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Posts posted by DivaStyleCoach

  1. You know, I'm at 8cc in a 10 cc band. I don't feel any restriction at all. I'm stuck in a plateau... am back on metformin 2 times a day for diabetes and now on lantus at night due to morning highs... My doc tells me that the metformin won't cause weight gain and the lantus is such a low dose, that it should not be affecting my weight loss.... All I know is that within a week of going back on the metformin... I've lost only 4 lbs... and that was 6 months ago. I'm very frustrated... Any ideas out there?

    Hi Trish!

    Same suggestion I made to Elyse - track your exercise calorie burn and your eating calories very carefully and see what your calorie deficit is. If you are burning way more than you are eating, your body will be in 'starvation' mode. I am on Lantus as well, and I understand that it will affect weight loss - all insulin does.

    I hope that you find your answer - have you talked to your nutritionist lately? Perhaps some not-so-great habits have snuck back into your routine?

    Good luck with finding your answers! :biggrin:

  2. Hello!

    Ribeye steak - nope, can't handle it anymore unless it's in some kind of sauce. Some people can tolerate beef well, and if it's tenderized, you might be able to eat it. Try very small portions and chew more than you think you need to, but don't be surprised if you have to give it up for a while.

    Lobster tails - I never ate them before, but they are less "chewy" than steak, I'd imagine, so you might be okay there...again, chew more than you think you need to, and start with small portions.

    Shrimp - I had no problem with these until my last fill, then my tolerance disappeared. Unless they are tiny baby shrimp, I can't handle them any more. Of course I've had 3 or 4 fills (can't remember) and that definately has something to do with it.

    You may find initially that all these foods are okay, but as you progress through the fills, you may have to give them up for a while.

    Take it easy, don't "talk" yourself into an upset too early. Sometimes my emotional state affects my band - if I'm upset, it's tight. When I'm loose and happy, so is my band! You may also find that certain times of day you are tighter than others - for me, mornings are tight, and that's when I have my Protein drinks and yogurt. I can usually tolerate solid food for lunch and dinner.

    Enjoy your banded journey and best of health to you! :tongue_smilie:

  3. Hi Ms RoJacks!

    First, let me congratulate you on being banded - where did you get your surgery done? I live in Norwich, but was banded at Yale New Haven Hospital (I work at Yale).

    Please don't move ahead to thicker liquids or solid food unless your doctor's orders say it's okay. You are still healing, and it's important to follow doc's orders while that is going on. You don't want to have ANY kind of problems right now - and I know it's hard, but it will help you in the long run.

    I'm glad you're not having hunger problems - I was hungry all the time, even after I was banded! :smile: I'm doing much better now - approaching my 1 year bandiversary (in 6 days) and down over 70 lbs. My goal was to have lost 100 by now, but I'm still really happy with what I've achieved.

    I hope that your fiancee is able to get the help he needs to conquer his alcoholism - it will make it very difficult for him if he's at all insecure or uncertain about your progress and your getting healthy.

    Please take good care of yourself, and if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. I also suggest you talk to your doctor and their support staff often - don't do this alone. The doc and his staff know your situation best - listen to them!

    Once you get the clearance to exercise, do what you can - walking is great. I lost the majority of my weight with walking - I started running about 3 months ago, and ran my first 5k race in October. Something I NEVER thought I'd do when I was heavier.

    Find ways to occupy your time that don't include food - now is the time to break old habits and establish new, healthy ones.

    Good luck and blessings to you! :tongue_smilie:

  4. Hi Notorious Novembers! :tongue_smilie:

    Just checking in after a lengthy hiatus. Glad to see everyone is still losing and making it from day to day on this jounrney. I know mine has been tough, but successful. I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary (like most) and have finally broken the 200lb mark (197lbs) after being a high of 247lbs last year. Keep up the good works and keep the thread alive.

    Congrats on breaking 200! That's fantastic!

    Good job everyone... I have 15 more pounds to go to hit 100. I hope to hit by Jan. 1st... The last is really slow.

    I hear ya on the "slow" thing...I'm holding pretty steady here...wanted to be at 100 before my bandiversary (in 6 days!) but am semi-stuck. I'm not too worried, because I wouldn't want ANY of what I've lost back, but...

    Ok, guys, seriously, I'm stuck in a rut. I have tracked every bite I've taken for the last four weeks, I've worked out a minimum of 4 times a week--running, boot camp, yoga, strength. I'm getting in 64 plus ozs of Water a day, taking my Vitamin, eating my Protein first....and I have not DROPPED ONE POUND!! What's up with this? Any ideas? I'm keeping my calories around 1200 to 1400, I've even tried varying it, doing 1000 one day, 1400 the next....nothing is working! HELP!?!?

    Elyse - here's a radical thought...maybe you're not eating ENOUGH? See if you can figure out how many calories you are burning with your exercise and work from there...with 4 days a week, you might just be burning nearly everything you take in, putting your body in starvation mode.

    800 is not a lot of food. Considering I workout for an hour and a half usually 6 days a week, burning about 400 calories each time, it doesn't leave a lot of energy for my body to burn. Everytime I've tried to go that low, my body shuts down and I don't lose anything.

    I think you just hit the nail on the head, Elyse...you are NOT eating ENOUGH...check with a dietician or nutritionist, or even see if there's a gym that has free sample sessions with a personal trainer. I bet if you calculate it out, you are not eating enough...your poor body thinks it's starving and is holding onto EVERYTHING you eat to survive!

    That actually puts me at 840. It's only 6:20 pm, I did an hour and a half at the gym, 30 minutes run/walk, 30 minutes of boot camp, and 30 minutes of strength training. I will be starving by 8 pm so will have to go to bed before then! LOL.

    I know I could do better with my calories, but I also know I could NOT make it on 800 calories a day...wow!

    I was banded last Thursday and I am so hungry. I have to wait 6 weeks for my first fill. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Hi David! Welcome to what we call "bandster hell"...LOL You've got a band, but right now, because you are healing, you don't have restriction. Don't worry about the weight loss right now. Follow your doctor's rules regarding moving from liquids to mushies to solids - you don't want to give yourself a band problem right off the bat. Make protein the first part of your meal - again, following doc's orders, and that may help with the hunger.


    First time poster here... Any Nov. Minnesota Bansters out there? What a great support site!!

    Hi Onenorahs - I'm not in Minnesota, but welcome to the Notorious Novembers!

    I'm doing okay - weight loss has stalled a bit, but I'm losing inches steadily. Down to a size 14 and some size 12's, hanging in there with my fills - I think I've had 3 or 4 (I lose track). Not off the diabetes meds yet, but on low doses.

    Took up running a few months ago, and ran my first 5k in October. Still running - actually ran 3 miles this past weekend in honor of World Run Day. Feeling great...very happy I was banded.

    My bandiversary is November 17 - in 6 days! I'm going to Celebrate, just don't know quite how yet...maybe with some new photos?

    Nice to see new and familiar faces - keep on keepin' on, everyone! :smile:

  5. PJTP...Sneaking in a post in a very busy work day! :tongue_smilie:

    I LOVE IT!!!

    Here's some pics.

    Oh how cute! You DO look great with short hair - it brings the focus to your face and your eyes...gosh, you had a LOT of hair!

    Short hair suits you really well. I love it!

    I second what Crzytchr said!

    Morning All

    Heart - love the 'do!! Hope you are feeling better!

    I third what Tap said!

    Plain - I think I'll go with shin splints as the term....and thankfully, it was the one night only.

    Eww...do NOT like shin splints...

    Still waiting for pics of Tug.

    Yah - where's the puppy?

    Kat - still in TX?

    Yah, Kat - how's TX?

    G4E - How are you doing?

    Yah, G4E - doing okay?

    Ebony...looked at the hallowe'en pics - you and family looked great!

    Thanks so much! That costume was a stretch for me - haven't worn anything that close-fitting since 6th grade! :unsure:

    Crzy - How are you doing? Any fallout from your surprise visitor while you were eating ice-cream?

    Surprise visitors...don't like them! Our BB (Big Boss) tends to just "drop in" at random times...

    As for me - more of the same. Although many places have today as a holiday, my organization does not...so off to the Y and then work. Take care everyone...

    At work as well, no holiday here...YUK!

    Morning everyone and Blessings on you!

    I didn't post yesterday cause I just plumb was wiped out from everything and the rain didn't help. But I am better today. I pray y'all are doing well.

    Glad to hear you are doing better, G4E!

    Heart, you wasn't kidding about short! LOL it looks good though. I had my daughter give me a straight cut a couple of weeks ago. I want to go ahead and cut mine really short before to much falls out from chemo. Right now it is at my shoulders.

    Heart's cut is so cute...she's so brave...I didn't cut mine that short until I decided to stop relaxing and go "natural"...mine was a TWA (teeny weeny afro) for about 4 months! :lol:

    Yes Kat is still in Texas as far as I know. I think she was staying a week there.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Happy to be back on PJTP...work is a bit crazy (deadlines for applicants) plus stuff at home is a bit harrowing because of DH's new responsibilities as a school board member. Long meetings - had the swearing-in yesterday, but he's already getting info packets and studying up.

    He's loving it...me, I'm not so sure yet...I'll reserve judgment.

    I may be buying a motorcycle this weekend...DH was out window shopping today and found one he wants me to see...we'll go check it out on Saturday. He's had his license for years and years - I just got mine about a year ago, but since I don't own a bike, not much time to ride. He feels very strongly that I need my own bike - and I agree - but it wasn't a priority. Now is the time to buy, though...people don't want to store them another winter, so prices are dropping rapidly.

    I'll post pics if I decide to buy one...we'll see! :smile:

    Hopefully I'll BBL...depends on work! :lol:

  6. Hi Everyone! :smile:

    Hanging in there with my running...it's gotten colder, so I don't go as often, but I'm still out there! Ran Sunday morning in honor of World Run Day, did 3 miles, bettered my last time, so I'm feeling pretty good.

    Still walking regularly to keep my mileage up...funny - I still think I walk faster than I run, but running definately burns more calories.

    Mels423 - you've gotten great advice from BillOH and Confused - I agree that once you get comfortable at a certain speed, then you should move to a faster pace. Don't think you have to do it too fast - another member of the forum, Jachut, who runs a LOT, posted that your "wind" capacity may increase faster than your body's ability to withstand the relative "pounding" of running, so while you may feel you can go faster or longer, you should let your body catch up to your lungs to avoid injury.

    I'm definately going faster, and no injuries, so I think I'm doing okay. Still shaping up, but not a lot of weight loss...kinda stalled right now. I started running outside, and funny enough, I'm nervous about using a treadmill! :tongue_smilie:

    I guess you can talk yourself into being nervous about anything...:unsure: Sounds like you are on a good track though...just keep going! :lol:

  7. Hi Mels,

    Welcome to the thread!

    I used the C25K to prepare for my recent 5k run - around the middle of October. I took a little more than 9 weeks to do the program - some weeks I repeated when I felt I wasn't ready to move on.

    It's a great program - I feel it prepared me very well for my first 5k. Though my course was mixed (hills, rocks, trees and mud, oh my!) I still feel I did well. Ran 3 miles today in my best time ever - feeling very good about that!

    I definately recommend running - it has helped me to reshape my body and helped take off a few more pounds. If I was better about my eating (going through a rough patch with eating right now) I'd probably be at my goal weight by now.

    I would also highly recommend BillOH's advice - he's very helpful and encouraging, while continuing to push us (and himself).

    Happy to see you here - you're going to love running!:w00t:

  8. Trying to PJTP again...

    Created this gorgeous multi-post yesterday - lots of stuff, photos, etc. LBT ate it...so frustrating!

    So here's the Reader's Digest condensed version!

    Halloween pics of me, DH and DD posted in an album on my profile - labeled, funny enough, Halloween 2009. Go take a look! :w00t:

    Couldn't get them to attach here...dunno why...

    Holding steady with my weight - feeling pretty good, though the colder weather has these middle-aged bones hurting just a little. No complaints, though...at least they still work pretty well.

    Ran 3 miles this morning in honor of World Run Day - it's a multi-state, multi-country event designed to encourage everyone to get out and run...I know I didn't think it was important 6 months ago, but now I couldn't be without it.

    I was "off" for about a week while DD was house sitting for a friend - had to take the DDog for his walk every morning and he doesn't like to run. I thought I'd have a tougher time of it today, and while I was a bit winded, I was actually FASTER than a week ago! :wink2::w00t::unsure:

    I finished what I call my "long course" before the time ran out on my C25K final workout day. That's the one I repeat on the weekends when I have more time. I think the weather will force me inside shortly - those 35 degree days are tough to run in...the cold air makes my chest hurt!

    It's bad enough I've lost my protective blanket of fat (and I don't want it back, either!) but I seem to be cold no matter what I wear. Only with triple layers or physical activity do I actually feel warm. Drives my DH crazy - I keep talking about putting a heater in our bedroom because our old house doesn't have a radiator in the room. We have two fireplaces, but haven't activated either one because they need chimney work prior to doing that.

    One is in what will be the master bath, the other is going to be our sitting room. Lots of work to do before we get to that stage though...

    Okay, I've talked enough...heading up to bed shortly - gotta get my beauty sleep! LOL

    Heartfire, G4E, Tippity-Tap, Crzytchr, Plain and Kat - I :crying: ya all, and will check in more regularly, I promise! Busy times at work and at home have kept me away, but I'm back again...:crying:

  9. Hi Bill!

    I use Prevention.com's MyWalkingMaps feature - I used it to map out the walks I do at work and around my neighborhood.

    Sometimes it can be a bit klugey, especially when you don't follow the exact same streets on an out-and-back trip, but I can make it work. For instance, my home-based 5k is out toward our local hospital, around in a loop, and finishes on the same street as I start on - mapping that is a bit of a challenge, but once you do it, you can save the route.

    I even added typical walk routes around the Yale campus where I walk so others can see them and use them. It's a pretty neat feature.

    I'm going to check out walkjogrun.net, though...sounds like a great alternative if I have problems with MyWalkingMaps.

    Thanks for the resource! :thumbup:

  10. You know your a bandster when you are really getting rid of the clothes you have outgrown rather than secertly hiding them so you will have something to wear when you regain that weight.

    Love this one Ellen!

    Adding my own this morning:

    You know you are a bandster when the local tailor / alterations shop knows you by name because you keep coming in to have clothes re-measured before you get them altered - the weight loss just keeps coming! :thumbup: :thumbup: :eek:

  11. Ended October with a new personal record for the 5k!

    Go Bill!

    Ran my "long course" over the weekend - just over 3 miles. Completed it in about 35 minutes. Yeah, that's a big change from my previous 5K, but I attribute it partly to it all being pretty flat (gentle swells, not really hills per se) and the fact that I'm familiar with the course and have made it over the mental hurdle of doing the distance.

    Next I'm going to map out a course that includes some hills near my home (we have NO SHORTAGE of those) and run those. I'm still a little apprehensive about the onset of winter (especially since it was SO COLD this morning) but I'm determined to keep going.

    Have a great afternoon, Everyone! :)

  12. (((((((((HUGS))))))))))) I finally found everyone! Man it is hard for me to find ya'll when I come in!

    I hope ya'll are doing good today and being semi good with the treats! lol I pray you all are doing well.

    I am fine. I get my port put in tomorrow and start chemo on Wed or Thurs. I will know when I talk to the Dr. Tues. I got my wig Fri. Things are moving fast now. If I would just hear back from Disability I would be better.

    I am so mad at my self. Since I got unfilled I have gained almost 12 lbs! I know I am eating junk and my nerves are crazy, but man I need to get myself back into control!

    Well my daughter wants to go to the store so I will catch up with ya'll later.

    LOVE YA:wub:

    I'm SO glad to see you, G4E! :):wub::D

  13. PJTP...again!

    Hi Everybody! :D

    Just in from my lunchtime walk and had a couple of minutes, so guess where I am!

    Oh sure....I decide to leave PJTP-Again because it is dying a slow painful death, and you all start posting!!!

    Maybe it's me?:lol::sad:

    Nope, Tippity-Tap, it's NOT you! We wub you! :wub::wub::wub:

    It seems we just went through a busy period...I know I still am in the middle of one! :eek: Saturday's activities were fun...gosh, I felt like 'Rocky Horror' lasted forever!

    Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I'd seen it when I was younger and more easily impressed. Loved Tim Curry's "Sweet Transvestite", but the rest of it I could take or leave.

    The audience participation was hilarious. Half the audience (me included) had never seen it, the other half knew the dialogue by heart (including when to throw things at the screen). I had an obnoxious person shooting me with a Water pistol from behind me about two rows back...now if you know ANYTHING about Black women, you know we take our hair seriously (anybody seen Chris Rock's documentary 'Good Hair' yet? He is getting major grief for spilling the secrets, but I digress) and one thing you do NOT do is squirt water at us without warning! Even though I wear my hair natural, I still didn't want to be squirted...if I could have found the idiot with the water pistol, there would have been an incident that needed the police! :)

    Anyway, DH and I dropped DD off at home after the movie and off we went to a local bar - had great fun! I did upload pics to FB, but will post some here once I get home - they are on my laptop.

    Election day in our community tomorrow - going to be crazy since DH is on the ballot for the school board...

    Fun times in Ebony's house! :wub:

  14. You know you are going down another pant size because your pants make you look like you have a baggy butt.

    Okay, who's been peeking in MY closet! LOL

    watching a nature programme you finally understand perfectly the difference between vomiting and regurgitation!

    (Sorry if that one is gross)

    Oh so true!

    You order your child size portion with a side of to-go-box.


    Here's another: You know you're a bandster when you no longer have to look at the "fully covered" costumes for Halloween because you've lost enough weight and inches that you fit into the "Sexy..." whatever costumes!

    ...when you start to stalk plastic surgeon's websites for good before-and-after pictures of tummy surgery so you can visualize what YOURS will look like!

    ...when even your SHOES are getting too loose!

    ...when you don't mind being a little shorter because you've lost the fat pads on the bottom of your feet!

    Let's keep 'em coming! :)

  15. PJTP...just a quick drive-by posting!

    Ran 2.63 miles this morning - I know exactly how far, because I checked it out with Prevention.com's walking maps feature. It's what I call my "long walk" route, which I guess I'm going to have to extend, now! This was my 5k training route - it works out to 4.2 kilometers. Guess that's why I had a challenge with that 5k a few weeks back - it was longer than I'd ever run before, and on unfamiliar terrain to boot! :Yawn::eek::laugh:

    Going to get ready for a showing of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and our Halloween Party - DH thought the movie was Friday night, but it's tonight. Will take pictures - we're going as a sexy Demon couple...LOL

  16. PJTP...Hi Everyone!

    Having a slow / busy day at work - parts of the morning were kinda slow, but it's picking up now. Half the folks are gone on travel, so everyone's covering and doing extra...

    Just about time to go for my lunchtime walk - be glad to get out of the office for a bit. :)

    Halloween Eve fun tonight - DH and I are going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight at a local theatre. :eek: The group putting it on is a nonprofit, and it's a good cause. We are dressing up, though not as characters from the movie. DH decided to go as a modern-day demon - we put the horns on his head this morning :eek::eek::eek:...will try to post pics later.

    I have a 'sexy demoness' costume - red leather-like bustier, skirt so short it's dangerous, thigh-high black boots...it's gonna be an interesting night! :tt2: Tomorrow night is a party at a local bar / dance club / watering hole. DH has to stay in town cause he's on call...will be fun, because we've been there a couple of times a month since the summer, so they kinda know us...not sure if that's good or bad! :lol:

    Still running 3 days a week and loving it. No residual hip soreness any more - had a little discomfort from my 5k. Thinking about extending my distance and running a 10k in the spring, which means I have to train all winter...probably indoors mostly.

    Coming up to my 1 year bandiversary - November 17th. :eek: Wanted to have lost 100 by now, but I'll be happy with 80, which I'm very close to. Still loving my banded life and very happy I did this...;)

    DD is enjoying college, and has the possibility of doing an internship at Disney from January to June - plus a couple of college-level courses while she's there. :lol: I'm hoping she gets it, but will miss her a bunch while she's gone...

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a safe and happy Halloween weekend! :sad:

  17. Hello Road Warriors!

    Fully recovered from my 5k (had a little hip discomfort) and am back to running. Still loving it - even with the cold mornings we've had lately in New England.

    Still walking a lot, running 3 days a week. Starting to plan for longer runs on the weekend so I can build additional endurance. Once I have to go inside, I'll have to make time to go to the gym after work to get increased mileage in. I want to run another 3 - 5 5k races before trying a 10k.

    Weight loss is slow, but at least it's moving in the right direction. Working more on building muscle than losing weight right now - I figure if I put on a few pounds of muscle, the additional calorie burn at rest will help with getting rid of the last 20 or so pounds. Plus, I plan to be more active and eating even better while this is going on. I'm determined NOT to add any 'winter padding' like I used to do every year before this. Last year was an exception - I was banded in November.

    Coming to my 1 year bandiversary - really wanted to be down 100 lbs by now, but I'll be happy with 80. I'm a few pounds away. I should be able to Celebrate my next birthday (in February) at or very near my goal weight if I stay focused November - January.

    Still highly recommend the Couch-to-5k plan - downloaded the 10k plan, but haven't tried it yet. There are some comments on the download page that lead me to believe it doesn't have the mid-run warning, which could be an annoyance. I like not having to watch the clock when I run...if it's true, I'll send the author an email and ask them to add it in the next version.

    Hope everyone is doing well! :sad:

  18. PJTP...back again! :thumbup:

    *bites lip*


    Oh Plain, don't hurt yourself, we don't like this woman!!! We don't care if you laugh at her!!! Or what may or may not have happen to her!!!

    ROFLMBO again...Kat, that was perfect!

    I see your Sound of Music and raise you a: "Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!" Come back, Tap!

    Come back, Taps! Come back! I admit it, I haven't been here as much as before, and you're right, I do need "study breaks" - heck, I need "work breaks" too!

    I love the PJTP thread...was sorry to see the old one go, but I'm determined to stay for this one. So even if you don't see me posting every day, I'm still here and I'm not giving up *Ebony stamps foot*

    Come back, Taps...come back!:thumbdown:

  19. Hi Notorious Novembers!

    how tall are you Ebony and DD? I'm 5'8" and I'd love to hit that 100 lbs mark too DD!!

    I'm 5' 10" tall - currently sitting at 190 lbs and wearing either a 16 or a 14, depending on the manufacturer. Funny enough, Women's sizes fit better than standard sizes - a 14W is perfect, some 16's are a bit loose, others are a bit tight. I tried on a pair of size 12 jeans a few weeks ago, and they were tight across my tummy (because of the post-weight loss pouch) and too short in the legs - go figure!

    Then I'd be done! I've slacked off this last 6 weeks. I have a whole myriad of excuses but that's all they are, I've been lazy and uncommitted and it seems like this last 25 to 30 pounds is a lot of work.

    I hear ya and understand - it seemed to me that the first 75 came off fairly easily, but this last 20 or so is being really stubborn.

    I was lucky that the first 70 just kinda came off without me doing much of anything. I'm still doing the c25k program, week three, thought it would kill me but it didn't. I walk the other three days, and strength train four days a week. I've been consistent the last three weeks and I honestly think that it's helped my cigarette cravings.

    Congrats on the c25k - I just finished it and ran a 5k a couple of weeks ago - finished second-to-last, but I finished it! I've noticed a difference in my body since I started running - my inner thighs are tighter. I actually investigated plastic surgery and my surgeon told me I had a "lot of good muscle" in my legs.

    Water? ! Ebony you are so right, I've really made an effort to get my water in this week and have seen a huge difference in how I feel.

    I read somewhere that thirst can be mistaken for hunger, that sometimes we EAT when we really should be DRINKING water or other fluids...

    I've also been writing down everything I eat this week and can see where my slip ups are...I agree the writing it down really makes you accountable. In the end, it's all me, and my lack of patience and my tendency to be lazy, lol. I know I'm a lot healthier now, my last dr visit a couple of weeks ago my blood pressure was down to something like 102 over 66, instead of the 120 over 80 it used to be.

    Yay! Great result on the blood pressure!

    So, all in all, what started out as a 'me' thing has changed the lives of my entire family. We're all eating better, making better choices, getting exercise and not mindlessly putting crap in our mouths. Really, I can honestly say that even though I got the band to look and feel better about myself, it was the BEST decision I've made in terms of the health of my entire family.

    That is truly wonderful - that's a big NSV if ever I saw one!

    DD I'm gonna have to agree with you, I think 140 is going to be too small for you. You'd look scrawny. I'm hoping for 160. Doc says that'd be a good weight for me. Something to do with how big your feet and hands are (I wear a 10 shoe), but I know 140 would be way too skinny for me...my hubby likes a little curve, not just bone!

    One of my best friends keeps saying to me that she doesn't want me to become a 'bobble head' with a big head on a tiny body. :hurt::cryin: I'm getting a lot of comments about me being "skinny enough" lately...

    I think I might settle for 160 and a tummy tuck!:wink2:

    DD - I'm following the same train of thought. I think I'd like to get down to 170, hold that for a while and see what I can do with exercise, then plan for a Tummy Tuck next year. With my DD starting college, there isn't a WHOLE lot of extra money to be had...

    Course, I'm also having some work done on the 'girls'...they are not what they used to be! :eek:

  20. PJTP...Back after the weekend!:hurt:

    Saturday was busy - lots of stuff around the house. Had a bad tummy day (sensitive, lots of PB'ing on stupid stuff that didn't bother me a few days ago - go figure) but okay.

    My monthly "friend" must be approaching - I usually get tight around that time, but this is reediculous!

    Lots of reading and studying - my classes are different that way this time. I've got to stay on top of them or I'll get seriously behind!

    Went to a college football game with DH and DD - halfway through the game, slimed on nachos (chips, I guess - only ate about a quarter of them) and felt yukky the rest of the day. The game was fun, though - our team won!

    DD is hoping to be chosen for a Disney internship starting in January - she'd be in Orlando, working and attending classes, and be there until May. Then she'd be home for a couple of months and start at Virginia State in August. I'm happy for her, but I know I'm going to miss her a ton! :cryin:

    She did an online assessment and had a phone interview on Sunday, which went very well.

    Sunday was kinda slow...church in the morning, DH and DD did some campaign stuff while I took care of homework, and then we went to the movies. They saw the latest movie in the "Saw" franchise, I saw "Law Abiding Citizen" which I thought was excellent.

    Took it easy on my sensitive tummy the rest of the day, and today's been okay. Back to running this morning and my hip feels fine - want to get the last 20 pounds off so I can get to "Maintenance Mode".

    Have a wonderful afternoon, Everyone! :wink2:

  21. PJTP...

    Noticing that the room is empty, Tapshoes takes centerstage, grabs the mic and belts out show tunes, and then dressed in a killer danceoutfit, dances up a storm the likes of which haven't been since since Gene Kelly was in his prime.

    Exhausted, but ecstatic, Tapshoes, wipes her brow, and leaves the stage................

    After recovering from her startled, but appreciative state, Ebony stands and applauds wildly for Tapshoes. :closedeyes:

    Yay I vote for more Fridays, fundraiser was great but yesterday was so tired could not put two sentences together. Great skill in the professional work place. This weekend will consist of some work, some study (MFT test) and some fun. (I like the fun part have to deal with the other parts). Have a great weekend all I will check in later!

    Rest up, Bristlecone - glad you had a good time!

    Busy here in the office this afternoon - file uploads, filing recieved materials, testing, data adjustments, etc, etc, etc.

    At least I DID get out for a walk at lunchtime. Not exactly looking forward to my walk to the train station though - it's getting gray and cold / windy out...BRRRR! :w00t:

  22. PJTP...I'm back! :closedeyes:

    So are you reconsidering the size? I'd love to have 'the girls' hoisted back where they belong, but that isn't going to happen - Tummytuck is a more pressing need - and that's at least 1 year away.........

    I feel you on that - I want the 'girls' hoisted back up higher again, but for me as well, the tummy is the priority. I think I'd drop another clothing size or two if I didn't have the 'pouch' sitting in front of me!

    I know what you mean on the bra shopping...when I find one that fits and is on sale, I buy multiple..

    I've done that too - but my size keeps changing! A couple of the DDD's I've bought recently are already getting baggy. Not a pretty thought...I don't want to lose much more in the chest.

    Nails - you mean chipped, splitting, uneven, different lengths isn't the way they should be???

    ROFLMBO - my hands resemble that remark as well.

    Glad to hear that work has been quiet; keep your head down and your eyes and ears open for new opportunities to get outta that toxic environment!

    Absolutely - still looking closer to home...

    I hear you on the PS and delaying due to $$. How do you fell about DH's comment???

    I was a bit taken aback...I thought he'd be gung-ho on the subject of surgery, but I also think he's a bit worried about the physical effects of so much rapid change all at once. He definately enjoys having a new, slimmer wife and the extra attention I'm getting. He's always been a bit competitive, and he says now he's gotta step HIS game up to make sure I stay put. I'm not opposed to that, but I don't want him to become paranoid and strange about it...

    OK people, it's Friday - let's just get through it, so that we can enjoy our weekends!

    Weekends are MADE for enjoying!

    The inventor of coffee should be given a Nobel prize (posthumously, obviously).

    Even though I don't drink a LOT of coffee, I have to agree...sometimes nothing else will do!

    Why do I live where there is even the remote possibility of snow - let alone the annual deluge?


    How much money will I REALLY need to retire and maintain (make that, improve) my lifestyle and afford lots of international travelling??

    I'd like to know the answer to that - I'd love to travel more!

    In the debate between lower cost or going 'green', which is the right choice? Why can't it be both 'green' AND less expensive?

    Agreed! When I was researching a new car, I looked at the Toyota Prius - but it was SO much more expensive, I just couldn't afford it. I did get something more efficient than my old car, but I wish I'd been able to go the full distance so to speak...

    NSV...sitting at my desk with my legs crossed at the knee and my leg isn't going to sleep. It's actually COMFORTABLE to sit like this...:)

    Never thought I'd be able to say that...I do :lol: my band!:w00t:

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