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Everything posted by DivaStyleCoach

  1. DivaStyleCoach

    You know you are a bandster when....

    ...you don't want to buy expensive (or even moderately expensive) clothes because you KNOW you won't be wearing them for long...unless you're at goal, and then you can buy anything you want!:w00t:
  2. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Boy, y'all have been busy today!:blushing: No meeting today with HR and BBoss - they rescheduled because my ineffective union rep was out sick today and could not make it. Of course I had to find this out from the HR person, NOT from my union rep... Had lunch with a good friend - just got back. Had a bit of Pad Thai - couldn't eat more than a third of it...love my band! Hanging in there...seeing my PCP on the 17th, going to ask for a fill anyway, I've got another 30 lbs to lose (by my reckoning) to get to around 175, and then I'll hopefully be off the diabetes meds. Still looking for other jobs - if in fact I do get a suspension, I'll use the time to look for another job. I've got friends looking around for me as well. I'll get tons of house projects done...it will be a financial setback, but I can handle it. I am going to stay until they escort me out the door - and I'll do it with a smile on my face! It will just kill them that my attitude remains great even while they are doing their dirt. Heard back from job #1 I applied for - they chose someone else. Sending a 'thank you for your time' email to leave them with a good impression... Love all the support I get from you guys - thanks so very much! :blush: :blush: The hunt continues...BBL!
  3. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi y'all!! There is something magical about the swaying of a train...helps you get your mind off of crap that's happening in your life. I feel much calmer right now - no guarantee that it will last, but it's okay for now. I'm going into the meeting tomorrow with a calm spirit and determined not to show any weakness in front of the HR chick and Big Boss. Mgr will be out of town on business. Don't know if the union rep will make it or not, don't really care. Now that I'm fairly sure I can get unemployment if the worst happens, my goal is to prepare for the 2 week suspension that I'm fairly certain they are going to give me. I'll spend the next two weeks exponentially increasing my job search activity and renewing contacts in and around the community. I'm also going to pursue a part-time gig as a columnist for a regional online publication - they are looking for people with my past experience and my subject matter. I've got a plan, now it's time to put it into motion...I'm not gonna let this crew of idiots shut me down, steal my joy or anything even CLOSE to that... Thanks for the love and support, my peeps - I really would not be in as good mental shape without all y'all to help me...:mad::wub::sad:
  4. DivaStyleCoach

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    Hi Everyone! Hey Bill! :mad: Not quite - I'm doing good on my distances - keep adding distance, the time is the same, so I know I'm getting faster. I have mapped out a 2.5 mile route near my house that I've been walking to see how it felt, and this coming weekend I'm going to jog it. I signed up for a 'Step Out for Diabetes' event at the end of this month - the course is supposed to run somewhere between 2.5 miles and 6 miles (no details yet on the distance). My goal is to get stronger between now and then, and to RUN the course, not just walk it. I've signed up for a team and have already gotten two donations, so I HAVE to do it...nothing like having people depend on you to make you get off your butt. Since I'm a type II diabetic, it's perfect for me - I get to challenge my new-found fitness and do some good for fellow diabetics at the same time. :sad: I'll keep reporting in - Monday's run was good - tough, but good. My hubby runs with me, and because his legs are longer (and he's stronger) I'm usually chasing him. He calls himself 'the rabbit'...LOL...he keeps pushing us to go farther in the same amount of time, so it's working okay. Some days I just wanna kill him, but he's helping me get stronger, so I can't complain too much :blush2: I still love my running...looking forward to the race!
  5. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... Really and truly, they did nothing for me. If anyone asks me, I'm going to tell them so. I do have another rep I can talk to, though, and I'm going to shoot her an email now...see if she's got any strategy tips for me...
  6. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... How do you hot-pepper-eatin' folks handle that? I can't even smell the suckers without my eyes watering and my mouth tingling...can't imagine actually EATING one! Of course that could be a throwback / delayed reaction to something my mom and I did by mistake one summer... She grew jalapenos in her garden, waited until they turned red, then hung them in the kitchen to dry. Then she mistakenly put them in the blender to pulverize them and make them easier to store...you know what happened...clouds of red pepper dust all over the kitchen, coughing, snorting, tears and much laughter. It was NOT funny when it happened, but I think we were laughing out of hysteria...never touched one again, or even thought about touching one since...:mad::eek::sad:
  7. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... Lulu - as far as I know, if I am "suspended", I don't have to show up for work LOL Not that I would...and if I did, I certainly would NOT have the best attitude! Just looked up CT unemployment law: If you file for Unemployment Compensation Benefits after quitting a job or being discharged (for reasons other than lack of work or job elimination), you must attend a hearing to determine eligibility for benefits. If you were DISCHARGED, the hearing will develop information to determine if the discharge was due to conduct in the course of employment which constituted deliberate misconduct, a single knowing violation of a reasonable and uniformly-enforced rule or policy, larceny of property or services whose value exceeded $25 or theft of currency of any value, or felonious conduct. If you were discharged for absenteeism, your employer must show that you were absent without either good cause for the absence or notice to the employer which you could have reasonably provided under the circumstances for three separate instances within a twelve month period. Based on the above, I think I would qualify for benefits. I have not been "disciplined" for any deliberate misconduct, only for what they term as 'job performance issues'. Just got a rescheduled appt for tomorrow afternoon - don't know if my union rep will be there or not. Just sent her an email. If she doesn't show up, so be it. It's not like they've done much more than show up and nod their heads...no discussion of what's been said about me, no counter-claims, nothing. I could just as well have not had them there for all the good it's done me. They wanted me to analyze my job, determine where I had been asked to perform tasks that I didn't have complex instructions for, and then ask for those instructions in order to delay the inevitable. I don't think it would have helped, and at any rate, I don't think that would have earned me any fans around here - not that they are my fans anyway. I'm just planning to move on - and I definately WILL be filing for unemployment when the ax finally falls...let THEM fight it out with the state of CT! :mad:
  8. DivaStyleCoach

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Yay Tina! Sounds like your guy means what he says and then acts positively on it...good news all the way around! Enjoy, girlfriend...you deserve it! Now where are those pics of this hottie-in-shining-armor? :mad:
  9. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... Coming up for air after a heavy-duty day of studying yesterday - Beth, I feel your pain, though mine wasn't as much reading, it was Business Math class - readin' and figgers!:sad: Got a notice this morning that I'm scheduled for another HR meeting tomorrow - actually, they wanted to do it today, but my union rep couldn't make it. I was a basket case this morning, this afternoon I'm just...resigned...they are bound and determined to get rid of me, so I'm gonna stop stressing myself out and just give in. I don't have the inclination or the desire to research a bunch of obscure union references or legal possibilities to hang on to a job where they obviously don't want me. I've already put in for two other positions near my home and have one more I'm going to do today - an online columnist for a regional newspaper. We'll see what happens... I fail to understand this - the past few weeks have been very quiet - no blow ups at all. The majority of my time has been spent filing and checking in stuff that candidates have sent us. Nothing serious. I did have to do some scholarship letters (never done those before) and they were reviewed by my supervisor, returned with corrections, re-edited, re-checked and I printed them for signatures last week. They still haven't been returned to me for mailing yet. I'm just tired...never have I been treated like this by any employer. I believe it's time for me to go...just don't feeling like throwing good effort after bad any more. Worst case scenario, I'm going to get a 2 week suspension. I have enough money in the bank to cover the missed paycheck, but it wouldn't be my choice to do this now. In that two weeks, I'm going to intensify my job search and see if I can NOT have to come back here except to clean out my desk. I just don't understand...and part of my personality really WANTS to know what went wrong, but I doubt if I'll get a straight answer. I even asked Mgr if this was a suspension meeting, she said she couldn't talk about it - that definately didn't give me warm fuzzies... And to top it all off, H called with a tech question and I kinda broke down at the end of our very short conversation. He asked what was up, I told him about the meeting, and he couldn't get off the phone fast enough...so much for support. *sigh* It's a blue Tuesday in Ebony's world...:mad:
  10. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...having a good Monday (no work!) and between homework (lots of reading) and a little shopping (Home Depot - yep, I'm 'house addicted') it's been wonderful so far! Dunno - haven't seen a lot of signs, but then, I'm 'sensitive' so I tend to discount some things I see as my imagination. I think if there are 'ghosteses' in the house, they are happy with what we've done so far and so keep pretty quiet. Had one in the house I grew up in...also used to get 'signs' that my Dad was around when I was younger. A clock he bought my mom used to tick when I slept in their room...I asked if it was my Dad, then said it was scaring me. The clock 'ticked' again and stopped. Funny thing was, the clock was never plugged in... :crying: Dang, gal, when you get on a tear, look out! I get days like that...get going and just don't want to stop...especially when it's going well! Happy Labor Day to you too, Pooly! :thumbup: ROFLMBO...serves him right for making that stupid crack! I completely sympathize...had too many whole wheat Ritz crackers (yep, they are sliders for me) and the few pounds I lost on the pouch test have come right back...:thumbup: It's my own fault - my body loves salt and hangs onto the water for dear life...back on track today, but will be booking a fill for next week - I'm ravenous all the time, and that's one of my signals that I need a fill. I'm hoping it will help me get the next 30 or so pounds off, then I'll re-evaluate. My original goal was 155 lbs, but that may be too light (I don't want to look like a bobblehead) so when I get off of all my diabetes meds and the high blood pressure meds, I'll re-evaluate. Whatever weight that is... Wishing you luck with the food - smells get to me a lot, still. I know some things I just can't eat (thank GOD for my band) but my "fat mind" still wants them... Going for a short errand run, then back to the homework...BBL!:thumbup:
  11. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi Everybody! Picked my head up out of the books (homework) for a minute, so ya know I just HAD to come here...:thumbup: Thanks! :thumbup: I do love my house, though sometimes it can be a trial and a pain to get things done economically. I just love Kilz - makes for really nice paint prep, and I've even used it to "seal" a wall prior to wallpapering. I do love the fireplace - probably going to end up putting a TV up there, or some "important" piece of art to decorate the area. That room is the "lounge" part of the MBR - will probably have comfy chairs or a chaise, bookshelves, good lights - we both read a LOT...maybe a small fridge / freezer for those late-night snacks... Y'all have done a wonderful job - the room looks great! Hi Susan! Same to you...:drool:
  12. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP - message two...tried this earlier, but got stuck trying to import pictures... Y'all know I live in a very old house - circa 1850's - and a lot of the spaces have old horsehair plaster on the walls. There was a lot of wallpaper hung, but no "finish" coat of plaster, so when you take the wallpaper down, what's left behind, more often than not, is sandy-textured plaster that sucks up paint and is hard to keep from crumbling if you touch it. Patching is an exercise in patience and fractions, because the plaster is not the same thickness as drywall. You have to get as close as you can, then make up the difference with drywall compound (multiple layers). Anywho, here's some pictures of what's kept me occupied so far this weekend... The "raw" plaster walls, with some of my patch work to prepare them for painting...this is the fireplace wall The original plaster wall near the fireplace - all the walls were in similar shape in this room, and throughout the rest of the suite. Partially painted - this is after one coat of the finish paint (a light sage-y green) and a coat of Kilz primer(the white background) to seal the plaster. Good stuff - highly recommend it! Progress to date - walls and ceiling painted. Still gotta strip and repaint the closet door (lots of peeling paint there), and will eventually add crown molding - but not right away...
  13. DivaStyleCoach

    Ebony's MBR Remodel

    My multi-step project to remodel my Master Bedroom. Started as three seperate rooms, is in process of becoming a master bedroom, 'lounge' area, walk-in closet and master bathroom - all within the confines of an 1850's vintage Greek revival home on the edge of a local historic district.
  14. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...WOW! I was off Friday and Saturday because I was working on my house...y'all went to TOWN posting! I had to read through at least 6 pages... Catching up... Donating clothes - Lulu, if they are business-appropriate, see if there is a branch of "Dress for Success" in your area - I bet they'd love to have them! Husbands and power tools - bad combination in some cases, especially if they are like my H, who starts projects but sometimes doesn't finish them, or wants an adoring audience to watch him while he works. :huh2: That blog name - keep chins up - in VERY bad taste :drool: ColoradoChick - HIYA! Haven't seen you here in a while! Fanny - congrats on the scale victory! :w00t: Gotta try that MegaRed fish oil capsule at Costco - the others are just way too big for me to try and swallow (Plain should be showing up any time now...) Happy Birthday to Lulu's DH! :thumbup: Love gardening - but my schedule doesn't allow me as much time as I'd like. I try to keep the weeds under control, but that's about it. :laugh:Prefer perennials to annuals - don't like to plant new stuff every year... House cleaning - did this recently because I hosted a fundraiser for a friend running for City Council - the event was a hit, my house is decluttered and really clean, and so far, we're keeping up with it! :w00t: On kids and school - I think the teacher sending the 5 year old home with sad faces on his reports should at a minimum be 'reeducated' in how to provide feedback. I like the idea about meeting with the teacher and the parents, though...I had a problem with a teacher in 5th grade - I got great feedback from everyone else but this woman. Turns out she and I just did not mesh personality-wise, plus she was harder on all the kids of color (black, hispanic) in the classroom. It was a private school - I guess she felt we didn't belong. After a conversation with my mom (a quiet one...deadly quiet) things got much better. While my mom went to bat for me, she would NOT have stood for me disobeying a teacher or sassing a teacher. Teachers were right behind God and parents in my house - you didn't disrespect the big 3! The school voice mail menu - too funny - bet a lot of schools would love to do that! Krtork - I agree completely with your take on the school situation and your suggestion. Personal Finance class - I agree that it should be re-instated. So many kids don't know a single solitary thing about the subject! My DD learned a hard lesson when she got control of her back account at age 16 and blew through all of her savings in less than 4 months. She was supposed to be saving for a car, senior year stuff, etc. She did not get the car, and her senior year activities were severly curtailed because she had blown the money and we weren't replacing it. Tough lesson, but necessary. I've been wicked busy this weekend - working on the MBR remodel - will post pics in another message, since I KNOW this one has gotten really LONG! :thumbup:
  15. Hey Notorious Novembers! Don't know if there is a genuine physiological reason for this, but since I've been walking more (and more intensely) and especially since I started wogging / jogging / running, I'm noticing a decrease in the abdominal fat. I'm still not the proud owner of a flat tummy, but I am hopeful that it will continue to reduce. I don't think I'll be able to escape plastic surgery - in fact, I don't reallly want to - but the pudge around and in front of my hip bones is slowly going away. Now if I could just do something about the fat that remains stubbornly stuck to my midsection from the bottom of my bra band to my waist! *gross out alert* I can grab handfuls of this loose skin and fat and it's keeping me from haviing the smaller waist I never thought I could have. When I'm done, before my plastic surgery, I'm going to INSIST on that being an area my surgeon concentrates on! *gross out over* Heading to bed...Night-Night all! :smile2:
  16. DivaStyleCoach

    Proud or Ashamed?

    Be Proud...because it's a heck of a lot harder to lose it than gain it Be Proud...because you've changed your life, your mindset and your habits for the better Be Proud...because now you can be a positive example for others Be Proud...because you made the decision and followed through on it (and that's the hard part) Be Proud...because you now have a new sense of accomplishment, and hopefully, self-confidence to go with it. Be Proud...because you've increased your life expectancy Be Proud...because you didn't give in to the demon Sloth or its counterpart Greed. You fought the good fight and didn't let them win! Be Proud...because after everything you have been through - you are still STANDING - you are still standing! I'm gonna be extra-special-proud when I hit my goal - I'm gonna shout it from the rooftops, tell everyone who asks, and to Hades with anyone who tries to tell me I took the easy way out...:biggrin:
  17. Hey Notorious Novembers! :biggrin: Way to go, Beth! Woot! Woot! Try a juniors size near where you are now - perhaps a 15 will fit better than a 16, for example...just a thought...you skinny thang you!
  18. DivaStyleCoach

    biggest loser - '09

    That's great news about Dan - I really hoped he would continue his hard work on his own. He's already made amazing progress - he's going to be a force to be reckoned with this coming season!
  19. DivaStyleCoach

    I wanna flat tummy

    Hi Everyone - Hi Laura! Your latest pics are not that bad...yeah, I know, I'm not there, but I think once your body continues the adjustment process, you'll be fine. Just hang in there - and thanks again for posting your pictures! The surgery site looks like it's healing well, and you look so LITTLE now! Well, compared to me at 5' 11" tall, you are little, but anyway...:blushing: Isn't it cool to have a group of people who didn't know you when you were heavy give you such nice compliments? I love the "jump around in the shower to get wet" comment LOL Someday I may get to that point! But as tall as I am, I'm not sure how small I'll want to get. That's a constant thing with me - having never been that small as an adult, I don't know when enough is enough. Did you have a definate number on the scale in mind, a clothing size, or did you use the height/weight tables to pick your goal? I don't remember if you posted that earlier - forgive me if you've already answered that question. I've had people tell me I've lost enough already - even though I'm only about halfway to my goal. Several have said they don't want me to get "too skinny" - what exactly constitutes "too skinny"? I think I should be the judge of that! :ohmy: Anywho - going back to work...keep letting us know what's what, Laura - your words are so valuable to us all! :tt1:
  20. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Good morning! Y'all have been BUSY this morning...lemme see if I can summarize / capsulate / catch up... Be very careful - you'll encourage Plain to go off again! What Slim said! Again - what Slim said...I've had my challenges with Mafia Wars, but more so with Vampire Wars on FB...yes, I am a techno-junkie! :blushing: Okay, that's just WRONG... Yep, definately - like Beth said - a mortar shell! Aren't there consultants / volunteers to help Medicare patients fill out paperwork like that? Perhaps nearby in your community? It's worth a shot, maybe that will help with the frustration level...I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! Okay - that's just WRONG. What if you do something to yourself to bring on anaphylactic (sp?) shock or some other adverse and severe reaction? What on earth? Who thought up that nonsense... Well, anyway...minor scale victory this morning - even with my imperfect run at the 5 day pouch test, I'm off of my plateau and weighed in this morning at 202! I'm down roughly 3 pounds...I've been bouncing up and down a pound, but nothing serious. I find myself wanting salty, crunchy things - I think maybe my cycle may be getting ready to start...YUK! Anyway - the job hunt continues, H is trying hard to work his way back to being DH, and DD is loving school so far. I'm up to running 1.5 miles 3 days a week, non stop (no walking) and I feel skinny today! :w00t: Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I'll BBL!
  21. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP... That's kinda scary in a way - this poor child is obviously reaching out, but FB isn't the best place to do that IMO...all it might take is some idiot to respond with a crappy message and that could force her off-line and no one would know what was going on. I think you did the right thing by emailing her Aunt - and adult needs to know how she's feeling. Do you know of any 1-800 numbers for crisis counseling where they have teens available who can talk to her? You might also give her a call directly - say you were thinking about her and wanted to check in - encourage her to talk to friends, parents, or maybe a school counselor. If she's posting this stuff publicly, she may be feeling worse than what she posts. Maybe it's just teen angst - I know my daughter goes into the depths of dark when stuff happens in her world - but you don't want to assume in this case. Please let us know how she's doing - as a Mom, I'm concerned about her...and things do get easier as they get older. Stuff that used to send my daughter home in tears at 14 was dismissed with a shrug of the shoulders at 17...
  22. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yay Beth! I'm hoping for similar results - I get the next 6 pounds off and I'll be in Onederland...I'm obsessed, I think - can't seem to think of anything else! I gotta find a BMI calculator online and see where I am now...BBL!
  23. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...Hi Everybody! Good morning! Plain, dearest, you have to have 'an organ' that is big enough to 'stand away' from the body in order to indulge in that particular incomparable pleasure! Sorry you're so "challenged"...maybe next lifetime? Ate liver as a kid because mom insisted - if she cut it thin and pan-fried it, it wasn't too bad, but now that I'm an adult, I don't touch it. No to kidneys and brains... Can I get an AMEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yep, me too - no orange butter for me. Love the real stuff, eat it sparingly... Me too - I will drink 2% - have for a number of years. Whole milk really upsets my tummy now...I can tell right away it's gonna be a bad few hours after I drink it, so no thanks. Doing well this morning - cool nights have arrived, so I'm sleeping really well. Didn't want to get up this morning. Restarting the 5-day pouch test today - tried to start Tuesday, but didn't have clear protein drinks for at work, and without a blender, the powder shakes just don't dissolve enough YUK! Have a terrific day, everyone! :mad:
  24. DivaStyleCoach

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hi Tina! It's so good to see your message and know you are so happy! :thumbup: There's a happy little giggle in your "voice" - even through the web, it's coming through loud and clear. Congratulations! After what you and your family have been through, you deserve to be happy, and I couldn't be happier for you... :mad:
  25. DivaStyleCoach

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP...on my way to bed, but guess where I have to check in first! Oh BBK - my heart goes out to you...I'm so sorry you're going through this. Take good care of yourself - try to find a way to destress out of the house if you can...

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