I was starting to just do 3 but I really think the five a day keeps the metabolism rev'd. My team says it all the time. I also added an extra 2 glasses of water and am trying to keep sodium lower. That by far has been the hardest. I love lean cuisines but they are loaded with sodium so I'm trying to cut them out and just cook real food. Lol

    We can do this, we're in the weight loss homestretch and maintenence is next. :)

  6. Welcome! I am very glad you found us. This is a wonderful group of very supportive people with great advice. We will be here for you!

    Congratulations! That is a great loss in a year!! I will be at a year on June 25 and as of this morning am down 198 pounds, but the scale has really been fighting me these last 10 pounds. I only have 2-3 to go, and I have worked harder for these 10 pounds than the 190 combined! I am trying to switch things up, exercise, food and Water. The scale is moving, all be it VERY slowly. I was down .2 pounds this morning, a new low. One thing that seems to be helping is that I am making sure my Protein stays in the mid 80s (does not go over 90 grams) and that I am adding more vegetables to my diet. I find the vegies really fill me up and that helps because I seem to be hungrier now than I was even a couple of month ago. I am still hopeful I will get under 130 pounds for my 1 year check up on June 26th. WE HAVE COME SO FAR! WE CAN DO THIS!!


    Carol I didn't realize you've lost 198 lbs!!! My goodness that is phenomenal! I am so proud of you!!

  7. My thoughts on hunger and additional calories are as follows

    1. as long as you are eating healthy and eating for your body not your mind ( head hunger) the calories will be burned off with the increased activity level.

    2. we all knew the pouch would stretch and the severed nerves would reform. as long as you are aware of the intake and keep the portions small and the intake healthy. im not sweating it.

    lets be realistic about this as all of us get past our goals we need to be the people we are and have worked so hard to become and no longer be the person " who had WLS" now its up to us to not let the WLS define who we are and who we will be. now its time to be the people who we have worked sooo hard to become.

    Peace out to all you beautiful people.

    Rj you are always the vouce of reason. You rock!!!

  8. Hey!

    I didn't realize you were also a June 12th surgery! Congrats to you too!! You have been like my twin during this journey, and I have drawn so much encouragement, peace of mind, and inspiration from you. Do you have plans to Celebrate the day? RJ is correct (as usual!). It is time to stop being on the WLS journey and to start living our lives in the gift of these new, healthy,bodies. I wish you all the best! Mark this day with something special, YOU DESERVE IT!!

    I am a bit behind all of you. I won't reach my surgaversary until June 25th, so I have a couple more weeks. I am hoping to be under 130 by then, was 133 this morning, so it is possible. I am so thrilled with the new me, that it won't matter if I don't get there. It would be nice for my BMI to hit 'normal' though.



    Carol, I consider you my twin too! We are just so similar in our stats. I see my surgeon on june 25th and am praying I'll be in 120s by then. We have 2 weeks so let's both try together! :)

  9. To RJ and Mel,

    Happy one year surgerversary!! What a year it has been. Both of you have been such a big part of my journey. Your journeys have been my inspiration. Tattoos and mani/ pedis to mark this day that has been so life changing. CELEBRATE!! Enjoy your day, you have each earned it!


    It's mine and RJs surgiversary but Mel is welcome to join. She can get the tattoo, I'm staying with my mani/pedi. :)

    I want to echo your sentiments about all of you tho! You all have been such a huge factor in my success. I am truly thankful for this entire group. I love our Junies!!!

  10. It's a personal decision, but I am SO happy I had bypass. My only regret is that....I wish I would have NEVER had the band...I didn't lose well with it (total 40 lbs but gained it all back) and had severe reflux and esophogeal distention and had to have all of the fill removed just to keep from having constant heartburn.

    I don't know how old you are or how long ago you originally had your band....I had my band in 2006 and bypass in 2012. I'm 53 years old. Bypass has been a MUCH more pleasant experience all the way around (except having money disputes with my surgeron). Even though I was "self-pay" with both surgeries...I do NOT regret having additional surgery AT ALL...I'm glad I did!!!!

    Exactly my sentiments! No regrets on my revision from band to rny either. Best decision of my life!!!

  11. I have been fighting not to bump my calories up. I have been able to keep it under 900, today I am under 700. That used to be no big deal, now it is a real struggle. I see my NUT and bariatric specialist on the 26th for my one year check. I am wondering what to do to make it to the finish line. If you gain any insight, I would love to hear it.


    I'm struggling too and the only thing I came up with is to bump up my exercise to compensate for extra calories. I still want to lose 5-10 lbs so maintenance right now makes me nervous. I still drink Protein Shakes for Breakfast and thought maybe I'll eat real food for breakfast and see if that keeps me fuller? I don't like breakfast food so that may be tough. I see my NUT on the 25th and this is high on my list. Oh and I'm going to cut out lean cuisines and just eat my own cooking. I think the sodium in lean cuisines are holding me back.

  12. Just a question for anybody here. I have the Lapband, and I was told I can drink all the way up to my meal, but I must stop during my meal and for 20-30 minutes after my meal. What is the logic for not drinking before the meal with the other surgeries?

    I had the band and was converted to rny last year. The reason band rules are different is the Water goes right thru before you eat. Then you eat and shouldn't drink with your meal because that would push food thru, negating the band. For other WLS procedures, our pouches are very small and liquids can fill us up and then you don't eat enougj and get enough nutrients. That's why we stop 30 before and 30 after where banders only have the 30 after rule.

    Hope this helps! :)

  13. I just saw a commercial for a new movie with Melissa McCarthy in it. Why is she playing the same part over and over, portraying herself as a stupid, fat, slovenly, drunk who can't control herself? It really makes me mad because I think many people believe fat people are lazy and unable to have any self control. While I am no longer fat, it offends me because it is promoting that stereotype. Even when I was 267 lbs I was hard working, intelligent, and able to exhibit self control.

    Grrrr it makes me really cranky!

  14. I have to say, though, that Southern New Englanders have access to a lot beautiful places within several hours in any direction. Mountains of NH and VT for hiking and skiing; Maine wilderness and lighthouses; Boston shopping and restaurants; Cape Cod beaches and small quaint towns; 400 miles of RI coastline; Newport mansions, beaches, and shopping; island getaways on Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and Block Island; CT coastal attractions and beautiful lower Berkshires; NY city shopping and restaurants. And the best tasting and freshest seafood anywhere!

    I work on Aquidneck Island and today a quahogger will be delivering fresh clams to me that he's probably digging right at this very moment. Cut out the middleman for an indecently cheap price - I'll be steaming those sweet-tasting clams for dinner tonite! :-)

    One of my favorite trips my husband and I took was to new hampshire. We're from florida and I loved the hiking, the waterfalls and the quilt stores! Oh and the lobster was really really good too! :)

  15. On a totally new topic do you guys seem to be eating more? In the last month my calories have bumped to 1100 calories (all healthy choices). I know this is normal but damn, how does the body know it's been a year? I am trying to get my workouts stepped up so I can go up to 1200 eventually and maintain.

    What about you guys?

  16. Thats right its the 12th and i did remember your my mate for this day. im celebrating hopefully this week with a tattoo. sounds strange but its a huge milestone and worth marking it. in Japanese letters for Honor, Courage, Discipline. i have some tests on the 16th and then my surgeon on July 3rd. very very busy doc. that appt was made 6 months ago best i could get. enjoy our day skinny. so very happy to hear from you.

    Good for you! I am tattoo free, but appreciate them on others. I am just so happy in my skin anymore. Today when I got home from the gym I felt strong. It's amazing and a gift. I am officially off of all of my medications except my gout medicine and I feel like a teenager.

    My 1 year appointments with my nut and surgeon on june 25th and am really hoping to be in the 120s by then (hovering between 133 and 135 right now). My labs were done last week and I already looked at them and the are perfect. My B12 was in the normal range but at the lower end so I wonder if he'll bump up that supplement? Everything else was perfect which thrilled me including C reactive Protein which hasn't been normal for me in 10 years.

    Can you tell I'm happy?? :)

  17. Rj our one year sugiversary is this week! I remember we both had the same day on the 12th. How will u Celebrate?

    I'm a total girly girl so im treating myself to a mani pedi on thursday. I saw my pcp today and I swear he couldn't stop smiling he was so pleased with my progress. I was 135 on theirscale, 3 up from mine but damn that's still 95 down from surgery day. Feels fantastic!!

  18. Yeah I'm worried that I'm not getting enough Water in. :(

    I see my pcp on monday. Im just wondering if I need more. Maybe all the fat loss, 96 oz isnt enough? I know tjis , gout is the worst and to keep getting it is driving me nuts. I even take 300mg of allupurinol a day to break up the crystals.

  19. Any one had a kidney stone after surgery? I'm hoping it's just a fluke. Go in to have it blasted on Monday.

    No kidney stones but I have had chronic gout which I've been told is caused from similar reasons to kidney stones... I try and drink 96 ounces every day but it keeps coming back. :(

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