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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lissa_S

  1. I didn't have the band but went straight for the sleeve. i had complications and a two month hospital stay. BUT I am four and a half months out from my original surgery and have lost almost 55 kg. The tracker below will give you this in pounds (I'm an Aussie so we use metric lol). Though I wouldn't recommend the surgery to anyone, after my own experience even with the complications, I can't argue with the amazing results :) Good luck with your decision! Don't take it lightly but don't be scared either - be very sure before you proceed. Trust me, you need to have been very clear with yourself why you're doing this particularly if things go wrong, cause it will help you through the tough times. Cheers, Lila

  2. Hi SwiftKate - I struggled with this really badly when I first started fluids etc. In the end, the dietician told me to take some Immodium to stop it and even now, there are times that I have to do this. It's only been like this since the surgery. I agree with the other advice and am glad you've spoken to your surgeon however if you become concerned, don't be worried about contacting your surgeon. That is what they're there for. And if the worst case scenario is that you wasted a little time and money getting it checked out, then that's great. But if it is something else, don't wait until you end up back in OR or ICU :) You know I speak from experience!!

  3. I don't get cravings so much (yet) and it is funny that my favourite thing pre-sleeve was Pasta and now I don't want it at all. I occassionally will have a little of someone else's Pasta (a spoonful) but then I am done. I am thinking that this is one of the biggest changes for me with the sleeve - no cravings and if I do indulge, it's so small an amount I don't sweat it :)

    Seth - there were lots of times after surgery that I wondered why the hell I'd done this to myself. But that feeling does go, well it did for me and I am pretty sure for most people here. There are still times even now though where I think I'd like a massive serve of whatever - you don't get that sense of satisfaction from food that I got (all the time, which was my problem lol). When I eat now, I enjoy what I eat but it's different. Before, I was already thinking about my next meal before I finished the one I was eating - now, I honestly couldn't care less. In fact, I find it easier not to eat than to force myself to eat something at a meal time. If I don't force myself I get really shaky and a nasty headache (like I have now - stupid to miss breakfast), so it can be a bit of a catch 22. But as someone who lived with constant hunger and food obsessions, the pemanency of this was brilliant for me. I can't in good conscience recommend the surgery to anyone, given my own experience however will say that in spite of all that happened, now I am over all of it, I don't regret having the sleeve for a single second!!

  4. Woohoo! I am out of the 120's! As of today, I am 118.8kg! I honestly can't remember when I was this weight. Spoke to my dietician today - she is stoked with my weight loss but a bit concerned about my low calorie count. But she had really reasonable suggestions on how to increase it - now I just have to give it a shot :) Hope everyone else is going well!! Aussiegirl, I am glad to hear you're doing better. Kelli - hope you're feeling better and that the weight starts to move. Cheers, Lila

  5. Good job Aussie Lady :) Thanks for starting the thread - I usually avoid most other posts besides our Aussie one because people can be really mean and judgemental - it's why I stopped blogging actually on this site. Though (now I am being judgemental) I don't understand why people would post to this thread just to say they don't "believe" in it! What you're posting isn't mythical, it's just basic courtesy! Anyway happy to be here :)

  6. Hey Kelli - I am four months out and haven't hit a stall (YET) but you know that my situation wasn't "normal", so a bit like Deano, what I am eating probably isn't relavent. I think a food diary is a great idea but I wonder if it isn't kinda normal cause you are getting pretty close to your goal weight. Which is awesome (that you're close to goal) but sucks and must be frustrating as heck.

    This is going to sound bonkers, but a friend of mine who lost a lot of weight said that when she hit a long stall, her trainer told her she wasn't getting enough calories in. So she had a "cheat meal" once per week - something calorific that apparently "shocked" her body into burning more calories over the whole week and she said it really worked for her. Not sure if it applies for you but perhaps something to consider?

    I am dreading a stall or even worse a gain, but I am sure that is all part of it as well. Good luck Kelli and I hope things start moving for you again really soon.

    Oh I just remembered, remember when I was in hospital and there was a few weeks where I gained weight even though I'd been fed via drip for ages. It didn't make any sense - dietician said it was all the Fluid so given it's hot, maybe that's a part of it too - Fluid retention.

    Anyway good luck :) Cheers, Lila

  7. 105 pounds - GET OUT :huh:B)

    LOL yep :) I haven't weighed this week though - was going to this afternoon but spent it in ED/ XRAY getting my nephew's foot fixed after what he tells me was an "awesome" leap off the picnic table at summer camp. Apparently the landing wasn't quite as awesome :) So I am hoping it's a little close to 110 :)

  8. Hi all, I live on the north coast of NSW and am going to be sleeved on the Gold Coast. I had my super release approved TODAY, my PHI rolls over next week and am just waiting on a surgery date... So excited!!

    Congrats!! Where abouts on the Coast are you getting yours done? I had mine done by Dr Silverman at John Flynn. Dr Silverman was awesome!!

  9. Hi Puppyphat,

    I think that you look amazing! Honestly, I can't ever imagine weighing 58kg, even after all my weight loss. So I think you should be really proud of getting basically to your goal. With regards to the comments of others, it is really hard. If I was wearing my psychologist hat (sorry for this), I'd ask myself not why I didn't think people are proud of me but why I am looking to others to be proud. We all do it but maybe you could start to look at why you're externalising feelings which really are only internal one's. Pride in yourself can only come from yourself. It's really about self-confidence and self-esteem. Like, what does it mean if they aren't proud of me even after I've lost the weight? What does it say about my relationships?

    Or you could just write them off as jealous b-atches lol.

    Anyway, from looking at your photo's you look really healthy not sick. People will get used to it and before you know it, it will cease being an issue :)

    Cheers, Lila

  10. Thanks everyone for your kind words :) I am pretty excited and happy with the sleeve and am glad I did it...most of the time lol.

    For those who are about to get your sleeve, know that while it's tough at times and yes, things can go really wrong, once you get through it, it's everything you dreamed it might be. The weight loss does happen, your health does improve and it happens quite quickly. It's the hardest thing I've done but also the best.

    Good luck to you all!!

  11. OMG so I am down to 120.2kg from 167kg day of surgery and a "top weight" of 173kg. So that is about 53kg in just over 4 months.

    The most exciting thing is that I realised that I am only 27kg away from my surgeon's goal weight (of 93kg) - 47 kg away from my personal goal weight but anything under that 93kg is gravy :) It's bonus weight-loss time!!

    27kg to goal doesn't sound too unreasonable - it actually sounds do-able. So excited!!!!

  12. I had my first public chuck today :( wasnt feeling greAt sat down to a small sausage roll. Probabley Not the best choice for a snack. Was alone doing the tourist thing while my partner was off working. Next thing the strange feeling i use to get with the band started...... And up came lunch ..... Spent the rest of the day sipping ice coke....

    Has anyone else had this happen??? Or was it just a bad choice in food on my part. ????

    Sorry this happened - at 3 or 4 weeks out a sausage roll might have been a bridge too far :) I haven't had a sausage roll cause I am pretty sure I'd have a similar reaction and I hate chucking up! I can't drink frozen coke etc cause they are too sweet now but I do have a bit of soda Water or soda and lime if I'm out somewhere. What I did have was a bite of a cheeseburger the other day. It tasted okay and then it hit my stomach and sat there like a brick for AGES. I won't be in a hurry to do that again :) What I am trying to learn to do is to have stuff in my bag to eat when I can't find anything appropriate (which happens quite a lot). Mostly it's nuts and le snack's - but again, at less than four weeks out I am not sure if it's okay to have this - so maybe check in with your surgeon/ dietician?

    Don't worry about making mistakes - I think it's unrealistic to think that the sleeve alone will change lifelong bad habits overnight. Try these things, remember the outcome and move on. I don't think beating ourselves up for "bad" choices is helpful otherwise I wouldn't have been so overweight as I would always be beating myself up for stuff I've eaten!

    The one thing I've had since surgery from my "old" life that I can still eat is a piece of thin crust pizza. I now like the vegetarian one's better than the old meat pizza's and I can only eat a small amount but when I'm out with mates, it's great being able to pinch the smallest slice of their pie! I am always eating off someone else's plate these days - I rarely buy my own meal. I'm saving a crap load of cash on my food bill (saving it to spend on my new clothes lol)...

    Good luck though! Let us know how you go!

    Cheers, Lila

  13. Ugh had a rough day yesterday :( Had my first puke in quite a while despite the fact I only had 4 crackers and a piece of toast all day. Still feeling a bit yuck today but am definitely less sick. Blaming it on the heat - still having trouble balancing the need for fluids with getting in enough food which makes me sick cause I am not eating enough...hope I work this out soon!!!

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