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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. Love all the comments..EXACTLY CORRECT!!!..and remember 'Stalls' have a lot to do with you body playing 'catch up'.

    I wish when people are researching which surgery there going to have, they'd also research 'Stalls". Stalls are important. They give the body and brain time to catch up on whats happening to it. Its the body way of getting use to it's fat reserves being depleted. Let it do its job and stop worrying about the darn scale. Damn that scale, it negatively effects so my people. Concentrate on your new lifestyle, concentrate on your new eating habits, concentrate on how to fill your cabinets with new foods, concentrate on you new exercise regime, look to your future. keep moving forward. The rewards are there, not on your scale. (stepping down of my high horse AGAIN..sheeez Dee, lighten up!!!) :P

    Hear hear!! I totally agree. We all should remember the scale is just one of oyr measurement tools and shouldn't define success or failure.

  2. I am almost a year out and have lost 109 pounds. I have about 25 more to go. I'M STUCK!!! I have losing and gaining the same 3 pounds since December. People keep telling me that I look good and are proud of me. I think it's making me lazy and not a careful as I should be. I think I need someone to tell me that I look horrible and that it looks like I never lost any weight. Maybe that will get my butt in gear. lol I want the rest of this albatross gone!!!


    the idiot who bought PopTarts yesterday

    You look horrible. If you'd lose 25 lbs you'd be better.

    Did that help? :)

    Seriously, I totally understand. I am 109 down from my all time high and have about 25 more to go too and experience the same thoughts. It is normal.

    Throw the pop tarts away. And don't do a Costanza (Seinfeld reference) and dig them outta the trash!


    Someone who understands the power of a pop tart. ((((Hugs))))

  3. Thank you all for being so supportive. This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. My mom and I are so close, We've always teased that the umbilical cord never got cut. Watching a parent go through this is brutal. I wish she could have done something about her weight a long time ago and it is definitely is a reminder to me why I did this surgery.

    Unfortunately, her kidney's are failing and she is in severe congestive heart failure. She has about 60lbs of extra Water on right now and only took 48 ounces off today. I am getting ready to drive down there because it doesn't look good; it is a 7 hour drive. I just feel sick right now with worry. The only positive I can take from all of this right now is I have not turned to food. I am not going to fall into old habits and sabotage myself because I am hurting. Food isn't the answer, I just have to keep telling myself that and let the feelings happen and deal with them directly.

    I appreciate all of the prayers and have been asking Jesus to keep her in the palm of his hand and comfort her and let His will be done.

    While I've never met any of you, I do truly appreciate your support and prayers - more than you'll ever know. I look forward to reading your success and sharing in your journey. For that, I want to thank you all - you've been good friends even if it is just virtual. Thank you.

    I'm having a rough weekend. My mom was put into a nursing home a week ago because my dad can't lift her. She is 325 lbs and 6' tall and he's only 150. She can't walk and her kidneys are not functioning well. I called to check on her yesterday and she was really weak and sounded loaded with water. Come to find out she is 45 lbs up from last week and it is all water. I just got off of the phone with her dr and he has catheterized her and increased her lasix. I live 7 hours away and am a nervous wreck. I am so glad I had this surgery. I vow I will never again be so big I wish she could have had it done because all of her health issues are weight related. Being fat sucks and hurts not just us but those around us. We all need to remember why we had this surgery and the gift we have been given. Please send up a prayer for my mom and our family. My parents have been married 54 years and my dad is having a rough time admitting he can't take care of her. I adore my mom and hope I am half the woman she is in spirit.

    I am so sorry and got tears as I read this. One of the reasons I got RNY was because of my mom. Not just her weight but her lack of enjoying life and her mental health have both been an influence. Her weight ballooned along with mine but has not gone down. My dad still gives her things she should not have. We are still able to care for her at home but she is declining too fast. I can only hope to influence my parents diet with healthier options. God bless!

  4. I'm having a rough weekend. My mom was put into a nursing home a week ago because my dad can't lift her. She is 325 lbs and 6' tall and he's only 150. She can't walk and her kidneys are not functioning well. I called to check on her yesterday and she was really weak and sounded loaded with Water. Come to find out she is 45 lbs up from last week and it is all water. I just got off of the phone with her dr and he has catheterized her and increased her lasix. I live 7 hours away and am a nervous wreck. I am so glad I had this surgery. I vow I will never again be so big I wish she could have had it done because all of her health issues are weight related. Being fat sucks and hurts not just us but those around us. We all need to remember why we had this surgery and the gift we have been given.

    Please send up a prayer for my mom and our family. My parents have been married 54 years and my dad is having a rough time admitting he can't take care of her. I adore my mom and hope I am half the woman she is in spirit.

  5. I jogged for the very first time on the treadmill today. Jogging/running again is my number 1 dream, top of all of my WLS related goals. I seriously have dreams at night about being able to do this. I had to fight hard to hold back the tears, even now it is still pulling my strings.

    This made me happy for you. How wonderful; the sky's the limit!

  6. I'm in Jacksonville, and it was too cold for me last week, so I did a last minute deal on a Bahamas Cruise. :) I was born and raised at Jacksonville Beach, move to Chicago in my teens, and lived in the freezing cold hell for 17 years. I moved back here 2 years ago to help with my daughters health issues (the humidity is better for her) and I'm in heaven here. Love having the beach just a short drive from home, and only being 2 1/2 hours from Orlando. :) Also being able to throw a bag together and do a last minute weekend getaway cruise for 80% off rocks!

    I'm in jax beach too! :)

  7. just came from the doctor because I am being cleared for surgery (non RNY related) and my blood work showed

    severe anemia (this has been usual for me)

    extremely low Vit D (also usual for me)

    and very low B12

    I have had Iron & D prescriptions regularly for many years, but dont recall ever having B12 checked....

    So, I know for a fact that INCREASED B12 causes hunger, thus I am a little concerned about taking a B12 supplement. Also, I can find tons of comments on google about B12 increasing hunger. Thoughts?

    oh and also, I gained 2 lbs and havent lost a pound in 7 weeks now.

    Is that true about b12? My b12 levels are normal and I still dont have hunger.

  8. I was 187 ,this week. The last i weighed before my niece died a month ago was 179..so upset...ready to give up. I just didn't care over the last month. Just eating too much too often, I guess.

    Don't give up because of 8 lbs, put it into perspective. You need to mourn your niece and focus on family. The weight will come back off. For now just take it one day at a time, hon. You are in my prayers. Remember you are in it for the long haul. ((((Hugs)))))

  9. I think I am but my scales I've used are packed. I haven't weighed myself in months. I need to make a new dr visit on out new base and get weighed. I am very curious to know myself.

    Well you look fantastic, lots to be proud of. Having been a military brat I understand how hard it is to move all the time. What it does help with is being able to accept change. I love change and attribute it to that. :)

  10. 72! 40! Today we might hit 20, and we are excited!! Tomorrow we will be back to negative temps. I am in Minnesota.

    Today is my birthday and the scale finally moved for me! I cheated quite a bit yesterday, and I am planning that I will be off today and tomorrow, so I am prepared for the scale to pop back up. But at least I know that once I am back on track on Monday, that scale WILL drop again! Best BIRTHDAY I have had in a very long time!

    Happy birthday!!! I have friends up in rochester, Minnesota and they tease me about how I am with the cold in florida. When I travel up there for business I stay in the tunnels and avoid going outside in the winter. Lol

  11. Ingredients: 2lbs ground beef or ground turkey 1 cup white or brown rice (optional) 1 cabbage head 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 cans diced tomatoes 1 can Tomato sauce salt, pepper, season to taste Bring large pot of Water to boil. Core the center of the cabbage and place the entire head of cabbage in the pot of boiling water. Using two forks gently pull apart the cabbage leaves. Remove each leaf out of the pot as soon as it is separated. You don't want the leaves to cook in the boiling water. Mix together the hamburger or turkey, rice, onion, seasoning. Take each cabbage leaf, place the hamburger on the leaf, roll and place in a deep casserole dish. I use my deep.lasagne casserole. Layer the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes on top of the cabbage rolls. I also chop up the remaining leaves and put that on top. Sometimes I will add some green Beans on top too. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Sprinkle a little Parmesan on it if you like. Sometimes I hollow out bell peppers, zucchini (large diameter) or tomatoes and stuff those too. Another option is to cook in the crockpot but you have to be careful not to over cook because it can become mushy. Hope you and yours enjoy it as much as my family does.

    Mmm this sound good! I will make it sunday. Yum!

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