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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jorjet

  1. Awesome post.....I am where you were. I was banded on 4/21/05 I have lost 50 pounds.

    That was in the first 6 months. I have gained a few, and lost them back. I eat junk food daily, and never a healthy meal. I have lots of issues going on, but I know thats just a BS excuse. I have no will power, and no motivation. I work everyday, and run aound with lots of errands everyday.

    But pig out at night, and then vomit.

    I think my 2 year banding date would be a good time to get REBANDED too.

    Thank you for the post. Good Luck to everyone. God Bless


  2. Hey Tired, I think you should get her a gift certificate to a spa.

    I love getting them...I bitch cuz they cost so much, but the end result is, when I am ready to use it.....I just love it.

    It isnt something I would ever buy myself.

    Sounds to me she might need some pampering of the mind. Just my thoughts.

    Hey do you have any brothers, you sound like a keeper.

    LMAO, I am happily married. Just kidding, my hubby is the best .

  3. <p>Hi Everyone......I need some advice.</p> <p>I was banded in April, of 2005, By Dr. Kwon.</p> <p>I have lost 52 pounds, and that is it. I am so disgusted with myself.</p> <p>I went to the doctor for a fill in Jan. and I felt like such a loser.....but not in a good way.</p> <p>I sat there crying, because I have no motivation. I eat all the wrong things, and then hate myself after I am done.</p> <p>I am in family counseling, cuz I have family issues, but that isnt even helping me.</p> <p>There are days I wish I didnt have to get out of bed.</p> <p>I feel like such a failure.<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/help.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Help" smilieid="256" class="inlineimg" /> <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/Cry.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Cry" smilieid="223" class="inlineimg" /></p>

  4. :help: Hi Everyone......

    I am so glad I found this post. I havent been here in some time, but eveytime, I have a problem, and need help...I know where to run.

    I have been on meds for many years for depression. I have been on wellbutrin for about 10 days....I am dizzy, light headed, and nauseas as hell.

    I stopped taking it 2 days ago, because I feel so bad. I called my shrink, and as of today he hasnt called me back.

    I dont know what to do. I have an appointment with him on Thursday, and I am sure he will gladly put me on something else as he charges my insurance 150.00 .

    I was on lexapro for 24 weeks before this.....That didnt do a thing for me, I still cried all the time.

    I am dealing with a sick mother, as well as I just started a new job last week.

    Can anyone tell me, if the wellbutrin did this to them, and should I keep taking it, or get off it.

    I am a mental case without meds......I boo hoo over everything....shall I add menpause, and hot flashes arent helping either.

    Thanks for any input.


  5. I play pogo, anytime I have free time.....I log on, and stay there all day.....afk....lots of the time.

    Pogo name is guess....LOL....Jorjet53

    we could start a chat room there....lol

  6. What in the hell is going on here?

    This was the best site when I joined in 2005. Ladies, and Gents, come on now.....GROW UP.

    It seems like a Jounior High School, where the kids try to turn one another against each other.

    Don't we have enough hate in the world? What happened to being nice to one another. I have had disagreements here, I voiced my oppinion one time, and Alex spoke to me about it....and Of Course, I let it go. Aren't we ALL Adults? Please just let this nonsense go, and get back to being a GREAT Lapband support site. Peace and Love .....Huggggs


  7. Hi Cherie,

    I got my gift today......I love Bath and Body works stuff. That is what I

    sent to my SS.

    I use alot of hand soap and antibacterial hand gel.....

    I love the scent of all five of them.

    I have never tried the lavender one, so that is the first one I plan to use.

    Thanks so much for a great gift.

    Have a great Labor Day.......God Bless



  8. Nana,

    I took my neice to get her belly button pierced for her sixteenth birthday in April.

    She has had no problems with it. I watched her get it done, she said, it just pinched,nothing major.

    It healed really fast, and its clean as a whistle.

    They sold her a salt Water spray for it to heal. I say, go for it, it I were younger, and smaller, I would have mine done. :D

  9. OK, someone please tell me what the purpose of the tounge piercing is?

    Is it just for sexual pleasure for your partner? If it is....he better get his done also. :)

  10. Marie,

    CONGRATS ......on getting each step closer to surgery......Dr. Kwon is an excellent doctor.

    The numbers Cyndell has are starting weight/ current weight/ goal weight.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. Do you go to support meetings yet?

    If so where have you gone? To Maury?

    I need to go back to support cuz....Lord knows I need a kick in the butt.:faint:

  11. :help: I am a 42 D now....and since my band surgery in April 2005, My nipples are ALWAYS erect.....I work in a middle school, and had one of the kids say to me....it's a bit Nipply huh miss.....I almost died.

    I have bought those little patch things that go on your nips, but they are uncomfortable.Any suggestions before school starts again.

    I wounldnt mind it if I was 25 years old, but hell, I am an old broad.

    Hubby laughs cuz I get upset about it.....:)

  12. Hiya Funny,

    I am at 224.5, and kinda been here since Nov.

    I would love to be at 200.....(or is that wishful thinking) by Christmas.

    I am going back to Aruba in August ( was there in Nov.) but had to come home cuz of gallbladder.

    I want ot be down to 215 before I go back.

    Wiah me luck!!!!:eek:

  13. I am using Carb Solutions drink. It is by far the best tasting drink I have found.

    It has been so hard to find in stores tho......my NP told me to check out K mart, and there it was for just $4.00 a 4 pack.

    I bought 24 packs of them......thats how hard it it to get.

    I called the company, and they said they only sell to businesses....:eek:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
