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Everything posted by DivaStyleCoach

  1. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Hey Bill! You definately rock! I agree with krtork - you are an inspiration! I wanted to check in and let everyone know that I've officially "completed" the Couch-to-5k program. I ran 3 miles without stopping the past two running days (Tuesday and Thursday this week) and I couldn't be happier. When I started this, I could NOT have run 3 blocks, let alone 3 miles. I could walk it, but not run it. Now I'm very comfortable running those 3 miles. I'm now working on speed - staying on pace with whatever music is playing on my iPhone, which is upbeat, steady-tempo stuff. I'm curious - is there a program to take ya from a 5k to a 10k? I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that yet, but then, I wasn't ready to do a couch-to-5k a few months ago either! My Penguin 5k is Saturday morning (a week from tomorrow) so I'll run either Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday next week and take a day off before the race. I want to do well, and since it's my first one, I want to set myself up for success. Everyone have a wonderful weekend! :thumbup:
  2. Hey Notorious Novembers! I'm at the end of a VERY busy day, our application deadline is today, so I've been swamped with emails and calls from nervous applicants...they are actually kinda cute, and I like helping them as much as I can. :thumbup: You will build up "wind" faster than your solid tissue (legs, ankles, hips) builds up strength for the running. I was still panting up until about 3 weeks ago - and I still do if I try to go too fast. Make sure you get a good pair of running shoes and reserve them for your workouts. I also invested in running "tanks" because they help cut down on the bounce factor from my boobs. Because it's getting cooler here, I wear a reflective vest and something with long sleeves - if it's warmer out, a t-shirt, if not, a long-sleeve thermal shirt. You can do it! I hope you find the answer you need, WannaB - but please don't give up. You wanted the band because you wanted to be healthier. Maybe shaking up your exercise routine would help - try running, swimming, play a sport or something different a few days a week. If you've been walking at the same speed, your body may have adapted - try changing something up -walk backwards, for instance. Please check back in and let us know how you're doing...
  3. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP...Hi y'all! Checking in...the interview went well (I think)...was primarily informational. They wanted to emphasize that they are looking for someone who will 'fit in' with the small company / family atmosphere of the place. It's a small employer - only a couple hundred folks, total - maybe not even that many, and they are more concerned with people fitting in personality-wise. They said over and over that they can train someone on tech stuff (and I have a lot of tech experience anyway) but that people skills cannot be taught. They were running a little late, and we only talked for about a half hour. I knew it would be short. We talked about my current position, my past tech experience, and I worked in as much as I could about my people-to-people interaction skills and how I loved being part of a team. I also told them how I loved being part of a smaller employer so that people knew other folks' jobs, and we all did whatever was necessary to get the job done - no cross-job issues as such. I think it went well - and they said I would hear from them hopefully by the end of the week to schedule a panel interview. There are two positions open - one more senior than the other - and I would take either one right about now. They know and love my hubby, so I'm hoping that works in my favor...I'll let y'all know as soon as I know something! This is a really tough one, Tap...I had almost the opposite situation with my DH. When he and I got back together (we were high school sweethearts, broke up, married other folks, started families, both ended up divorced and got back together after our 10 year H.S. reunion) it was me leaving my family, the place where I grew up, and a lot of friends, plus a good career-focused job to move to New England and start over with him. I made the choice with my heart, not my head, and I have not regretted it. I chose to follow my heart and be with the man I love, ups, downs and whatevers along the way. It sounds as if you are willing to take a stand for professional growth and personal happiness on this...sounds like your moving to the new community and reacquainting with your old friends is important to you. The opportunity for professional growth is not to be taken lightly, but...is this just bringing to a head issues that have already been there and are now just getting to the breaking point? Would it be possible for you to generate new friendships and a happier social life in your current location, and let THAT fill the space that the relatively unfulfilling job has left? I do not want to suggest that you settle - it sounds like maybe you've done that for a while - and please feel free to tell me I'm way off-base on this if I am. I also don't want to offend you - I consider you a friend, and it's hard to get my feelings across in this two-dimensional medium...:cursing: If you are truly wanting to move on, with or without your DH, then there is something more going on here than just the job dissatisfaction, and perhaps the possibility of a new job has just given you the push you needed to make a more permanent change. Please take your time in considering this...it is not a small thing to put that kind of distance between you, even for a short time... My DH had the possibility of being a 'geographic bachelor' during one of his Navy assignments - he would have been assigned to American Samoa for a year and we would NOT have moved with him. At the time our kids were young - under 12 - and I was dead set against it. I felt it was more important for him to be with us at that stage in the kids' development. He chose to stay stateside, and we have kept it moving from there...I have had opportunities to move out of state for work, or to move our entire family to a neighboring state for work. We did a careful analysis of what the commute would be for both of us, the school systems, etc. In the end, I did the commute while the family stayed put (I was living at home with them) and we made it through. I cannot tell you what to do, but I will say do your due diligence. This is not a decision to be made lightly - but you know that already. I know you to be reasoned, intelligent and sensitive, and I believe you will make the right decision. :wink2: Feel free to PM me if you want, or we can continue the discussion here on the boards...it's entirely up to you! :redface:
  4. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP...Good morning Everyone! We've got the cold, rainy, windy weather here in New England this morning also...my house is chilly and I think a bowl of oatmeal or grits will be on my menu this morning. Brrr...and I don't even want to THINK about winter right now...without my extra 'blanket' I'm not sure how I'll make it this winter! :biggrin: Feeling like I need to winterize my house...put plastic on windows, insulate, etc...I'm in full-on 'cocooning' mode...thinking about chili or beef stew for dinner...breaking out the crock pot again! Have a good day, everyone!
  5. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP... Busy day today...HI TAP! *waving* :cursing: Been stuck on the phone, in the files and on the computer all day...two days before our application submission deadline and the candidates are collectively losing their minds... Plus that flu shot I got yesterday is catching up with me. Energy level is just about down to zero, my 'monthly visitor' arrived, and I'm eating like a starving draft horse!:thumbup: Thankfully, I've only got 90 minutes left in my day...I did finish my final paper for Humanities class last night. Will do a final read-through and submit tonight so I can finally relax. Classes start up again the end of next week, so I want to take advantage of the break. Found a new rolling bag for my commute - a Nicole Miller, on sale for under $50 at Staples. Didn't realize how much of a difference good rolling wheels can make! My left shoulder is stiff and painful (doc says bursitis, recommended trying to strengthen it with exercise and if that doesn't work, cortisone shots). That means no over-the-shoulder bag for me for a while. Don't know what I'll do when the snow flies...cross that bridge when I get there. Virtual shopping on EBay...currently wearing a size L Tahari dress that I found there...grey knit with black accents - love the dress, love even more that it's a size L and not an XL, a XXL or some such. Back to the phones, filing and such...hopefully I'll BBL, but if not, have a great night everyone! :ohmy:
  6. DivaStyleCoach

    8/14/09 goal weight!

    Go Allie!You look mahvelous!
  7. DivaStyleCoach


    Tap - congrats on the grandbaby! Somehow, I missed that as well...I LOVE LOVE LOVE grandbabies! *sniff* I miss my grandson...he's getting so big now, and I haven't seen him in a year because DS and DDIL moved to Indiana...just haven't had time or budget to go and see them. Gotta change THAT for 2010! :frown: :eek: :w00t:WOOT ALERT :wink3: :sad: Just got a call for a job with our local public utility (yep, where my hubby works). Because of my qualifications and experience, I put in for two different levels of the same job - one more senior than the other - but both of which I am qualified for. I have an interview on Wednesday...hoping and praying this is the one for me! :w00t:
  8. Hi Marisol, I hope the port revision works for you - maybe after you heal from the surgery you can get another fill and get to a comfortable level of restriction. Now comes the hard part - being patient with yourself while you are healing from the operation. Just do the best you can with the bandster rules regarding food and incorporate some exercise into your daily routine (if you aren't doing that already). Sometimes exercise can help curb your appetite. I wish you all the best in your healing process - and check in to let us Notorious Novembers know how you're doing! :frown:
  9. DivaStyleCoach


    Hi Tap! No good news yet on the job front...there has been no real change in my situation. Every time they give me a new assignment, I'm apprehensive about getting all the information needed to do the job correctly, but having never done it before, I don't really know what questions to ask! Two of the jobs I applied for through the Federal Govt were filled before they got to me; one of the jobs I applied for here at my current employer was filled by someone on layoff - I can't exactly be upset about that...still looking and still trying to stay encouraged. It's hard not knowing when the next 'shot across the bow' will come...but I'm just trying not to obsess about it. It's our busy season - application deadline is this week, so I've been swamped with phone calls and emails from applicants. I barely have time to breathe. Still working on documentation requested by my union - they are "hard over" on me needing this "tell me how to do what you want done" procedural stuff. I'm supposed to document what I do and get the manager to sign off that it's the right procedure. Unfortunately, all the procedures are changing because we're going to an online application process, so whatever I had before is no longer valid. It's not the most fun place to be right now...good thing I have my running, my family and my friends to come to! :frown:
  10. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP...it's definately MONDAY!:sad: Tons of phone calls from prospective candidates - the poor babies are all stressed out about their applications and stuff that hasn't come in yet, and the deadline is Thursday. I try to reassure them that even if the stuff comes in late, as long as it's not a couple of MONTHS late, it will be okay... I feel for them - it's stressful and they feel getting into the right MBA program is critical to their career success, so I try to be patient and positive and encouraging to them all... Ebony makes note to self - go see Fanny's other pics Oh gosh - well, it'll come off again soon - it's probably as much water as anything else. Ran 3 miles without stopping to walk in the middle this morning. I am at the "end" of the C25k program I downloaded - for some reason it only goes to week 9 and I thought it went 12 weeks...:frown: I feel really good...and while the pounds haven't moved much, the inches continue to leave, which I'm glad about. Back to the grind...BBL!:eek:
  11. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP... Takiing a short break before I return to writing my final paper for my Humanities class... Had a wonderful weekend - the play and dinner in New Haven was wonderful - funny, I got to spend time with my DD and one of my BFF's, and had a great time. Brought home 2/3rds of my dinner - a heavenly Risotto with sun-dried tomatoes and broccoli - YUM! There's enough for two lunches this week, along with the steak I broiled today for dinner... Am going to make Italian Herb chicken in the crock pot tomorrow, so there will be additional leftovers to use the rest of the week - I'm getting the hibernation feeling too - wanting to cook more, and cook 'comfort food'... Had a wonderful potato Soup on Friday - will be looking for a recipe for that one - and I also love chili when it gets cooler. Penguin 5k in two weeks - I think I'm ready, but I can always get better. Was told by one of my church 'elders' - one of our senior members - that I've lost enough weight. I said "Thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate that" and she responded "I don't want you to appreciate it, I want you to LISTEN!" Only this particular lady (in her late 80's, a real firebrand, feisty as all get out, though her step is getting a bit slower) could get away with that, with me...I love and respect her so much...and I've heard that so much from family and friends lately that I've reset my goal to 175 lbs (instead of the original 155). My losses have come much slower and much tougher lately, which may be my body's way of telling me I'm near my goal as well. I'll see how I feel at 175 and use that as a stopping point. If - no WHEN - I get there, I'll evaluate how I'm feeling. At that weight, I will have lost 90 lbs - and I'm shooting for it to be gone by my bandiversary on November 17th. That would be the coolest! :smile:
  12. Hi Notorious Novembers! I agree! I've got a 5k run scheduled in about 2 weeks, and I'm determined to RUN the whole thing - and the C25k program is what will make it possible! Have a wonderful week, everyone! :smile:
  13. DivaStyleCoach

    New notorious novembers weightloss spreadsheet

    Hi Notorious Novembers! I'm a little late, but I did make it below 200 lbs - I am now happily in ONEDERLAND!!! :wink2: :wink2: :w00t: :sad: :smile: :thumbup: Please update me on the spreadsheet - and I've revised my goal weight (after much pressure from friends and family and my doctor) to 175. Only 21 lbs to go! Keep at it, everyone - we are all doing great!
  14. Hi Notorious Novembers! DD - glad you are doing well - like the others said, don't worry about the weight gain, it will come off and even MORE before your wonderful vacation... You have such a great attitude, and I KNOW you'll be hitting the exercise hard once you're cleared - just remember to follow Doc's orders so you don't have any interruption to your healing. Keep us informed - and have a wonderful Saturday!:thumbup:
  15. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP...Good early morning everyone! :thumbup: Had a wonderful end-of-the-week - healthy lunches with friends at work which required an extra walk to reach them (bonus!) and went out dancing last night with my hubby after a First Friday concert event. Had a great time - while I don't necessarily recommend this to everyone, I danced the 'Cupid Shuffle' and the 'Cha Cha Slide' back to back at the club in 5-inch spike heels! :-) Just goes to show what living a good banded life can do for ya! My legs were feeling strong (all the running and walking) and my knees didn't hurt (losing 69 pounds helped) and for me, since I'm a diabetic, no alcohol, but plenty of Protein before (dinner at First Friday show). Sometimes I wonder why it took a major health challenge for me to wake up and treat my body right...but that's in the past. I am so enjoying my 'normal sized' life (thanks to my band!), and while I would NEVER look down on someone still fightiing their weight (because I'm not at goal yet) I WILL become more of an evangelist regarding living a healthier life, and getting there by using the Lap-Band. Everyone have a wonderful Saturday - rainy and chilly here in CT, but I've got my brand-new elliptical trainer in my house that's ready for me so I don't miss a workout prior to my Penguin 5k run in two weeks. Have a wonderful day - going with my daughter and a good friend to New Haven to see "The Cleanup Woman" (musical / play in the Tyler Perry vein) and have dinner after the show. BBL!
  16. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Go for it, Bill! You are an inspiration and a role model - YOU GO BOY!:thumbup: Raining and cold this morning, so I'm going to take advantage of my elliptical trainer and do that as my workout today. 2 weeks until the Penguin 5k and I'm determined to keep up my training and be ready to run the entire thing. Pounds lost are steady, but inches are changing all over - I'll take it! Want to lose about 20 more pounds, then maintain there and keep working out. Considering plastic surgery this year, but only if it fits into my timetable and my budget... Have a great Saturday, everyone!
  17. DivaStyleCoach

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Hi Bill, ROFLMBO at your wife's response... Actually, I think there are fewer men with 'members' the size of a cucumber than one might think...though my experience is quite limited (I've been married twice, have had very few lovers prior to my 2nd - and last - marriage), I've never met or heard of anyone that size among the ladies in my circle of friends. One could consider starting with a 'baby' cucumber and moving up from there, but somehow I don't think that's quite what your wife meant...:smile: I think earlier on this thread, someone mentioned that they started 'getting used to it' by working with their DH's fingers, working from smallest and narrowest to thickest. If your wife recieves pleasure from finger use, then she might be willing to go further...but please, take your time with this and let HER set the pace. My first husband was not interested in it, and neither was I...it took my current DH raising the subject gently and a period of time before my mind would allow consideration of the POSSIBILITY let alone the reality. Now, it's not an 'everyday' thing, but once in a while we BOTH crave it, and so that's when we indulge. Hope this helps...glad you felt comfortable enough to ask the question!
  18. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...the original! We are in 100% agreement on that one! :smile: Do these folks that let such stupid things come out of their mouths even OWN a dictionary? Consensual means she was IN AGREEMENT with what happened to her - IMO, as soon as you drug a person, they are no longer able to give that kind of consent. And for an adult to do that to a 13-year old is reprehensible. Bad Plain...don't raise THAT particular spectre! :thumbup:
  19. DivaStyleCoach

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Hi Bill, DH = Darling Husband or Dear Hubby...unless you're mad at him, then it could be Darn or Da*n! :smile: And thanks for the congrats - I absolutely am loving my banded life!
  20. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP...Happy Friday, People! :thumbup: :w00t: :w00t: I'm SO glad it's Friday...have a wonderful weekend planned. I'm going to a Steel Drum show with DH tonight - part of our local Arts council's First Friday series - foot tappin, dancin, good time to come. Going to see a play tomorrow with DD and one of my best work friends. We got the tickets over a month ago and have planned to get dinner at a nearby restaurant after the show. She's bypassed, I'm banded, so there won't be a LOT of food eating going on...it's more for the company and the chance to hang out!:smile: Wearing my new 'Cowboy Cut' jeans today - 36 x 36 - so they are plenty long...also have a new jacket that I just bought and is already getting loose. The pounds aren't going very fast, but the inches are going! Seems to be my pattern - I'll lose really well for a while, stall on the weight loss, but the inches will go, and then the weight loss will start again. Go figure! Everyone have a wonderful weekend, and for all those fighting headaches, illnesses and family illnesses - Good health to you! Can ya tell I'm in a really good mood? :w00t:
  21. DivaStyleCoach

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Hi Bill, I can only speak for myself, but I really DO enjoy it...it's a different kind of sensation, and without getting too graphic, it allows my DH to keep his hands free to explore other parts of my body. One of our favorite ways to enjoy this position is with him on his back and me on my back on top of him...takes a bit of coordination and timing, but it can be done...and because he's taller and heavier than I, it's more comfortable for me that way... You MUST be ready for this...it's not something everyone will enjoy - some women will do it because their partners love it and it brings the partner pleasure. Lubricate, lubricate, lubricate, and take your partner's anatomy as well as your own into account. It MUST be a mutual decision - there can be no coercion or force involved (unless that is part of the enjoyment for you both), and you should talk about it afterward. Communication - honest, open communication - is critical when trying something that is new to both of you and has all sorts of societal 'baggage' around it. Now that I've gotten that out there... everyone enjoy your weekend! :smile:
  22. DivaStyleCoach

    September Exercise Challenge

    Good morning all, I don't know if anyone has started an October Exercise Challenge thread yet, but I'll check and see, and if not, I'll start one. This is the month I'll be running my first 5k! Got up late this morning, so no run at home, but did my usual walk from the train station to my office building, will walk again at lunchtime, and then will run 3 miles tomorrow morning before doing my usual Saturday running around and chores. Two weeks (roughly) until the Penguin 5k, so I'm getting tighter with my eating / nutrition plan, taking my Vitamins more regularly, and doing more stretching. I will also take more deliberate care with my warm-ups since it's now colder in the mornings, and I don't want to risk an injury keeping me out of the race. Have a great weekend, everyone, in case I don't check in until Monday...:smile:
  23. DivaStyleCoach

    Tummy tuck 9/9/09!

    Hi Minidriver! I agree with you there...I also will not be skinny when all this is said and done, but that's okay with me. I have been full-figured most of my life, and I don't want to be too thin. I call my transformation process going from being full figured to being FULLY figured...LOL The only thing making me continue to try to lose is the fact that I'm not off the diabetes meds yet - and I may talk to my PCP about whether the plastic surgery and the attendant loss from that procedure will make a difference. That may be the make-or-break factor for me...if I still need to do some physical work to get me off the meds, I'll wait for that, but it's the only thing right now that would make me postpone the surgery beyond the financial aspect. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone if I don't get back to the thread today! :smile:
  24. DivaStyleCoach

    Tummy tuck 9/9/09!

    Absolutely will do, luv2teech! I work at Yale University in New Haven and am covered by their health plan, so that's where I'm looking for info. Dr. Schulman in NYC has a thread here...I've just gotta break away from my office to call his office and make an appointment for a consult. I'd love to do the surgery this year, but it really depends on timing and money...he recommended 3 weeks off for me, and right now I can cover that, but only with the help of our regular holiday shutdown. I may not be ready for the surgery - I've heard reports that you should be at goal for 6 months before surgery, and others that said they had the surgery to help them reach their goal...I'm of two minds about it - part of me wants to GET IT OVER WITH - but not at the risk of my health. I'll keep y'all informed - and if I find out I can make this happen this year, I'll start a plastic surgery thread so I don't 'hijack' this one!
  25. DivaStyleCoach


    PJTP...I'm either blind or just plain crazy (or maybe both) but the thread really IS still there...:smile: Just ignore the crazy woman in New England, please...

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