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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lissa_S

  1. Wow Liss!!!! Happy anniversary!!! U have made me believe I can do this. Ur such an inspiring person. Well done on ur weightloss and getting ur life back. U look so different. I bet people who used to know u would just walk right passed u and not realise it's u. Keep up the great work

    It's funny actually, that is exactly what happens. People have no idea who I am at first and then their reactions are hilarious :) Thanks for your kind words and yes, you WILL succeed just stick to the plan and don't give up. I've really had to learn (am still learning actually) to take a long term view about this whole weight loss thing and try to be more patient. I have to remember it took me a lifetime to get in the state I was in, I now need the rest of my life to continue to keep me from going back there! Seems a fair trade off though when you consider the amazing benefits :)

  2. Happy Sleeversary to me :) I can't believe that it has been 12 months since I had the surgery. For those of you who don't know me (for which there would be few on this thread) here are my stats: Starting weight was 173kg and my current weight is 87kg. Before surgery I hadn't slept lying down in a bed (comfortably) in over 7 years. I had chronic asthma, everything hurt all of the time (although I denied it back then) and it was just a struggle to move around.

    I had the surgery on September 3 2012. Things went badly. I got a leak. It took several surgeries and many months in ICU/ Surgical Ward before I could get the all clear to leave. That was November 2012. I didn't go back to work full time until the end of January 2013.

    Since then, well heck, things have just been getting better and better. The weight loss has been amazing. I've lost 86 kg - so tantalisingly close to half way lol. No fudging though - pesky 0.5kg :) The NSV's have been even better - the CLOTHES, shoes, movement, I am a "runner" now (on week 3 of the Couch to 5 K and am running in a 5K obstacle course at the end of the year), energy, clarity in thinking, enjoyment in life, exciting opportunities, flying without the embarrassment of asking for an extension seat belt, people looking you in the eye, not being "invisible" anymore, shop assistants are helpful and attentive, men FLIRT (okay, so maybe I do too - just a little), I've had a significant promotion, looking to travel OS next year, am planning for a future THAT I WANT not just settling for what I think I can have.

    It has been a truly amazing journey. I love you all - you have become friends to me even though (with the exception of Kelli) I've never met you in person. You've understood my struggles and triumphs in ways that my family and friends here struggle to do. I can't thank you all enough for your kindness, encouragement and support. And I promise that I WILL get around to meeting you :) **Wow, hope that doesn't sound stalker-ish...Deano, you're the copper - is that a bit creepy lol**. Before I finish my rambling post, here are some comparison shots that I put together. Thank you all for sharing my journey and helping me out so profoundly along the way. Much love to you all! Cheers, Liss

    post-34328-13813669519485_thumb.jpg post-34328-13813669519852_thumb.jpg post-34328-1381366952018_thumb.jpg

  3. I think we are all different- I average between. 500-600 cal per day and I don't feel dizzy. I am even running now and find I don't get dizzy like I feared I would :)

    Starting week 3 of couch to 5K and I LOVE it!!! Plus it's got the weight moving again- lost 2 kg last week!! I hope it keeps up so I can be down to 80kg by my 12 month appointment with Dr Silverman next month!!!

  4. Hi all! 19 days til my op! So exciting! But got a little disheartened when I visited my new dietician on Tuesday (I moved so had to find a new one) and was told that my goal to get to 80kg was a bit optimistic :( I'm currently around 145kg and 174cm tall. She said that from data taken from patients shows that I'm likely to get to 95kg.

    Anyone out there lost big numbers? I totally want to prove her wrong but am secretly now worried I can't make 80kg

    Please make me feel better lol

    Donna xo

    PS love reading about everyone's journey on this thread!

    Hi Donna- I was 173kg at surgery on 4 September last year. I am now 89 kg- so a loss of 84 kg in (almost) 12 months. My dr had a goal for me of 93 kg and she thought it would take 18 months :) I see her in four weeks so she should get a nice surprise. I plan to lose another 10 kg and then see how I feel but would like to get to 73-75 kg in the end if I can but will let my body dictate that a little and see where I am comfortable :) hope that helps!! Cheers Liss

  5. Wow you go away for 3 days and it gets busy in here.

    I am on the flip side of the plastic surgery.

    Had a rough time of it. Ended up having to go back in for emergency surgery as I had slow bleeder and lost 4ltres of blood' date=' needed 4 blood transfusions. Spent the second night in the ICU.

    My arms are feeling like they have done a hard work out and a sore bloated.

    My back and arms are aching but not taking too many painkillers. Didn't need the muscle tightening which is probably helping me feel better....


    OMG that is awful :( so sorry to hear that- are you feeling better? And are you home or still in hospital? Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

  6. My own little sleeve victory this week - running. Not the couch to 5k type' date=' just running for the joy of chasing the dogs at the dog park. They and I thought it a hoot!

    And then on Saturday at my son's end of season soccer semi-final, the goalie took a nasty boot to the face and blood went everywhere. As team manager I was able to sprint (well, my version of sprint) down the pitch and stem the flow with a tea towel, holler for time out and some medical care. The lad is a trooper and despite breaking the cartilage in his nose wanted to play on (though we didn't let him), and I was able to provide him with care and support in real team manager style. Last year I couldn't have run like that, and what I would have done would have left me breathless and speechless. It felt soooo good to be able to do what I should be able to do.

    Now I might even give Lissa a "run for her money", so to speak, in the couch to 5k. Which of the apps are you using Lissa?[/quote']

    That is brilliant Susan!!! It's actually called Couch to 5k and it's a great app! The other thing you can do to start with is just alternate a walk/ jog from lamp post to lamp post :) that's what I did to start with!! Once you can do that easily then run two lamp posts and walk one etc- before you know it you will be running!!

  7. I know Liisa has posted about this before but I wanted to share my new little enjoyments!

    This Friday I went on a plane and sat in one seat' date=' had plenty of room between my and the tray table. That was my first joy! Then we went to Movie world which I hadn't been to since January. Back then I was getting knocked back on rides or was squeezed Into the ride (extremely humiliating). Every ride I went on was a perfect fit, no awkward moments and I thoroughly enjoyed the day!

    So even though I have been in a 7 week stall I definitely have lost Inches![/quote']

    Isn't it a great feeling!! Congrats!!

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