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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CrazyJaney

  1. I agree that we see the sickest of the sick, especially in ICU. I remember taking care of a young women who was septic, on the vent, horrible pneumonia. She had had gastric bypass about 5 years before, so around 2000. She had really never been well. Never had good health restored. Infection after infection related to malabsorption. I admit to letting that sway me. But 15 years later, with much more data, science and multidisciplinary approach to follow up, things have changed. It's time for the medical community at large to look at the data. We should be rallying behind a valid treatment and cure for this massive epidemic.

  2. As an 18 year RN, all of that spent in a hospital, we are the least knowledgable or empathetic group of people when it comes to understanding obesity. It is a travesty how little the average doctor or nurse knows about how to TREAT obesity. You have a algorithm for treating everything else, but not morbid obesity. People see shows or magazine covers with "extreme" weight loss and think that's obtainable. Yes, I'll lose weight if you send me away to a Biggest Loser Fat Camp for 6 months and I'll eat what they serve and work out 10 hours a day. Not sure who will take care of my family or pay the bills while I go off and do that, but if I did, I'd be a hero! I have WLS and I'm weak? REAL LIFE needs REAL SOLUTIONS. Diet and exercise are the core but they are not the only solution. Your post pushed so many buttons for me. I started at 325 last fall. I'm 5'6 so my BMI was 51/52ish. I lost 28 preop and had surgery a week ago yesterday. Im 283 this morning. Many at work had noticed the preop weight loss. I had been pretty vocal about no sugar and several knew I was exercising. But I told almost no one about surgery for the reasons all of us posted about. I go back to work Monday. My husband asked me how I will respond when they ask questions sine I'll have likely lost 15-20 pounds since I've been off and 40-50 total. My answer? I don't know. I forgot to add that I'm a nurse manager of a tele floor AND 2 ICU's. Critical Care nurses have no filters and are type A by nature. They will back stab in an instant. My decision to be sleeved was well thought out and well researched and the best hope for a normal, healthy life. It's not about "caring" that they agree with or understand why I've done what I've done. But being "open" to the barrage of comments - the thought just makes me sick. I'm strong enough emotionally to deal with anything they throw at me - I didn't get here being a shrinking violet - but how sad that this is often seen as a negative. I wholeheartedly agree that we are pioneers. But man, do we have our work cut out for us!

  3. To ski again - it's been 25 years. I want so bad to ski with my kids!

    To be free of foot/knee pain.

    To have the energy to enjoy a vacation and not just "sit around".

    To not have to ask my best girlfriends to take my kid on the big Water slide because I'm too afraid/embarrassed.

    To have more confidence speaking in large groups of people at work.

    To set a better example for my kids.

    To kayak at my family lake house without fear of sinking! (Me too!)

    To have enough energy to enjoy my kids sporting activities.

    To sit on any surface without fear of breaking. It is horribly embarrassing.

    To get rid of sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

    To run/walk a 5k. I've never ran a mile in my life -I'd like to say I could.

    I love the beach, I've never let my weight hold me back - but to feel less self conscious at the beach.

    To be able to multi task all the activities that a 45 year old working mom needs to do without being miserable and bitchy.

    To shop for clothes in "normal" stores - this is something I'm really excited about!

    To realistically be able to take my son to Europe in 3 years as a graduation present. And knowing I could do the required walking!

    To have better sex. There, I said it! :)

    I'm 1week and 1 day post op. Down 42 pounds total since the start. I've not done any on this list yet but I can't wait!

  4. One week post op and have developed thrush. Called the surgeon yesterday and they told me to call my PCP. I called PCP who is also a friend and told him I have thrush (I am a nurse and I am 100% certain this is thrush) so he called me in Nystatin. Directions say to Swish and Swallow. It didn't dawn on me that I am swallowing into a new stomach and wondered if it was ok. I will call my surgeon tomorrow just to be certain. I searched this site for threads on Thrush and didn't come up with anything but saw a few thread on other sites. Some say not to swallow because of the sugar in the med. And some took Probiotics. That site made it sound like it was somewhat common to get after a Sleeve. Anyone have any thoughts on what I might do? My throat hurts so I am certain it is farther down that just my tounge. Anyone have advice about Probiotics this close out of surger?. My mouth tastes TERRIBLE! I can't tolerate my CPAP because of how horrid my mouht tastes when it dries out (mine gets really dry from my CPAP). I am doing well otherwise but just curious what others have experienced.

  5. It's like a "Dry Drunk" who, while sober, has no humility - all ego. This journey for me is so different this time. Because for the first time in my life, I admitted I was a mess (no more listening to the " you carry it well") and (and this is big) I asked for help. I strive to be not just healthier, not just more physically appealing - but a better person on this journey. Good article! Thank you!

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