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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. I had my yearly physical with my pcp today. Great news, I am officially going off my blood pressure medicine. He wants me to try stopping the gout medicine too but I told him I'm scared intil I'm maintainingmy weiggt and not losing anymore. We're going to check again in 2 months but it was so good to hear all my labs were perfect except potassium. I had really high c reactive Protein before surgery (close to 20) and I was 3.5 today. Yay!!!

  2. What's up with bathing suit prices? The last time I bought one (probably 20+ years ago) an expensive suit was about $40. Regular price at Kohl's is closer to $100! That's more than I paid for my Calvin Klein winter coat! When did a little bathing suit start costing so much?!!! :-/

    Try landsend clearance. They have really well made suits and can be a good buy on sale or clearance. Full price will be 100

  3. Thanks for that information. I had to get the IV this week. Man are you ever right. That burned big time. They didn't tell me that in advance! Congratulations. According to your ticker, you are doing phenominal!

    Thanks! You'll get there too. Follow the plam, eat good quality food and it will happen. I try and eat high quality Protein rich food that is low in sodium and seem to be doing great. My latest labs were 2.8. While still low they aren't like where they were. I truly believe I've always been low and post surgery caught it because I'm monitored more regularly.

    I meant to say Protein and potassium rich foods. :)

  4. I went to kohls last night because I needed dress pants. My fourteens were too big. I have a pair of jeans in 12 so I started there... I got 10 petites!!!! Yay I am almost to single digit clothes!! My friend told me I was probably an 8 in normal length because petites are smaller all the way around.

  5. When you say you have a lap do you mean lapband? If so I can share my experience with you. I got the lapband in 2008. My highest weight was 267 and day of surgery I was 230. The first 2 years were great . I worked out and lost slowly but it was working. I got down to 185 by the end of the second year. At 5'2" that was still really high but I felt good. Year 3-5 were bad. I started getting stuck a lot and got reflux; something I never had in ny life. I stopped eating because I would get stuck or throw it up. At the end of year 4 I was back up to 220 with a tanked metabolism. I got an EGD in january 2013 and got diagnosed with intestinal metaplasia from the vomiting and reflux. That is when I decided to convert to rny. It was that or the band out.

    I got converted to rny in june 2013 and as of this morning am 150 and feeling fantastic. I have no reflyx or heartburn and I intestinal metaplasia gone. Im still losing slowly and am confident ill hit my goal this year. At 45 I feel like a teenager and am healthy active and happy. I eat better and more nutritionally than I have in years albeit in tiny portions. This surgery I believe saved my life on multiple levels and I am committed to work every day to keep the weight off so I csn continue to live my new life. In the words of DLCoggin, I love the new me and want to take care of her. :)

    Good luck to you. If there is anything I csn do to help pm me.

  6. I had my 8 month check up yesterday and the PA said Congratulations you have reached your year goal in 8 months. They wants us to lose 60-80% of our weight by 12 months, I'm at 66%. I told her I wasn't done yet, I'd really like to lose more. :D I'm happy where I'm at, but if I can' lose another 10-25 lbs I'll be at the goal I set for myself.. and I really want to weigh less than my hubby (even though I can now fit into his jeans)


    Do they count the 60 to 80% based on excess weight or based on your starting weight? If I go off of excess weight im at 80% now but if I go off of start weight it is lower than that. Im still thrilled.

  7. Thank you Carol for the prayers, they mean a lot! Honestly, the last two - three weeks have probably been the hardest of my life but I love that I am getting through it without turning to bad habits.

    I spent 1.5 hours in the gym today which felt great and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror (I still avoid them) and realized I am normal sized now. I am not the fat girl at the gym that I imagine in my mind. Do our minds ever catch up and realize we aren't fat anymore? I am down to my last 20-30 lbs to lose and am going to push hard to get to goal by my 1 year surgiversary. :)

    Well I got home from my moms last night. I was there for two weeks hwlping my dad because my mom was in the hospital. She was in since 1/26 with chf, failing kidneys and now c diff. Mom came home friday and is still super weak and requires home health but she's home.

    In the two weeks I learned a lot about myself. I am a good daughter. I never want to be obese again (crux of moms issues). I am strong and never once turned to food it doesnt fix anything anyway. And finally taking care of myself shows my love for others. When we let ourselves go those around us hurt as much as we do maybe even more. My mom will ultimately die from obesity related complications. Let's never make our families experience that with us ok?

    Finally, stall broke and I dropped 5 lbs while down there and was 153 this morning!!

    What wonderful life lessons you have learned in the past two weeks! I am glad you are home and that your Mom's condition has stabilized so that she can be home. Could it be that some of the emotional baggage was lost and that is what broke the stall? I have been thinking about you and sending my prayers. Here is to living a long healthy life at a healthy weight!!


  8. Well I got home from my moms last night. I was there for two weeks hwlping my dad because my mom was in the hospital. She was in since 1/26 with chf, failing kidneys and now c diff. Mom came home friday and is still super weak and requires home health but she's home.

    In the two weeks I learned a lot about myself. I am a good daughter. I never want to be obese again (crux of moms issues). I am strong and never once turned to food it doesnt fix anything anyway. And finally taking care of myself shows my love for others. When we let ourselves go those around us hurt as much as we do maybe even more. My mom will ultimately die from obesity related complications. Let's never make our families experience that with us ok?

    Finally, stall broke and I dropped 5 lbs while down there and was 153 this morning!!

  9. I never had the sleeve but I did have a band and was converted to rny last june after five years of heartburn,reflux and finally intestinal metaplasia (precurser to esophageal cancer) from all the vomiting. I am now 8.5 months out from the revision to rny and feel like a teenager again. I'm 20 lbs from goal, never had reflux or heartburn since the revision and eat all things in moderation. I have not had any refined sugar since surgery and frankly don't miss it. Whole fruit is my only sweet now and only after Protein. I eat better than I have in years. I have friends who have been succesful with the sleeve but if you have reflux or heartburn already I'd think long and hard about that path... I never experienced reflux or heartburn until I was banded and it was the worst kind of existence. I dont regret my rny one bit in fact I wish I had done it first back in 2008 when this journey started for me.

    Best of luck in your decision. You must do what you feel comfortable with because ultimately the work is up to you and any of the surgeries are work regardless of what others think. Follow the rules, journal and seek support and you'll do great!


  10. I finally experienced dumping syndrome--at least I assume what that was. I feel like I got kicked in the stomach. If it wasn't dumping syndrome, then it was a gall bladder attack.

    I went to bed and after about an hour I woke up with wild shaking and being so cold. I couldn't stop shaking. Got up and found a fuzzy throw to wrap myself around and got under the covers again and shook for a while and finally fell asleep but woke up a lot in pain and tossed and turned

    I have absolutely no energy today--should have stayed home but it's the first time I didn't bring my laptop home with me where I could have worked from home.

    Which do you think it is? Dumping syndrome or gall bladder? (no, my dr didn't remove the gall bladder).

    Did you ever experience this? What are the things that cause it?

    How do I recover from it?


    Honestly it so u nds like the flu. When I dump I get sweaty and shaky and my heart races. I have had diarrhea with it one time but the other two times just the other symptoms. Ive been lucky because within an hour it went away but it is the most God awful feeling when it's going on. I can always attribute it to food. Twice from fruit with no Protein and once from yogurt that had too much sugar.

    Feel better!!!

  11. I love the Surgeon on the show. He does not accept their excuses and tells them the truth. I really like to see his reaction when they tell him that the weight they gained is Water weight. He told one girl that she would have had to drink 300 gallons of water to gain the 17 lbs that she put on. I like that he calls it like he sees it

    I don't have edema but my mom does and it is absolutely possible to gain 17 lbs of water weight. My mom had 63 lbs of water weight and ended up in the hospital due to it. She is coming home soon but had iv of lasix for several days. I know it wasn't real weight because she eats what we bring her and she is lucky to get in 800 calories a day because she has no appetite. With that said a lot of people is that as an excuse and the dr sees thru that for sure. ;) plus if their chest is clear and legs not showing edema than it isnt water weight. Lol

  12. Hi April peeps. Tomorrow is my mylegram and follow up doctor appointment. Will find out what's going on with this leg pain and if I need more surgery. Am not looking forward to test but want to know the results. Supposed to have bad weather but hubby said we are going even if we have to crawl. Think he is tired of hearing me complain and moan at night. ;) Poor guy! Weighed in at 202 today mostly due to needing to have bowels cleaned out for test. Oh well, I'll take it. 3 more until ONDERLAND!

    Im praying for you. My mom is in chronic pain so I see how horrible it is. I hope you get your answer. :)

  13. I eat fruit and veg everyday. If it is a snack I have Protein with it. For example I will drink 4 ounces of milk and eat 1/2 banana. Strawberries ill eat an ounce of walnuts or almonds with. I never eat the fruit alone without a protein. In fact I eat more nutritionally now than ever. I don't buy low fat or fake sugar stuff. I only eat whole foods even if they are higher in fat I just eat less and I measure everything.

  14. Yes Gman, downtown Jacksonville from the back of the boat. Beautiful City I love. You are missing out on that cruise, let me tell you! Get a room with a balcony and sit there watching the ocean go by is the sweetest thing ever. Guess you can tell I love being on the Water. Sarasota is lovely. I love the West Coast. Our daughter lives in Pensacola near the Alabama line. I am in heaven anywhere there is water.

    I thought it was jax! Im from jax beach but on sanibel this week visiting my parents. Sanibel is gorgeous this time of year. To quote someone on this board, it doesn't suck. :)

  15. I have told no one of my surgery. Not even my husband. Everyone thinks I am having surgery because of ulcers. I have no idea what I'm going to do when my husband come to the hospital. I don't know if the doctor is going to tell him. I hope not. I hope my husband doesn't start asking questions. Do I feel bad..... Yes, of course. I'm doing this for me. I didn't want negative feedback on my decision. I didn't want opinions, questions, or concerns. I know my family will support me but they talk to much. My mom has always told me the best person to tell you secret to is yourself. So that is what I did.... Kept it to myself. Now, the ulcer wasn't a complete lie because while on this gastric sleeve journey I found out that I had ulcers but they healed with medication and diet. Don't get me wrong I feel guilty........ BUT; I have worked so hard for my family and friends. Put so much before myself and woke up one day realizing I didn't know who "I was" anymore. I was 5'4 200 lbs with bad knees and back. I spent 10 years in the military proudly before getting medically discharged. I was so consumed in my family and everyday life that I couldn't tell you what made me happy anymore. I had faked my smile for so long I couldn't even tell you what was real and what smile was fake. So I needed to do things for me. Mentally..... Spiritually ....... And physically! That is what I have done. For 3 years I have slowly got back to me and I am happy. So I made this choice for me and me alone. This was my gift to myself. Yes it was selfish not telling my husband and family and I maybe wrong, but I am proud of myself and I love me!!! My husband loves me and my family. Right now I am going through my pre op liquid diet my surgery is 1 March 2014. And nobody knows that I'm having gastric sleeve surgery but me.

    My father always say, "a secret is good between two people if one of them is dead".

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