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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lissa_S

  1. Lissa what about asking your dietician about doing 2 consecutive days a week at 500 calories? Mine suggested this and it is helping lose the last few kilos. I stick to 800 on the other days. You really have had a great run with regular loses up until now so just treat this as another challenge along the way. You've overcome far worse!!

    Thanks Kelli! I don't actually have a dietician at the moment that i am seeing regularly. I agree about the two days at 500 cal- that won't be a problem!! I will give it another week with what I am doing and if still no good then will try as you've suggested!

  2. Hi guys. Still stalled with my weight- worse than that actually- the scales said I had out on a kg but I re-weighed the next day and it had gone and I was back to my stall weight.

    So guess what my response to this was on Sunday night???? To overeat :(

    You'd think I had learned nothing this past year! So I had an attack of the guilts afterwards *cuethepityparty*

    I know what I should be doing- staying the course, shaking up what I am eating etc but I am so freaking tired at the moment!! I am finding it hard to eat and to care about eating well when I do eat.

    It's pretty stupid and I have been so lucky up until this point!! I just have to suck it up and hold the course... But man, this last 15 kg is a killer!!!

  3. Hi all.

    I eat about 600-700 cal per day on average but I am still trying to lose weight. I have lost about 185 pounds but still want to lose about another 35.

    I have hit a stall the last two weeks which I am bummed about. It is the first one I have had really.

    I need to do more exercise than I am I think and mix it up. I will try that this week and see if it helps.

  4. Hi guys- end of week 2 of my challenge.

    Exercise wise I shook things up - added different exercises to my old routine so although I am not working out longer it seems harder so I am hoping to see it on the scales. Or off the scales rather...

    I realised that I am quite excited by the prospect of losing these last 15kg. It's a lot but a reasonable amount to go rather than the 100 kg I had to lose which felt impossible.

    It's my birthday today and I suppose it's been a time of reflection for me. It's been a huge year and I have really got a lot to be thankful for. Things are so different now and I can't wait for the coming year. It's odd though - I am almost more excited about my sleeve-versary next month than my actual birthday lol.

    Hope you're all well and your own personal challenges are on track!!

    Little motivation for exercise on the cold Monday morning: nobody ever compliments you for sleeping in :) (I saw this on Facebook and quite liked it :)

    Cheers Liss

  5. I know Misty!! I just love salad these days!! Haven't had subway but if I get stuck will give it a go :)

    Feeling a bit bummed- lost 0.2 kg last week. Thinking I might be in another stall- here's hoping things get moving soon. Will keep on going for another week but if it is no good then I will call the dietician for some help.


    Hope your Mondays going better than mine :) cheers Liss

  6. Hey all- how is the 10 week challenge going for those of us who signed on? I had hoped to say it was going well but not so much :( in fact I have exercised only four days this week so am feeling a bit off... Planning to go for a run tomorrow though - start a new week off right!!

    Will weigh in on Monday so won't know if it's affected my weight loss or not... Hope you're doing better than I am!!

    Cheers Liss

  7. HI AlllI am down 105 pounds but have noticed the last few weeks I have been able to eat sooo much. I ate a whole subway 6 inch sandwich' date=' a taco and burrito from taco bell.I have had the worst carb cravings ever, I havent been able to work out cuz I am a single mom and work full time. I hate myself again! Any advice??[/quote']

    Hi my name is Lissa and I am a carb junkie :) I struggle with carbs too. I still find that bread etc is hard to eat, as is Pasta etc but know too that I still crave it.

    No advice as it sounds like you have done so well only to say that hating yourself will increase your anxiety which increases the production of cortisol and can trigger the amygdala into seeking relief from the stress- I.e activation of stress coping strategies in the pleasure centre of the brain. This is the part of the brain that is activated by eating high sugar/ high fat/ high salt foods (carbs being one of these groups). So your emotional response and the attributions you place on the behaviour may in of itself be perpetuating it.

    I usually would recommend planning as a mechanism to help provide control of the behaviour and once you feel a little more in control then looking at the cognitive traps that are impacting on your overall recovery/ behaviour.

    I am a psychologist so sorry if this got a bit therapist-y :) disclaimer though- my specialty isn't in bariatric psychology.

    All the best! Cheers Liss

  8. Hi guys. I'm feeling quite flat and disillusioned at the moment. Still in hospital. Physically I feel fine with little to no pain. Still on lots of IV antibiotics. Plan is to go ahead with the sleeve on Friday. I'm terrified that something else will go wrong. And my emotions are all over the place. Getting teary just writing this post. What the hell is going on with me? I want this surgery. It will b the best thing I have ever done. So why am I so scared?

    I think this is totally normal to feel like this. Not only did you have the complication but you're also probably disappointed that you haven't had the sleeve as planned. These things add up and can leave you feeling pretty anxious.

    I agree that distraction can be helpful and also just weighing up the pros and cons. The anxiety is just one of the cons and when you see it written down it can help put it into perspective.

    There should be a hospital social worker too- ask for a chat to talk it out with them- again anxiety is at it's worst when you're feels g alone and vulnerable. Keep talking about it and problem solving the concerns you're raising- as much as you can.

    Once you make this choice to proceed, you can then use some basic strategies like identifying if it is a real problem in the now or a projected problem/ future problem. Ask yourself "is there anything I can do about this right now?" If so, make a plan and then DO it. If not, then try to sit back from the problem and acknowledge that it hasn't happened so I can leave that alone.

    Doesn't always work but if you keep at it I guarantee you will feel better!!

    All the best! Thinking of you and hope the week goes fast and you'll be sleeved before you know it :)

    Cheers Liss

  9. Hi everyone,

    Aussiegirl - lol it's the overall goal that matters not a day :) life happens! It was raining here on the first day of my challenge so I couldn't go for a run. Don't sweat it- just do what you can when you can!!

    Misty the fish cakes sound good!! I am totally craving them now :)

    Cold issues- I have been cold since the surgery. It's not as bad as when I was in hospital but it's still bad lol.

    I had a lovely moment today where a work colleague told me I was "fading away" lol. Considering I still want to lose 10-15 kg more I thought it was a nice thing to hear :) helped motivate me to go jogging tonight!

    Good luck to the new Sleevers! Hope you're all well!!

    Cheers Liss

  10. Hi Everyone

    Just a quick question. I read about stalls on the forum all the time but I wasn't expecting to have one so soon. I lost 2kg pre surgery and 8kg over the 10 days following surgery. I'm now three weeks out and I haven't lost anything over the past 11 days. I'm obviously still eating very little and trying to get my fluids in each day. I only seem to be able to average 1.3 litres each day at the moment (all I can get in). Has anyone else experienced this post-surgery? Is it normal?

    I agree with Kelli- it seems to be totally normal. I even managed to gain weight in the first 10 weeks at one point- and I was in hospital on TPN (so nothing to eat or drink) for the entire time!! So it's not that you're doing anything wrong. It's just your body adjusting!

    My best advice is to stop weighing for a little while, like a week or two :) if you're following the plan then you will lose and you will stress less if you weigh less- this means you're producing less cortisol which means you're body will be working more effectively and will actually help with weight loss :)

    Cheers Liss

  11. Day 1 week 1: 10 week challenge

    Hello to all!! Thanks to everyone who is joining me on the 10 week challenge! I love hearing about your goals!

    My goals for the 10 weeks are:

    To ensure that my calorie intake is over 500 calories every day

    To exercise 5 days per week- weights and yoga

    To increase my running every time I go out which should be at least twice per week

    Desired outcome: 10 kg lost over the challenge

    Can run 1.5km by end of the challenge

    Improved flexibility and strength by the end of the challenge


    Planning! Yoga in the morning every work day, longer strength training session in the evening

    Running on the weekend (weather permitting)- will substitute yoga if weather is poor- no strength training on weekends

    I will cook and freeze meals this weekend for lunches and dinner to help with calorie intake/ nutrition


    Pamper day at spa- facial, massage etc

    What about you guys?

    Cheers Liss

  12. I will join you in the challenge. My goals are:

    Achieve 500 calories x 2 days per week and 800 calories on the other 5 days

    Exercise at least 3 times every week

    Drink at least 1.5lt of Water every day

    Track my eating every day

    Reach my doctors goal weight of 70kg (currently I am 75)

    Brilliant Kelli!! Welcome on board!! Love your goals! Today is day 1 week 1!

  13. Sure Liss I will join you.

    I may make mine 8kgs in 10 weeks (tho I think I may have an upper hand on that' date=' as the surgery will remove about 5 kgs of skin).

    So in the next 5 weeks (pre-surgery) I will:

    - Exercise atleast 5 times a week (been hard lately as have been working really long hours)

    - Eat atleast one piece of fruit a day

    - I will have 2 days a week that I dont eat meat (to try get my nutrients up and best be able to recover from my plastics surgery)

    - Separate to the work outs will do 10 minutes of ab/core workouts a day (so that am even less likely to need muscle tightening)

    - Give up alcohol post 31/7 til post 1/9[/quote']

    Awesome!! Glad to have you on board!! I propose we start from tomorrow morning and I will send out weekly updates/ reminders from there!!

  14. Yes Liss and aussiegirl' date=' I will join you.

    I commit to: continue the zero alcohol intake that I have been on for the last month;not 'sneak' in the easy foods like chocolate and ice cream while on puree (haven't succumbed yet but have been tempted-curse you Cadbury and Sara Lee- lol!); meet my daily 60g Protein intake; drink more fluids following the rules; not weigh myself daily and freak myself out; and start to stretch my arthritic joints regularly.

    Don't want to put a weight loss goal if that is ok as I am going to be a slow loser.[/quote']

    That is a brilliant goal!! It doesn't have to be weight related- just a goal you e struggled with and want to try to achieve or take steps to achieving in the next 10 weeks!! Welcome on board!!

  15. Hey guys- so I am wanting to lose 10 kg in 10 weeks.

    So I thought I would throw out a 10 week challenge to anyone interested.

    Your challenge must obviously meet your current needs/ focus. For example...

    I will exercise at least 3 days a week

    I will meet my Protein requirement at least 6 days a week.

    I will try a new thing each week

    And on and on etc

    A challenge is a personal thing but by throwing it out there it can help to make us accountable and motivate us in this cold weather :)

    Any takers???

  16. Thanks to everyone who shared how much your lives have changed post sleeve. I am at the beginning of my sleeve journey and I get frustrated that it seems slow; until a friend got me to hold 20 kg of Dog food yesterday *I have lost 19 kg since 29/4/2013*' date=' and then I realised what I have achieved so far. I have at least another 30 kg to lose, however, I have taken the first steps and that feels great.

    Thanks again to the 'veterans' for supporting and inspiring us.

    Michele :)[/quote']

    Go Shele!! That is a great loss in a short period of time!

  17. You look amazing! Who knew how delicate your bone structure is. Look at those tiny wrists!

    Most importantly' date=' you must feel great. Lets hear some of the ways your life is different now. :)[/quote']

    There are so many ways things are different- I went out to the movies and the seats (which I used to squish into and hope when I went they were the ones with removable arms) were HUGE! When you go to public toilets, cubicles are no longer too small and I can easily open the door even if I am standing in front of the loo :)

    I can now go shopping and walk around without feeling like I need a break or a nap afterwards.

    I fit into my bathtub- again it now seems huge.

    I can shop in pretty much any store of my choosing :)

    Professionally, I have had a promotion. I would never have even applied pre-surgery.

    I can sleep comfortably in a bed- I didn't sleep in a bed for years- slept in a recliner cause of back discomfort and breathing issues.

    I can come away for work or on holiday and sleep in the bed- not have to ensure there was a couch so I could sleep sitting up.

    I am no longer invisible. Pre-surgery people would "accidentally" run into me all the time like they couldn't see me. Honestly can't remember the last time it happened- certainly not since the surgery.

    I am more flexible and feel strong for the first time in my adult memory.

    I am, for the first time in years, considering the possibility of a relationship.

    I had written this off in my own head I think and didn't realise I had done it.

    I can wear heels again.

    I can slide down a slide with my 8 year old nephew.

    I can go on rides at theme parks etc without worrying they'll bounce me for being over the weight limit :)

    I can fly... Without an extension belt.

    I have so much more energy!!

    I am sure there is more but this is what immediately jumps to mind!

    What about the other "veterans" - care to share how your lives are different now you've lost the weight?

    And thanks to you all for your kind words!!

    Cheers Liss

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