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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AquariusDiva

  1. So far I have had enough smaller clothes to take to work and at home ( you know clothes bought during all the yoyo dieting that I always wanted to wear once again). But now that I have gone from size 20 to 14 I am running out of clothes. For work I will probably buy a couple of pairs of pants (black and one other) and a few shirts... Casual wear I will keep wearing my bigger clothes.

    I did splurge and bought a few work out clothes - I can now fit into Nike XL tights and a xl work out tech shirts :)

  2. Just in case anyone comes back to this thread looking for similar answers- I have also heard that eyesight can change after WLS, particularly if you have diabetes. So dont plan to have your eyes checked right before surgery, rather wait for a couple of months post op. Most vision insurances (if you have it) only cover one check per year/glasses limitations etc. So I am waiting for a couple of months before doing another vision test.

  3. I think its the beef. I love steak and have had it. But it does sit heavier in my tummy than other things.

    Ohh, as for the UTI, I got one the week right after surgery. Ugh! Make sure you keep your Water up (I know its hard). But I have also started taking cranberry pills - don't do cranberry pills from natures bounty (which is what I have). THose pills are huge! Also up your yogourt. I try to eat yogourt for lunch. I also use greek yogourt for chicken salad instead of mayo.< /p>

  4. I'm also 3/16, and having the same mental difficulties with my eating options. Today, i added chocolate Protein Powder to my cream of wheat Breakfast. For lunch I did Asian pho broth (from TJs) with unflavored Protein powder. And yesterday, I cheated I had one savory bite of salmon (not on the approved list yet). I chewed and chewed until there was nothing left, but it tasted amazing. I can't wait for another week to pass and I can add a couple of additional items. But we will get there :)

  5. Hi all i'm 5 days post op and have been really lucky. Never needed meds for pain nausea or gas since leaving the hospital. Most days i get 48 ozs of Fluid but struggle with the Protein. I would say i get about 40 grams a day. My NUT wanted me to drink Isopure but it was awful

    Now i been living on g2 with half a scoop of unflavored. I tried the chicken broth but hated that too. Now once a day my great husband goes to our local chinese place and gets me a quart of the broth they use for wonton Soup. I drink 3 times a day with unflavored protein added. Its yummy. I also drink plain Water. Been walking about 30 minutes a day. Wishing us all a speedy recovery

    Ohh - my husband does the same thing with the wonton soup. My little guy eats the wontons, and I drink the broth!

  6. I found it difficult to drink the Protein shakes ... So I bought som Isopure Zero Carb at GNC. It has 40 gm of Protein in the bottle -which is more liquid than a shake. One of those a day helps me reach my protein goal. Be warned - they are kind of gross. I pluck my nose and chugh (lol- as much as you can chug tiny sips).

    My problem now is not eating ... It's tough to break mental habits. I had surgery on the 16th ... liquid diet is recommended until day 14.

  7. So far, my sleeve is almost just as painful as my c-section. Which wasn't too bad. Right now -24 hrs post op, I'm on some sort of Tylenol via the IV, but I'm sitting up and walking with just some pain rolling off bed.

    My neighbor though is knocked out on pain medication since she is in lots of pain (lots of groans just moving in bed and whinny cries when she has to get up).

    So everyone is different.

  8. So yesterday was fairly interesting :). I think mentally the worst part was the few minutes in the operating room still waiting to be knocked out and wondering if I took the easy road and that I should bail :) But after the year long process it had to be done and I know that it had to be.

    Waking up in the recovery room was rough. It was painful and disorienting. But by the middle of the day, I was up going to the potty. Wow all that IV runs right through me.

    I spent most of the day in the recovery section bc they didn't have a bed for me. But I will say I appreciated the nearly one on one nurse attention.

    By 9pm I got a room... But of course couldn't sleep at all with the constant beeping, leg pump things and interruptions. Ohh, and boy, am I thirsty. I got ice chips yesterday evening, but can only suck and melt them down slowly.

    Today they are running the leak test ... And maybe going home.

    Ohh but one of the best part of yesterday was waking my four year old at 5 in the morning so that my husband and him could drop me off. He woke up and told me to take a picture of him so that I wouldn't be lonely in the hospital. Worst morning hair picture but it makes me cry :)post-197207-14265887792441_thumb.jpg

  9. My apt is at 8:30 am, so I have to be there by 6:30 am. We live about an hour and a half away / so Monday is going to be a early day. My husband is going to drop me off then head back to drop of our four year old at school before heading home. I will be at the hospital alone since DH has to work and take care of our little man. Once I'm released he will come and get me but it's difficult to plan since I don't have a timeline (any ideas of when you guys expect to be out?)

    I'm packing up my little gym bag with a few items for the hospital stay (robe, pj, socks, undies, toothbrush, hair ties, so far). Any other recommendations?

    So far I have been trying to clean up the house so that it's not s total disaster by the time I can get back to it.

    Nervous is an understatement

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