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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. I think that is EXACTLY what I need to do as well. I just keep waiting for the weather to mellow out a bit, but I may still be waiting in April, so I think I am just going to have to suck it up and do it !

    I am an outdoor girl too. Usually in florida this time of year is pleasant. This year the weather has been terrible! I can't wait for spring. Although it is supposed to be 72 on Saturday. I guess I can't complain too much. ;)

    It was 31 today tho. They even closed schools. Don't laugh, we cant deal with it and it was icy rain all day. Yes, we aren't a hardy bunch. Lol

  2. I had my 3 month follow up today. Down total of 60 so far. All the labs are great except my A1C which was 10.8...damn diabetes!! Doc says he wants me to go back on meds and to not be discouraged but it is hard not to be cause the diabetes was the reason I decided to have the surgery.

    No other option but to chive on and see what happens in the next few months.

    Don't get discouraged you'll get there. I had the surgery partly because of my out of control hypertension. After surgery I thought for sure I would be cured. I ended up taking more medication. Likely the stress of losing? Who knows? Anyway I am 7.5 months out now and as of last week officially off all of my hypertension medication. I now run a perfect 90/60 average which is perfect for a woman my size. 7.5 months ago I was taking 3 different medications and was struggling to keep it inder 90 and sometimes 100 on the bottom number.

    Long story short keep your eye on the prize it might take a bit longer to get off meds but it will likely happen.

    Congrats on your success!!

  3. I am having a very hard time loosing any weight since the weather has gone into this deep freeze. I had my bypass a year &a day ago & I have been lucky the weight has been coming off steadily for this year with the infill now. Two weeks ago I got on the scale & was thrilled, I had broken through the 250's & weighed in at 248lbs, I stood on the scale & cried I was so excited. When I weighted in this week, the rotten thing said I was 258!! How did I gain 10lbs in a week??? I do mother & eat candy or sweets unless it is sugar free or under 10 grms of sugar. The only thing I can think of is I really haven't been out of bed in over a week, I have chronic RA &Fibromyalgia, & I have been in so much pain I haven't been able to move ( my RA is so bad that I am disabled from it & take pretty heavy duty pain killers) . Sorry this is so long & I sound like I'm whining, I guess I just need some advice/encouragement/etc. from people who have been through or -Maybe I just need to vent I don't know. A little help please?

    Mary, have you checked your batteries in your scale? Mine was doing crazy swings a couple months ago, but my clothes told a different story. I changed the batteries and lo and behold accurate readings.

    I have arthritis too so I understand the pain. On my bad days I just focus on moving the parts that don't hurt. If you have a heated pool Water therapy helps . I have found the more I move the less flares I get.

    Congrats on your loss that is phenomenal and should be celebrated!!

  4. I am watching for sales at Victoria's Secret. I've dropped from a 44E to a 38DD and I think that I need a 36DD at this point. I am on the last hook on the 38, so... I am not buying new bras as soon as I should but I am only about 30 pounds from goal and it's painful to think of spending that money and then spending it again. EEEEK!

    I am a 36 DD too and just got a fantastic buy at kohls. I love the vanity fair underwire bras and I got 4 for 12.99 a piece! They are normally 38.00 a piece.

  5. Thanks all!! I think stepping up my workouts helped. I'm now doing weight training 3 to 4 times a week. It takes me about 40 minutes to get thru that and I also increased the amount I am lifting for legs and arms. After that, I am doing 30 mintes of cardio; either walking at a 6% incline or elliptical. On my non weight training days I do a full hour of cardio. I haven't changed anything with food because I felt like that was clean. I'm hoping this was the kick I needed. :)

  6. It matters to pre-ops who haven't made their decision yet. It is not a decision to be made lightly.

    Again, base it on facts not anecdotal evidence. I agree about research and did plenty beforehand too. Having had 2 of the big three wls out there I can safely say there are pros and cons to both but no one should base their decision on what has happened to me.

  7. This thread is ridiculous to me. It's like saying what's better? Lincoln or Cadillac?

    Ultimately who cares? All that matters is the surgery is the vehicle that gets us to where we want to be. All of the surgeries work, or doctors wouldn't perform them. As well informed patients it is up to us to figure out (based on sound science and not anecdotal heresay) what we believe will work best with our lives. The rest is just b.s. as far as I am concerned. Just sayen'

  8. I made a chart from the day of surgery to one year. I track my weight on this chart every week from the day of surgery so my weigh in day is on Mondays as I had my surgery on a Monday. It keeps me on track and I can track my one year post op journey. I do sometimes weigh during the week but I only record my weight on my designated weigh in day. I'm 9 1/2 months post op and I've lost 105 pounds. The scale can be a friend or foe just try to follow the doctors plan and I would say weigh once a week. Good luck!

    I do the same as you. I weigh weekly on Wednesday because that was my surgery day. I am 7 months out and the value of having those documented in my notebook is I can see patterns. I had scale 'issues' several years ago where I was obsessing and even getting on multiple times in a day. It was way out od hand and the scale was dictating my feelings and lufe. My then fiance took it away and said no more scales. I am now 17 years married to that wonderful man and swore when I started this journey I wouldn't let the scake define me or the progress I make. I weigh faithfully on wednesday. Some weeks it goes dow sometimes ir stays the same but ultimately it is just one measurement I use for my success.

    Moral of the story is whatever you decide in terms of how often you weigh yourself, just make sure it is a healthy relationship with the scale. You own it not the other way around. :)

  9. I posted this on another board, I am not quite sure what one to use LOL

    Hello everyone :) My name is candy I am 16 months post op gastric bypass. I found BariatricPal while looking for bariatric books on Amazon. I have been on OH since pre op.

    I was 42 at the time of my RNY surgery with sleep apnea, Severe GERD, high BP, high cholesterol and pre diabetes. I now am free of all these health issues and off all prescription meds. I still have significant joint pain.

    I am married to my high school boyfriend (Since 1990) We have two boys together, Caleb (College) and Connor (high school) .

    I had an SI joint fusion at 9 months post RNY surgery and a hysterectomy and Tummy Tuck at a year post RNY.

    I can't seem to get photos to upload :(

    RNY 9-12-2012 HW 250 BMI 43, 2 week pre op diet -8, SW 242 , LW 129, CW 132 BMI 22

    114 pounds lost in the first year, holding steady at 118 pounds lost at 16 months post op

    Wow you have done so well!! Our stats are very similar and I can't wait to be where you are. Congratulations and welcome!!

  10. Well got on the scale today and i finely broke the 270 lb mark it was just a .8lb loss but I will take it! I been stuck at 270+ for a month (forever for me) now, hopefully it will start coming off more so I can hit my goal 29.4lbs more to lose. I been walking long speed walks from 3-4 miles 4 x a week weather permitting, cold doesn't bother me but iced up roads and sidewalks does, but i still get out and walk but at a slower pace and not as far but a longer time. The big part is keeping standing up, you seem to work your core more trying to keep your balance . Every one of you are a inspiration to me and Thankyou for your post.

    Great job!!

  11. My daughter has two kayaks in our shed. Maybe I should take up kayaking...

    I have always wanted to try kayaking. I live in Florida 1.5 miles from the ocean. Maybe this is my year. I told my niece she can teach me to surf this year. Now that will be a sight but I want her to know I will try anything once (well within reason).

  12. Three things.

    1. Broke a lawn chair at a work event in front of colleagues and staff. Absolutely mortifying moment.

    2. Went to Bali for a holiday with my very good friend from the US, we only see each other about once a year, and while there she beautifully, tactfully, and lovingly, asks me what has been going on and why was I gaining weight. She admitted to having been shocked when she had seen me when we visited the US the previous year, and even more shocked when we met up in Bali. Sounds harsh, but it led to the most honest conversation I had ever had about my weight. I love her all the more for having the balls (and the love) to raise it with me.

    3. Seeing photos on my return from Bali. The above conversation snapped me out of my denial. From that point on I saw photos of myself and actually saw how big I was. It blew me away. I really had been in denial. Those Bali photos were the final straw. This one, in particular:

    That is a really good friend. I find it interesting how many lpeople comment while we are losing but don't say a peep while on the way up. I know no one wants to be hurtful but I have sworn my closest friends and famiky to pull a "Cher' on me and slap me and yell "snap out of it" if I ever start to gain again. I want open honest relationships and think your friend gave you a gift for sure. :)

  13. So I did it. I booked my trip to Disney World today. This is my reward to myself for working hard this year. Last time I was there was 3 years ago and I could barely fit on the rides and I wasn't even at my heaviest. This year I'm going to have room to spare! And maybe I'll blend in on the photos that they take during the rides. Last time it was like where's Waldo in reverse. I'm also going to try to reach my original goal (145) by the time I go. So I have 9lbs to lose before April. I'm nervous about the food choices there. I know Disney is very accommodating and there are salads and stuff but had anyone been since surgery and what was ur experience with the food? Can't wait for April!!

    Yay for you!!! I haven't been to disney in years.

  14. Lucky for us, the fashion has gone back to the era of high-waisted styles! LOL! According to my daughter, that will continue to be the trend this summer. Look at those old photos of Marilyn Monroe, etc. if possible, I don't know if I will brave the bathing suit thing with these thighs!

    I l8ve a tankini. They are my favorite style but I am a woman well into ny forties. If I was in my 20s I'd be rocken a sexier style this summer. Landsend always has something for me. ;)

  15. I just had a nice surprise. My husband and I are going to Italy and Greece for 2 weeks in June. I don't know what made us start talking about our passports but we did. So he goes and pulls mine out of our lockbox. We got it renewed in March of 2008.

    Here is where I digress a bit... so, my 'ah ha' moment was in november of 2006 while at my moms house. I didn't own a scale and she had one in her guest bathroom. I jumped on it and saw 267 pop up and realized I can't do this anymore (at 5'2", I was easily 140lbs overweight). It was right there that I decided to do whatever it took to take the weight off. If someone told me shooting horse pee into myself would work, I'd do it. Luckily for me my answer wasn't as gross. I scheduled a consult at the mayo clinic to get the lapband. Mayo has an extensive bariatric program and requires six months of appointments prior to surgery. I jumped in full force. By March of 2008 I was 25 lbs down, tracking my food religiously and exercising regularly. So when I had that picture it wasn't even my 'come to Jesus' moment but wow five years makes such a difference. As many of you know the band didn't work for me. I had it placed in June 2008 and did well the first 2 years. Then I started having terrible reflux and playing what I referred to as my food games ( waiting until 2 or 3 in the afternoon to eat, get stuck, throw up, look longingly as others ate around you knowing darn well you can't even swallow Water but you are starving). In December of 2012 I couldn't ignore it anymore. I made an appointment with mayo again to get an EGD and find out what was going on. I found oyt later that week that the two years of vomiting, reflux and heartburn had manifested itself into intestinal metaplasia. It was then I decided the band has to come out and I wanted converted. Having a friend die from Barrets several years ago, I knew I was done playing.

    June 2013 (almost five years to the day from my lapband) my band was taken out and I was converted to RNY. I was 220 on the day of surgery and am 160 this week. I am confident I will reach my goal if it takes me another 20 years. God willing horse pee won't factor in. ;)

    So back to my NSV.. Seeing that picture was a great visual reminder of my journey to this point and reminded me how every step along the way helped me get here. My relationship with food is better than it has ever been, I feel healthy and while I have the all too damiliar freakouts from stalls I never take my eye off of the prize. Me and my worth to achieve anything I desire.

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