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Posts posted by CrazyJaney

  1. I hugged my pillow a lot in the first week. I was allowed/able to do stairs (carefully) when I was released from the hospital. I took my pain meds faithfully for the first week or so. I found that if I was uncomfortable in bed, I would get up and walk around the house. If I was uncomfortable in my chair, I'd do laps around the kitchen table. Walking was key to keeping the pain in check. The biggest complaint for me: I'm a side or stomach sleeper and I had to sleep on my back (propped up) for the first two weeks. Week 3 I could SOMETIMES lie on my side but then my lower left incision pain got worse. Week 4 and I don't have any more sleep issues. Days 2 and 3 I asked my husband why the heck I did this to myself. I felt helpless and I hate that feeling. I couldn't pick up my 2 year old. I couldn't help her put on her socks... He reminded me that he went through this and it's only a phase and this to shall pass. At week 4 this is just a memory.

    Where was your profile pic taken? I grew up in MI and it looks like Up North, which I miss! :)

  2. Oh honey, I was right there with you! The pain was worst in the hospital. I could only have IV meds the day of. I was sooooooo sick from the anesthesia and the IV morphine. I finally asked for liquid Tylenol which they didn't have so they crushed up some and I took it. (Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, maybe 12 hours post op). They tasted terrible. In the morning, after my doctor rounded, he ordered liquid lortab. It still made me a little nauseous but keep taking the zofran or phenergan. The right mix was liquid lortab (15 ml) and the zofran or phenergan. Unfortunately, the meds they use during anesthesia cause nausea. It jus takes about 24 hours for those to clear - at least for me. It"s been like this for me every time I've had anesthesia. Hate it! I feel for you but you will feel better within the first 24 after surgery. Get off the IV pain meds as soon as you can! I feel ya!

  3. I'm 6 days out. I had yogurt for the first time and I'm a little uncomfortable. Could I have done damage? I had 3 ounces over an hour and half. Ate with a baby spoon. Pressure and maybe a little painful in my left shoulder. Maybe too soon? I didn't thin it out with milk and maybe I should have but I've done well with puréed Soups. Thought I could handle it. :(

  4. Hi there, thanks for sharing - may I ask what about bending to get up from a chair or in and out of bed? Also, I'm really concerned about getting up 12 steps to my home after hospital as no one will be able to lift me....

    It's sore to change positions the first few days, getting up and down and in and out of bed. But with the pain meds, and I didn't need them like prescribed - just once or twice a day - help that. It's more a soreness by day 3. I have 8 steps into the house and that wasn't bad. I won't lie, there is pain because it's surgery, but it's doable. You definitely need to have stocked up on your supplies because you don't want to be carrying groceries into the house, and you want to rest frequently, but seriously, by the 3rd day, you are moving around well. I couldn't sleep on my sides until last night which was irritating. I slept much better last night. Turning in the bed hurts the first few days. It's all doable though. It hurts and then settles down. It's not constant.

  5. I'm only 6 days post op but the pain - like real pain from surgery - really only last the first 48 hours. It's sore. But no longer serious pain. I'd say it's about as bad as a csection (or a little worse) but my gall bladder was way easier. It hurts to cough but pain is not the focus this many days out. It's fatigue and constantly trying to get all your fluids and Protein in. That's the real work. I had quite a bit of nausea for the first few days but they give you meds.

  6. I am only 10 days post op and doing puree's. Do you have any energy by three weeks in? My daughter and I will go to the store and 5 minutes in there I feel like I am exhausted. I am so used to go go oh and not barely have energy to start to go. I am hoping this passes

    I'm right there with you with the fatigue. OMG - I'm as weak as a kitten. UGH. I'm 6 days out. I was hoping it would get better with pureed's. I'm just doing pureed liquids now. I can move to things like refried Beans, cottage cheese in a week. I was hoping that would help.

  7. The first week has been hard. Each day has gotten easier until today when the fatigue is setting in. Weak as a kitten. And I think I have thrush too. I'm getting ready to call the doctor to see if they will call something in. My mouth is disgusting. Have dropped 10 pounds in a week. Just so tired. First day I've had any negative thoughts. Just need to keep at it I guess. I just keep visualizing 3-4 weeks from now. Life will get back to normal.

  8. Whoever resurrected this thread, I want to thank you! I'm 6 days post op, bored, a little down and feeling frumpy. READING THIS THREAD WAS THE MOST FUN IVE HAD ALL WEEK! Thank you to all who contributed! I'm going to stalk the Men's Room when I need to be cheered up from now on.

  9. I agree with Gumbo. I did not have a liquid diet except for the day before. Post op day 6: I am so freaking tired of liquids. One more week of liquids and I can advance to thicker puréed. I lost 28 preop doing low carb and high Protein. Just focus on getting in your protein and enjoy crunching something because you will miss it for the first month post op.

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