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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lissa_S

  1. Hi Liss.Congratulations on your weight loss so far :)

    I also appreciate your diplomatic rebuttal of my suggestion that puppyphat may have body dysmorphia. Obviously I am not a mental health professional and I reacted to her distress with my own similar (but not the same) experience. I wish I had worded my post differently and I am grateful that you have stepped in.Is what you have talked about what they are calling 'transfer addiction' on other threads?

    I hope puppyphat will reach out to you and all her sleever friends.

    Thanks for your response. I hope you didn't think I was having a crack at you, only that I was concerned that there was such a huge risk of medical complications for puppyphat if she has/is developing an eating disorder. And I also don't want anyone to think I am diagnoising based on a post on a forum - I just wanted to highlight how potentially serious this can be and it's a cautionary tale for all of us! But please don't think that I was dismissing your suggestion or having a go at you in any way!

    I also won't talk about this matter anymore on the public thread as I regretted posting it on the forum and not PMing it to puppyphat directly. I would hate for puppyphat to feel she can't talk freely or openly on this forum or for my comments to (in any way) cause more distress.

    With regards to your query about transfer addiction, it possibly is but it is best to have a consultation with a clinical psychologist as it is such a complicated matter.

    Cheers, Liss

  2. Hi guy's

    Having internet drama's so my ability to pop online at the moment is limited.

    All is good. Work is banana's. B.A.N.A.N.A.S!

    I haven't weighed myself for a few weeks - the reason - got new scales that weighed me heavier (an extra two kg) so it was a bit of a setback motivation wise.

    I am getting back on track and increasing the exercise again.

    I've not been eating well - stress makes it tough. Mostly at the moment I am drinking a skim milo to get through the day and having some veggies at night. Not by choice but cause I am under quite a lot of stress and if I try to eat when I am like this, I usually just puke.

    To better manage the stress, I am starting yoga next week so along with increased exercise I hope my ability to eat more resumes. Funny how this happens - just a little while ago I was worried I could eat too much :) Guess it swings around...

    So haven't weighed because next time I get on the scales I want to be under the 100kg :) So I am giving it another week (new scales said I had 2.5kg to lose to get under the hundred) - no doubt my next post will be about that - fingers crossed!!

    Hope you're all well! Cheers, Liss

  3. Puppyphat - not sure if you're monitoring the forum or not but if you are -

    I echo the sentiments of most here that are urging you to speak to someone NOW.

    I am a psychologist.

    I have worked in Mental Health for the past five years and increasingly, eating disorders are being seen within our service as severe and debilitating conditions that are both psychological and biological responses.

    Sometimes, what I've observed in my role is that we can sometimes substitute one kind of disorder for another if the situation demands it. So, for example, where you might have experienced a more "socially acceptable" eating disorder of over eating to the point your health was severely compromised, it is now manifesting itself through food restriction and perceptual disturbances (with reference to your body image). it might be, as suggested, body dysmorphic disorder but given the food restriction and obsession you report, it sounds much more like an eating disorder. This would also explain the depression you're feeling and perceptual dissonance.

    It sounds serious, right. That's cause it is. And I can urge you enough to get help early before you end up on a medical admission, fed by a tube and countless referrals and intrusive interventions down the track.

    We here all really care. Don't worry about being a "downer" - talk to us. Talk to SOMEONE, anyone but please, don't stop talking.

    Thinking of you, Liss

  4. Hello everyone

    Been a few weeks off the site due to work committments. Things are still going well. Work is crazy busy and a constant challenge. I have started exercising more frequently which I am really happy about as I finally feel like I am getting my strength back. At the moment, I am exercising three days per week, just walking, but I've just bought heavier free weights to bump up my weights routine that I've been doing for a while. Have 3kg weights instead of the little 1kg weight's I've been using lol. Should be a tad painful to start with :)

    In terms of food, I notice that I am eating a little more which is good in some ways, but terrible in others. It's good that I can now eat about 1/2 cup of food in a sitting. But now I am eating more, I am far more conscious about what it is that I am eating. I've always been pretty careful post-surgery but I would sometimes have things that perhaps aren't fantastic (like sour cream etc in sauces). I am now really aware of that. I am working out that the more that I plan ahead (even if it is just the night before) I obsess less and eat better :) So I am currently giving that a go :) I have also got a freezer of frozen meals (shepards pie, beef stew, nacho mince and Pasta bake). These are fantastic! I had stopped cooking because of waste but now I am freezing meals I am cooking up a storm again! I get the baby containers which even though they look really small, for the Pasta it's great! I don't have much pasta in it, mostly mince but there is a little pasta there :) I have slightly larger portions of the stew and shepards pie but there are so many veggies in it that it can't be too bad for me :)

    The weight loss continues but it's definitely slowed. I am down to about 0.5-1kg per week at the moment. I physically look like I am losing more than that and I am sure if I took my measurements I would have lost more centimetres. Like most people, I find I am so close to some big achievements that I am a bit impatient. The next 10kg will see me at the surgeon's goal and well and truly have busted the 100kg mark.

    Well I have rambled enough - hope you're all going well!! Welcome to all the new people on the site - it's good to meet you!

    Cheers, Liss

  5. Nessa - looking amaze-balls!!

    I am excited that I am almost in double digits!! I weighed in at 100.2kg today - so very close now I can "taste" it :)

    I showed someone at work my "Before" photo today and they refused to believe it was me lol. Took someone from my staff who'd been around for longer to confirm it hahahahaha. An awesome compliment :)

    Have training in Newcastle next week which will be great. Good shopping in Newcastle I hear :) Also going out to a new Japanese restaurant with friends - love it cause they do "small" portions (3 pieces) which should just be enough lol. Going to be great!!

    All is well - had a weird experience yesterday though. Quickly developed pain across my upper back (shoulder blades) that ended up wrapped around my front (ribs). it was really odd - an aching pain, not sharp. I wondered if it was dehydration as I'd been busy and I realised that I had only drank 400ml by 5pm. It lasted hours, really uncomfortable and after several panadol finally eased enough to sleep. Couldn't eat as it was quite distressing but ate fairly normally today.

    I don't have a GP here (since I've recently moved) but if it happens again I will have to get it seen to. Was quite upsetting, painful and I have to admit Iwas worried it would return today but I am all right so far :)

    Hope you're all well! Cheers, Liss

  6. Hi everyone!I have been following this thread for some time and I want to begin by thanking everyone for their generosity in sharing their journeys.Your honesty,bravery and good humour is inspirational.

    I am normally a private person but I am going to be as frank as you have all been.

    I am in Canberra and have been accepted by Dr Mosse for the sleeve pending the results of an endoscopy and barium swallow.Fingers crossed I haven't got an ulcer from the high dose of anti-inflammatories I have been on for the last 18 months for arthritis.

    I am married 46 year old mum of two active little ones and I am on my feet at work.I desperately need to drop weight *fast* but all I am doing is stacking it on. I can't exercise as I am barely hobbling thru the day as it is, so I am locked in a vicious circle and trying really hard not to comfort eat. I have been severely obese in the past but managed to lose 50kg (became 92kg) and kept it off for 10 years but now I am in trouble again.Got complacent after my last bubby and figured I would just - literally - exercise my ass off when my son was older. Then the arthritis hit me like a truck.I am using myfitnesspal and struggle to stay within 1900 cals per day.I never feel full and can eat for Australia if I am not careful.I am very,very tired of this endless struggle with my weight.

    My stats are: 177cm tall; 125kg kg-128kg depending on whose scales I am on :-/

    Thank you for listening and for helping me through this process of reclaiming both my self esteem and my life with my precious family.

    Welcome!! We're always glad to have new people on here! Feel free to share (or not to share) as much as you are comfortable :) This group has been a lifeline for me since I was sleeved and I hope we can be the same for you and anyone else checking out this forum!

    Cheers, Liss

  7. I'll drive all the way to Brisbane from Sydney if dean is bringing out single cops. You tell me where and when, and I'll bring the handcuffs.

    Me too :)

    Hey Deano - BTW we might have worked together. I am ICARE trained and worked for CS from 2004-2008 :) How funny would that be! It's a small world...

    Nothing new to report here - work, work, work rules (?ruins) my life at the moment :) new job is good but really full on!!

    Glad to hear you're all doing pretty well at the moment..going to bed dreaming of my next Brissy trip lol :)

    Night all, Liss

  8. LOL I had a much better day today guy's :) And thanks for the support and the kind words about my new pic. I thought it was time to pop up a new one! Had a good day today, ate well (lots of fruit today) and I feel a lot better tonight!! Suffice to say that we now have a red frog ban in the office.

    It shall now go down in history as the "Red Frog Incident" - thanks Kelli :)

    Hope you're all doing well! And have a great weekend! Cheers, Liss

  9. OMG I stuffed up today. So I started my new job. It's awesome but it's a management role. I am responsible for the clinical decisions that over 20 staff (across several disciplines) make. Stuff happened (not important) and what was my response? Red frogs. I don't even bloody like red frogs. But they were there and I crammed them into my mouth. I at about 10 of the little bastards.

    Now I've puked a LOT since the sleeve. But I swear to god nothing was more disgusting that spewing up those red frogs. So damn embarrassing - staff knocking on the toilet door to see if I am okay - apparently the sound of my puking had the added bonus of echoing down the hall to their office. And not to mention so GROSS.

    So now I am quite unwell tonight, I suspect that my blood sugar is dangerously low again but I am so nauseated still from earlier, I dare not eat anything. I've had a little black tea with some sugar in it (not great but better than nothing)...

    So just when I think I am kicking it with the sleeve and addressing my lifelong issues with food, I fall right back into the same old mistakes at the first hurdle.

    Tomorrow, I am getting gum to chew at work...stupid, stupid, stupid :(

  10. Hi Donna,

    I am a similar height to you, at 176cm tall and my top weight was higher at 173kg. I was sleeved in September last year. If you managed to wade through all the pages you would know that I had a leak. I had an extra two months in hospital, almost died several times and had to have the sleeve re-done so my pouch is very small.

    Since surgery 7 months ago, I have lost about 70kg (haven't weighed recently so not sure of the exact number). Despite what I went through with the leak this is still the best thing I have ever done for my health.

    Good luck with preparing for your surgery and keep on the forums - the people here are awesome and will be invaluable on your journey.

    Cheers, Liss

  11. Hi all :)

    I have been "off the air" as I've moved and started the new job. It's all going really well (*furiouslytouchingallwoodenobjectsinreach* lol) - work is chaos and that is great although the struggle has been to eat appropriately throughout the day. It's all a learning curve.

    I have NO IDEA what I weigh at the moment - I don't own scales and now I've moved and have a new job, I can't weigh myself at work anymore lol. I am going to have to give in and buy some scales soon as I am sure I've continued to lose weight but as most of us would know, I've convinced myself of that in the past and have been terribly wrong :) I think for my own peice of mind I had better get some scales!!

    I know that I am very close to the 70kg mark (was 69kg down about three weeks ago). I am also (last time I weighed) only 5 kg away from breaking the 100kg mark so that is exciting!

    Welcome to Misty to our little group :) It's good to have you here!

    Congratulations to all on your ongoing successes! Looking forward to my next milestones though!!

    Cheers, Liss

  12. LOL you are doing well Sue - I am not doing the gym thing yet but have been doing a program designed by an exercise physiologist (aka my cousin lol). I am going to start walking every day after Easter too cause I did so much walking while I was on holiday that I realised I could do more than I have been! Good luck with the training and remember to have the radox ready... Cheers, Liss

  13. Lissa, as long as you had a great holiday and enjoyed the 'Word's' with your family, we can catch up next time. Isn't it great to sit comfortably in a chair. I flew to Townsville for work on Friday and couldn't get over how much more space I had. The seats haven't changed, but I have. Good luck in reaching your goal.you have been losing so consistently you should find it a breeze. Is there a 'Mr Lissa'? Ot are you flying solo?

    Thanks Kell :) I am "flying solo" and had kind of given up. I no longer feel like I've given up and notice that I am more likely to make eye contact and smile at people in general. But I now notice that men respond to that and though nothing's come of it, I am really looking forward to dating in the future. Although I imagine that will bring it's own bag of worries lol :)

    I have been really lucky with my weight loss so far! Have no idea how things went on holidays as I haven't weighed myself but I am hoping that I haven't gained anything :) I will have to check when I get back to work on Tuesday.

    Sue - I am getting energy back although I still find that I get tired quickly. At the theme parks it was brilliant - I could go on any ride without concern. We went on the aquaduck too and there was plenty of room in the seats for both me and my nephew. So totally cool! With regards to the energy level - I find this to be an ongoing source of frustration for me. However I recently swapped from a high Protein diet to one where I eat more fruit and veggies and it seems to be working well for me. I still try to eat Protein at most meals in some form but eating the lighter foods (fruit and veggies) not only kick started my weightloss (which had slowed down a bit) but helped with the energy levels.

    I am furiously packing now - I basically have to pack my whole house over the next five days so I can move over Easter. That should help - gotta love the incidental exercise :)

    Hope you're all well. Had the greatest holiday and was so pleased that I went before I start the new job next week. Cheers, Lissa

  14. Have a great holiday Melissa and don't worry about your friend's reaction. As you say it is her issue not yours. Maybe we could all meet up on the GC while you are there? I am sure some of us from Brisbane would be happy to drive down and meet you.

    Oh Kelli - how I wish I'd seen this before I had left for my holiday! I just got home after a brilliant stay and can't wait to start planning the trip for next year! I will be back on the Coast in September for my year post op surgery visit with the surgeon. I would love to catch up with you guy's then - hopefully I will even be at goal! Just 30kg to go (well, 12 to the surgeon's)!

    Cheers, Liss

  15. Hi everyone. I agree with Dean - you're a fantastic bunch and I feel so lucky to have you to talk to. I think you'll understand this next bit where others in my life won't...

    For the first time since surgery I caught up with an old friend yesterday. We went out for lunch. She was astounded by my weight loss (she struggles with her weight and is probably as big as I was when I started). It was nice. Because we were in a cafe I got a half melt with chicken, cheese and avo. When they brought it out, it was that thick white bread (I swear it looked like half a loaf but objectively it might have been about an inch or so thick). Anyway, I literally had two bites before I was really full, so I stopped eating. I was busy chatting anyway so didn't really notice. And I certainly didn't pay any attention to what she ordered. Anyway it wasn't long before she started getting quite withdrawn. When the waitress came to clear the table and I said they could take my plate, she went OFF. She said that just because i had surgery and "fucked myself up" that I shouldn't make everyone else feel bad for being "normal". Then she left.

    Now you guy's know I am a psych, right? So I did all the usual stuff - I know this is her issue and not mine, I know that it must have been confronting for her and that she can't be in a good headspace. But I also feel that if she called me right now, I wouldn't be receptive to reinstigating the friendship. I have put up with far worse from people in the past but where I am at right now, I just feel like I don't need that kind of negativity.

    I think that I am less inclined to take this kind of rubbish now and I feel the sleeve is partly to thank for that. It's not that I think I deserved that behaviour before but more that I made allowances for people that I am just not inclined to do now.

    In happier news, I am off to the Goldie for 8 fun-filled days today :) I have my swimmers packed so I can take my little fellow swimming (we're staying at seaworld for four days and then at the hilton at surfers the other days). I can go on the rides. I might even go swim with the dolphins lol. Things are really good at the moment and I can't believe what a massive difference there has been in my life in such a short time. I can't wait to see my surgeon so she can see what an incredible change she has brought to my life and so that I can thank her again.

    I will be off the site while I am away (don't have VST on my phone) so I will look forward to catching up on the forum when I get back!

    Cheers, Liss

  16. Well after my concerns last week about a possible stall, I weighed in at the dr's today and lost 3 kg. i suspect that I must have been retaining Fluid last week as I haven't done anything significantly different but it was great to see that number today. Have 15kg to go to the surgeon's goal and about 30 until mine. So excited :) Just can't wait to drop the next 7 kg and get under the 100kg mark!!

    Here's an updated photo :)


  17. So excited - only two days until my holiday :) 9 days on the Gold Coast with my 7 year old and my best friend, her hubby and their 7 year old - going to all the theme parks, on the aquaduck etc...best thing? I can go on the rides now lol. I still worry that I won't fit but know it's my head playing games. The best thing is that I will be happy to get in photo's now rather than insisting that I be behind the camera. Really lookling forward to it! It will be my last holiday for a while cause after I come back I have three days left in my old job and then I start the new one after Easter! It's bloody hectic but I am loving it!!

  18. Do you know many people there? If you don't it'll be good in a strange way to live and work somewhere where everyone just knows you as 'normally' sized.

    No worries Dean :) I wasn't offended at all. I don't know many people but some of the people I work with know me from before surgery. They haven't seen me though since that time so they might get a bit of a surprise lol. It's funny actually - the panel that interviewed me for the job have known me for five years but hadn't seen me since I had the surgery so it was the first thing they asked me about in the interview. Didn't cause any problems obviously but it's funny how it does seem to impact on every aspect of my life :)

  19. I hope you didn't think I was being dishonest with the whole name thing Dean :) Lila is a nickname that my nephew uses and as this is the first forum I'd ever joined (besides facebook) was a bit nervous adding my real name (given my job - you'd know that is like!!).

    Anyway - exciting news on the job front. I have a start date for my promotion - April 2 - and drove to Moree today and found a lovely new home to rent for the next two years. Loving the sense of secuity!! It's close to work, friends and there is a good pub in walking distance. I'm a happy camper lol :)

    Cheers, Liss

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