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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mbanja

  1. mbanja

    Why the Band?

    1. Fast easy recovery. 2. No reroute of internal organs. 3. It is not a one time shot....i can get a fill if I start to gain 4. I am not done having children, so I wanted to find a way to be able to loose the post pregnancy weight. If I had gotten RNY there is a chance I'd gain the weight back after pregnancy and it would be difficult to loose it. I didn't want to spend $ to get RNY just to be skinny for a couple of years then blow up again. 5. I didn't want to look like a Bobble head doll. Like Star Jones. 6. No malabsorbtion.
  2. I think Inamed has a training program for such a thing.
  3. mbanja


    Do you ever wonder if the chinese symbols that tattoo artists put on you really say something other than what it is "supposed" to mean? I mean you go in to get "love" in chinese symbols and you walk out with a really awsome tattoo that reads "stupid dumbass." I mean I am sure most people triple check the meaning but you know if it is spur of the moment...
  4. Oh honey sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for a fill to kick in. I was just like you after post op, my first fill didn't kick in for 3 weeks. Then I had problems with bread. I would suggest sticking it out a couple of weeks at least. I went for my second fill cause I wasn't satisfied with my restriction level, got home and it was awful. I had to make an emergency 4hour drive away to get unfilled. I couldn't get anything down and was throwing up foam. IMHO I think you should wait it out a couple of weeks.
  5. mbanja

    Weight Control Oatmeal

    I really like the maple and brown sugar weight control oatmeal, and it keeps me full for a long time. I know what Shrinkage means though about the overpowering maple. My house has smelled like pancakes ever since I started eating this. If you like maple you will probably like it. I don't like fruit flavored things and I just started liking oatmeal so since I like this flavor I don't think I will be changing it anytime soon. I have eaten it every day for the past two months and haven't got tired of it yet, but there may come a day!
  6. mbanja

    Could you eat this much in one sitting ???

    Wasabubble, I total agree with you about everyone opinion, but there are certain ways to express one's opinion with out being rude. I come here to hear everyone's opinion and I take all opinions into count, but it really ticks me when people are rude to others who are just trying to get some helpfull insite. I mean, who doesn't already know that fried food, and fast food, are not the most healthy choices? I think I knew that when I was a kid. What I am trying to say is while some people may be ignorant to all the ways of the lap-band journey that doesn't mean they are ignorant in general. And, it is wrong and hurtful to assume that they are and to talk down to them. There is a right way and a wrong way to talk to people. I am a firm believer in treating others as I would want to be treated. Maybe the poster was trying to give tough love, but the way it came out was all wrong.
  7. Also try hospitals. One of the hospitals around me has a fitness facility with a heated pool. I think it is mostly for the doctors, but my hubby is an employee of the city and membership is extended to him. If there is anything like that around you, you could see about getting a membership. I really hope you find something closer. Or maybe this would be a good excuse to get a pool! LOL!
  8. LoL Aubrie. I can understand your feelings. It just ticks me off that my underarm boobs are bigger than my real boobs. I'm just hating (in a loving way) on all you lucious ladies, I guess there will always be something we wish we had but don't and others that have it and wish they didn't.
  9. mbanja

    Could you eat this much in one sitting ???

    Mommi, thanks for your concern. Yes I am feeling a quite bit better. I think I was so close to my sweet spot I didn't realize it. I am still a little tight. Hopefully in a week or two the fat pad around my stomach will shrink and I'll be able to eat a little more. I was so sure that I would need multiple fills to hit that sweet spot (due to all the posts I've read on this board) that I disreguarded my own body's signals and got greedy. Needless to say I will wait a while before I get another fill. Being overfilled was the most horrible experience of my life. Once again thanks for your concern and support. I hate that this innocent question got outta hand like it did. This forum is to help support people not to condesend people. I total agree with eating what you want in moderation. If I deprive myself I know what my consequences will be, and I'd much rather eat "treats" here and there in moderation as opposed to binging for a week straight. It was funny I didn't have any candy bars for about 2months after my surgery, than all the sudden my time of the month came around and I was craving a candy bar. Well I had 2 not at one time but thru the course of the week and I just felt shitty for it. Come to find out I still lost 2lbs. Anyways, I know candy bars aren't a bit healthy, but they are yummy. Oh, by the way, for those that what to give me a line about how I should have chose a healthier option than candy bars...Shove it. Candy bars are what I wanted and candy bars are what I had so just put you comments in your back pocket. It just baffles me the way people choose to talk to others with no reguard for respect. I seem to remember a saying from when I was little....hmmm....I think it goes........IF YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NICE, SHUT YOUR F'ING PIE HOLE. I edited it a little bit for the mature audience. LOL!
  10. I hope you can find a good water aerobics facility, have you tried ask around maybe contact physical theripists in your area. Water really helps take the pressure off of your body and it is really good exercise. I hope it doesn't hurt your neck. I really do hope you find one that is not expensive. Hey, atleast your heart is in the right place (wanting to exercise!) Once the weight starts comming off it may be alot easier for you!
  11. mbanja

    Doing your own fills?

    Honestly, after being too tight and desperate for an unfill I would attempt if I had the right "equiptment!" But, as everyone else has stated it is very dangerous. Did you know that more people have died this year from Staff infections than AIDS. Staff is really scary! My hubby works for a police department and several officers have gotten Staff infections this year. I don't know that much about it but I believe it is more common that people realize. Needless to say, I don't have a fear of needles, because my hubby is type 1 diabetic and has to inject himself about 5-7 times a day. When we started dating my fear of needles went out the window. So, fear of it hurting is not my reason for not doing it myself, but fear of infections is a good enough reason for me not to do it.
  12. mbanja

    lapband and ADIPEX?

    I agree with Violeteyes. Plus, getting the band was supposed to illiminate the extra expense of other diet methods. I know you want the weight off NOW as opposed to later, but if you loose too fast you might not give your skin the chance it needs to shrink. I know that loosing slow doesn't illiminate to possibility of hanging skin, but I'd prefer to give my body a chance to at least try to let my skin shrink up.
  13. If you feel that u need an unfill do it before you dehydrate it is no fun being dehydrated. I was so tight I couldn't get anything down not even water. I was throwing up foam and bubbles. It was awful.
  14. Good for you!! I have lost some of my girls too. I'm dissappointed though cause I don't have that much to start with. I envy all of you that have boobs. Being fat with no boobs just looks stupid. I hope being skinny with no boobs will look better. I think my boobs melted around to hide in my arm pit. Now if I could just move the bulges there around to my chest maybe they would look normal. What is the deal with armpit boobs anyways. Why did the bulk go there. It really pisses me off!!
  15. mbanja

    Pass the Dutchie?

    Never will I get stoned again. I remember from teenage years with my girlfriends sitting around a table eating everything in the house. One of my friends moms had a Debbie Cake bowl. That was the best. Her mom bought every kind of Debbie Cake imaginable. We'd sit it in the middle of the table and pig out. We'd get stoned and then it was like angels singing and there was a sweet warm light around the Debbie Cake bowl. LOL not really, but I know if I smoked now I would resort to binging again. AHHH, those were the days.
  16. mbanja

    High protein cereal

    Wow that is great. I had been eating weight control oatmeal (I think 8 or 10g of protien and 160 calories), and instead of creamer in my morning coffee, I put powdered milk instead, to make up for the rest of the protein I needed. I just might have to try this cereal. I do know though that the oatmeal kept me full for a long long time.
  17. mbanja

    Could you eat this much in one sitting ???

    I could eat about as much as you maybe a little more. I had my fist fill of 1.9cc in a 4cc band. Well I thought I needed a fill too, so I got one. Man that was a big mistake. My doc put in .8cc more to bring me to 2.7cc. I drank water before I left to make sure I was ok. The water got stuck so she took out .2cc to make me at 2.5cc total. Well since I am a self pay I thought, hey maybe this is a little tight but I'll live with it. Well, the next 2 days were HELL. I woke up the third morning(today) and had to drive 4hours to my docs primary location to get an unfill. I couldn't keep anything down. I was throwing up foam. It was the most horrible experience. I dropped 6lbs in 2days. She unfilled me to 2.1cc total and I can get a little bit down. I probably could stand to have another .1cc out but I just paid for a fill so I'm gonna live with this. What I am trying to say is if you have problems on some days getting stuff down, don't go for a fill. Or if you do take it very slow. .1 or .2ccs. Trust me you don't want to be too tight. It is really miserable !!!! I was so miserable and desperate that I tried to unfill myself with one of my hubbys insulin needles. Needless to say it didn't work, and it was dangerous for me to do that. Plus you may be so close to your "sweet spot" that it will only take .1 or .2 cc to hit it. Sounds to me though that you might be good. Just my opinion though. And hey if you only have a copay and don't have to fork over hundreds of dollars, and your doc is close by, try it.
  18. I lost minimal weight after being banded. My problem was liquid calories. I loved sweet tea. Well of course it is loaded with sugar calories. Some peoples sweet tea, depending on how sweet you like it can have more sugar in it than a Coke or Mountain Dew. Well, needless to say, I did away with sweet tea and I am now sweetening my tea with splenda. It did take a while getting used to but hey I am loosing weight!
  19. mbanja

    Be Honest....

    Hell yes I would do it. After experience the first "too tight" episode this weekend and having to race 4hrs away to get an unfill, that is after I tried with one of my hubbys insulin needles to unfill it myself. Yeah, I know, insulin needles are too small and too short to make it to the port, but I was DESPERATE!!! So, that being said, if I could get a kit, I would have no problem doing the unfill myself. Since I can't really feel the needle sticks in my stomach, due to fat or maybe the nerves not being healed all the way, plus I can feel my port perfectly, I would have no problem doing it myself. And hey, if I can do an unfill, I would probably be willing to do a fill. I hope I never again experience being too tight again! That was just awful!!!
  20. mbanja

    Any Pets?

    I have 3 dogs, Fritzi, LuLu, and Coconut. I also have 5 cats, Teeny, Sneek (a whoping siamese mix 20 pounder),Dandylion, Fred (poor thing he is the only boy in a house fulla girls), Honkers, oh wait make that 6 cats I forgot about the stray that showed up in our neighborhood about 2 weeks ago, her name is Scrowdy. My house is like a mini humane society. All of ours are strays. Honkers we saved from being put to sleep. Teeny my husband found while on a call (he is a police officer) she was trapped in a root celler and about to die. I also raised a baby squirel. My neighbors were having their roof redone and one of the workers found a tiny baby squirel in the gutter. His eyes weren't even open. We named him Scooter. He was wonderful. I was a police dispatcher at the time and took him to work in a purse so I could feed him every 2 hours. Noone ever knew I had him. We bought him a ferret cage to live in in the house. It was like a cat television. The cats would just sit and watch him play. We wanted to keep him but knew he was wild so I raised him to be a healthy boy and my Hubby built a nice house and we reintroduced him to outside. We would be walking down our walkway and he would just jump on our shoulders or head and love us up. Sadly he got a girlfriend and she put him in line and let him know that humans were a no no. He never came to us again, but we do leave seeds out so our property is full of squirels and chipmunks. Scooter was wonderful and I think that it was Gods way of testing us to see if we were ready to be parents. Just after we let him go I found out I was pregnant. I don't know what I would do with out my 4legged babies. They make life so much better!!!
  21. mbanja

    Any Regrets?

    My one regret is I didn't do it sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. mbanja

    What would you change?

    1.) I'd have bigger boobs. Being fat with no boobs just looks stupid. 2.) I'd have high self-esteem. After being fat my whole life, school yard teasing took self esteem away from me. As far as Hubby goes; 1.) I'd take away his Type 1 diabetes 2.) I'd make him more romantic.
  23. mbanja


    Well count me out on experiencing the marijuana one cause all pot does is make me binge eat.
  24. mbanja

    Britney, Britney, Britney

    LOL yeah or it could just be a new fashion. But seriously I think she is having postpartum. I cant thank Brooke Shields enough for bringing it to light. I mean the knowledge was already out there but she put it into persepective again. Thanks to her I knew immediately what was going on with me after my baby. I tried to hide it for a while cause I was ashamed but my doctor confronted me on it when I took my baby for her checkups. Thank God she did!
  25. mbanja


    Well I do know that we can be effected by things like that. My husband used to work at a movie theater when he was a teen and just for fun he would splice pictures of popcorn and concession items into the movie reel. You couldn't see them cause they flashed by so fast. Him and his friends would get stoned and watch all the people in the movie get up and go buy food. What a shithead!

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