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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. Well... I have an update for you... I decided to weigh in this morning because we will be away tomorrow morning and i like to try and have the same set up every time I weigh in... I wish I could share some good news with you, but unfortunately not... I literally did not lose one ounce! Nothing! Exact same weight as last week... As the last 3 months! I'm SO depressed. All I could do was literally cry. I don't get it. I've tried everything. Upping Protein, lowering fat, lowering carbs, all liquids, upping exercise, UPPING CALORIES, and not tracking at all... I'm going to call my surgeons office and ask if they'll run labs... I have hypothyroidism and am worried that my thyroid pill isn't getting absorbed so my thyroid has slowed down a ton. I'm just over it. It's such hard work for zero reward...

    Dearest Wannabeawifey,

    I agree with Baconville & iamsoworthit we are all hitting stalls and our bodies have figured out what we have done.The human body is a self correcting mechanism it will sort itself out.

    Your doing everything right just stay on target and it will pass :) . go away enjoy your time and don't freak out about this. I've personally have been stalled for 3 weeks but still I still feel amazing. Ive been fat for so long a short stall like this is but a small bump on the road in this very long and amazing journey

    look in the mirror and see the awesome beautiful person who is blossoming



    Rj, our surgery was the same day and now our stalls are aligned. Im at 3 weeks too. Interesting huh?

  2. I have been thinking about it for years, my mom was way over weight until she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, when she literally couldn't eat much and lost 50 pounds and more but still could stand to lose another 50 but was stuck I her wheelchair, unable to stand or do anything at all for herself and as I transfered her to her bed at night or got her up in the morning and destroyed my back, shoulder and neck I vowed that I would never be in her position I would be able to care for myself, that if I do end up with Parkinson's or some other horrible disease that I wasn't going to weigh 120 lbs more than I should, I just didn't know how to do it. I was also having serious issues controlling my diabetes. Then one day when I decided to work from home I happened to catch a program I had never seen "The Doctors" and they had a story about a couple that had wls and completely got rid of their diabetes. I made my call to the mayo the next day. I am one week away from scheduling my surgery. Hoping for it to be either February 27th or March 6th.

    I had my RNY at Mayo too! Best of the best and phenomenal care!!

  3. I am so VERY sorry! Good idea to have labs run. I also think calling you doc is an excellent idea. They can look at what you are doing and possibly tweak it for you. Also, remember the scale is just one measurement tool. Have you been losing inches? How are your clothes fitting? You also said last week was very stressful, that can effect weight loss as well. DON'T GIVE UP!!! This is a journey, not a race. This is a rough patch, but going through this could very likely help you achieve long term success. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

    I agree with baconville it is one tool. I've been thinking about hiding my scale because in reality the number doesnt matter. Feeling good, improved health and smaller clothes mean more to me. Sweetie, don't fret that stupid scale it doesnt define you. Go away with your fiance, enjoy yourself, follow your plan and refocus when you get back.


  4. I am about 19-20 months post op. I have my own cuff and had been taking it about once an hour. I never had high bp and therefore I was never on any BP meds. My bp has always been on the low side, but never this low on a consistent basis

    Are you drinking enough and eating Protein rich foods? My dr told me dehydration and low potassium can make it worse. I know how you are feeling, low blood pressure is horrible. It has been going on with me for 5 weeks now.

  5. How far out are you from surgery? I am 7 months out and the last5 weeks I have been struggling with hypitension (low bp). I was taking blood pressure medication so ny dr has been weaning me off. I finallt came off of the last pill wednesday. My bp was running like yours. When I saw the dr this week the swing between standing and kying down was huge and explained my dizziness, nausea and weakness. Lying down I was 92/74 but standing he took it and it was 82/54. I've been off all my meds for 2 days now andtoday my readings have been normal averaging 98/68. I am a petite woman at only 5'2" and 160 lbs so 90/69 readings used to be my norm before gaining weight.

    Keep up with it and be careful. I almost passed out a couple of times when standing too quickly. Drink a lot of Water and increase your pitassium intake. Get a cuff at home and check it regularly.

    If you are only a couple weeks or days out from surgery call you drs office because low blood pressure is as dangerous as high!!

  6. This thread cracks me up. When I had my surgery inJune I was home for six weeks. My dirty little secret was I would wait until my husband went to bed and I would watch Laverne and Shirley and Happy Day's on Nick at Night. It was comforting and reminded me of my childhood. Now if I could just find reruns of. Dallas and Fantasy Island. ;)

  7. I'll let ya know when I weigh in on Sunday! *fingers crossed* as of last Sunday, no... I gave my fiancé my scale and told him to only let me have it on Sundays now because I was getting SO depressed. Since I did that last Sunday, I have REALLY been working hard at getting lots of Protein and Water in. Been keeping carbs and fat low plus amped up my exercise. I'm exhausted and in need of some wine after a terrible work week, so I'm going to "give in" a bit tonight and have a glass or 2 of wine. I just don't want to mess up what I've worked so hard on all week. Lol

    Girl my fingers are crossed for you. I told my husband to take my scale away today. I was starting to obsess. I stepped up my exercise this week so I sure hope mine starts to move. Keep me posted. :)

  8. I totally agree!! I love seeing patterns and having facts instead of anecdotal evidence to point to. I have been logging using MFP since 2008 when I got my band. Since being converted to rny it has become the most powerful tool in my arsenal. Weeks I don't want to meal plan, I go to MFP and pull a report of a 'good week'.

  9. I second this! SOOOO glad you are all ok! Fire is also my biggest fear. As a matter of fact, in junior high when the girls were telling me that the way to being thin was by starting to smoke cigarettes, I didn't resist due to health concerns or great parenting, I was terrified of lighting a match or using a lighter. A good thing in the end!

    I hope your clean up goes quickly! Here's to better days!!

    We are so alike!! I still have a hard time lighting my grill. My fireplace is gas and is turned on by clicker. I feel oh so austin powers everytune it fires uo. Yahhh baby!

  10. I'm still pre-op but I'm worried about dumping afterwards. I guess I'm mostly worried because apparently I have tachycardia and dumping mimics the symptoms that I experience with the tachycardia... :|

    I can understand your fears especially knowing you've experienced tachycardia. Not everyone dumps. Contrary to what our drs tell us there are plenty of folks here who've never had it. I have dumped 3 times in 7.5 months. One that was mild and two that were bad. All three times it was because I didnt eat enough Protein. I don't eat refined sugar and stay away from that altogether. I eat fruit every day and 2 of my episodes were on fruit. Both times again because I hadn't had any Protein. One tine was on chobani yogurt the kibd that has the granola that you put in. It was too high in sugar for me.

    The true blessing of this surgery for me is I can honestly say I could care less about sweets now and I was a self professed sugar holic. When I would go to a restaurant I would look at dessert first. Now I have no interest. That is a miracle.

  11. stressful night last night made for bad choices of food tonight... bread is not my friend and i feel like poop!

    my house smells like smoke, there is fire extinguisher spray all over my laundry room and a pile of my new clothes out in the snow that were on top of the dryer when the d@*^ thing caught fire :(

    on the plus side my 2 older boys saved the night by catching it early, being quick to get fire extinguishers, and getting us all out of the house. I'm blessed to still have a home and a family and the rest can be replaced.

    rant over... hope everyone else had a better day than me.

    Oh my gosh how scary!!! How did the fire start?

  12. A few days is probably too early to "call" it a stall but perhaps that really isn't important. Follow your plan. Regardless of what your weight is doing. Rapid weight loss - follow your plan. Slow weight loss - follow your plan. Weight stubbornly refusing to move - follow your plan. Trust the process and allow your body to find its own way in its own time. There is not a bariatric team in the world that recommends stress and worry as a weight loss tool. Your journey will be so much easier and so much less stressful if you do everything you can to focus all of your attention on one thing - follow your plan.

    You're gonna love the new you!!

    You make a great point. What is a stall? Is it not losing any weight for a day, a week, a month? It is such a relative term. For me I consider my self in a stall if I go more than two weeks without the scale moving but doing everything right. I'm curious what others define a stall as because I have seen people who didn't lose every day say they are in a stall but I don't agree. Frankly even my two week rule is arbitrary and probably not close to a scientific explanation.

  13. Has anyone ever dumped on a Vitamin?

    I felt like I was coming down with a cold, so I took a zinc pill (50 mg, but I cut it in half, taking 25 mg). About 30 minutes later I experienced horrible stomach pains, nausea, quick breathing, dizziness and stomach cramping, dry heaving (for 15 min). These acute symptoms lasted for 3 hours and I thought I was going to die. I was literally screaming and moaning in pain for 3 hours. I should have gone to the ER, but I live in a very rural area and I just figured that if I didn't get better by tomorrow I would go.

    After about 3 hours of this, the stomach pain calmed down to a dull ache all through the night. When I awakened the next morning it was better, but now my pouch is very grouchy and I am back to really struggling getting all Protein and liquids in again What makes this bad, is I wasn't even great at getting all Protein and liquids to begin with. I have never dumped, so I don't know if this was dumping?

    Was this dumping? Has anyone ever experienced this (for hours) and from a Vitamin?

    Please advise...thanks for any help or comments.

    Was there sugar in the zinc pill? Was it one you swallow or let dissolve? Also did you eat or drink anything either just prior or two hours before?

  14. Jeep you aren't alone. We are here for you. Have you thought about taking some of the choices out of the equation? I have had times where I have gotten out of control with my food and self sabatoged myself. Luckily it hasn't happened since my conversion from band to bypass but it will as i believe it is my reality. So what I have decided to do when the time comes is to take my choice away and get back to basics. Eat the meals you ate in the beginning. I'm not talking about the early days when we all were lucky to get 300 calories in. I'm talking about the realistc time. If you have any of your old food journals find several weeks where you were hitting all your goals. Eat the exact same plan. That way you can focus on what is really bothering you because I would venture to say it has nothing to do with the food. It never does. If you dont have a choice on what you are eating you can stop thinking about it. I actually cycle my meal plan pretty regularly because I don't want to have to think. Lol

    We were only days apart in our surgery and I have followed you every step along the way. Don't beat yourself up and know we all go thru it but the important part is you are recognizing it and now you have to turn around and go back down the path until you find where u veered off.

    PM me if you want to chat. I totally understand what you are going thru as I did it with my band. The difference this time for me is I have a plan to put in place when it does happen.


  15. I am curious if any of my fellow junies use myfitnesspal? If so what are your ratios of carbs to Protein and fats? Mine are all over the place on any given day so I was wondering if im alone in that boat? I meant to ask ny nut but forgot. My calories are still averaging 900 a day and protein 65-70 grams but carbs and fats are some days low and other days not so much. I am trying to keep my carbs under 125 but without a solid reason why other than that seems reasonable to me.. what are your ratios and are you losing?

  16. This is GREAT news!!! I bet you will feel much better now that you are off the meds. Can you imagine celebrating the idea of going to the gym a year ago?! Isn't this new life wonderful!!

    Yep I am thrilled! I had a great workout and feel the good sore tonight. It is wonderful. I have about 30 more lbs to get to my drs goal and plan on sailing across that line by my 1 year surgaversary. :)

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