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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. Thanks for responding back. I guess I'm feeling anxious because I had my procedure over 2 years ago and recently I have gained 5 pounds back and noticed that I'm able to eat more and more,

    Great job catching it so soon! My dietician has a great way for us to monitor our weight once in maintenance.

    A 1-3 pound up or down is considered a 'green' light meaning it could be a normal fluctuation.

    3-5 pounds up is considered a 'yellow' light meaning slow down and assess what you need to change you're headed in the wrong direction.

    Anything more than 5 lbs gained is 'red'. Stop immediately. Start logging food and Water intake if not doing so already. Call and make a dietician appt. If you have gained but food and Water choices are good.

    The important thing is to catch it fast. I for one go into ostrich mode when gaining weight. I bury my head and then 40 or 50 lbs later try and change. After my rny I vowed I'd never play that game again.

  2. The teenagers in my family are always taking "selfies" and recording themselves! My daughter alone has over 300 photos on her phone of herself! I used to argue with her and worry that she was putting too much importance on her looks and thought later in life it could affect the person that she is to become as well as is now. In Sept my 16 year old niece took her own life. My SIL is like me, never takes pictures because of the shame it invokes and now she has barely any photos with my niece. She said it best when she said," I'm so thankful for all the selfies that she (my niece) took. If it weren't for them we wouldn't have these memories." My attitude since then has changed drastically. I want to be in the pictures now, as me, how I am today as well as through my weightloss journey. One day pictures will hold the memories of loved ones. I may not cherish myself and like the way that I look, but I'm a good mom, friend, sister and daughter and someone else may want to have my picture no matter what my size.

    I love this. Thank you! You are exactly right we need to be happy with ourselves wherever we are. Healthy approach indeed!!!

  3. . Isn't it awesome to be able to A-eat real food (the band and I had issues with this....) and B-not be consumed by food? I no longer (usually) wake up plotting breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'm not constantly looking for my next snack. I feel like food no longer controls me for the first time ever in my life....it's liberating (okay so there was an incident with a few rolos last week...but the rest of the time food no longer controls me.). Congratulations on your success :)

    I love the new me and the fact that I don't push food around on my plate or have the look of pure agony on my face because I'm starving but unable to swallow due to being stuck... I used to get stuck so easily and toward the end of my band wouldn't have anything to eat or drink until 2 in the afternoon be cause I had to 'warm up' my band. Let me remind you I live in florida it is always hot here. It was pure nuttiness and I told myself for over a year everything was ok because I refused to admit I had a problem. I am so thankful I woke up and realized I didn't fail; rather the band failed me. It just wasnt the right answer for me. I think it is a great tool and clearly is great for some but the last year and half prior to rny was pure agony. So glad I changed. :)

  4. My "oh crap" moment was at christmas 2007 when I eighed myself for the first time in a couple of years... the scale said 267 and I literally started to cry. At 5'2" and small boned I was pure fat. I got a consult for lapband on january 3rd 2008 and was banded june of that same year. The first two years of my band life were wonderful but be late 2010 I started vomiting regularly and had terrible reflux. I lived in denial that there was a problem until December 2012. I had gained 40 of my 60 lbs back and was miserable, afraid of food and in constant pain from the band.

    In january 2013 I had my consult to get revised to rny and had my revision surgery on 6/12/13. It was the best decision for me. I now have a healthy relationship with food, I dont pkay games with myself anymore and am losing weight. I am surely a very slow loser but it is going. I am 169 as of this morning and hope to be celebrating 100 lbs lost from the oh crap moment over 5 years ago.

  5. <br>

    How tall are you? I'm barely 5' tall (my doc says 4'1"). It sucked being heavy and short. NOTHING fit right! And I think petite-plus is an oxymoron, they never fit either. Before surgery I was 233 and looked like a weeble. Now I'm 140. I'm still overweight but I'd be happy at this weight if the losing suddenly stopped.To be normal I'd have to be around 110 - 115. My weight loss hasn't slowed yet - I'm losing a steady 2-3 pounds per week. I could possibly be at 115 by Spring! That would be something I never even dared to imagine!! :-)

    I am 5'2". I am 169 right now and according to the charts 160 is the high end of obese charts. I know what you mean about the weeble... I was the same way. My all time high was 267 which is huge for someone with my frame. I am small boned and can't blame it on that. Lol

    I really want to get to between 120 and 125 but my loss has slowed big time. Not sure if it will happen or not but I'm giving it my all. I had the band before this and I never got lower than 180 so I've beat that already.

  6. OMG!!! I am no longer obese!!!!! For the very first time in 30 years I am overweight with a bmi of 29. My bmi was 47. Started at 291 lbs. now 187. Surgery was 2/28/13. I have my life back!

    I have 9 more lbs to get out of the obese category and into overweight. I cant wait! :)

    It sucks being short. Overweight for me won't happen until 160. Lol

  7. I remember a thread for goals but can't find it so I'm starting a new one. What are your goals and where are you with them?

    My goals

    Goal1: under 200 - complete

    Goal2: under 175 - complete

    Goal3: under 167 (this is my 100 lb loss from my all time high of 267)

    Goal4: under 150

    Goal5: under 125

  8. I thought I was doing ok this holiday weekend but I'm up three lbs! Ugh !! It's my own fault, I have been picking at all the leftovers ... A little taste of stuffing or pie. I keep opening the fridge and snacking. :(. It's not the end of the world but it takes so long now to loose 3 lbs. it's a new day and I just need to refocus. I hope everyone else is doing well and having a happy healthy thanksgiving!

    I bet it's not a real weight gain. Probably Water from salt. Drink lots of water and lighten up on startchy carbs and I bet it comes right off. :)

  9. I AM IN ONEDERLAND!!!! I had to go through two Thanksgivings. One I cooked on Thursday and one I attended yesterday. I stuck with my plan and this morning I was down over 2 pounds! Putting me at 198.2!! My original goal was to be here for New Years, I am so excited to be here now!!

    Yay!!! I'm so happy for you - great job!!!

  10. Omg I lost 2lbs!!! Crazy!! I don't get it. Maybe it's the carbs that I had in the pie and pumpkin roll. So strange but I'll take it. Congrats on ur loss!!

    Yay for you!!! :)

    We have been neck and neck but now you are ahead and way into 160s great job!!. I'm so happy for you. :)

    I have 3 more lbs to get to 100 less than my all time high. My ultimate goal is 130 I just pray I can do it. Im ready to ramp up my exercise too.

  11. I lost weight thanksgiving week!! I was down 1.5 lbs this morning. Grant it I cooked for thirty people but I ate what I wanted just in my 'fun sized' portions. That's what my nephew says about me that everything is fun sized. :) being 5'2" in a family where everyone is over 6' is interesting. My weight loss has certainly slowed but gosh if I can just keep it moving it will be good. Oh did I mention I wore size 12 petite (not womens) jeans at dinner yesterday? Im so thankful for this surgery!!!

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