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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mbanja

  1. I just wanted to throw in that with the lapband it is recommended that you wait a year after surgery to try and get pregnant. If you are trying IVF I would think that you would be better off waiting the year and not trying sooner because of the healing/adjustment period and weightloss. I don't know much about IVF, but I do know that if you are already having fertility problems that IVF is not a 100% garuntee. Plus you would want your body in top condition so that your chances of having a successful pregnancy would be high.
  2. mbanja

    self fill......

    Swantime, omnipaque is just a thicker solution that they can fill your band with. Most doctors in the U.S. don't use it. This solution, being thicker than saline, takes longer to seep out than regular saline. It is also non toxic so it is just an alternative to saline. If I had my druthers, I would opt for omnipaque, but where I live doctors refuse to use it. I think because they are worried they won't make as much money because there might be less fills because of it.
  3. mbanja

    self fill......

    I was totally intrested in doing my own fills, my husband is type one diabetic so I have become used to needles and I am not afraid of them anymore. I researched it but found little subject matter other than "Don't do it" threads and I haven't found anywhere that you can buy the supplies. After much consideration I agreed that it would not be a wise choice due to my not knowing exactly where my tubing is in my body, I mean I have a general idea but with a needle I am not so sure I would be able to avoid the tubing if I missed the port. I also did research and found that port access kits including huber needles are sold on ebay, but the items are regulated by the FDA and proper medical identification is require and verified before the item is shipped to you. Even if I could buy the kit on ebay it still doesn't come with the saline, which is also regulated by the FDA and you would have to have a perscription or proper medical ID to purchase that as well. I tell you though, after being too tight once, I wish I'd had a huber needle cuz I would have taken the fill out myself. But, I didn't and ended up making a 500 mile emergency drive (with a 10month old, guess how fun that was) to get an unfill.
  4. mbanja

    girdle issue

    I know this will probably become a sore subject, but it sounds to me like you have made your body (back) dependant on the girdle. I was having back pain and was told by my doc to limit use on back braces and restrictive girdles because they will make my back and core muscles weak and I will become dependant on them. If you plan on getting out of the girdle in the future I would say now is a good time to start weening yourself off of them. Once you heal from surgery and get the ok to start exercising, focus on strengthing those back muscle up again so you won't have any back pain. I don't know the extent of you back pain issues, so as always check with your doctor don't go by my advice alone. Also for those times that I wanted to look slim and sleek I used the Spanx support panty hose and I found that they do not bother my very sensitve port area (which by the way is just an inch above my waist line, ugg!) If I were you and had the option of doing the surgery over again I would deffinately ask for a better port site. At the time I got my surgery I didn't know that you could choose where it went. I guess some docs give you the option and some don't. Well, mine doc didn't even bring it up, so I assume he didn't offer an option. Also keep in mind where you were your jeans! If you were high waisted jeans and your port is where mine is it could possible irritate the port site. I personally wear low waisted jeans because they fit better on my rear, but because I still have the beautiful muffin top, my muffin folds over the waist of the jeans and it puts pressure on the port site too. It is not as uncomfortable as high waisted jeans, it just feels weird when I am sitting and try to twist or bend down. If I could have gotten my port placed just under my rib cage I probably would have opted for that. Oh well, hind site is 20/20 as they say. It is good you joined this site before surgery so you could get advice!!
  5. mbanja

    Taxes - Self Payers - NSV!

    Don't forget to include all your other medical and pharmacy expenses with the lapband payment too!! Even if it doesn't have anything to do with the band at all because of the amount you will be able to add the additional expenses and get a better refund. All medical and dental can be included!!!
  6. mbanja

    PMS and band tightening?

    I personally get majorly hungry and want to eat everything in site during my time of the month, but like others, nothing will go down. Even thick liquids become a problem. I do notice that I don't loose any weight but I don't gain either. Sometimes once my TOM is has ended I loose 2lbs witch is cool. I have heard thru the grapevine that if you are dieting and working out that during the TOM is the best to push yourself a little extra because the lbs will really come off. I can't put any weight behind this statement though it is just what I have heard. I personally don't feel like doing crap except trying to eat everything in site and pbing it up.
  7. mbanja

    Does Lapband Control Appetite?

    Josh, for me on a scale to 1 to 10, I would say preband my appetite for unhealthy foods was a 10. My usual meals consisted of deep fried meat, a pasta, some bread, and to top it off something chocolate. Post band my appetite for unhealthy foods is probably a 1 (sometimes going all the way up to 4 since I am a woman and during my time of the month I get hormonal cravings) mostly though I am just at a 1. When you get the band you perspective on food changes. You are constantly thinking, "will this go down, did I get enough protien, have I had any fruits or veggies." I feel as though I have control over myself more now than I did before, but like I said in my previous post I am constantly battling my head hunger. It did take a while to get into my thick skull that I can't tolerate certain things anymore, like pizza. Do I still try to eat pizza, Yes. I love pizza, now if I crave it I take one bite chew it very well and then I am satisfied. Before the band, I might be satisfied with 3-4 pieces. Keep in mind though, if you go thru the normal preop part of the lapband procedures you will have to visit a physcologist and a dietician. This will help you suceed even if it does feel like a pain in the butt. Keep in mind to that once you have healed, after surgery but before your first fill, your hunger will most likely return to normal. You may even gain weight. Don't get discouraged it is a process that we all go thru and once you get to the right fill level you will see a difference.
  8. mbanja

    Does Lapband Control Appetite?

    The band is great at controlling physical hunger. Mental hunger on the other hand is something that we have to learn to overcome. You can eat around the band. Now, that being said, I am a strong advocate of the band but I do battle mental and emotional hunger. I find I do not crave the foods I used to, and it is almost impossible for me to eat any fast food. If I have a really emotional or stress full day, I will go to Chicfila and get a milkshake and drink it all. Does it hurt every once in a while, no probably not. But, I don't need all that fat and calories and sugar. I would suggest talking to your doctor about the lapband and see what he recommends. He may keep you on your meds for a while to help combat your head hunger and suggest you seek professional (mental) help with the issues of why you over eat. I am not saying you are a nutcase, but with most of us there are underlying physcological reasons why we over eat.
  9. mbanja

    The money issue?

    Ohh, I never thought of a home equity loan. Not only is the loan tax deductable, but the price of the surgery may also be tax deductable. Great idea!
  10. mbanja

    Long car ride?

    Also you want to think about food, since stopping for fast food will be an issue. You are going to be on a liquid diet so you will want to stock up on things to eat/drink during the car ride if you decide to go.
  11. mbanja

    Help with my research Please

    I can eat grapefruit just fine. I have to take it slow but as long as I don't eat the membrane or what ever that is called that holds it together I am fine. I love tomatoes but I can't really tolerate the skin so I take it off. Beans are fine but I have to make sure to chew them. I never really paid attention to it before since some kinda mush up anyways, but now I have to be careful and chew the mushed beans. I think sweet potatoes was on my list of untolerables, but I can do those pretty well. I personally hate skim milk cuz it is so watery, and I hate whole milk cuz of the strong flavor. I used to drink and love 2% but I have found that 1% tastes just like 2% so now I am in love with that. I have the funny chocolate milk craving now too so I spice it up with ovultine.
  12. I can see how drinking hot/warm coffee in the morning would open you up for maybe breakfast, but I can't see it opening you the whole day. I know warm liquids relax muscles but I just can't see it relaxing you the whole day, am I making any sense? To me, it sounds like you have the best of both worlds, being able to eat anything you want just not much of it and still loose weight. I would kill to be like that. Pizza or bread of any kind is a no no for me.
  13. mbanja

    baby food

    Since I have a baby eating baby foods, I am constantly eating some of it. My baby is exploring self feeding and loves to feed me so I kinda have to eat it if you know what I mean. Plus in a pinch to clean it up when I don't have a cloth handy (why I don't is beyond me, I get in a rush and forget it) I will lick my fingers or whatever. It really is not that bad. My baby prefers strong tastes so I end up having to doctor it up anyway. I think it is beachnut that makes a Chicken soup (not chicken noodle) it is chicken soup with veggies in it. It is pretty good alone, but it is very hard to find. I have most success finding it at publix but not all the time. I am a big fan of the Zaterain's gumbo and rice mix, so is my baby. I will take a baby food meat (turkey or chicken) and baby food greenbeans and mix it up, and to add the flavor of gumbo that she loves I will spoon some of the gumbo liquid and rice into it an mix it up. It is actually really good, after you get past the consistancy. I am a total consistancy freak so if it doesn't feel right in my mouth, I tend to not like it, but this is pretty good. Plus, this way, I feed my Hubby with the Gumbo and I feed myself and my baby with my "baby version" gumbo.
  14. mbanja

    I <3 Chili

    I have had the same problem as you! Wassa posted the Wendy's chili recipe in another thread and I made it and it is awsome. I mean it is not exactly the same cuz Wendy's uses their hamburgers for the meat, but for "at home" chili it is great! The beauty of it is you can add tons of different stuff, and make it your own. I personally love "soupy" chili so this was deffinately great for my tastes. I add several different kinds of beans, you can add corn, you can subtract the items you don't like, etc and it is perfect!
  15. mbanja

    Am I too young? ADVICE!

    I know that being overweight with normal size parents can happen, but are you sure there are no medical issues that haven't been discovered. I mean have you had you thyroid, cortisol, etc levels checked. Are your periods normal? Was your weight put on very rapidly or was it gradual? I'd talk to your mom about get a "FULL" work up and see if there might be any underlying problems or issues. Also I'd talk to your doc or pediatrician if you still see one and let them know you are considering lap band and want to know if it is something that they would recommend. I know when I went to the pediatrician (until I was 17) she would do a yearly levels check on me because I was heavy. Now my problem stems from genetics and learning to eat poorly thru my parents, so my doc could never find anything. As a matter of fact, I was a perfect bill of health other than I was fat. I do have a friend though who was severly overweight with normal size parents. She didn't routienly go to the doctor, and started getting facial hair, that's when I said "woah girl, you need to go have your hormone levels checked." Well, needless to say she did and it was found that some of her hormones were really outta wack and I think they put her on birth control or some other medication and low and behold she started loosing weight when she started dieting. Now, I am not saying this to get you worried something is wrong with you, I just think that you need to be sure that there is no underlying problem that is interfering with your weightloss attempts. If I had had this option when I was your age I would have totally gone for it. But just keep in mind that this surgery (if you have it done) will probably be the hardest and most challenging thing you will ever do in your life. Please be sure that you can commit to your band. Please be super knowledgable about all aspects before you go ahead with the surgery. And, please keep us posted on your journey!
  16. When I was on the tricyclen BC I used to skip my placebos and go right to the next month so I wouldn't have a period. I'd do it on occasions such as my wedding or a vacation, etc. Let me tell you though, It made me super CRAZY. I have found out now that the progesterine BC is what makes me crazy so I have to take the estrogen BC. I am currently doing good on the Ortho Novum, but my PMS hits like an anvil. I get the pms migraines, lower back pain, cramps, etc. My doc is changing me to a lower dose estrogen based BC to see if it helps any. I will let ya'll know.
  17. mbanja

    Hopes and Fears

    Well, I can't speak for all but I was a major sweet addict before the band. Post band with all the sweet protien shakes I have to drink, I am not so much into sweets now. To top it off my tastes for things have changed. You will do fine! You just have the preband jitters that all of us go thru!
  18. Lilac, I would say do the Lap band! I too have taken phentermine and had all the side effects you have and believe me they don't get better. I am 26 and have spent countless $ on diet pills, diet programs, and diet food. I'd say do it now while you are still young because the top thing you will here from this site is, "I wish I had done it sooner." You will probably have to do the 6mo weight/diet monitor thing, but it is so worth it. I doubt that they will take the previous weights from the ER because it was not a supervised diet program. If you have any co-morbidities it might make it easier, you know back pain, knee/joint pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, anything that is a direct result of your weight! Talk to your doctor, let them know how the phentermine is effecting you, make sure your doc knows of family history of obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, and such and tell them you are considering lapband and see if they are on board. If they are the ones sending you to the seminar, It sounds like they already are. Good luck, and even if you have to do the 6month thing, do it.
  19. mbanja

    OMG, that HURT!

    Occasionally I miss pizza, so when the craving comes around...usually around that time of the month, I will suggest to go to our local pizza cafe. Every dang time I take one bite and then have to go to the bathroom and pb. I will never learn. My husband is now my consious voice and says, "Honey, remember the last 10 times we went, you threw up and told me to never let you eat pizza again!" LOL! It's so funny cuz when it is my TOM, I don't want to hear it and we go anyway. I get so desperate for it that I tell him I will just lick his pizza and not order anything. Well, that doesn't sit to well with him, I tell him that at least I won't throw it up and he won't have to pay for me to get food. His reply is "I got something for you to lick, and its not my pizza." LOL.
  20. mbanja

    Travel for surgery and fills?

    Travelling for the surgery is fine, but travelling for the fills is a different story! What is going to happen if you get a fill, fly home, and find out you are so tight you can't swallow your spit? I have had to have 2 emergency unfills and my doc commutes to my area to do fills. So the 2 emergency unfills I had to have, I had to drive 350 miles round trip to get unfilled. It was not fun. If you will have to fly to get the fills, you will be looking at possibly having to fly back to get an unfill. If I were you, I'd check for a local fill doctor, maybe a fill center usa in your area. I have also heard that flying can make the band tighter, so you may get home from a fill and find out you are really tight, they fly back to get an unfil, then get home and a week later find out you are too loose. I personally think that it is a bad idea. But if you are up for it and think you could handle it, go for it. Just to let you know though, alot of emergency rooms don't know the ins and outs of the band and if you had to go to the emergency room to get an unfill, not only will it cost you mega $ it will possibly be an issue of you edgucating the staff on the lapband, and then they will probably have to find an oncologist on duty to access the port. It won't be fun.
  21. mbanja

    Help with a sweet tooth :(

    Well, if you have a freezer at work you could buy fat free/sugar free cool whip and stick it in the freezer. It is yummy and a great ice cream replacement. When you feel an urge go get a small cup of that. It always cures my sweet tooth. Plus it is not so high in fat as regular or sugar free ice cream.
  22. I was going to suggest chili and bean dip too! Great minds think alike! My hubby is a police officer and for the officers that work on superbowls there is an officer who takes off that day and cooks a big pot of chili for the on duty officer's to stop by and grab a bowl of. So, chili has become a superbowl tradition for us!
  23. mbanja

    From Georgia too

    I am from Stone Mountain and I went to Dr. Huacuz in TJ, MX. I go to FillcentersUSA for my fills and aftercare which the location is in Roswell. They specialize in the treatment of out of country lap banders. There is no $2000 fee. I paid $7500 for roundtrip airfare, the band, a 2nite hospital stay, all the presurgery requirements, etc. The first visit to the fillcenterusa is around $400 and then each additional visit is around $300. It is kinda pricey but it beats having to pay $2000 to get in the door with the other guys and then having to pay for the fill on top of that!
  24. I have lost 37lbs and still haven't gotten back into my size 16's. Ok so here is the situation. I got pregnant and gained 60lbs, 30 of which I lost almost immediately from the baby, fluid loss, and retained water loss. That put me at 235lbs. Well, I did nutrisystem for a month and ate that horrible nasty food and only lost 2lbs. Which I gained back. Then I found the lap band and the rest is now history. Before getting pregnant, at 209lbs I could wear a size 16 jeans, after the baby I was in a size 20. Now 37lbs down and at 198lbs I am still stuck in a size 18 and can't get my old size 16's to button. WTF? I weigh less than I did before the baby. And to top it all off, I had a csection and now, not only to I have the flabby overhanging stomach, to make it worse the way they did the incision no air can get to that part and it is starting to get raw. I guess like a yeast infection or something. Anyone think that after I loose all my weight that I could get a TT for medical reasons instead of cosmetic? I guess I could hope!
  25. You know what else is good from publix....the sugar free birthday cake! It is better than the real ones, and if you are an avid publix shopper, you know how good their cakes are. Now just to let you know, they are not lowfat, but they sure do taste awsome if you don't mind trading the sugar for fat. Coupled with the splenda ice cream and wow do you got one good sugar free party! Oh, just a warning, don't over do it on a giant slice of this cake, cuz it is sweetened with malitol and/or sorbitol which in essense is a laxitive. And if you eat a big slice you will be on the toilet in a matter of minutes!

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