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Posts posted by lkleigh

  1. I'm hungry about every 2 myself. ..I can only get a few oz myself at one sitting. ..an still only getting less then 700 cal a day. ..

    Since I've been over estimating my food amounts, I'm probably over estimating my calorie estimates too. I wondered how I was still losing weight when I was eating so much! Lol

  2. This seems like a dumb question with an obvious answer, but it's been plaguing me. When they say your meal should be three ounces of Protein, is that the raw weight or the cooked weight? I broke out my scale today because I feel like I've been eating way too much. Turns out what I thought was 3 ounces is just a little over one(cooked). Maybe that's why I'm hungry every two hours.

  3. But slight problem I dont see it the change yet, will that feeling go away? I want to be able see that I have lost weight, others see it but I cant yet. :

    Find a picture of you pre surgery and do a side by side with a current picture, that helped me a lot. Although there are still days when I look in the mirror and see no change.

    My surgery was 3/21. Surgery weight was 251, current weight is 215, so I'm a slow loser too. Not too stressed about it though. I too am ready for the "tire" around the bottom half of my abdomen to be gone. The fact that my top half is shrinking faster than the bottom, just makes it more obvious to me.

  4. I can't 'exactly' answer your question because I'm far from goal weight. I can tell you that for about the first six weeks after surgery, I was on a high. Now, at twelve weeks, I am leveled out and really struggle in some days. My negative thought train is still in my head and I've had a couple of emotional binge days and I'm struggling to get back on track. I'm starting to realize that I have the same thoughts and feelings, just in a lighter body. I've struggled with depression since my teenage years(when I was a reasonable weight), so I kinda doubt it's going to go away totally.

  5. Wow that's amazing well done you. Do you mind me asking what type of surgery you had? I've had the sleeve and am 3 months post op and only down 33 pounds. My clothes are loose and they used to be really tight but I've not dropped enough. What do you feel you've done to get such a big weight loss so quickly? I'm very interested to know how many calories you've been consuming and how much and what exercise have you been doing? Please share your success and again well done. :)

    Gemma, I'm on track with you. My friend lost much faster, but she was very militant about her diet. She had less than 25 g of carbs a day and stayed at 600 cal per day. I'm not as strict as she is. Some days, I'm just sick of meat and have some carbs. She also has a lot looser skin than I do. So that's one positive of losing slower. :)

  6. I've seen lots of folks on here post before and after pics. Tonight, on a whim, I decided to make one to see if I see more of a difference than I see in the mirror on a daily basis. Holy cow!!! I can't believe the difference! Of course, I know I've lost weight and I know I'm back in clothes that I haven't worn in years. I definitely recommend doing a before and after! :)

    Highest weight 274

    SW 251

    CW 221 (10 weeks post op)


  7. thanks! now I can say after today that I have lost 35lbs!!!!! I'm going to totally win the wedding haha. I also realized that 30lbs is 20% of the weight I want to lose. 20% gone! WOOT!

    That's a good way to look at it. I get frustrated that my weight loss is slower than my friend. Using your suggestion, I'm halfway to my goal!

  8. I have had surgery before and the scars healed very good but I'm VERY concerned this time.... I'm afraid I may be getting those raised keloid scars at the small incision sites... I hope these are internal stitches that will dissolve but I am really worried. Those scars are horrendous and if I need plastic surgery later for lose skin, I could REALLY he screwed. I am worried.

    I had surgery on my foot when I was 19 and you can't see the scar. I had my sleeve at 40 and I got keloid scars. :(. I guess maybe you're more prone to them as you age? I don't know. I was originally thinking of maybe someday getting plastic surgery, but what's the point if I'm going to get scars like these?

  9. I had GERD pre op. My surgeon strongly suggested that I get the bypass instead of the sleeve for this reason. I really didn't want the bypass, so I went ahead with the sleeve. I take Prilosec every day and haven't had any trouble with heart burn.

  10. I hear you. I'm about ten weeks post op. It's hard. It really is easy to eat a lot of calories when you are eating the wrong stuff. I has my first emotional eating day today, but tomorrow I am going to get up and start all over again. That's all you can do really.

  11. I've been doing a lot better with my Fluid intake lately, but sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. Of course, my urine is still very dark in the morning. I'm just wondering if it is ever possible to get to the point where your urine isn't dark in the morning. I suspect the answer is no, since we aren't drinking for eight hours while we sleep, but I was just curious.

  12. I find it difficult to move forward. I wake up every day feeling ordinary, I am not my happy self. I was prepared for the food thing but thought I could have what I want but just in smaller doses and some days even eating is just too difficult. I so bad just want to get back to 'normal' that I feel it will never happen - anyone feel the same??? I would have thought by 4 mths things have turned around but maybe I am just one of the unlucky ones thats going to take longer to adjust :( p.s and the crying OmG, when does that stop!!!

    :-(. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about anti depressants. I also see a therapist and it helps. I used to be skeptical about therapy. I thought, "how can talking about stuff that's already happened be helpful?!" But it really is.

  13. I am 3 months out. I feel the same way. Some days I feel ok, but on days that I have a lot of restriction I can get very depressed. It is def not easy!

    I'm right there with you. I've been feeling very frustrated the last couple of days especially. Especially with the Water. I've never enjoyed drinking fluids of any kind. Nothing to be done now but trudge forward, since we can't turn back time.

  14. Everyone needs to forget about sizes and wear what flatters your body. I used to know a girl who worked in a jeans factory. She said if they needed to fill an order for 150 size 16 jeans and they only had 140 pairs, they would take 10 pairs if size 14 and sew size 16 tags in them and ship them out. I try to remember that when I try on something in "my size" that doesn't fit(instead of crying in the dressing room. Lol). Hope that helps a little.

  15. I don't know if I have the exact problem that you have....lol, but I hear ya! I'm losing weight in strange ways. My top half(above my belly button) is getting smaller, but below my belly button isn't shrinking. In comparison to my top, it looks so big(to me). Hopefully, we'll catch up and even out. :-/

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