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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Terribj

  1. Terribj

    Let's talk about breast

    I'm 4 months out - and I've gone from a 44DD to a 38 Long I've lost a lot in my breasts -- I saw the most in the the first month. I still see some even today. I'm 51 so I'm past my prime to show signs of "perkiness". I'll most likely get a lift next year. As far a proportion I feel I've been lucky and lost weight equally over my body. I do a lot of weight training but don't see a lot of progress in the chest area, but there are a lot of exercises that help that region.Chest flys are probably the best. Good Luck
  2. Terribj

    Eating Slowly after the sleeve

    It takes your brain 20-25 minutes to register you are full. I try to eat slow so my brain can keep up with my stomach. I don't want to over eat and I'd like to feel full for as long as possible. I don't like eating slow - i mean really - how long does it take one to eat 4 oz of food - most people that is two bites, for the rest of us it is the whole meal. I do find it difficult to make 4 oz last 20-25 minutes but each meal I try. I notice the slower I eat the fuller I feel longer. As everything else everyone is different - find what works for you.
  3. Terribj


    After 6 weeks I started Beachbody - Chalene Extreme. 3 days of weights and 2 days of cardio. I add a day of cardio for something different. It is pretty intense but they always have modifications.I love workouts like this, but find what you like. If you don't like it you won't stick with it.
  4. Terribj

    Change in tastes?

    I can't handle sweets any longer. I had a bite of a birthday cake..and when I say bite I mean a baby spoon bite. I had to spit it out. I couldn't take it. Pudding is too sweet, I have't even tried chocolate and won't now, same with ice cream. I'm very much OK with my new found aversion to sweets
  5. Terribj

    10 weeks out.

    I agree with @Bufflehead. If it is dense it's much less - eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, Soup, etc I could eat more, but still only about 3-4 oz. I also have never had a stall. The weight loss slows down and speeds up. Some weeks it is a pound, some weeks it is 3.
  6. Terribj

    Hair loss

    I also have been losing hair like crazy but I still get mine colored and am planning my next Keratin treatment in a month. I started taking Biotin but my facial hair was worse than my husbands so I stopped that. Crazy side effects but I'll take it with the weight loss results
  7. Terribj

    WLS and Divertculitis

    Same here - had it terrible pre-surgery and nothing post. I'm only 3 months out and don't eat a lot of what caused the problems for me in the past (rice, nuts, etc) but it's great not having the flare-ups!!
  8. I'm 3 months post-op and I still cannot eat Pasta or bread. I only eat 2-3 oz at each meal still. I think you will be surprised at how full you get how quickly. I do eat Busch's baked Beans but in a very small amount - maybe a tablespoon. While it is good in Protein it is very high in sugar so I limit that. I'll have cottage cheese with the beans along with lean hamburger or chicken. Remember once you are ready for solid foods (6 weeks for me) Protein first, veggies second, carbs third. I can eat Peanut Butter, but I put it on saltines, not bread. and I've been transitioning to PB2 which has far less fat and calories. My NUT recommenced staying away from low fat pnut better as well - it is very high in sugar. I don't think you'll be able to eat the mac/cheese and spaghetti for at least 4-6 months. Everyone is different, but if there is one thing everyone on here would probably agree with is don't push it. Don't push your stomach to more than it can handle. Try something new each week. For the past 4 weeks I've been trying to eat a piece of cucumber, and each week my stomach says "not yet". Your eating habits will change significantly -- which is what we all wanted. Best advice someone gave me: Be patient Hide your scale Don't compare yourself to others Ride this ride for all it's worth YOU ARE WORTH IT
  9. Terribj

    Pre-Op day 3-HEADACHE day 3!

    I didn't have a pre-op diet but after surgery I had terrible headaches, I was told it was a caffeine and sugar withdraw. Mine went away after about 4 days.
  10. Terribj

    Stupid weight loss advice

    "If you keep sucking your stomach in eventually it will go away" - I think I was 15 when I was told that by my aunt and grandmother. I think together they weighed 150 pounds soaking wet with rocks in their pockets......
  11. I am 3 months out and had a sip of beer over the weekend and - wow--did that hurt. I may try wine next month when I travel to see some friends who are pretty big drinkers...oh the peer pressure
  12. Terribj

    How soon did you return to work?

    i was out one week and worked from home week 2. I found it hard week 3 to get my liquid diet in at work. I felt good enough to go back but wish I would have worked from home week 3 just for the full liquids part - much easier at home.
  13. For me my motivation comes from how I feel when I'm done with the workout and finding a workout I like. I do 3 days cardio and 3 days weights --Chalene Johnson's Chalene Extreme. It is tough and the first week I hurt, but now - I look forward to it. I feel guilty if I can't for some reason. I also play tennis a couple times a week. Find something you really like - that way it doesn't feel like a workout - it 's more fun than it should be.
  14. I find myself more pro-active. It seems crazy Instead of walking past that piece of plastic in the lawn I pick it up throw it away Instead of waiting until the last minute to Iron something for work I now iron a weeks worth of clothes Instead of walking my the pantry and grabbing a handful of Snacks I walk past the pantry to the workout room instead of waiting until the bill is due I pay it when it comes in the mail, put a stamp on it and walk down to the mailbox Instead of walking in the garage and looking at the totes of "junk" and turning around and walking back out -- I now do a tote a day and clean. Instead of waiting for the dog to BEG to go out, at the first sign we go for a walk Instead of sitting for hours in front of the TV - I now DO THINGS.
  15. Terribj

    I'm new :)

    I didn't feel like myself until about 10 days out. I cried for the first 5 asking myself "what did I just do?" But now 3 months post-op, 45 pounds down, from a size 20 to a 14/12...it's all worth it! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!
  16. Terribj

    I'm new :)

    Just wait... It gets sooo much better!!!! Congrats to all of you for making the best decision of your life!!
  17. Terribj

    Head hunger

    if there was a straight answer for that question I'd be a millionaire I keep a journal of when I feel hungry and make notes to determine if there are other things contributing to why I feel hungry. Am I bored? Upset? Worried? If any of those things ring true I know it's head hunger. If my stomach is really growling I know I'm probably really hungry. Then once I determine those things I wait 10 minutes and if my stomach is still growling I eat something. Good Luck
  18. Miralax was the wonder cure for me.
  19. Don't compare yourself to others. Your body is unique and it will lose when it wants to lose, not on the schedule or time frame of others.
  20. Terribj

    Do I need a therapist?

    Yes, food envy is a constant. I'm almost 3 months post-op and I really hate eating. My husband is the cook (thank goodness) and is very fit and health aware. His meals are very good and nutritious. I feel bad because I eat so little. I'm still working on my relationship with food and know that it will take time - just like it takes time to break old habits. I've had bad eating habits as long as I can remember. Thinking about ding dongs in grade school still make me smile. I am still very happy with my decision, but I still have to work on those old habits.
  21. My doc said minimum 3 months, but I have refills for 6. I'm 3 months next week so I tested it over the weekend...I won't do that again! Bile galore - YUCK. So back on the pills and feel great.
  22. Terribj

    Weighted Question

    I agree with the above comments. If someone has gained weight trust me they know. My nutritionist and I had a conversation about weight discussions. If there is one thing heavy people know - it is the fact that they are heavy. They (we) know they would feel better if they did something about it. They (we) know how they look, how others see them - they already know. Once they (we) have decided to make a change - then step in and support them. If they bring it up and want to talk - support them. Outside of that - I wouldn't bring it up. I know all too well how it feels and until I was ready it wasn't time.
  23. Terribj

    Tell me about your restrictions

    I'm only 2 months out and there are still a lot of foods I can't eat. Pasta, breads, rice, non cooked veggies. For me, I can usually tell as soon as the food goes in my mouth whether it will sit well or not. I eat between 5-6 times a day and that works well for me. I am rarely hungry and have no cravings.
  24. like the others I walked -- dr told me after 6 weeks I could do any exercise I wanted. I'm 10 weeks post op and doing 3 days weight training and 3 days cardio.
  25. I shredded my Lane card a couple weeks ago!!!!

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