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Everything posted by DivaStyleCoach

  1. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks, Fanny - I'm pretty tickled about it! :thumbup: Thanks, girlfriend! :sneaky:
  2. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Happily posting that I RAN MY ENTIRE COURSE THIS MORNING!:w00t::w00t::thumbup: Left DDog at home this morning - I don't think pulling him all the way out and back is good for me or him - and it was a beautiful cool morning, so off I went... About halfway through, I thought "Maybe I can run the whole way"...about 2/3 of the way through I thought "I can run the whole way!" I felt SO GOOD when it was done...tired, but good. Didn't realize what a mental crutch that one block stop in the middle had become until I ran through it. No more - now I'm going to extend my distance about 1/3 of a mile each week until I'm up to about 3 miles, which will put me in good shape for my planned 5k in late September / early October. I'm so happy I can't stand it!:blushing:
  3. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Good early morning, Everyone!:wub: Just got in from my morning run...yes, RUN! I ran the entire course today, no stopping! :w00t::w00t::w00t: It's just over a mile, and when I started the c25k I NEVER thought I'd be able to run the whole thing. I was huffing and puffing just after a block and everything hurt. :eek: This morning I left DDog at home (he doesn't like to run very fast - makes me pull him all the way) and just took off. At the halfway point I was thinking "I might be able to do this"...at the 2/3 point, I was thinking "I can do this!" and I did! :thumbup: YAY SLIM!!!!! YAY SLIM!!!!! :sneaky::thumbup::blushing: Aren't you GLAD you went shopping! We are practically the same size...I fit 14's (sorta kinda) my tummy AND my thighs get in the way, but they button pretty easily, so I just gotta keep working on it.:thumbup: Me too - maybe it will get me off of 20freaking5!:mad2: I need to break my carb addiction...sounds like I may be doing this soon... For me too... OMG...ROFLMBO...better be careful, Beth, somebody will actually sign up for that one! Gotta hit the shower - TTYL when I get to work!:thumbup:
  4. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Good early morning Everyone! Just got in from my run - yes, run! I ran my entire course this morning...a little over 1 mile...without stopping! :blushing::w00t::w00t: Lately DDog has been holding me back - for whatever reason, he doesn't like to run (could just be age - he's nearly 8) so this morning I left him at home. I did a short warmup and just went for it. By the halfway mark, I was thinking "Maybe I can do this..." and by the next block or so, I was thinking "I can do this...". I felt so GOOD after running the entire distance - I'm flying high right now and had to share. Next run is Saturday - and I'll be extending my distance a bit. That's the plan for the next 4 weeks - to extend my run about a third of a mile each week until I'm running about 2.5 miles out and back. I think that will put me in good shape for the 5k I want to run in late September. Keep wogging / jogging / running, everyone!:thumbup:
  5. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...been a busy day - I've been going non-stop, which takes away from my PJTP time! Dang...is Big Brother watching EVERY FREAKIN' THING? I guess there are some people who need the help, but dang... Ok, ewww... I think my chemistry is weird or something - cool air blowing on it (AC in the office) makes it hurt more...I thought perhaps a muscle spasm or something, so I'm thinking heat to relax it...I dunno... And you get a break, he gets professional care, win-win all around! Wow, Plain...just Wow :eek: OMG...what a picture! Ice cream is deadly for me too - except for some odd reason, if I have an ice cream cone with sprinkles and I eat too fast, I can slime and get stuck on the sprinkles! Go figure! Thanks, Beth - I'm feeling much better. I think I overextended it, strained a muscle or some such - the heating pad really has helped a lot... Be careful, kiddo - after all those liquids, take it easy... Yay, Suzyt - here's to several dozen more pain-free days... Gotta go back to work now...YUK...anyhow, I'll BBL!:w00t:
  6. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Ebony's evening edition! Beth - prayers for your hubby and divine guidance for the surgeons... KC - glad the mouth is better so far... Slim - my neck is still stiff, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Even with the heat, I slept on a heating pad last night (turned down really low). Seemed to help - I could turn my head this morning, so off to work I went! Good luck with the teeth - been there, done that! Happy Bandiversary, Heartfire! Don't worry about it, kiddo - we're here to help each other. Sometimes just venting about something will help make it better. I'm waiting for my 9 pm class to start - got some reading to do, so I'll TTYTomorrow...Have a wonderful night, everyone!:wub:
  7. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Re: running in the rain... I don't let a light rain stop me...especially now that I've gone "natural" with my hair and don't care if it gets wet - heck, I like my curls better when it's wet, so no problem! Now because I wear glasses, steady rain gives me problems...if my glasses fog up or have drips running down them, I don't see as well. Luckily, when I'm out there - around 5 am - there aren't many other people out there with me! :thumbup: Had to log my walk at lunchtime - it was wonderfully cool today compared to the past week or so. I didn't eat much today, so my blood sugar was a bit low. I took it easy and did a slightly shorter walk, but now it's after lunch, I've eaten some Protein and carbs, and I'm ready to go for my walk to the train station at 5!
  8. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Hi Everyone! :thumbup: Gitrdone, you are doing the right thing! Taking it easier is definately the way to stay injury-free. I've done two weeks on a c25k routine - especially in the beginning when I wasn't sure I could even jog a block! This morning, I ran half the course (just over a half-mile) without stopping! I have to stop mid-way to let DDog do his duty, but I ran the second half without stopping also...and that's because I took the progress slowly. I used to get shin splints something terrible - happened whenever I tried to extend my distance or run faster. A combination of having lost 60 pounds and taking it slower has kept me shin-splint free this go around. That, plus the exercise BillOh recommended... Stick with it - you may find that the next 4 weeks go faster than the first 4...
  9. DivaStyleCoach

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hi Tina! :tt1: Please do...we're nosy!
  10. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Hi Everyone! Lovely cool morning in CT - felt great running this morning. Only drawback? My 80-ish pound DDog, Sisko, decided HE didn't want to run with me! I spent the first half of the route (ran the whole thing without walking, Woo Hoo!) pulling him every few steps. He seemed to "warm up" after we reached the halfway point and he did his business. Didn't have to pull him much the second half, but I think my days of running with DDog are over. I don't want to keep pulling him, and I'm afraid he'll stop wanting to go if I'm always fussing at him...looks like he's being demoted to walking partner only :w00t: Wow, Ceradad - you ARE a soldier! Most people would have given up and not gone out in the LIGHT rain, let alone kept going through a thunderstorm and lightning... We're not worthy...we're not worthy...*Ebony bows in respect*:thumbup:
  11. DivaStyleCoach

    Exercise frequency

    Hi Everyone! I agree wholeheartedly - you've already done really well, exercise is just going to ramp up your progress another notch. Be proud of your accomplishment! I don't remember if I posted it here, but on another website I used to belong to, they did "physique" contests - a 12 week period, lose as much as you can eating right and working out, etc. Women always needed 6 - 8 weeks after starting the workout to see significant differences, and often needed 4 - 6 weeks between big losses for them to start again. I guess it's just a matter of patience - which I used to have NONE, but I'm getting better! Yay, frenchvanilla! Start slowly to prevent / discourage injuries, and you'll be just fine!:biggrin:
  12. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...I' m back again! Just went for a walk, so now I'm all fired up and have lots of energy! LuluC - you are amazing...like Beth, you are my new she-ro! Imagine - maintaining and even LOSING on less fill! Maybe someday I'll get there, but right now, I'm glad I've got Jillian (my band) kicking my butt... TPG - You're doing fine...those diabetes meds can definately make ya loopy - been there, done that! It's funny - when I was less successful at controlling my blood sugar (readings above 200) I would get "spacey" at 100. Now, I have been controlling it better - especially since I was banded - and I don't get loopy until I'm around 60, which is really low. My doc says I'm doing great - I want to get off the meds! I'm feeling a little hungry, so I'm going to have a snack...don't wanna eat too much, though, I'm planning grilled chicken caesar salad for dinner...:biggrin:
  13. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Just got in from a walk - felt better (tho my neck is still a little stiff) so off I went... DDog loves the route, but is a little upset with me right now because the "shuffle" feature on my iPhone ended up with all fast music, so I was kinda speeding along...:biggrin: Soon as I can get Prevention.com's walking maps feature to work again, I'll be able to log my mileage. Right now, it's not working... The walk takes me about 40 minutes (allowing for potty breaks for DDog)...I think it's a little over 2 miles... *update* just got the darn site to sorta kinda work...my "long route" is 1.79 miles; my normal route is just over 1 mile. I think I gotta extend my distance! Anyway - it felt great!:ohmy:
  14. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Beth's back! Yay! :crying: Yes, you heard right - had three interviews (one screening, two with muckity-mucks) for a new position. Hoping to hear something this week, but I'm not in the office today - severe stiff neck (cannot turn to look behind me, felt funny driving). The prior situation with BB telling me to do one thing, and Mgr telling me another was never really discussed again - they just didn't say anything, which makes me think they'll probably blame me, but I DON'T CARE...I've got written evidence he told me to do it. I'm so glad you're back...though I know you needed a vacation! Hope all goes flawlessly with your hubby's surgery - it must be scary for him. I hope it relieves his pain and then y'all can get back to living life. Good wishes for school, too - I'm 4 weeks into my latest term and doing well. Had a bit of a hitch in one class, but I've conquered it and my grade is back up where it should be... Prayers still going up for your DDad - hope all turns out good for him. :biggrin: LuluC - thanks for the concern about my knee. When we moved into our former house (multi-story, built into a hill, LOTS of stairs to climb) I injured my left knee when we were carrying TONS of boxes to the new place. Until I lost weight with the band, I would NEVER have even thought to try and run anywhere. Now, doing the C25k program, I'm getting plenty of rest, so it's not really bothering me. I think I may be prone to arthritis, though, because humid days (barometric pressure?) make it ache a bit. Once I get going and warm up, it's fine. I even sprint at the end! :crying: Took some ibuprofen for my stiff neck - it helps, but doesn't get rid of it totally. I think I need a new pillow on my bed. I sleep mostly on my side and back. When it's hot, on my back for better air flow. I think that's part of my problem...it's hard to find a pillow that's supportive in both directions. Band is tight today for some unknown reason - haven't eaten much all day. It's okay, though - maybe it will help me hit Onederland by the end of the week! :ohmy:
  15. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Good morning Everyone!:ohmy: Stayed home from work today - my recurring stiff neck attacked with a vengeance last night. Can't even turn my head, so driving is out. It was so painful last night that I took some of the pain meds I still have on hand from my surgery. Knocks me out so I can sleep, but I wake up groggy. DH is on midnights, so I left him in the bed this morning...poor guy. Let's see if I can get all caught up again... TPG - I've sent you a friend request via FB - I signed up with my real name, but I'm not worried about that. Anyone that wants to find me probably can - I've googled my own name and found TONS of stuff I'd forgotten about. I am pretty careful about what I post, so no biggie...I've forgotten - are you on diabetes meds? Watch the meds while you're on liquids - you are not getting as many calories, so you might need to talk to your doc about changing / reducing your meds temporarily. The reduction will be permanent as you lose weight - I'm about to get off of the Lantus insulin :crying: Ceradad - my first interval of jogging (I stop mid-way to let DDog take care of business) is like that too - I feel like I'm not going to make it - my knees ache, my breathing seems more labored, etc. Just when I think I can't power through any more, it's time to stop for DDog and the rest of the run goes great!:biggrin: Slim - welcome to FB! I use my iPhone with it too, but not as much as my laptop at home. Just take your time learning your way around - pick something new, get comfortable with it, then add something else. That way you don't get overwhelmed... Susan - love your story - made me cry too! It's a wonderful feeling when "normal" sized clothes fit you...especially since we're not yet taking it for granted that they will! Lots of other posts - sending love to everyone, good health to everyone, and lots of patience for those of us struggling with situations, people and things. I'm hoping to hear about my potential new job this week. Right now my head is pounding (haven't eaten much yet) and my neck is stiff and sore. BBL...:crying:
  16. DivaStyleCoach

    august exercise challenge

    Morning all! Ceradad - you are not alone...:biggrin: Steady with my walking, jogging and still need to fit some weight training in there somewhere... Back in school - taking two tough classes (lots of reading) so not a lot of time, but that's really no excuse. Loving my running program - going to extend the distance this week. Still on track to run a 5k this fall - end of September or mid-October is looking good for my first distance "race". I won't be trying to come in first, just to finish.:ohmy: Have a terrific Monday, everyone!:crying:
  17. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...ya'll have been busy! Just here for a couple of minutes while I cook dinner - broiling chicken breast for chicken caesar salads...light but filling and healthy for all concerned. My DD is looking into the band - we're going to a nearby support group meeting the third week of September. She's seeing my results and wants them for herself. Now we just gotta convince DH that it'll be okay...he's against it for her right now. Slim - take it slow on FB...you can always PM us your username so we can 'friend' ya. Like you, I dislike sports bras - they give me a 'uniboob' - no separation whatsoever. I feel like a solid lump when I wear one. Haven't found a really good one for full-figured gals yet. BBK - Hope Faith is feeling better - prayers for her full recovery. I went through a bad time with my teeth several years ago - dull, aching pain I couldn't get away from...arrgggh! SicknTired - glad you came to visit us! Like others said - we miss ya! :glare: krtork - good going on the run! I extend my distance tomorrow morning. Gonna see if I can run my entire course without a stop, then the week after I'll extend my distance again...woo hoo! TPG - you cracked me up with the dust off the computer thing...thanks for the giggles. I remember my pre-surgery diet - not all liquids, but I still felt like I wanted to bite everything that went past my nose. Remembering how much I wanted this helped...you're gonna be so happy once you're in bandland! Heartfire - hope DH gets to come home really soon. I know my DD missed her dad when he was on deployments...when we'd go to the store she'd grab random guys in working blues (denim pants, blue shirt - Navy issue) and say "Da?" then get confused and upset when it wasn't her daddy. Took me a while to convince her they weren't all "Daddy". Made for some funny episodes in the grocery store though, when the poor guy's wife gave him the hairy eyeball...:tt2: Everyone have a wonderful Sunday evening!:scared2:
  18. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...taking a break from homework, and look where I end up! Love reading all the updates from everyone, seeing familiar names popping up. Much love, good wishes, good health and tons of weight loss for those of us who want it, easy maintenance for those of us at or near goal. Had to go shopping again today - had to try on some more 14's to see if I wasn't imagining things. Yep, they do fit - although jeans are tough because of my thighs. That's the first time in like FOREVER that I've had trouble fitting into something because of my thighs - it used to be my tummy that kept me out of stuff. I'm happy about it - I don't mind wearing a 16 for a while, and when I get ready, the 14's will be there...I am just happy to be out of the 20's in my clothing sizes! Loving my banded life right now - except that I'm stuck on a plateau, so I've gotta tighten up the nutrition and eating again - I must be doing something not-quite-right. I'm stuck at 5 pounds above Onederland and I wanna be there really, really BAD!:thumbup: Gotta try to be patient and not stress myself out...that is definately bad for my band! Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the weekend!
  19. Hi Notorious Novembers! I'm checking in...doing well right now. Kinda stuck for weight loss, but the inches are coming off and the clothing sizes are dropping, so I'm pretty pleased. I'm just over halfway to my goal of losing 110 pounds - I'm down 60 and staring Onederland in the face! It feels like forever since a significant loss, so I've got to take some of the advice I've been giving others and journal all my food to figure out what I'm doing to stall my weight loss. Tried on some size 14 bottoms today - I can get them on, but they are not comfortable to wear yet. I'm happier in 16's. That's a big change from my pre-band sizes of 22-24! My proportions have changed - my waist is getting smaller and I now have to dress around the lower tummy instead of dressing around the ENTIRE tummy!:thumbup: I'm pleased with my progress - understanding that I still have a ways to go. My blood sugar numbers are much better (I'm a type II diabetic) and my meds are much reduced. Glad to see everyone checking in - and yes, while we struggle a bit, we are definately NOT where we used to be!:cursing: Delivered - I think losing with the lap-band is actually harder than people believe it is. We still have to make good choices on what we eat, we still exercise, it's still in OUR hands. The folks who have gotten the bypass have less opportunity, I think, to eat past their bypass - the fundamental change in their anatomy makes weight loss for them faster and more sure. They have their own issues, for sure, but I think that is by far the easier solution. I chose the band because I WANTED to be in control and because I didn't want the malabsorptive challenges of the bypass. ddgalarza - you're doing great not to have GAINED any weight! I know without my band and my current level of restriction, I'd be eating badly and regaining what I've lost - it's a big fear of mine. I don't want to EVER be unfilled. I read some of the entries elsewhere on this site about what people try to eat while banded (or newly banded) and I'm horrified...keep up the good work - you and your doc will figure out the right level for you and you'll be losing again at a good rate very soon... Mamacita - sounds like you have a good level of restriction and are eating properly. Take care of yourself! aloudwhisper - hang in there...sometimes we stall and have to go back to what worked for us the first time. Sounds like you are doing that by writing down what you're eating. Try switching up your snacks to something else and see if that jump-starts your weight loss again. I know I have to do that - I've gotten into a routine and it may not be the best for me, so I've got to shake things up as well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!
  20. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...again! Slim - you asked about my hair... I had been relaxing for over 30 years (since I was 12 or 13) and started getting breakage behind both ears in 2007, so I decided to take the plunge and go natural. DH was, and is, completely supportive. I dealt with the two textures for about 4 months - flatironing the roots so I could deal with my hair. It was shoulder-length, and I've NEVER had it short, so I was trying to "ease" into it... Didn't really work - after a couple of months, the two very different textures were driving me nuts, so I chopped it off. I still had some permed ends, but it was mostly natural. Grew it out for a few more weeks and then went really short...not a caesar, but darn close! :cursing: It just kept growing - its as if my hair finally felt "free". Maintenance was super-easy - shampoo, condition, comb and go...loved it! Now its grown out quite a bit - if I blow it out, I've got an Angela Davis quality fro going on...really BIG hair! I usually don't blow it out, though - I prefer the waves and curls of my natural texture, so I wet it down in the morning and put a leave-in conditioner on it, then finger-comb (my hair goes POOF when I use a comb on it) and out the door I go. DH loves it, I love it...I'll have to post a pic soon. It really does look a LOT like my avi...when I first started here, I wanted my hair to be that long, and now it's there...I couldn't be happier. I got lots of advice from nappturality.com - a website devoted to natural hair and the women who choose to wear it. Dreadlocks, afros, braids, curls, etc all are represented there...lots of style ideas, lots of advice, some lifestyle stuff too. I enjoy my time there, but I'm HERE more often. Let me know if you have specific questions - I'd be happy to help!
  21. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Getting ready to go to lunch with friends, but...since I'm a PJTP addict, I had to check in! It was...interesting...picked up a pair of "slim fit" capris, didn't see the "slim fit" part until I got into the changing room. It was okay, though - I got them on, buttoned up and zipped! And I could still breathe! Now I didn't like how my legs looked in them (I still have big legs) so I didn't buy them, but I'm thrilled I FIT into a 14! My DDMIL (dear departed mom-in-law) had a problem with my SIL's marrying her partner also. It took my DH pointing out that they have been together as a couple longer than any of the other folks in the family to make her see that they KNOW how to do it right... you couldn't have planned that if you wanted to! *Ebony sighs heavily* Can't wait until I get off the diabetes meds so I can get seriously trashed! Mine will be non-alcoholic, but still...I'm in! Off to lunch shortly...have a great afternoon, Everyone! :wub:
  22. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... Thanks for the good wishes, LilMissDiva! I just read through your blog - good job! I know you're going to get those pounds off - that finish line is within your reach, and determined woman that you are, you're not gonna stop until you blow PAST it! TPG - I'm not too familiar with Bobby Flay...heard his name, but haven't seen his show. Guess I don't watch enough TV Can't wait to get out of the office today - got the restless-I-need-to-get-outa-here feeling right about now...
  23. DivaStyleCoach

    Exercise frequency

    Hi Confused, The plateau may take a while to resolve - not what you wanted to hear, I know, but it may be the real deal. Since you just had surgery, your body is stressed. Consistency is what's important - just keep doing the right things, eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of rest, and your body will catch up. I used to do the 'Body for Life' workout plan - involves weights and cardio, and is part of a contest every year. The routine runs 12 weeks, and I always saw messages from women doing the routing that it took 6 - 8 weeks for them to see changes. I used to experience the same thing - 6 - 8 weeks into a new workout routine, I'd start seeing big changes - sometimes every day there would be something different. Try logging all of your exercise, food and fluid - it may give you some insight as to where things might need adjusting. Switching up your workout, as Jachut said (swimming or spinning) might give your body the "shock" it needs to jump-start your losses again. When they did your port replacement, did they verify that you had the same amount of fill in your band before and after the surgery? Maybe you lost some fluid due to the leaking port? Just a thought... Hang in there - you'll start losing again.
  24. Hi Tap!

    We miss you on PJTP...let us know how you're doing...


  25. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi Everybody! :wub: Then we are on the same medication, Slim...I don't understand why people say hateful things either...there is more than enough negativity in the world without people adding to it. I prefer to keep it positive... I just "colored" my gray into submission for another few weeks. My DH says I should let it grow out - I would, but it's kinda like when I grew out my relaxer - it's hard to hide it while it's growing out, and I have so much hair now that I'd have to cut it short again to get it all to look the same. No thank you - it took me nearly 18 months to grow it out after cutting off the relaxer and going natural, and I love my curls now. I'll be coloring until my hairdresser retires...and since that's me, I've got at least 20 years before THAT happens! When my DH was on deployment, the kids and I used to mark off days on the calendar until his return. When we got down to less than 30 days, it became the "No Mores"...no more 1st of the month without Daddy, etc. When it got down to 7 days, it was the "No No Mores" - No more Mondays without Daddy, etc. It made missing him a little less painful...for them and for me! It's wicked humid today, and warm! Just came back in from my lunchtime walk and I am glad for a/c! Finishing up the second half of a chicken salad from yesterday, plus lots of Water to keep me hydrated. Thinking about going to try on new shorts tonight after work - I want to see if I can fit into a 14 yet...wish me luck! :w00t:

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