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Posts posted by bellalulu

  1. Great article. Thank you, I loved it. And it's so true that we need adequate amounts of sleep and lower our daily stress. We must become number one and practice self care. I love Alex's bio because I have always referred to myself as a native New Yorker. I was born and raised there. Now I'm in he sunshine state but I will always be a New Yorker at heart. Thanks for these educational articles and I love your site.

  2. You cannot wait till your next pcp appointment or even your Bariatric appointment. I don't know who you spoke to at your Bari clinic but if the person on the other end of the phone doesn't know what you are talking about why put your life in their hands. Blood cots are real, they are no joke and they can kill you. We had a friend die from one not Bari related but she died with her twins inside of her. Also, I had pain on the back of my knee and had three little balls form and it hurt so (this was prior to Bariatric surgery ) I took four aspirins and went to the ER and they told me I literally saved my own life. You can't wait with stuff like this. Good luck and get that checked out.

  3. Hi! I haven't logged on here in quite a while but I did and had to reply to you. I totally get you and understand you. I feel exactly the same way but honestly I'm more worried about gaining or stretching my pouch then what I miss in my favorite foods in terms of volume. So, being that I had no will power prior to Rny, I know myself and my love of food so what I do religiously is section off what I will eat in smaller plate, weigh exactly five ounces of it, eat slowly and enjoy every morsel. I ace no choice. I have to serve myself off of the normal people's plate and I always ask for a small plate to use. This way I am eat and enjoy it without the worry, anxiety or guilt which usually ends up in me eating way more. Lol I have a scale to home and just bought myself a mini portable scale that I take with me. Don't see food as something you mourn and miss. Rather, make great yummy healthy choices that will taste good to you. Also, cook and make meals that are Bari friendly and yummy. Come to my fb page @bariatric Besties we share great flavorful recipes, love and support. Good luck.

  4. The only thing I can say as an RnYer is that for sure, for sure, if and when I eat anything that doesn't agree w me or that I should eat, I will never ever eat that one thing again. Dumping syndrome is the biggest deterrent for me and it's not fun. Makes you realize this (eating or cheating) is not worth the torture. Plain truth. Straight facts. I can't have milk and I used to love milk and I won't even put it in coffee. Now you may not need that extreme situation but I had to be honest with myself and stop the madness. Lol. And because my Diabetes called for the RnY

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  5. Thank you for the encouraging words. I really needed this. The pre op diet is hard for me. But I'm on day5 of 14 then it's surgery time. Again thank you.

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    Hi. It was hard for us all. Don't worry. Take it one day at a time. You can do it. Even if you slip and eat a bit just start again and try another day. It's hard because obviously you still have the same stomach and same hunger. After your surgery you won't have the same amount of hunger and it will be easier. Also, you won't eat the same volume of food. If I can do it anyone can. I was a foodie and a mini cupcake girl. Lol All my hubby every brought home was pizza. So, I been there done that. Now, my new pouch is a total Diva. I don't even recognize myself when I hear myself order food at a restaurant. Lol

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  6. Does the surgery help with the depression?

    Hi. So, I can only speak for myself and I would say yes. Everything changes and it gets better. Now I was depressed but because I had joint pain, was bed ridden and very isolated. After surgery even though I was weak and healing, I was noticing I was "up" and more sociable. It all factors in to why you were depressed in the first place. Lots of other people say they get depressed because they miss food. I didn't. I think that you have to change your own mindset and why in the world would I miss the exact thing that was killing me and worsening my diabetes? It's all focus and perspective. But if you truly are depressed and it's not just that your gloomy, get to a psychologist and get it treated. Depression is nothing to ignore and through time gets worse. Get the support you need. As for me, I told everyone about my surgery and got a lo of help and support. That helped me immensely to keep me on my toes and know I have to stay accountable. Good luck and let me know how you feel.

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  7. I am 30 days out and yes I do feel hunger too but later in the day and night which I think is bad but as long as you stick with measuring your food each and every time, you should be okay and still lose. No more than four ounces at a time and that's including your Protein and veggies when you get to the sort solid stage. I do feel full at four ounces and at five I have over done it. Some days you will be less hungry. Don't worry about it. I am Diabetic type 2 and if I'm low I can get hungry and if it's high I can get hungry so lots of factors come into play. Good luck.

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  8. Thanks. I remember seeing it in Publix and yes Walmart is where I dread going. We live near big vacations spots so there are always thousands of tourists who have never seen a Walmart in their life who just bombard the store and want everything. Me, I just want fair life. Hee hee. I can't stand the crowds. Have great day.

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  9. Hello, so I have had a funny reaction to milk. Not a full blown lactose intolerance that sends me to the br or anything and not a full blown dumping syndrome either. But when I drink milk I get super bloated, the burps, and an unwell feeling. I have to walk it off, my arms get all weak, I get listless and then have to lay down because if I remember I think my head hurts a bit. Maybe I drank too much or too fast who knows but would you guys say that's lactose intolerance? Also, I have noticed my sugar is now running high again in the a.m. And since I was super insulin resistant before surgery, I am thinking to lay off the milk. They want me to have three Dairys per day but my guess is the sugar in that milk is causing all of this mess. Any advice is helpful. Thank you in advance.

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  10. I, too, had my surgery on September 12th - can I be a surgisister, too, @@Hula96744? :)

    I'm still on the clear liquid stage until I have my 1st follow up with my doctor on 9/22. Per instructions, I'm drinking at least 64 oz a day, including at least 60 g clear liquid Protein (Isopure ready-to-drink and nectar powdered).

    My question is this: is it normal to feel so weak and run down? I thought if I kept my Protein intake up, I'd have a bit more energy, but I'm worn out. Am I expecting too much only a week after surgery? Surely this isn't my 'new normal' after gastric bypass.

    Any advice/feedback is appreciated!


    Sorry I did not see your post it questions and I had not responded. I don't know why I am not getting notified on the app. Anyway, I hope by now you're feeling better. You're still healing and I too get the weakness from time to time. I asked my team and they said up my protein even more than the 60 grams. I can barely do that. So Gene pro is an unflavored protein at 3O grams per tablespoon. Get it and add it to anything. Feel better and yes we can be surgery sisters. ????

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  11. I never had the liquid post-op diet. I was eating mashed potatoes (2 bites, mind you) in the hospital. You're doing well for liquids. Liquids are kinda the major thing for now. I wasnt hitting my Protein goals then either. I dont think many of us were. Just stick to staying hydrated and walking around to get things in your system moving.

    Lucky lucky you. With the mash and I'm am being sincere not sarcastic. I know words don't carry our tone of voice. Lol so thank you so much. I have been doing just that. I walked and sipped and walked n sipped. Now I can actually get in 60 oz and that's the minimum they want. In their binder it had read day four like 90 oz. I just laughed and said yeah right. I don't think so. Haha. Thanks again for you advice and help. I appreciate it.

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  12. I am 5 days post op. if im reading right, we may have had surgery on the same day, sept 12? Whats really working for me was putting everything i eat in those 1oz containers and eating them very slowly. So if you put your Protein in those containers and fill two up, you end up drinking 2oz and for some reason it seems easier than if it was in a regular cup.

    I also do Soups and clear liquid. Same way. Its very hard to eat but i know i have to get my Protein in because if not.. yikes all kinds of problems. and i love Water so what ive been doing is blending ice cubes... and eating ice all day. i also sometimes do crystal light and sugar free popcicles. The other morning i had two sips of coffee with cream. That was nice... so far so good...

    But ugh! I feel you when you say, "I smell the steak!" Thats the hard part. The "mind hunger" is still there. Great having a surgisister!!

    Hi Hula!! Yes we're surgery sisters. Feel free to pm me and fb me if you like. Did you join the Sept is going down fb private group. A lot of us from here are on there too. Thank you for your help and your advice. I don't know why I didn't see your message sooner. Let's be buddies. thank goodness today is way better. How are you feeling?

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  13. Sometimes numbness from anesthesia takes a long time to go away in certain areas. And our nerve endings take a while to come back to normal. Hang in there and as you heal and move around you should feel a normal coming back of that area. Me, I think my whole belly is numb and my incision sites get super hot. I run my belly like I'm pregnant. Haha. My pouch is my new baby. Maybe I should give her a name. Haha.

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    Brave is the one who chose this journey!

  14. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I just wanted to help someone who may need a positive story and help them in their choice. Honestly, when I wanted this surgery and started to research I was a hundred pounds lighter and not insulin dependent taking a slew of pills that just made me bigger, worse in health and miserable. I'm only 46 and felt 76 due to all those meds I was given just to get me off their chair and stop complaining. By the time my joint pains had set in, I was bedridden. Me, a person who used to work ten hour days and still had time to gossip w girlfriends on the phone. By the time that happened to me I never wanted to talk to anyone and became severely depressed. Embarrassed to have to use scooters everywhere. So sad. Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but thank you for responding. Hugs.

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  15. Hello all! I want to share for those of you on the fence, waiting for your approvals and those that are just plain scared. Don't psyche yourselves up so much that you're worked up into a frenzy of anxiety. It's a waste of time.

    Also, don't be like me who three years ago while I was on here I kept reading this one girls total horror story and she was relentless with her writings and postings to the point that I stopped my surgery and regret that till this day. Glad that that girl was deleted and so were all her postings. Some may have complications but it's a very small minuscule amount. But three years later I was sick Diabetic on insulin w fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, anxiety and depression. So, I shouldn't have waited so long out of fear. Nonsense is what that was.

    Don't let anyone steer you away from a life saving and life changing surgery. Day one and two after surgery was a breeze for me and I felt very zero pain and was able to walk and get up same day of surgery. I was drinking with no problem. And making my rounds on the unit floor. All to prevent any blood clots or embolism. Walking worked. I even had zero gas pain and zero shoulder pain. My surgeon is amazing and possibly a magician. He even tested the pouch for leaks while I was under so I didn't need the barium or MRI which I am afraid of cause of claustrophobia. He checked and no leaks thank God.

    When you get home and anesthesia and pain meds wear off you will feel some discomfort and the pain of OMG what did I do to my poor body? That feeling lasts two days or so. You keep taking your pain meds and follow the rules from your surgery center and days do get much better. One mistake I made was not take my pain Med at night because I felt good and the pain usually sets in mid sleep and wakes you. So do take your pain meds as directed until you're a week out.

    Any and all other obstacles you may encounter will get addressed here and by your team. You're never ever alone. Reach out when you feel the need to. Plenty on here are wisdom filled and are veterans.

    Do enjoy the journey, the ups, the downs, the scars and all the good too. It's all developing into a new healthier and clear minded you, a beautiful you. A you that has been in the making and the one that needs extra care and extra love. Be kind to yourselves and don't let that negative thinking that got us into emotionally stress eating come back. Arm yourself with the new tools and techniques you learn to live with your new pouch. Take care of it and it will take care of you. Don't have an all or nothing thinking this isn't about that. You kinda gotta roll with the punches and you'll come out like a champ.

    Sure I may be crying tomorrow from God knows what but today I'm not and I'm happy, you will be too! Good luck and cheers to the new you!

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