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Posts posted by rach1134

  1. Id love to be losing at your rates girls! At my current rate of weight loss Id be stoked to be 31 lbs down at 14 weeks. *shhh Rach...stop comparing!!* Congrats on your losses guys....truly.

    Sometimes im just so over trying to be positive when all I wanna say is "Wtf is going on? Did my surgeon actually perform a gastric bypass? "

    Rant over...sorry!

  2. I had RNY on 11/18/13 and I am losing slowly only down about 20lbs in 7 weeks. I need to start working out and I know I am not eating enough. I am getting myself together this week. HW: 270lbs SW: 252 CW: 232. :-(

    Don't be too hard on yourself though. You're doing well. :-)

    Until recently when my exercise has dropped off a bit, I was doing everything as prescribed by my surgeon and nut....and still I lost painfully slow. Right from the start. I have come across others who also lose slowly despite following their surgeon's advice to the letter. Some people just simply lose weight slower than others. Prior to surgery I prayed I wouldn't be one of them, but it turns out I am. All I can do is continue being vigilant and learn to be patient. It's hard though. Patience is not my virtue.

    Keep positive and good luck with starting your workouts!

  3. Today im 11 weeks out from surgery and today's weigh-in tells me I'm now down 26 lbs.

    Slowly and surely I'm getting there. I'm no longer fazed by the pace of my weight loss. I'll admit that I get concerned now and then, but that's really only when I read the progress of others and make those unhelpful comparisons. I think its pretty normal to question yourself, your efforts and your body's reaction to surgery when others are losing at 2-3 times the rate you are.

    Don't get me wrong, I am more than aware that we cannot make comparisons and the differing variables mean we'll all lose weight on our journeys in out body's own good time.

    Im trusting in science and know that if I keep following instructions I'll get there.

    Christmas was a learning curve! I partook in all the lovely delights of Christmas dinner ( teaspoon here and there of most things over a 2-3 hour period) glazed ham, turkey, wonderful veges, stuffing and tiny portion if dessert.

    Omg...I paid for it dearly. First experience of hard core dumping! I was seriously nauseous and positively ill for all of Christmas evening and all of boxing day. It was almost like the flu/stomach bug..chills with sweats, severe nausea, diarrhoea. I was the only person out of 22 to get that way so it must have been dumping.

    Anyway...lesson learnt!

    Goals for this week are to up my exercise ( its been lagging) and stay on top of my 64 oz Water each day.

    Hope 2014 is treating you all well so far


  4. Hi all..its my weigh day again. Week 9. This week I lost 3 lbs which is very welcome since I stayed the same last week.

    I've now lost a total of 22lbs since my surgery on 10/21/13 and a total of 36lbs since I began my pre-op diet.

    Nobody has noticed yet. I can certainly feel my clothes becoming looser, but I havnt been getting any comments yet.

    Nobody knows I've had surgery except my mom and my partner. They tell me my face is less puffy but it's not noticeable anywhere else as yet.

    My back pain has subsided about 75%. I only feel niggles after a long walk or getting in and out of the car.

    Im feeling quite tired and apparently my Iron is low, so im now on iron as well as my regular vits and Calcium.

    Enjoy Christmas everyone!

  5. Not sure if id be considered a slow loser or not but I feel like it lol I have lost 25lbs and 7 weeks out....im doing about 2 a week since my 3rd week stall so I will take any loss because I was not getting these results on my own. I need to get active but with my job/lifestyle its a challenge hopefully once the holidays are over I can get back to some walking!

    I need to increase my activity and exercise too. I started out great while on leave from work.. .but I have been unable to find the time anymore. Must reorganize my time

  6. Weigh in day. Im now week 8 and this weeks loss was .... zilch! nada! zero!

    Ahh, my first stall. Not a good feeling considering im only a total of 18 lbs down from DOS.

    But I'll take it and ride it out, cos it's sure better than a gain and hopefully this also means a bigger loss next week? fingers crossed.

    Im going to have to cut out the small amount of oatmeal and toast im allowed on my plan as im starting to crave carbs in a big way. I find my portions creeping up slowly and the ratio of carbs to Protein getting out of sync.

    Im going back to basics this week.

    It seems strange that im hungry. ..quite hungry - so early out.

    Hope everyone else is doing well. :-)

  7. I am 5 1/2 months post op. My inital month I only lost 8 pounds. Then month 2 was 12 pounds. I would drop 8 to 10 pounds in one week then not lose anything for 2 to 3 weeks. Then in 1 week I would drop some more and for 3 weeks nothing. I have been losing this way the whole time.

    Fortunately the amounts have increased. Total weight loss is 113 pounds and counting. My goal weight is only 37 lbs away and onederland is 17! It will happen for you!

    Thankyou! Amazing. Love to hear stories like tgisr. Congrats on your wonderful loss. :-)

  8. I'm a little more than 2 weeks post op. I was 323 the day of surgery and have now been sitting at 302 for the last 3 days. I'm not discouraged. My surgeon said a 2 week stall is completely normal. I think it drives me more crazy knowing I'm so close to the 200's!! Especially because I have a lot of weight to lose!!!

    Im sure you'll soon kick that 300 and find yourself in the 200's before you know it! Understand the stall frustration...Before surgery I would diet and sometimes be relatively successful in getting down to 205 lbs. I was never able to get below 200. Not ever. I was 12 years old the last time I was in the 190's. I can't wait to see those numbers! Let us know when u break 300!


  9. Hi again guys. ..im using this thread as my weigh in area in case anyone is interested in the progress of a slower loser. I lost 2.5 lbs this week. That makes a total loss of 18 lbs from my morning of surgery 7 weeks ago.

    My mission this week was to up my Water intake and I've manged 64oz everyday. I lost more this week than I did last week so that's great.

    My personal goal for this week is to keep up the Water and also ensure I get a full quota of Protein in each day. Im going back to shakes as a supplement to ensure I reach the required level. Next week I take my 2 month measurements and also see my nut so that'll be interesting to see what she thinks.

    I know many /most other RNY peeps have lost 25-40lbs by this 7 week stage....but im not letting that get me down. I'm choosing to remain positive and to focus on my own journey while also supporting others in theirs.

    I take heart in the fact I have lost every week (even if some weeks only half a lb) and haven't yet encountered a stall. Im sure it'll come thou! Hope everyone is having an awesome week. :-)

    Rachel - HW ever: 283, SW (day of surgery 21/10/13): 241, CW: 223

  10. Today I have met my Water goal and then some. Im very interested to see if dramatically increased water will help me lose more over this coming week. Today I'm 6 weeks 2 days out from surgery and im finally feeling my clothes being slightly loose (15.5 lbs lost). Until now I've filled out my pre- surgery clothes with no sign of baggyness.

  11. I too am a slow loser I am glad there is a thread for us. I am happy for those dropping a lot of weight but must admit I wish I was one of them. I am 10 weeks out and have lost 26 lbs. today I have gained 2 pounds back but I am swelling in my ankles. I tried my was pill last week my ankles looked great some weight came off but ended up with a Migraine and thought I was going to pass out and probably would have if my husband had not been there to get me to my bed quickly. Not sure what to do about the edema because I surely did not like those side effects. I try to keep telling myself the weight will come off but that little voice inside comes back with worry I won't.

    That nagging voice is pestering me constantly too. The edema must be annoying. Perhaps something that will correct itself once a few more pounds come off?

  12. Im a mild dumper. I've tried some cake and on another occasion some chocolate. Small amounts. It makes me feel incredibly nauseous and I start to feel hot and a bit flushed. It dissipates after 15-45 minutes. Some people will say im an idiot for even trying those foods (and is why I lose slowly) but as part of living my life with RNY im choosing to indulge on the odd occasion and definitely in moderation. A bite of chocolate cake insread of the whole cake ( not exaggerating) is progress im proud of! I haven't yet tried alcohol. I do enjoy a glass of wine even now and then or a beer on a hot day, but haven't yet seen how it might affect me.

  13. Oh dear. Not a good day really. Yes, I have lost another 2lb, just! I saw the dietician guy today and he confirmed that I don't have the restriction I should.

    He couldn't believe I could eat a whole sandwich for lunch and that I get 2-3 litres of liquid each day with no problem.

    In one sense, it's nice to finally have someone else agree with what I've been saying all along about my restriction but on the other hand, it's scary to hear that my weight loss is nowhere near what it should be.

    He's sending me for an X-ray to see what size the pouch is. That's good - except that he said that no-one he's sent for an X-ray to date, has ever had a problem with their pouch!!!

    So, of the pouch is ok, what's wrong with me?

    Is the stoma between pouch and intestine a big larger maybe? I can also eat a sandwich. Takes me a while, but I can. Feel your frustration. It may be a nerce issue too..maybe you cannot feel fullness yet. 2 lbs is good. Slow and steady will still get us there. :-)

  14. I had my 6 week weigh in today. Over the last week I lost 1.5 lbs. This brings my total loss since morning of surgery to 15.5 lbs. That's a average of 2.5 lbs per week. Im happy with that. I've under no illusion I'll suddenly start losing quickly and to be honest. ...if this rate keeps up I'll be very very happy. I just hope I get to my goal of 168. Im currently 225 - so im a lightweight I guess :-)

    Rachel. HW ( 1yr ago) 285, SW (prior to pre-op diet) 253. CW 225. GW 165-168

  15. Today was weigh in day for me. Im now 5 weeks out from surgery. I have great news! This week I lost 4 lbs! Go me!

    Usually my weekly weigh result is half a pound or 1 lb. I think I managed 2 lbs in the first week. To lose 4 lbs in one week is incredibly motivating for me. Looking forward to next weeks weigh day! (haha..I'll probably stall)

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