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Posts posted by iamsoworthit

  1. Completely anecdotal but I've had both surgeries. I had the band in 2008 and got revised to rny in june 2013. Both surgeries had the same recovery tine for me and the stages for food were virtually the same. The only difference for me is I was hungry post band (that shocked me and was hard emotionally). Whereas with rny I didn't have any hunger and literally had to put my eating on a schedule.

    The pros and cons are well documented. Consult with your doctor. My philosophy is if I trust this person enough to open me up I sure better trust their judgment too. My story isn't a bash against the band or a rah rah for rny, it is simply my story.

    My last bit of advice is to enjoy the process. Recovery physically goes fast and is over in a blink. It is the mental stuff that's harder... I still struggle with my new body but am told that will get better with time.

    Good luck!

  2. So as many of you know, I am waiting on RNY gastric bypass. In the meantime alot has happened. I have started my journey as of Jan 13. I found out that switching from Caresource to Molina insurance... I am eligible to have my program cut from 9mos to 6mos. Yay! 3 months sooner. :) I'm so ready for it. We are submitting in june for approval.

    In the meantime... my life is a chaotic hell. Many of u know I have been going thru a divorce. Im ok with that. That was my decision. Now I just wish he would find a hobby other than buggin the heck outta me! He calls 50+times a day. Hes driving me up a wall. He wont move on and keeps calling me telling me he loves me and misses me...blah blah blah. But the reality of this is he doesnt miss me...he misses.me supporting his sorry butt. Thats all he misses. Nothing more.

    As tho this isnt stressful enough... on March 17th...I got the phone call that my mom (who lives in wv...I live in ohio 2 hrs away) was found slumped over...blue...and unresponsive at her desk at home. So they called a squad and had take. her to the local ER. Ok fine. I go down scared to death of losing my mom. she was intubated and put on full life support in their ICU unit. :(

    After a week of watching a bunch of moron drs that honeslty made me ask one dr..."how the hell he even got a license?" I had decided to transfer her to OHIO State University Hospital in the MICU unit. Shes been there for 2.5weeks. She had pneumonia and a copd exacerbation. She was also in kidney failure. So 3weeks later...she now has been placed with a trach on a ventilator. ..full life support and feeding tubes. So on 4/2/14, the drs have said they have done all they can do. And sent her to a "rehabilitation hosp." Up here it s a division of the nurising home with hospice. So that being said...we are just in the waiting to pass phase. :( my heart is broken and I am a total hot ass mess.

    I know u are never ready to lose a parent... but I have made peace with whats to come. Im ok with it. It still hurts... but I know shes too sick to keep fighting. Please just say a prayer for me. And for my mother..Kimberly. Thank for all ur love and support.

    I will say a prayer for you and your mom. I just went through this and lost ny mom 2 weeks ago. She was between the hospital and regab 7 times, coming hone with hospice on a tuesday and passing the next day. It was horrible, devastating and I can't tell you it gets easier but I am almost three weeks out now and there are less tears and more happy thoughts. I am sending u a big hug because having just gone thru this I know your pain. I saw my psychologist on thursday and she put it in perspective it is like post traumatic stress disorder. I work in healthcare and have for oover 20 years, but never experienced it from that side. There are good people and bad but hopefully your mom gets the best.


  3. I haven't written a book. Clearly you're talking about the Amazon book. You can buy it for Kindle download. I saw that. Its handy. I like technological developments. But I also still like the feel of old and fusty books. What a quandary.

    As for the 'others'. I have no idea. I'm too wrapped up in my own personal fabulousness (read 'boredom') to worry :P

    I was in a bookstore once called, The Curmudgeon. I loved that store on so many levels.

  4. I leave for vacation this time next week, so I'm going to have to be careful not to go back over the 200 mark!

    You can do this!! Just remember to drink your Water and eat your Protein. I'm one of those weird people who typically loses weight on vacation, even when I was 267.. probably because of walking etc. Ive never been to texas but have always wanted to go. Im excited for you!! Have a few treats, walk and see the sites and I bet you'll do great. :)

    I am going to Italy in 4 weeks, I am a bit scared of the temptations of Pasta but hope to focus on fresh seafood and vegetables. My family is italian, so pasta is our "happy place". I've not dumped on it but I try to follow the rules, protein first. If I have a bite of pasta it is after my protein goal for my meal has been met.

  5. Good Morning Junies!

    Well, I have reached my pre-surgery weight goal! When I began this journey my goal was to reach 150 pounds. My surgeon said that he thought I would 'bottom out' at about 180. This week I have hit 150! I have been increasing my activity and exercise so I have decided to keep going. I am only 5'2", so at 150 by BMI is still in the 'overweight' category. I am going to see if I can get to 130, which will put me at a normal BMI. If I make it, it will also mean that I will have lost 200 pounds.

    Here's to new goals!


    Yay!!! That is funny because my dr thought I'd bottom out at 180 or 170 due to my metabolism and revision. 146 this morning!!!!

  6. I think that is a terrific idea and a very healthy way to deal with a very big psychological blow. Reaching out for help I am sure was out of your comfort zone. A year ago, mine was to reach for a bowl of ice cream. I give you a world of credit for recognizing that you were struggling and finding a healthy way to deal with it. On this journey we are all going to face challenges like loss and injuries. It is how we deal with them that will determine if we achieve long term success or not. You just stacked the deck in favor of long term success. Your Mom would be proud!


    You guys are the best!! I just kept thinking with so many changes in my life right now I cannot revert to my old coping mechanism which was food. I lost ny mom, my cat is being put to sleep on friday (he's 20 and kidney failure), I am up for a big job promotion at work and interview on tuesday and have lost over 100 lbs and don't know how to shop or view myself. If a psychologist who is an md can't help me no one can. Lol

    Seriously tho realizing all this change is too much and taking the step to ask for help did make me proud. A krispey kreme or chocolate cupcake wont fix it

  7. I think that is a terrific idea and a very healthy way to deal with a very big psychological blow. Reaching out for help I am sure was out of your comfort zone. A year ago, mine was to reach for a bowl of ice cream. I give you a world of credit for recognizing that you were struggling and finding a healthy way to deal with it. On this journey we are all going to face challenges like loss and injuries. It is how we deal with them that will determine if we achieve long term success or not. You just stacked the deck in favor of long term success. Your Mom would be proud!


    You guys are the best!! I just kept thinking with so many changes in my life right now I cannot revert to my old coping mechanism which was food. I lost ny mom, my cat is being put to sleep on friday (he's 20 and kidney failure), I am up for a big job promotion at work and interview on tuesday and have lost over 100 lbs and don't know how to shop or view myself. If a psychologist who is an md can't help me no one can. Lol

    Seriously tho realizing all this change is too much and taking the step to ask for help did make me proud. A krispey kreme or chocolate cupcake wont fix it

  8. I made an appointment with my psychologist who I saw preop because of the issues I am having with compliments, people noticing my loss, even telling me I need a new work picture, etc. I am actually pretty proud I reached out to ask for help. My appointment is in the morning. I'm nervous because I think a lot of these negative thoughts are interwoven with the passing of my mom. I just don't want to screw up and needed a lifeline. ..

  9. I live 25 minutes from Jackson, (on the west slope of the Tetons where those of us that aren't millionaires can afford a house) so if you want details you can PM me. What activities are you looking for? What season?

    Oh kindle I am so jealous. It is so beautiful there. I loved Jackson and forgot until your correction it's not called Jackson Hole. Why did I think that?

    Anyway you have paradise there for sure!!! :)

  10. I love the southwest. Grand canyon, zion national park, capital reef, bryce canyon, ALL of Moab Utah (I'd move there tomorrow if hubby would agree) due to arches, canyonlands and dead horse state park. Those are all my happy places in the southwest.

    Last year we spent 3 weeks in California doing sequoia, redwoods, death valley, Yosemite (while beautiful my least favorite because there were way too many people) well except I loved tuoalume meadows (sp)?

    Yellowstone should be on everyones bucket list in ny opinion. Spend a lot of time, it is huge. Jackson Hole is wonderful too!!

    New hampshire has great waterfalls hiking and most important to me QUILT SHOPS!!

    Finally, this country is amazing. I truly believe there are hidden treasures in every state. I've been to most and can say I've yet to go to a state that I didnt love something.

    We live in florida and my husband and I lovr some of the quirky towns in the panhandle. Apalachicola, cedar key, etc. Plus beer and oysters are always a great combo. :)

  11. I have had two docs tell me that I am a shoe in for the panni with insurance covering it. Thing is, its my arms that I bother me the most. My stomach has had the skin since my high school days, I can live with that. My arms are awful, so bad that even short sleeves will be hard to wear. Sleeveless is impossible. I live in Minnesota, long sleeves work most of the year, but it still gets warm in the summer! I am really torn because on top of the cost there is the fact that it is major surgery and the recovery time is said to be much worse than the RNY. Not sure what I will do. Right now I am still focusing on losing weight and my clinic says that your weight must be stable for six months before they will consider you for a procedure, so I am telling myself I have time.

    I am actually pretty happy with ny arms. It's my stomach and upper thighs. I wear 7" shorts when I wear them but looking in the mirror is painful sometimes. I didnt think the extra skin would bother ne but it does. I am just not that girl. I am more of the natural kinda girl. Who knows maybe I'll get over it. Until then, im a worjibg out fool to build uo muscle. Sprinf in florida is beautuful so ive been walking an extra 3 miles on top of my normal workouts just to be outside.

  12. No I have to be on the Optifast for 4wks. My surgery date is April 22nd. Cant wait!

    I did a full month of Optifast pre surgery it was hard but doable. I struggled more because the year prior I did 4 months optifast and only lost 12 lbs. By the time I had to do it preop I was so six of those sweet shakes. The good part about doing it the month before is after surgery yoy don't care about food anymore. :)

    Good luck on your surgery!! I am almost 9 months out and thrilled with my results.

  13. If you find a solution short of surgery, I would LOVE to hear it! I love that I have lost nearly 180 pounds. Hate what my skin looks like. Thing is, if I look past the loose skin, I can see that the muscles have definition. That's a good thing. :)


    Oh the dreaded skin topic... my tummy looks like a sharpei puppy... I am seeing my psychologist next week and plan to start the talk about a panni. .. I doubt insurance will pay but if I could offset any costs id do it tomorrow. I am starting to fit into 8s but am sure if my excess skin were gone I'd look and feel so much better. I really want a full lower body lift but can't imagine the cost at mayo clinic. Maybe I'll get a consult just to dream... lol

  14. Sorry about the loss of your mother... You'll get back on track in no time.

    Thank you sweetie. It is so hard but the good thing is through all of this pain, I've not once turned to food for comfort. That makes me proud because as all of you can relate, food was something I used in times of happiness and sadness. I have been praying a lot, crying a lot and walking a lot.

  15. At ten months out I've eaten nachos made with ground chicken and beanitos (a higher Protein tortilla chip-like option). I never use low fat or fat free cheeses - only the real deal works for me but I do limit my use of it. I've had burrito bowls, heavy on the Beans, instead of a burrito. I have made lasagna with whole wheat Pasta but can't eat very much of it - maybe a 1x2 inch square. Some things I used to mentally crave but when I make an acceptable version of it, after a bite or two I didn't really want it. Eventually those mental cravings for old favorites go away (at least for me). Some things I used to like I could care less about - I can sit and watch people eat them w/o a problem. You will develop a taste for new favorites. I love shrimp and can eat it for every meal (but I don't). Hummus w/jalapeños, Greek yogurt w/pecans, tilapia, asparagus, nuts, and my latest discovery Chike High Protein coffee (made w/water and crushed ice - it tastes just like Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta).

    Terry, jalapeño hummus is ny fav!!! I've never made it but when I go to Phoenix on business there is a restaurant that has it and I look forward to that and their lentils. Also the chike coffee protein, I do the same thing and have used it since my surgery. Love it!!!

  16. CONGRATS!!! Do you think your Mom and my Dad might be up there giving each other a 'high five' about now for their daughters success? I was just thinking this morning how proud Dad would be with what I have done this year. You know they are with us!!

    Yep that is for sure!!! :)

    Except my dad's still alive thank God. He is having a hard time since losing my mom but staying busy. I know my mom would be proud because she fought the weight battle her whole life. My dad has never been overweight but he understands because of ny mom.

    6's here I come!!!! :)

  17. I had lapband for 5 years and rekate to your story so much. Mine was a little different in that the gerd and reflux ended up doing serious damage and last year I was diagnosed with intestinal metaplasia, a precursor to stomach cancer. It was then that I decided to revise to rny or at a minimum take the band out. My highest weight was 267. With the band I got down to 185 and the first two years were great. Then the reflux, heartburn and port pain started. I ignored a lot of the symptoms, like a fool, but wanted to succeed and was afraid to admit I had a problem. The last three years of my band were pure hell. I didn't eat, I played what I call food games where I would eat nothing all day until my band ' warmed up' and ate slider food due to pain and starvation. When I decided in february 2013 to take it out due to the diagnosis I decided on rny because I never wanted gerd or reflux again. My surgeon was at mayo clinic for both so I had the best of best. My revision was in june 2013 and I am now 144, no reflux or gerd and my intestinal metaplasia gone! Rny was the best decision in my life. Good luck with your choice and yoy can send me a personal message if I can help in any way.

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