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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CrazyJaney

  1. Good job jaime_boston!!... Down another 2 pounds since yesterday totaling 7 lost by day 4!!!!! 9 more to go the waiting is killing me!!.. Ps. Idont know your stats but i figure ill throw mine out here..

    HW 322

    preop appt 319.5

    Cw 312.2


    We have similar stats. I have surgery on Thursday! CW right at 300.

  2. I don't have a preop diet either. In some ways I wish I did because I'm pms-ing and stressed about surgery this Thursday. I'm eating stuff I shouldn't. And beyond that, caffeine withdrawal is kicking my Arse! Let's just get this done. The wait is driving me bonkers. The self doubt talk is rearing it's ugly head too. Hadn't been there before til I got my date. I HEAR YA!

  3. I think the majority of us had "issues" with food, which is why we got to where we are in the first place.. I had my surgery almost a year ago, and I'm not going to lie, the first month was hard for me..I did get a little sad and depressed of the thought of never eating like that again, but I realize now that it was more because in the first month I could barely eat anything, and thought it would be like that forever. After the second month when I really started dropping the weight and noticing it, and being able to eat a little more, it got better and better. Now that the weight is off, and I feel so much better, I don't even care about food anymore, I really don't. And if I really want something, I can eat it, just in small portions. Now when I'm out to eat or something and I see the amount of food people eat (and that I used to eat), it makes me think, geez, how do they eat all that food! LOL. It's honestly, the best feeling ever, knowing that you can't, and that you won't fail (once again). I have never regretted the surgery and have never felt better.

    I'm gonna read this post over and over again because this made me feel so much better about this decision. Thank you!

  4. Hi everyone, in my last post I expressed that I was nervous about taking another stress test due to being already delayed for months, well I received a call from my cardiologist this past Thursday and he advised me that he went over my records and determined that another stress test wouldn't be needed, YAE!!!! Needless to say that took a huge relief off of my shoulders he also advised me that he would go ahead and fax the clearance over to my surgeon, this was a wonderful call considering that I have a follow up appointment with him on march 13 and he decided to call me beforehand to give me the news, he knows how anxious I am about this surgery, I've talked his ear off about it for months. Lol. I also had my appointment with my primary care doctor yesterday and he advised me that he would go ahead and clear me for the surgery since my cardiologist advised that it's fine, a lot of positive things have happened these past two days, I'm so excited, I will call my surgeon on Monday to make sure he received both faxes and from that point I will be waiting for an actual date. OMG!! I can't believe I'm this close. YIPPY!!!!!

    Awesome news!

  5. Coughing is pretty normal after general anesthesia, but you don't want your lungs to be compromised for this surgery. How bad is it? Do you wheeze when you breathe? My advice is that you dose up on mucinex (just the plain mucinex, not -D or -DM) all weekend and see how you feel Monday. If you've cleared up on Monday, just keep tabs on it. If you aren't clear or are worse on Monday, call the nurse.

    Steered mucin ex last night. No wheezing. I do have mild asthma but hasn't flared in a long time. Just coughing some. I'm a nurse and I feel like coughing is generally good after surgery, as painful as it is. We make patients cough if they aren't. I'll see the anesthesia group for preop one Monday. I'm planning to sleep all weekend. I don't really feel bad, just tired. Just wondered if others had been forced to delay? This time of year, it's hard to stay well. I'd probably tell myself to delay too. I just don't want to! Lol

  6. Crazyjaney. I live morristown but willbe having surgery at blount memorial hospital in maryville tn. Right outside of knoxville. Good luck with surgery will be rootin for ya!!

    Crazyjaney. I live morristown but willbe having surgery at blount memorial hospital in maryville tn. Right outside of knoxville. Good luck with surgery will be rootin for ya!!

    Thanks! Rooting for you too! Keep in touch!

  7. It seems like the past 6 months have dragged on WAITING to be approved and WAITING to get a date. Then it seems like "holy @&$) - I'm scheduled! I've poured over this site day after day and been inspired over and over. But as luck would have it, seems like there have been a rash of "complication" and "regret" posts popping up the last two weeks. Not one to bury my head in the sand - I'm a nurse so I certainly can realize the potential for serious complications. But I'm feeling like the wind has been fading out of my sails. Not sure if it's self doubt? If it's just a coincidence that I'm seeing threads that talk about regret? It's not really cold feet. Next Thursday at 1:30 - I'm there. Not sure?? Then I saw the new stories about high Protein diets and links to cancer. Is the universe trying to tell me something??? I guess I liked feeling the optimism and hopefulness that was so predominate in these threads over the past several months, not that it's gone but just feels weak. I suppose it's good to be realistic in the ebb and flow of life with a sleeve. It's not perfect. I can accept that. But throw a girl a bone - tell me there is much goodness waiting on the other side. And as luck would have it, I'm heading into surgery week with PMS. That should be big fun to have my friend visit while I'm immediate post op! Sigh.... Guess I'm just letting anxiety get the best of me. :-(

  8. I'm scheduled one week from today and I'm scared. I'm excited too, and generally not having cold feet, but it seems surreal that this is gonna happen. Keep posting so I can follow you. Glad things have gone well and I hope you can pee soon!

  9. Ok, call me crazy but I may be changing my mind here. I have been reading further into complications from leaks. Just don't think this worth dying......I am so scared :(

    I think, unfortunately, that some new complication threads have popped up here lately. Wish I wouldn't have seen them either. I'm moving forward even so. It is scary. Overall though, very low incidence of complications. I'm going with that!

  10. I'm a ICU nurse. Trust me - you are soooo lucky they found it preop. I've seen it first hand. Divine intervention! I had a delay in approval too, due to not making my appointment early enough in November and having to start my 3 "consecutive monthly" preop visits all over again in Dec. I was hoping to be sleeved in early Jan. But as my NP said, surgery day is just 1 day on a journey that lasts the rest of your lifetime. It's hard work BEFORE and after surgery. Plus it gave me more time to prepare myself mentally. It's frustrating though! Hope you get good news next week. I'm scheduled for next Thursday. Fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong during preop testing Monday.

  11. I had a lot of nausea post op due to anesthesia but it's starting to pass. Been up walking a few times and taking ice chips. Things are looking good! I have NO IDEA how people go back to work right away after surgery!!?? I'll be in the hospital til Thurs 3/6 and then home to start my new life! Excited!!

    Glad you're doing well!

  12. I live in tennessee. you?? What preop stuff are you doing. Im not much of a prepper and dpnt really know what I need to have. I guess I need like a layout of all needed stuff in order to.be able.to.plan whatsoever. Lololol

    I'm in TN. Where are you? Scheduled for next Thursday the 13th at Vanderbilt.

  13. I agree with the others that she could be in deep if she doesn't back off. I'm a boss. You never, ever, ever make comments, offer opinions on an employees physical appearance (unless it's work related) unless you want your company to be sued. I'd talk to HR right away and nip it quick or you'll be miserable. You shouldn't have to deal with that. You've worked your tail off. Who the hell is she to tell you what you already know?! Grrrr

  14. Sooooooooo very inspiring! Thank you so much for this post which is very timely and much needed. I'm scheduled for next Thursday and that little ugly voice of doubt is rearing it's ugly head. I've been focused and calm and lost 27 pounds preop, only to finally get a date and start eating carbs again. It's that damn voice of "you don't have it in you to do this like everyone else" that has me going this week. I swear, I'm my worst enemy. I applaud your candor and success. You look amazing but it's your spirit that makes you shine! Thank you for pics - just amazing!

  15. Thanks for this post. I am pre op and one thing i am feeling is shame.Sounds weird I know. I don't want anyone to know I am going for surgery. I haven't owned it yet I guess. I am single and wish I had someone to share this with, but I can't think of anyone in my circles that I could count on as a buddy in this. Glad I have all of you. Which is a good forum/page for an everyday log in and support? there are many pages and I'd like to find one where I get to know some members and can check in daily. Still figuring the forums out....thanks

    Hey! I totally relate! I'm an RN also (saw you on another thread). Shame is a feeling I've had for a long time but just beginning to feel safe enough to deal with. This site helps so much. I think there are parts of us nurses who carry shame and the feelings of "I don't deserve _____". I'm finally (I mean FINALLY) beginning to see I'm just as important as anyone else. WTH is wrong with me? Why did I let it get this out of control? Why can I succeed at so many other things but fail at health? It's interesting to start an honest dialog about the "whys". I'm not comfortable telling many, especially at work. I suppose they will figure it out eventually but I'm so NOT comfortable discussing my weight or decision for surgery. It's been quite a journey and it's barely started yet. I have surgery next Thursday. I'm terrified, because as a nurse, we know too much. But I am terrified to be what I am today. I'm done being scared and weak and so tired of not taking care of myself. So here we go - notice I said WE - because we aren't alone in this. That's a good feeling!

  16. I'm tomorrow too! Sooo excited and nervous about making sure my kids are all set while I'm gone for 3 days. Clears only and bowel prep today! Good times!!! Lol!!! It will all be worth it in less than 24 hrs!

    Sending good thoughts! Report back soon!

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