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Everything posted by DivaStyleCoach

  1. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Morning Everyone! Ceradad - you are a MACHINE...your energy and commitment never fail to inspire... Luluc - I want your arms, and with a lot of hard work, maybe mine will eventually get that toned look! Steady with my walking - been a bad week for running, though - only got in two days this week. Missed this morning - the humidity we've been dealing with makes for bad sleep, so I'm not ready to get up and moving in the early am. No excuses - tomorrow I'm getting my rusty dusty out of bed on time and running! Have a great day, everyone!
  2. Good morning Notorious Novembers! Lovely NSV this morning - recently bought a tank and sweater in a size LARGE - a size I haven't worn since my teen years - and they fit! They fit beautifully, and I'm wearing them at work right now...I'm so happy! I've been there and done that! I keep stuff in my car just for days like that...YUK! Same here - dinner is my "loosest" time and when I have to be careful, because I can overeat. If I've had a problem with lunch, I go to another protein shake for dinner. RestlessMonkey on another thread suggested that occasionally, a "tight" band might be due to dehydration...I've tested that myself, and I find when I am concentrating on drinking enough water, it's easier to eat solid foods. Track your water intake and see if things are easier on days when you are getting enough fluid...it might make things a little easier. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  3. DivaStyleCoach

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Good morning Tina, I'm so sorry to hear about Denali - it is so hard to lose a good friend and member of the family. I feel for your other husky, too... Hang in there, sweetheart...give yourself time to grieve for Denali, try to stay away from negative people (in all forms), and take care of yourself and your children. We are here for you, Tina...
  4. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi!:sad: Interview went great - talked to the doc who is the program director for the department I want to work for. Asked me a lot about my previous residency program experience, how I liked working with the docs, a little about different personalities and how I handle them...I think it went well. He's a really nice guy (cutie pie too) and has been at the company since he was a med student - lots of history there. Seems really good to work for - I hope I hear good news soon. My contact is out of the office the rest of the week, so I'll check in with her on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Life in my soon-to-be-old-office is just too weird. We had a staff meeting today - they were talking about holding an event in a particular museum on campus. I've been a part of an event held in that area, so I chimed in with me experience. It was as if I hadn't said a word...they did shut up long enough for me to finish talking, but after that - no mention of what I had said, no request for contact people, nothing. Oh well - if they want to re-invent the wheel, I'm happy to let 'em. TPG - make sure you have loose clothing to wear after surgery, and if you haven't already gotten them, a couple underwire-free bras. I normally wear underwires, but I cannot after surgery - they irritate my surgery sites. :thumbup: Slip-on shoes - you may not want to bend over right away; A & D ointment or something for itching...my scars itched and I didn't want to scratch them...I tend to develop keloids; Measuring cups and spoons so you know exactly what your intake is...especially fluids - they are important; liquid or chewable medicines (vitamins, pain relievers, etc); I can't seem to think of anything else right now... I'm eating dinner (pork-n-beans) and waiting for my 9 pm class to start...I'm all done with my homework, so I feel pretty good. I probably won't be back after class - gonna go straight to bed. G'Night everyone - hope you sleep well!:biggrin:
  5. DivaStyleCoach

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hi Tina! I hope you find peace again soon, Tina...try to get this stuff off your mind and move on. I know it's hard, but... I'm angry on your behalf...how DARE they?:biggrin:
  6. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi Everybody! :sad: Just came in from my lunchtime walk - my less dedicated co-workers think I'm nuts 'cause if it's dry, I go - no matter what the temperature! I just make sure to hydrate before and after, and heck, it's only half an hour! Wimps! Absolutely - at a minimum! Da*n skippy! Just a waste of skin and air...all of 'em!:mad2: Just finished lunch - trying to listen more to my body and eat only until "full". Half a flatbread sandwich, about 5 grapes, and I'm done LOL If I keep doing this, I'll get off my plateau really quickly...still working to be at or near my goal by Christmas. I think if I can get to 170 and hold it, I'll be in good shape for surgery and be able to end up somewhere closer to 160 or 155...
  7. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Laura! :thumbup: Hmm...maybe the binder was helping to support your muscles and now they have to do more work? Is there any reason beyond convenience that you would not wear the binder? Did your doctor recommend taking if off for a medical reason, or just because he didn't want you to become 'dependent' on it? Curious minds want to know...:sad::biggrin:
  8. DivaStyleCoach

    Exercise frequency

    Morning, everyone! :hurray: Melliecat - I would track both your exercise and your calorie intake. If you are not eating enough and exercising HARD (which it sounds like you are) you could be unwittingly putting your body into 'starvation mode' and it's hanging on to everything for dear life. Exercising every day for an hour sounds like a lot - consider taking a day off every 2 or 3 days. I do walk everyday, but I didn't in the beginning. I started with 15 -20 min 4 days a week and worked up to where I am now. I agree - my losses are mostly showing where I want them to, and things are definately shifting around. I can't yet wrap my head around running 8kms at ONE TIME! I'm just getting in shape to run my first-ever 5k in September...I can tell that the running is changing things for me, though - my legs are getting tighter. I felt I needed to kick it up a notch after 6 steady months of walking 6 - 7 days a week - I started the couch-to-5k (3 days a week) and now I'm adding a fourth day on the weekend to help build my stamina and strength. The first 55 pounds I lost via walking and the band, I'm hoping running will help get the next 55 off!
  9. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... Happy Birthday Kat! :wub: Interview went great - was with one of the senior docs in the section - tomorrow I meet with the Program Director, should hear something next week when my contact returns from vacation... Love all the drink recipes - now if I can just get off the diabetes meds so I can TRY some of them! :wub::crying::drool: Decided to ignore my DH - he's been extra-sweet the rest of the day...knows he f'ed up! Returning the suit - by the time the smaller skirt gets here, I'll need a different size again...oh bother! :hurray: Heading to shower and color my grey hair into submission for another few weeks...g'night everyone!
  10. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Allie! I pray that you have the faith and the strength to say to that "mountain" (the troublesome person) "Be thou removed" and they will be! One of my mother's favorite sayings was "The will of God will never put you where the Grace of God cannot keep you" - to me, that means that whatever situation you find yourself in, you CAN handle it. Say a silent prayer for strength and courage and believe it WILL be yours, and it WILL BE. Faith is one of the strongest allies we have...I KNOW you can do this...you got through an experience that defeats a LOT of people. You CHOSE to DO something about your weight, and now you're at your GOAL. You can translate that strength and perseverance into any other area of your life that you choose to. You are committed, intelligent, strong and blessed. Nothing can stop you unless YOU let it...so don't let anything stop you, darling girl. I cannot tell you how much you inspire ME - and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Use the power of the spoken word in your favor - speak into existence the things you want to be as though they already are...you will WIN this battle. sleep well, my friend...:wub:
  11. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi LauraP, I'm glad your DH has been such a help to you...my DH knows my history as well, and he's been wonderful for me. I've found that it depends on the guy - some will "try" just to see what happens, some are all bluster and blowhard with no intention of anything really happening. I guess I'm also, unfortunately, used to the ones that will just keep coming if you don't shut them down HARD. That's why I gave Allie the advice that I did. Once people (specifically guys who don't recognize boundaries) see / hear you do that to one of them, the others are less likely to approach you in the wrong way. I wish they just understood how to give a compliment without the other crap that sometimes follows...compliments aren't bad at all!
  12. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi Everyone! Lulu - I second everyone's compliments on the new avatar, and I too am glad you're back. So sorry about losing one of the family pets - they are so special to us. Hugs to you and your DH. :sad: I hear all y'all that don't want to go to work...I have that feeling a couple of days a week, but not today, 'cause I have an interview this afternoon. Please send good joo-joo, mojo, and whatever else ya got this way...interview today and tomorrow with the same department - hoping to be their newest staff person very soon! :thumbup: Krtork - thanks for the compliment regarding the Couch-2-5k and the house work - I'm enjoying the running and the house is a definate labor of love... TPG - sounds like you have a good plan to prep for your upcoming surgery. I wish you all good luck and an easy recovery. NSV - Since I have an interview today, I bought another "suit". It is a size 16W, has a "portrait" style collar (kinda wide open) and a straight skirt. Put on the suit this morning and while the jacket fits okay, the skirt is too big! I was able to pull it off my hips without unzipping it. I'll probably return it, since I didn't really "wear" it, but I think this means no more internet shopping for a while - I'll have to go TO the store and try stuff on...I thought I knew what size I was, but not so much...:w00t: It's a great problem to have! Not so happy moment - showed DH the suit after I put it on and asked his opinion...the numnutz said "It depends...do you want to look like your Grandma, or your Great-Grandma?" :sad: I just wanted to kill him...I was so hurt...WHY do some guys NOT understand that words can hurt? I called him on it - told him he should have chosen different words to get his point / opinion / screwed up point of view across. His defense? "That's why guys don't like answering that question"...WTF? :laugh: There are a MILLION AND ONE ways to answer that freakin' question without hurting your wife's feelings. If any of you have taken the 5 Love Languages quiz on FB, I'm a "Words of Affirmation" person. Negative comments hurt me worse than if you physically hit me. A physical punch I can return, I tend to 'freeze' when negative words are thrown at me - hence some of my difficulty at work lately. He couldn't seem to understand just how badly his offhand comment hurt. Tried to defend himself by saying he said that to get his "message" across so I wouldn't wear the suit. :laugh: I think there are SO MANY BETTER WAYS to say what he did without hurting ME in the process...I'm still hurt and mad, and when I'm like that, I tend to stay that way for a while. Thank goodness I'm at work and don't have to LOOK at him for a few hours...I'll calm down in a short while, but the hurt won't go away so soon... Nearly spoiled my NSV...but I'm not gonna let it. I'm going to exchange the skirt for a 14W (Yay me!) and hang onto the jacket for a bit longer to see how it looks with a better-fitting skirt. And if I like the jacket and skirt together, to HE** with what HE says!
  13. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Good morning Everyone! Had a good exercise weekend - lots of walking despite the heat and humidity. Did an extra C25k workout on Saturday to check my progress, did really well. I'm proud of myself for sticking with it and continuing to make exercise a priority. Started off the day with walking as usual - will continue. I like the progress I'm making. scale hasn't moved a whole bunch, but my clothing size keeps getting smaller, so I'm cool with that! Have a great day everyone!
  14. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi Slim! Depends on what you want to do to the baseboards afterwards...if you are dealing with LOTS of layers of paint, you can use a chemical stripper - one of the really thick ones. I've used Peel-Away successfully when I had no idea how many layers of paint (or what type). You slather on the paste, put a "release paper" on top of it and leave it for a few hours (or overnight). Then you remove the paper and the caked on old paint comes with it. You neutralize the leftovers by washing it off with vinegar and water, and let the wood dry. Afterwards, you can paint over it, but if you plan on doing a clear finish (like varnish or shellac) then don't use Peel Away because it darkens the wood. I think there may be another product similar to Peel Away that doesn't darken the wood as much, but I'm not familiar with it. If you want to stain or varnish, then use a different chemical stripper - be prepared for a mess, though. Some of them are quite thin, some thicker, but they are all "painted" on and left for a period of time (usually just a few minutes). I also know people (myself included ) that have used heat guns, but that can be a risk of singing the wood and if you have lead paint, the fumes can be noxious. Caution - all of these methods can be hazardous to children and pets, so be careful! If you don't have a LOT of old coats of paint, you could sand them down and then repaint. Sanding creates a LOT of dust, so be prepared for that as well. My trim had been painted so many times that it had "alligatored" and you could see down to bare wood in some of the cracks. I've used chemical and manual stripping techniques to get rid of mine. Oh yeah - manual stripping - there are hand-held scrapers (good for primarily flat surfaces) that enable you to literally hand-scrape the paint off of trim and baseboard. Curved surfaces are a pain, though - you have to try and find a scraper with the exact curve (profile) of your molding so you don't destroy the details. I've only done that in small areas...the house I grew up in had elaborate Victorian-era moldings on one staircase that my Mom and I restored. She was a big fan of Bob Vila and This Old House...it took us FOREVER to get all the paint out of the nooks and crannies, but when we were done, it was gorgeous! Let me know if you want more details...I'm happy to try and help!
  15. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Allie! Unfortunately, some men are unable to control their impulses...and they feel they are paying you a compliment by hitting on you. My theory is that if you weren't interested in me when I was heavy, I'm NOT interested in you now that I'm not. Besides, you're happily married! I bet your hubby is thrilled with the "new" you...and I bet he's happy that YOU are happy. My mom used to say that it's all in your tone of voice - you can shut someone down and put them in their place without being loud or obnoxious about it. Be firm but gently - leave his ego intact if you can, but if the offender persists, then get loud and ugly as you need to for others to hear the exchange and know that he stepped over the line. You've only got to embarass one or two of them for the rest to get the message and back the heck off. I don't hesitate to hurt their feelings if it's called for - and it takes a lot to make me go there, because I don't like having my feelings hurt, but I'd rather hurt them than to have rumors chasing around about me or to have my DH have ONE MOMENT of doubt about where my heart lies. Let me know if you need any more suggestions - or if you need me to ride up there and watch your back!:sad:
  16. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi Slim - I'm back - well, actually, I haven't left yet...:sad: You too, Slim! Now I really AM going to get up from the PC and start my painting work...BBL
  17. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good morning, Slim! Like you, I miss Tap and LuluC - I knew I could pretty much guarantee there would be new posts in PJTP with you and Tap here. Y'all are the true early birds! Yesterday didn't quite turn out as planned, but it was okay, 'cause I had a good day. Did my grocery shopping, talked to DH in Arizona a bunch of times, gave DD the gift of a pedicure (she really wanted one), went to Home Depot and bought the paint for the MBR (never got started, so that's on today's agenda), and planned a fundraiser for a dear friend that's running for City Council (again). DD and I went to the movies to see GI Joe (2nd time for me). She missed it when DH and I went, and it was wicked hot and humid here, so I retreated to air conditioning. Had WAY too much popcorn (slider for me) so I took it easy on food the rest of the day...gotta stay away from that stuff! Up and at 'em this morning - took DDog for a walk already and I'm going to start painting while it's cool. Now that I've planned a fundraiser for my friend for Aug 30th (2 weeks), I'm going to be deep cleaning the house - can't have people over when the house is a mess. I'm hoping the 'curiosity factor' will help get people to the house - no one has really seen it since we bought it. I keep putting off having parties and such because I feel the house isn't "done" yet...nothing like an event to make ya get off your duff and get it done!:tt2: My DD has agreed to make food for the fundraiser - more of those excellent chicken croquettes she made for DH and I, and the strawberry cold soup (pureed strawberries and strawberry ice cream - yum), plus pink lemonade. It's going to be fun, and it will help my friend. Off to get my day started...BBL! :sad:
  18. Hi to all the newly banded folks! Please, please, please BE CAREFUL...your body is still healing from the surgery at the 2 - 5 weeks point, and eating what you were able to handle before surgery could cause some serious problems. Please be careful - I am familiar with "bandster hell" having been there myself - it took two fills before I felt sufficient restriction to help me cut down my portions. I lost very slowly during that time, but because I was also making an effort to watch my portion sizes and eat things that are good for me (emphasizing Protein first, then veggies, then carbs) I was also retraining my palate. Be sure you are getting in enough Water between meals - review your doctor's and nutritionists' guidelines for how to eat after you are banded, and start easing your way into a regular form of exercise that you'll grow to enjoy. I'm just over halfway to my goal of losing 110 pounds, and I walked off the first 55 pounds. Nothing too crazy, just walking whereever I could, whenever I could...the more you move, the more you'll lose, and it can also help to distract you from wanting to eat. Congrats on making good starts - you are all doing well so far! You made a quality decision to be banded for your quality of life and your health, and you will succeed at this. Please feel free to PM me if you have specific questions, but since I'm not a medical professional, I can only share my experiences. I'll probably sound like a broken record when I say again and again "ask your doc" but it's really for the best. Stay in touch with them as often as you need to in order to find your answers and feel comfortable with the phases of your journey. Keep up the good work!:biggrin:
  19. DivaStyleCoach

    OMG!!!! I Finally feel like me...

    Hi there! :biggrin: Congrats on feeling like YOU again...sounds like you're on the way to being comfortable with your band, and working with it. You're right to take it easy on yourself - especially the first few weeks, you should be following doc's orders strictly. Your body is healing, and you need that time to heal. I know right after my surgery, I was wanting things to move along faster - but disciplined myself to follow doc's orders and not worry about the weight loss in the first 4 weeks or so. After you've had your first post-op checkup and been scheduled for a fill, the real work (in my mind) begins. I applaud you on making a quality decision to change your life and your health for the better...keep up the good work, and be sure to check in and let us know how you're doing! :smile2:
  20. Hi Shahsosweet!:biggrin: I am right with ya - not wanting as invasive a surgery was what made up my mind for me...I have two good friends who have done spectacularly well with the bypass, but it just wasn't for me. I am very happy with my progress to date, and happier still that it's still primarily up to ME. The band is my helper, and that's the way I want it. I kept reminding myself that it took me over a year to gain this weight, and it might take me a little more than a year to lose it - but I'm still ahead of the game! Because I'm a type II diabetic, I've always been a big water drinker - that's something you might want to start getting used to now, before your surgery. I would also start weaning yourself off of sweets - for some, sweets can be "sliders" meaning they go right through the band, and can sabotage your efforts. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions, and definately stay on LBT - I find this community to be a good one - and I wish you every success in your journey to great health!
  21. DivaStyleCoach

    New notorious novembers weightloss spreadsheet

    Hi Everyone! Posted on the wrong update thread...:biggrin: Please update me - I'm at 205, staring Onederland in the face, and hopeful that I'll make it by the end of the month. Missed my original goal to be there by Aug 1st, but since I'm still losing, I'm still happy! Great job everyone - keep up the good work, and thank YOU SistaSassy, for updating the spreadsheet!
  22. Back to check in...Hi Everybody!:wink: I just LOVE the dancing bananas! :lol:
  23. DivaStyleCoach

    Closing in on Onederland, Wogging, and Wardrobe

    It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, and a LOT has been happening... Summer has finally arrived in New England! The rainy and cool June gave way to a slightly warmer July, but August has come in hot and humid. I do like summer (mostly without the humidity) and since I'm not as heavy as I used to be, I'm enjoying it a LOT more this time. Amazing how NOT sweating all the time makes warm weather more enjoyable, plus the fact that I feel I can wear shorts and tank tops without being embarassed. I never had the sense of body acceptance that some people considered 'overweight' by mainstream society have...I always envied that sense of confidence they had. I say that because I know of some women who are perfectly happy at their larger size and strut their stuff on a regular basis. They made me smile, but it was a sad smile because I did not share their confidence. It took me losing the weight to regain the confidence I had when I was younger. Having been heavy a lot of my adult life - shoot, ALL of my adult life so far - and not being accepted makes for low self-esteem. I'm happy to say I'm recovering from that. Happy news - I am closing in on Onederland! I'm only a few pounds away from breaking the 200 pound mark (203 as of this morning) and I can see it in front of me...somewhere I haven't been since before high school! I know part of the reason I'm losing at a decent rate is my activity level - I walk a LOT - 6 days a week is regular for me. The Couch to 5K program ("wogging") is making the difference. My legs are shaping up, I feel stronger, and I've developed an addiction to the activity. I WANT to run - I NEED to run - and when I don't go, I feel rotten. Even 90 degree humid weather doesn't keep me in the house any more - I just bring water with me, drink as I go, and run on! My wardrobe adventures are continuing. Some of my 16's are getting looser, and I've got to go through my closet and get rid of the 18's and 20's - I'm not planning on going back there EVER again! I'm going to try on some 14's this weekend to see how THAT goes...I wasn't even sure I could fit into a 16 not too long ago, so now I'm hungry for more. I have been noticing early morning tightness with my band - partly due to stress (I'm trying to change jobs within the same company) and partly due to dehydration, I think. Another LBT member, RestlessMonkey, posted a message that a banded friend had issues with being tight in the morning and when she increased her water intake earlier in the day, it got better. I've done a limited trial on my own (recent lunch with co-workers) and drinking more water DID help...I'm going to keep it up and see what happens. I know I'm not getting enough water, so that can only help me. If you're new to banding, do your research and talk to as many people as you need to in order to be comfortable with your decision - but don't wait until you have ALL the answers, because you might never get to that point. You CAN do this - the folks on LBT and in your doc's office will help you. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions about anything I've posted - I'm happy to try and help! :wink:
  24. DivaStyleCoach

    Closing in on Onederland, Wogging, and Wardrobe

    Hi Laura! Thank you so much for the good wishes - I'm glad you are doing so well on your own journey! It's just so...freeing...to know that we've finally found a way to get healthy by losing the weight in a healthy way. No crash dieting, no unusual food requirements, no dangerous drugs...this really is the way to go! Enjoy your journey, and I look forward to reading updates about you, too!
  25. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Way to go on the race result, BillOH! :biggrin: Now that bakery gift certificate...:eek::smile2::wink:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
