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Everything posted by DivaStyleCoach

  1. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Allie! Long time no talk to...I forgot you and I were the same height! That's really cool that you're at your goal weight - congrats! Are you going to chronicle your journey to surgery like Laura did? December 14th is NOT that far off - what an awesome Christmas present to give yourself! Sounds like my original goal of 155 might still be okay - I'll be very curious to see how you're doing as you reach your date and afterward. :biggrin:
  2. DivaStyleCoach

    Notorious November Weightloss Spreadsheet

    Hi! Please update me - latest weight 205...knocking on the door to Onederland! Thanks a bunch - everybody keep up the good work!:thumbup:
  3. Hi Notorious Novembers!:thumbup: GinnyTwo - don't you apologize for long posts - I do them too! We WANT to know what's going on with you, and getting the stuff that's in your head out on the screen makes it easier to deal with. Feel free to write as often and as much as you want if it helps! It's wonderful that your "kids" want to walk with you - that's a great motivator. I like Greek yogurt too - will get some this weekend. I was a bit concerned about the sugar content (because of my diabetes) but I'm going to try mine with fresh fruit and go for it. Like you - I need to eat more protein. Glammaw - congrats on the 2 lb loss! Sometimes just tracking what we are doing points out changes we can make to take us from 95% to 100%. I know when I have to write down what I eat, I eat better! WesleysGurl - I feel ya on the progress thing. I'm not where I want to be, but thank goodness I'm not where I WAS, either! I am closing in on Onederland and I want to see that scale number drop below 200 so bad I can taste it! I don't want to overdo and injure myself though, so I will continue with my plan...it's all about perspective. Here I am, thinking I'm moving slowly because I've only lost 60 lbs since I was banded, and someone sent me a message that it took them 2 years to lose 60 pounds! It's all relative...we have to take it easy on ourselves, though, because beating ourselves up won't make the band work any better. Time to get my busy weekend started...have a great one, everybody! :wub:
  4. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Morning, Everyone! :thumbup: Just went for a "wog"...did Week 3, Day 3 of the Couch to 5k and made it through wonderfully. I have three walking routes I use, short, medium and long. The long route was perfect for doing the program workout - I haven't been using the recordings because I run with my DH and he has an aversion to technology, but since he's out of town this weekend, I decided to test my fitness level and do the program exactly as indicated. I made it through just fine - even ran up a short hill because that's where I was when the recording beeped and said "Run". I feel great! I know I'm making progress, and I feel certain I'll be doing a race in September or October. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and accountability... Have a wonderful weekend!
  5. DivaStyleCoach

    Closing in on Onederland, Wogging, and Wardrobe

    It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, and a LOT has been happening... Summer has finally arrived in New England! The rainy and cool June gave way to a slightly warmer July, but August has come in hot and humid. I do like summer (mostly without the humidity) and since I'm not as heavy as I used to be, I'm enjoying it a LOT more this time. Amazing how NOT sweating all the time makes warm weather more enjoyable, plus the fact that I feel I can wear shorts and tank tops without being embarassed. I never had the sense of body acceptance that some people considered 'overweight' by mainstream society have...I always envied that sense of confidence they had. I say that because I know of some women who are perfectly happy at their larger size and strut their stuff on a regular basis. They made me smile, but it was a sad smile because I did not share their confidence. It took me losing the weight to regain the confidence I had when I was younger. Having been heavy a lot of my adult life - shoot, ALL of my adult life so far - and not being accepted makes for low self-esteem. I'm happy to say I'm recovering from that. Happy news - I am closing in on Onederland! I'm only a few pounds away from breaking the 200 pound mark (203 as of this morning) and I can see it in front of me...somewhere I haven't been since before high school! I know part of the reason I'm losing at a decent rate is my activity level - I walk a LOT - 6 days a week is regular for me. The Couch to 5K program ("wogging") is making the difference. My legs are shaping up, I feel stronger, and I've developed an addiction to the activity. I WANT to run - I NEED to run - and when I don't go, I feel rotten. Even 90 degree humid weather doesn't keep me in the house any more - I just bring water with me, drink as I go, and run on! My wardrobe adventures are continuing. Some of my 16's are getting looser, and I've got to go through my closet and get rid of the 18's and 20's - I'm not planning on going back there EVER again! I'm going to try on some 14's this weekend to see how THAT goes...I wasn't even sure I could fit into a 16 not too long ago, so now I'm hungry for more. I have been noticing early morning tightness with my band - partly due to stress (I'm trying to change jobs within the same company) and partly due to dehydration, I think. Another LBT member, RestlessMonkey, posted a message that a banded friend had issues with being tight in the morning and when she increased her water intake earlier in the day, it got better. I've done a limited trial on my own (recent lunch with co-workers) and drinking more water DID help...I'm going to keep it up and see what happens. I know I'm not getting enough water, so that can only help me. If you're new to banding, do your research and talk to as many people as you need to in order to be comfortable with your decision - but don't wait until you have ALL the answers, because you might never get to that point. You CAN do this - the folks on LBT and in your doc's office will help you. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions about anything I've posted - I'm happy to try and help! :sad:
  6. DivaStyleCoach

    Tighter In he morning

    Hi Everyone! RestlessMonkey - I think you are definately ON to something with the Water issue. Yesterday, even before I read your post, I went to lunch with some co-workers. One of them has a daughter that went to culinary school and now works at the restaurant. I knew it would be primarily sandwiches, which give me trouble mid-day because of the bread. For whatever reason, I was really thirsty, so I started sipping water before our orders came. I was probably into my second glass of water before the food arrived (yeah, I know, I'm not supposed to drink that close to eating) but funnily enough, it DID make a difference! I was able to eat my salad without a lot of trouble, and while I did get a small challenge with the sandwich, normally I would NOT have been able to eat more than a couple of bites. I got through 1/4 of the sandwich (it was a HUGE sandwich) at lunch, and then had the other 1/4 in my car on the way home. The second half became my DD's dinner! I DO LOVE BREAD, but since I got good restriction, it hasn't loved me back. This was the first time I could eat it without a lot of problems. Thank you so much for sharing this tip - I thought I was getting enough Fluid, but obviously not - it made an immediate difference! Now I know I can eat bread occasionally - so I'll save those times for the really good homemade / artisan breads - not the regular stuff from the grocery store! :thumbup::wub::wub:
  7. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Good morning PJTP Family!:wub: Just came in from an awesome run...did Week 3, Day 3 of the Couch to 5K program and completed all of it. A couple of times I was a bit tired, but soldiered through. It took just about 30 minutes, and I used the "long" route that I use for weekend walks. I feel great! DH is away at a pilot's meeting this weekend and combining that with a visit to his sister in Arizona. I'm jealous...wish I could have gone, but job changes and the budget made that impossible. Signed the paperwork to sell our old church building to a new church - one more set of signatures today and it's all done. We (the old church) will have the 'load off our minds' taken away (it's a beautiful old building, but a LOT of work for a small congregation) and the new group will have a building they can grow into - they are so excited! :thumbup: I've got another busy Saturday ahead - more drywall patching, painting and moving stuff around in the MBR, homework and studying, and we'll throw some fun in there as well - though anyone who knows me knows I LOVE working on my old house! Have a wonderful weekend and when I come up for air, I'll try to check in!
  8. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Hi Everyone! Keeping it going...did my wog this morning without DH, who is away at a pilot's meeting DDog and I made it just fine...I ran an extra block this morning 'cause I heard DH's voice encouraging me! Feeling good, strong - had a little concern about my left knee - it was sore last night, but did just fine this morning. No problems...took DDog for another walk a short while ago, 'cause I went to lunch with friends and did not get in a walk then. I am 'craving' exercise...never thought it would happen to me, but it has...I don't feel right when I do nothing. Physical activity is getting to be like a drug for me...I WANT that feeling of being strong and moving well. *sigh* why did it take me so long to figure it out? Looking forward to a long walk in the morning or maybe a longer wog session to test my limits. Then I'll take it easy with just a walk on Sunday and crank up the program on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :thumbup:
  9. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Laura! Thanks so much for sharing this...give me some ballpark figures for planning. How did you decide on your goal weight? I ask, because I'm 5' 10" tall, and originally I set my goal at 155 lbs. I'm thinking that might be a bit low, but I just dunno...did some searches on makemeheal last night, but couldn't find too many people at my height. I think I'll be fine, but...I don't want to be fashion-model thin...that is not my goal. I DO want to have a flat tummy for the first time in a long time. When I put things around my waist (and ignore the ever-present flab) I can see that my bone structure allows for a small waist, I've just never given my body a chance to show it. Do the doctors use a chart or some such to help you determine your goal weight? My surgeon left it up to me - hasn't commented a lot on my goal yet. I was planning on waiting a year after I reached my goal weight to allow my body time to 'settle down' before having surgery - did your surgeon have a recommended time frame? I've heard 3 months, 6 months, etc. I'm so glad you're willing to share (have I said that lately?)...:thumbup:
  10. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...the Friday evening edition from Ebony's house!:thumbup: Have FUN on your trip, be safe, and we'll see ya soon! I'm glad to see you too, Slim! I would miss my PJTP family too much if I left...so no chance of that! :wub: My doctor did NOT require a pre-op diet - but I did one myself to give me the best possible chance during surgery. My family even did it with me...gotta :wub: them for that! I figured anything I could do to increase the chances of success, I would do. Ooh, I'm jealous...love CSN...lots of good music there. The food sounds wonderful, too. Speaking of good food - the restaurant where my co-workers daughter is a pastry / dessert chef is wonderful...homey little place with friendly waitstaff and just enough space to be comfortable. Great food - had a quarter of a turkey / ham / bacon / cheese sandwich on absolutely sinfully delicious bread (kinda reminded me of sourdough). I ate very slowly and chewed very thoroughly. The macaroni salad was great, and dessert was an "Oreo cake". They make them in little individual serving sizes so they are always fresh...LOVED it. Only ate half of that too, though it was sliding down really easily. Gave DD the other part of my sandwich (finished the 2nd 1/4 on the way home) and half the Oreo thingy. She was VERY happy! Just got back from taking DDog for another walk - just over a mile and a half out and back. Feeling very good! Busy weekend planned - painting the closet, patching the ceiling in part of the master bedroom, and getting ready to patch and prime the rest of the MBR... Everyone have a wonderful weekend - I'll try to get back on Sat and Sun, but can't guarantee it...just know that I'm out here, that I'm not going anywhere, and I :wub: all y'all!
  11. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...I'm here y'all, I'm here *Ebony waves arms wildly* BITCH - Being In Total Charge of Herself - and I resemble that remark as well...let me know when the beatdowns will begin, I got your back! *grinning* Ask yo surgeon! :w00t: Feel free to ask me as well - whatever experience I have, I'll try to share... ROFLMBO... I wholeheartedly agree - I wanted to know what COULD happen, but tried not to obsess about it... I ain't going anywhere...they will have to pry my keyboard from my cold, dead, fingers...:sneaky: Breathe, girlfriend...you can do this - I KNOW you can! I'm here (jumping up and down)...gotta run, because we're going to lunch at a co-worker's daughter's restaurant. The daughter just graduated from culinary school and this is her first professional gig... BBL...:drool::thumbup:
  12. DivaStyleCoach

    Tighter In he morning

    Afternoon, All! I am definately tighter in the morning. Around my TOM it gets worse - I often go to liquids in the morning for a few days. I normally can't eat anything solid until around 11 am. I will have yogurt or Cereal in the morning (sometimes even cereal won't work), or if I'm super-tight, a Protein shake. lunch is usually okay for a salad or Soup, but nothing too heavy - sandwiches are out at this point, and anything more than a saltine gets stuck. dinner is my most "open" time, so I have to be careful not to overdo it then... I'm 8 months out (banded in mid-November 08) and you can see my progress on my ticker. I've had 3 or 4 fills, I forget which, and I think I'm at my sweet spot. Losses are pretty regular...loving it so far.
  13. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    I'm thrilled for ya! Keep up the good work...I'm a bit jealous of you being able to kayak. There is a newish rental place near my home that rents them for use on the river, but I haven't checked them out yet. Kudos on the run - they will get easier...my first one wasn't pretty either, but now I like to think I look like I'm enjoying myself! :drool:
  14. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Yay Claudine...you GO girl! :biggrin: You're just that inspiring kind of guy! I know I'll be thinking of everyone on this thread when I run MY first 5k...
  15. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...good news on the job front... The second interview scheduled for Tuesday next week has turned into a Third interview with another of the senior staff on Monday! Now I've got back-to-back interviews with the folks in that office - I'd say they are interested. My contact also asked for a list of specific office skill expertise - more detail than is on my resume, so I sent that over this afternoon. Methinks this sounds good. I was also called by a friend across campus who suggested I put in for another job on that side (which I had already done, but it's nice to get the call). Went for my lunchtime walk and got whistled at by the construction workers... All in all, not a bad afternoon...:biggrin:
  16. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Laura, I just read all the pages of this thread and I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your story! Like chocolate_snaps, my tummy looks much like yours (except with more bulk, cause I still have a bunch to lose LOL). Your results give me a lot of hope that I'll have good results too. I saved your pre-op diet and supplementation suggestions - I'll definately be using those when the time comes. I'm down 60 pounds of the 110 I want to lose, and on track to lose them by Spring 2010. I want it gone by December, but I am not going to make myself sick by trying to starve myself. Your story and the pictures are so inspiring! I love that you shared the whole truth and nothing but with us all. Bless you for being so open with us, your online fan base. I am definately a fan! I'll continue to check in on you as you continue your recovery - keep letting us know what's up, and congrats on your beautiful flat tummy!
  17. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Whud I do? Forgive me...I must have missed updating my LBT family...40 lashes with a wet noodle! And that Headhunter / Macarena / ukelele thing...:thumbup:
  18. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi y'all! Having a wonderful day so far...went for a "wog" this morning with DH and DDog, and felt GREAT! Only walked two blocks of our normal 1 mile course - gotta extend it next week to keep us closer to 30 minutes. The sprint at the end (just over a block) was AWESOME! I really stretched out and went for it...I felt like a kid again! Felt really good, no pain... Slightly gross side note - my belly pouch bounces when I wog - gotta get some spandex somethings to help control that...and I'm noticing some bounce in the back as well (back fat -ewww)...guess that means I'm losing in places I can't even see! I'm loving the couch-to-5k; though I don't follow it to the letter, the slow progression (started about 3 weeks ago running 1 block and walking 1 block) has meant I'm injury free and still looking forward to doing it every other day. I'm only 6 pounds away from being in Onderland - a place I haven't been since I was 16 - and with DH away for a pilot's event this weekend, I may just make it. Part of me wants to run every day from now through Sunday to make sure I make it, but I'm going to restrain myself so I don't get hurt. I WILL map out a 5k course near my house, though - since I plan to run a 5k in September or October, I want to start walking the distance on the weekends - maybe on Saturday or Sunday so that when I decide to do the race, I'll have a good mental idea of what it looks like and maybe I'll even run one or two before the official race day. I was called for a second interview for another job - I'm excited, but trying not to get too crazy...the other one that I was 2nd-interviewed for never called me back - I've sent them a couple of emails, but no word. Why can't people just say "We're not interested" or "We found someone". The job was re-posted as open, then closed again. I understand that the folks in the layoff pool have first choice, and if that's what happened, just SAY SO so that I can move on... Anyway - my next interview is Tuesday - I have a beautiful deep red jacket dress that I just bought in a size 16W that I'm planning to wear. The smallest size I've worn since before high school! Life is good...
  19. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Good morning Everyone! Had an awesome "wog" this morning...our usual 1 mile course, only walking two blocks of the entire course now, and the sprint at the end was just wonderful this morning. I felt strong, flexible, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I really stretched out at the end, felt the length of my stride (I have fairly long legs) and I thought at the end..."What was I waiting for?" I the C25K process...I may not be following it to the letter, but it's working for me. I'm going to extend my distance this weekend and get my time back to the 30 minute mark. Thanks for all the encouragement!
  20. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP before I go out into 90 degree weather to do my lunchtime walk... ROFLMBO... ROFLMBO...you picking up attitude from those folks at the hospital, KC? Can't go that tiny...my keys don't fit anything that small! Coach makes cute accessories, just can't handle the prices on their bags (yet)... Too funny - the image is priceless! Leather? :tt2: Yay Beth! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: Off to walk now...BBL!
  21. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Afternoon All! Heading out for my lunchtime walk - I'm plenty hydrated, so I should be just fine on this hot and sunny summer day. No run this morning - couldn't pull my dragging butt out of bed, but will make it up tomorrow. Hope all have a wonderful day!:w00t:
  22. One more idea, Glammaw...sometimes gyms have 'Open House' days (my old gym used to do it once a month). What about checking with them on one of their 'free' days and asking about exercises with a certified trainer? Sometimes they even do special days for the 50+ crowd (where I'll be before too much longer!). If not that, maybe a Senior Center near you would have a day when they have a physical therapist or exercise physiologist around to ask questions of. You might also consider posting a question to a message board that concerns exercise and working around your injuries... I hope you are able to get the scale moving downward soon - I know it must be frustrating, but look at all the good you've already done for yourself! :wub:
  23. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... Sweet spots are hard to find, but oh when you do...I think I alternate between being a little tight (depending on the day) and a little loose. Right now, I'm have a mildly tough time with some mini-ravioli that I ate for lunch...guess I'll do a protein shake for dinner!
  24. Hi tmbowe! Yes, sometimes I am frustrated that I haven't lost more...especially when I see others that have been banded for less time and have lost more weight. However, I then have to remind myself that I've been putting on this weight (one way or another) since I was 16 years old, and if it takes me more than a year to lose it, I'll still be way ahead. I definately know I would NOT have lost it without surgery - in fact, I was going UP 5 - 10 pounds a year...without really seeing much success in my efforts to stop that upward creep. My health was deteriorating, and despite the fact that I was working out on a treadmill 4 - 5 days a week, it didn't stop me from having a episode with atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) that landed me in the hospital. That was the final straw, so to speak...I realized I couldn't do this without help. I am SO HAPPY I was banded. I am trying to complete my weight loss by the end of this year, so that I can plan for my plastic surgery at the end of 2010. I have finally figured out that my health is of paramount importance, and the more I lose, the easier it is to move, and the more likely I'll be to keep it off. I am also a type 2 diabetic - and we do lose weight 'harder' than some others. I still crave carbohydrates, but I'm doing better with that. I'm not off the meds or long-acting insulin yet, but my dosages are HALF what they used to be, and dropping. I'm looking forward to the day I can say I'm no longer taking ANY diabetes meds or insulin. :thumbup: Then I'll consider myself as having won the battle...:wub:
  25. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4E - that's wonderful to hear...I hope that your BIL has turned the corner and will continue to improve. Congrats on your surgery being so close! I pray this is the solution you so richly deserve...:thumbup:

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