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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CrazyJaney

  1. I'm up half a pound after a few days on puréed. But I'm so dang constipated. I don't think a gain is necessarily reflective of reality. You've got fluctuations to Fluid shifts, you've got changes to metabolic rate, you've shocked your system. I'm going with all that because it's feeling good to see and feel the weight loss. I'm not feeling either with a bloated belly. Wish I had never backed off on my Miralax. I have some work to do to fix "this". :(

  2. For me personally, I have a common reaction to the general anesthesia gases and meds used in the OR. They work on the same part of the brain that seasickness, carnival rides, etc. I've never had a surgery that I didn't heave and have profound nausea and vertigo with the first 12-24 hours. I'm very intolerant of narcotics because of this. I'd rather hurt than vomit or have vertigo. That's a hard balance but at least I knew to expect it going in. A lot of people out there are unaware how they will tolerate pain meds. I hady surgery at 2pm, in my room at 7pm and was ready to go at 10am but had to wait for my husband so I didn't actually get home until later that night. I'd take my home over tge hospital any day but I was glad for IV anti-emetics that first night.

  3. Wow @@PdxMan amazing recovery and what a transformation (in your gallery photos)!

    In the uk you are kept in hospital for at least 1 day, and more often 3-4 days. No walking round Las Vegas for 5hours post op... Incredible!

    Wow @@PdxMan amazing recovery and what a transformation (in your gallery photos)! In the uk you are kept in hospital for at least 1 day, and more often 3-4 days. No walking round Las Vegas for 5hours post op... Incredible!

    It's not normal ANYWHERE except for Las Vegas. The majority are 1 night stays here in the US. He's just extra special!
    I would LOVE to think I was special, but the truth is, I felt fine. I think I'll have to post a poll asking if people really found it necessary to stay in the hospital. Sure ... it can be nice having Nurse Nice get you ice chips and pop-sickles all day, but I can honestly say I did not need it. I was best served getting out and getting moving.

    Besides, a great way for hospitals to make money is to have patients. ESPECIALLY if insurance is picking up the tab.

    I don't know.... You might have Super Ppwers, and you just don't know it! I've been a nurse a long, long time, all in Critical Care. I think this is a Vegas thing. Not to poke holes in your lovely vision of nurses being the provider of Popsicles and other comforts, but we also monitor for bleeding and leaks that first 24 hours. It doesn't happen often statistically, but they do still happen. It's hard to visualize walking along the Strip with a narcotic infusion, but then again it's Vegas - you probably fit right in! We nurses (as simple as we are) like to make sure patients are fully ready to take care of themselves before they go. The average person is pretty foggy for 24 hours post anesthetic making it a little longer to get going. Some have a but of anxiety. And I can promise you that not everyone experiences pain the same way, our brains are not wired the same. Many, many obese patients have atelectasis that can lead very quickly to pneumonia if they don't do their spirometer or get up and move. I know most of us are well prepared before surgery and that helps tremendously, but there is much to gain from good nursing care (besides the Popsicles) the first 24 hours. At least I'd like to think so. Of course, I guess I make my living off of sick people so I'd want them to stay sick. I get what you're saying, but the AVERAGE person is not ready to walk the Vegas Strip on the day of surgery. I'd hate for Preops to get this as "the norm". Again, I suspect you store some Super Powers somewhere in there! :). Now maybe this pain pump made a difference? I'd be interested to hear how frequently this is used. My hospital doesn't send anyone home with pain pumps unless they are in hospice. Would love to hear more about that.

  4. all grandmothers are crazy


    i was smiling/laughing at your comment, then i said to myself wait a minute..............

    i'm a grandmother!!!! :o

    so....on behalf of me and all the other grandma & grandpas - we are not ALL crazy!! :lol:

    just a select few!!

    @@Dondie Olivia

    you better not be thinking of any nursing home for me kiddo!!!! LOL :D


    back to topic


    what a hurtful thing your grandma said!!! :(

    if she's anything like my mother (or many others)the slip of the tongue and insensitive things like that come out without thinking!!

    its no excuse (especially for my mother)

    they just say those kinds of things :angry:

    i think they really don't realize how critical/"mean" they are

    and these comments, and many more, are very hurtful to you/me/all of us

    as difficult as it is, easier said than done.....

    i "try" and take things with a grain of salt, let it slide off my back

    at the age of 83, my mom will never change

    how about your grandmother?? :huh: :(

    gotta love 'em

    great weight loss :)


    keep up the good job for the rest of your healthier, happier, longer life :)


    All of them except of you Grammy! Just kidding. Not all of them. But sometimes I think out parents and grandparents can only see what they want to. I had a controlling great grandmother who lived to be 101 and told everyone what to do. She always commented on weight, except she thought being thin was the equivalent of death. I was fine but my sister was "sick". But I'm sure I'm way exaggerating the "all grandparents" part! :)

  5. Wow @@PdxMan amazing recovery and what a transformation (in your gallery photos)! In the uk you are kept in hospital for at least 1 day, and more often 3-4 days. No walking round Las Vegas for 5hours post op... Incredible!

    It's not normal ANYWHERE except for Las Vegas. The majority are 1 night stays here in the US. He's just extra special!

  6. I'm 15 dats post op. I thought about bacon and seafood a lot the first week. Crazy, because I like both food but for whatever reason, my mind went to that. But I think it was more to do with sensory deprivation - no crunch and all that fake sweet stuff. I am on puréed foods now and doing better. In fact, cravings are nothing, NOTHING, like they were. I get hungry but fill up quickly. Once you're back into a schedule and not so "post op" it might lessen. The mental stuff is hard. Stay busy if you can.

  7. Yikes ... 3 week stall lasted 3 weeks? That is terrifiying to me. I am at the 3 weeks and I too have stalled ... no weight loss for 9 days ... it just defies logic does it not? How can I only eat 700 calories and not lose weight??? I was losing weight before on 1400 calories a day. anyway ... once you break through the stall what kind of weight loss are people seeing? the 3 lbs a week ?

    I agree!!! Defies logic! I think it's starvation mode or metabolism trying to reset itself but I'm a 2 weeks and a day and I am slowed waaaaay down.

  8. Spray olive oil cooking spray in a ramekin or small baking dish. Mix 1/4 cup ricotta with heaping T of shredded cheese (I used Italian). Layer in bottom of dish. 1-2 T of Marinara (I used Newman Own). Sprinkle of Parm on top. Cook about 20 min on 350. Yum.

    Tonight I tool 2oz canned chicken, added about a T or 2 of Water and purred in my Magic Bullet. Added a teaspoon of olive Oil mayo, little salt and pepper. 1/4 cup cheese on top. Cooked about 15 min on 350. About 205 calories 20g Protein. 3 carbs. Yum but I'm pretty full.

    I am loving using my ramikiens. Perfect size. Now if I just santo still full in 2 hours so I could drink my Water, I'd be all set. Gonna try egg in morning I think.

  9. Same thing happened to me. I was getting constipated from a change in consistency and less fluids. Once I got that going I lost someone. I have found it's a lot harder to drink once you start purred. I'm 2 weeks and a day out and constipated again. It's so good to not have to drink so many shakes but sooo much harder to get fluids in when you're still full 2 hours later.

  10. There is a great thread called Super Nurses With Sleeves. If I was more tech savvy, I'd know how to paste a thread here but I can't with my iPad. Search for it. This same question is discussed in detail there. Your managers are not allowed by law, to ask you what kind of surgery. There are lots of comments about telling, not telling coworkers. Hope you can find the thread! Good luck!

  11. I spent 3 hours in recovery and they were miserable. The stretcher was miserable. I was so nauseated. I knew I'd be 1000x more comfortable in the actual room. I remember being ex turbaned and the severe pain briefly. Why on earth they wait so long to get you to a room there is beyond me. I had mine at a major academic hospital and it was busy everywhere. I just wanted to get up and move and get back into a more comfortable bed.

  12. Two previously supportive coworkers tag-teamed me with their opinions today. Came out of nowhere. I figured it would happen at some point, but I'm still frustrated. Oh well - I was falling asleep and now I've been annoyed awake...at least I'll be productive the rest of the day. This was all the usual stuff. Just eat 1500 - no, 1800 calories. Eat every 2 hours. Low carb. No, no carb. No carb is good. Don't waste the money on surgery. Eat broccoli and boiled chicken. After surgery you'll have to diet, why not do it now? Blah blah blah and some more blah. One of them is my size, getting larger, and in denial about it. Stuffs herself into her clothes like a sausage in a casing and won't admit to being over 200 pounds. She goes through wild swings. One day you can offer her something and she goes off the deep end at you about how she's on a diet and isn't eating crap like that - the next day she's stuffing rolls and M&M's in her piehole hand over fist. The other one, I'm very proud of - she's about a size 4 now and used to be >250 pounds, and did it via the "boiled chicken" method with boot camps twice per day. Good for her. But her way isn't the only way, and being on the other end of a lecture from a sanctimonious ex-fatty who thinks her answers are the only answers is not my idea of a fun way to spend the afternoon. I'm having this surgery because I'm 36 and 300 pounds. I've been fat my entire life. My knees hurt. My feet hurt. My blood pressure is poorly controlled. I want babies before I'm too old to raise them. I. Don't. Want. To. Die. And anyone who thinks they're going to talk me out of doing something to save my life can kiss my fat a$$ for as long as I still have it. Rant, over.

    I can relate to your reason why to have surgery! I'm celebrating my 2week post op with dinner of a small portion (1/4 cup) ricotta cheese bake. And you know what? I'm fully, completely satisfied and completely free of cravings! I've lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks, 45 since I started this journey last fall. And my feet, ankles, knees have zero pain. I'm off bp meds, and I have no regrets! None! I chose not to tell too many people, just very close circle of friends. I started most conversations with "I've made this decision after a lot of thought and with the help of a team of experts. I've looked at the research, I've thought about all sides, all pros and cons, and I'm good with this." I found the "preemptive strike" works well. I started at 325, so I know where you are. My only regret? Waiting til I'm 45. Wish I'd have had this option at 36. This is not easy. In fact the emotional journey is probably harder than the physical. But it's worth it. If you are 100% sure, let nothing hold you back! There is a lot of support on these boards. Good luck to you!

  13. I am a nurse manager. I told only my close fellow mangers and my assistant directors. I told my CNO who is my direct report. I know my staff will figure it out but I don't want my weight to be the topic of conversation at the nurse station everyday. I think we all have enough to gossip about and give our opinion on - we don't need any other distractions. Managers are not legally allowed to ask what kind of surgery but only if you'll have restrictions. It's a very personal journey that requires good support. I have pretty tough battle armor but I still don't want to get into "how much have you lost, what do you eat, do you cheat, are you hungry, what if it doesn't work, you know so and so gained all theirs back, how much skin will you have?" That's all TMI in my opinion. Good luck to all of you! As a manager, I'd be extremely supportive of an employee who wanted to do this. I did the bedside for 14 years. I went into management partly because my obesity, being in my forties, I just didn't know how I was physically going to be able to do it. I'm down 45 (pre and post) and my knees and feet are already so much better! Best wishes for those of you just starting out!!!

    Janey, thanks for sharing that. I too wish to avoid those same questions. Has anyone approached you yet about how much you've lost? Surely they've noticed? What did you say?

    Yes, as a matter of fact they really started asking this week. I have told 4 fellow managers, my boss, our breast health specialist who is a friend, and another of my best friends who works in Cath lab who are overwhelmingly supportive and around me every day. People are outright asking "how much have you lost"? I told that one the correct number, but she's rail thin and has eating issues and i would rather not go there. My very favorite nurse tech, who is morbidly obese asked me what I was doing and I just said "just eating a lot less". I don't see her to want to have surg but I'd not hide it from her if she seems truly interested later. But I'd do that behind closed doors, not in front of 10 people. I had been really making a sincere effort preop (lost 28) so it's not a secret that I was working hard already. The 45 pounds has come off since last Aug. I think it's very noticeable now and it will be hard to hide. But as a boss, for my own piece of mind and my own self esteem, my weight does not need to be topic #1. Very, very few are malicious and I know I can't please everyone or be liked by everyone (not my goal) but I do have to help avoid distractions. If it was as easy as them saying "oh you look great, I'd be fine". But these women don't hold back an opinion. My Unit Sec is asking about my goal and how much I've lost. She kept on and on saying " you have to have a number goal!!?" No way are we going there. If I thought I could help someone, I'd certainly tell them but it's truly not everyone's business. I believe HIPPA laws are good! I have a ton of support from my close circle both in my personal and work life. I don't like living under a microscope any more than I already do. Compliments are wonderful but judge me by the job I do not by how I look, that goes for everyone, not just coworkers. Certainly, I'd want to help others, but just under the right conditions.

  14. I'm a nurse but I know very little about insurance reimbursement. It would seem unethical for your PCP to refuse treatment regardless of where you had it done. If the OTC med doesn't work, please, please do not delay seeking treatment. This could advance to ulcers which are much more serious than reflux. Why don't you post another thread asking others what their experience has been when they had to follow up with PCP after having surg in MX? There are sonny who go to MX, I'd think there would be someone who knows about ins. Hang in there!

  15. I am a nurse manager. I told only my close fellow mangers and my assistant directors. I told my CNO who is my direct report. I know my staff will figure it out but I don't want my weight to be the topic of conversation at the nurse station everyday. I think we all have enough to gossip about and give our opinion on - we don't need any other distractions. Managers are not legally allowed to ask what kind of surgery but only if you'll have restrictions. It's a very personal journey that requires good support. I have pretty tough battle armor but I still don't want to get into "how much have you lost, what do you eat, do you cheat, are you hungry, what if it doesn't work, you know so and so gained all theirs back, how much skin will you have?" That's all TMI in my opinion. Good luck to all of you! As a manager, I'd be extremely supportive of an employee who wanted to do this. I did the bedside for 14 years. I went into management partly because my obesity, being in my forties, I just didn't know how I was physically going to be able to do it. I'm down 45 (pre and post) and my knees and feet are already so much better! Best wishes for those of you just starting out!!!

  16. It can be done!! It's crazy to think that 13 months ago I was 319... I'm now 180! Still a bit to go but a 14 is so far from a 26 not fitting anymore

    You're one of my inspirations! I think I've left 24/26 behind. Not buying clothes yet but down 44 with preop and post op loss. I'm quite a bit older than you but is still hope to get to a size 10.

  17. I have a theory. Preop, when I have PMS, I can't sleep. They say estrogen is broken down in fats cells and you release it when you're losing. I'm exhausted but can't fall asleep and then wake up with hot flashes. Maybe that's what's happening. I am going to take 1/2 an antihistamine tonight or a zofran just to sleep. I'm so tired.

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