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Posts posted by teacherlady2133

  1. On weds I will make sure to ask for hormone level checked too!

    Yes being a teacher right now is very stressful and the demand is difficult. That could be playing into all of this too.

    I did like the comments about obligation socializing... I would say that is a huge area I am having to deal with. Bring around people I really don't want to be around isn't happening very often or letting others make me feel like I should do things just because it is the right thing to do. I am finding my own place and who I want to be.

    I can say I had a better day today and do believe food and Vitamins are playing apart in this... I think I have eaten enough Flintstones to get my levels back up again.

    Hopefully we all find our balance and learn to be who we are no matter our sizes.

  2. Interesting topic... I find it interesting and amusing that you are speaking up for yourself and recognizing that in the past you would have chosen to eat. I would call that an NSV, for sure. I might also suggest that your replies may not be as harsh as you think. Cruel is never good, but heartfelt and honest is...

    As you noted, so many of us have spent so much time energy and focus on the care of others without EVER expecting anything back, and thank God, we have been given the chance to rectify this. Embrace your inner "Tawanda" (Kathy Bates, Fried Green Tomatoes reference), she will mellow out and find her groove!

    I am glad you commented, I have a friend who feels the same way you do. She is enjoying the new me and loves and laughs that I now have a voice. She also sees this as a NSV. She understands this is such an adjustment for me and change from not speaking up to always having something to say..

    She does say it is very different to have me make comments on topics or to people who I would never of called out before.

    To her this new voice is fun and enjoyable to get to know a different side of me. She doesn't think I am being rude or too harsh and others should deal with it. She believes others are taking it harsh or more shocking because I have never spoken up before, not how I am saying things just that I am addressing issues at all.

    Instead of beating myself up over this change, I think I will learn to adjust to it. It will mellow out as you said and I will find a groove.

  3. How are you doing? I hope your flare ups are not occurring anymore. I have found out if my body is fighting anything else it makes me hurt somewhere else. Like I started hurting and aching and it was an ear infection. The Dr thinks it inflames my whole body when I am trying to fight something. I haven't had to go to the ER over it, but I have had to slow down and deal with the pain in more than one way. It changes my mood and then that's a bigger problem.

  4. Thanks for the prediction tool. I am also in the 50% and I am taking that as a positive thing. I know I haven't done all, so I could to be along further. There just isn't enough hours in the day. This at least took away some of the worries about the doctor visit. I will be honest and say there has been limited formal exercise. I think it might be what I consider exercise.. No gym visits, no pool visits, but I am walking and moving so much more than I was. It is funny how we compare ourselves to each other... I am just going to enjoy my huge change and the continue changes.

  5. I have my 6 month check up on Weds and will be interested to see what the labs say.

    I think that some of the issues are the diet. My family is hooking it to the diet. I will be talking and they will ask what time did you eat last? Or when do you eat again? I think the shortness might be hooked to sugar levels.

    I am not going to blame the whole thing on diet, I think that hormones play a big role too! 125 pounds gone in a year and 85 of that in 6 months released a huge amount of hormones in my body which have never worked correctly before.

    I also think that for more than 30 years everyone and everything was more important than my own stuff. Being raised in a minister's home where everything was about serving others and others needs laid a foundation in my life that sort of got me to the place of weighing 350.

    Now that I have chosen me first, my health first, and my own life as important. I think I have issues absorbing other peoples issues and how to cope with them.

    I want to find a balance between the old me and the new me.

    Maybe I do need to learn communication skills better. Or join some support groups.

    I just know I don't want my mouth shooting off and having something ugly coming out even when it is the truth...

  6. I guess this is a rant over not knowing who I am...

    In the last couple days I have became so angry and short with others and find myself just tired of people. This is so not like me. I even told off a respected professor yesterday because of the stress... and tired of the college saying one thing and then requiring something else. Is this the diet? Lack of something? The new me? I find myself speaking up when normally I would be quiet.. Normally when I am pushed I would find comfort I guess in eating and shopping which I can't do either...

    If this is the new me, how do I reform my relationships? I can't be always saying sorry for my actions when I feel like maybe this is a form of the new me.

  7. I am reading back on some old post and wanted to give a quick update. I had surgery 4/28/14 and am currently down 81 since surgery and 125 since beginning of journey.

    It has been a huge adjustment in relationships and to be honest it seems to be all my issue.

    I do not know how to take compliments from others. I do not know how to be the center of attention when I now enter a room, not based on anything except my weight change.

    Friends and family have adjusted to the new me and are trying to find normal, but I struggle with the new relationships.

    I know they still do not get it. Even now when the changes are very noticeable. They are supportive and kind and loving. They do not get my own struggles with the reality of it all. I do not know how to not be the Fat sister, friend or daughter.

    I am learning and happy to have them there with me and I just let go of any comments or statements that are said in love but miss the mark.

  8. I know this is an older post but wanted to share I am getting closer to goal each and everyday. Total lost 125 and 50 to go and I will be excited! The summer was great and I did make it about me and my kids focusing on weight loss and diet learning so much about myself!

    Hope your journey is going well even after your year date!

  9. Was wondering how's everyone doing?

    Next week I go for my 6 month check up and to be honest a little nervous about it.

    These last two months have been rough with life and trying to balance finishing my degree and keeping on the right track.

    I haven't exercised like I wish I could, or tracked my food the same way either. I have lost more weight of course, but as much as I should? not sure what to compare it to.

    It has been a year since I started my journey with my 6 month pre-op.

    I have lost a total of 125 pounds in this year, with 81 pounds since day of surgery.

    I have 50 more pounds to go to reach my personal goal of 170.

    I know everyone is different and it is hard to compare when this is such a life change for us all.

    I have no regrets I would choose to do this journey all over again. I like what I am becoming. I am 5 pounds away from being the lowest weight I can ever remember weighing since I was 13years old. I can do so many more things in life. I can honestly say in a long time this is the first thing in my life that worked out the way I hoped it would... This tool has changed a lot of things about me and I know there would have been no other way to make this all happen.

    I hope you all are finding peace and doing wonderful with these changes we are going through.

  10. Sorry you are going through this. I am having issues too, they sound almost the same pain in left side in middle of my back. I would swear my ribs are shifting. I am 5 months out and 115 down including pre-op. Hope you find relief from the pain. I got a massage and she said she believes I am losing my muscles causing pain.

  11. I totally understand the still thinking like your heavy. I am a teacher and I am always walking around the room afraid to go between the desk thinking I will not fit through. Or I have the same issue with working out or even goofing off that everyone is watching that fat lady try to do something she shouldn't do. I am building up courage to jump on the trampoline. I did have the most amazing thing happen my husband lifted me off the ground to crack my back.. Last time I was picked up was 27 years ago.

  12. I am going on 5 months out from surgery and one year from the start of my weight loss journey. I am so happy I made this change and do not regret one moment, even while sitting in a urologist waiting room to find out about all these urine infections. 110 pounds gone and I will Celebrate only having 60 to go.

    Here is my issue, I do not recognize the face staring back at me in the mirror. This seems strange to my family. As this year has moved along at first I couldn't see any changes. I felt like I had always looked like this( good self and body images can get you in trouble sometimes, didn't realize really how out of control my weight had became.)

    Now I have surpassed what I thought I looked like to an unknown place of what do I look like and what will I look like. This balancing act is hard for me to adjust too. Who I am has not had the same drastic inward change as the outside has.

    Anyone else find themselves walking pass mirrors and thinking who is that. I find myself even having to touch my hands and arms to just get use to the different me.

    I have never been thin or considered smaller than others even in school I was heavy.

    It is strange getting to know this new me.

  13. I agree wicked beauty weirdest feeling. I saw Dr. Today for 3 month check up received encouraging news that I am 5-10 pounds ahead of schedule! Yea me!! Plus talked about pushing myself more in exercise just to find my limits. He wants me to be able to see the changes my body has made and learn my own abilities. I am so afraid to hurt myself. How strong am I? What can I do? So tonight I tried to push some and didn't hit it... 6 miles walking on bike path and could still go..even was walking at a pretty good pace! Will see in morning how my knees handle it...before surgery I could not handle 1 mile on treadmill. Wow!!!! I am going to try treadmill tomorrow...

  14. Ok 3 months tomorrow. It feels like I have always been doing this lifestyle then it also feels like just a new thing. I have good days and bad days depending on my stomach! I can say I have head cravings then know there is no way to fulfill the desires for certain foods. So makes me not want to eat anything.

    My biggest issues has been how to handle other people and their reactions. I am more self aware now then when I was at my heaviest! I hate "how much have you loss?" Or even "you look so good"

    Missing my clothes is also a huge issue.

    Drinking my Water ugh!! I hate water!!

    But for milestones: 95 pounds since start of journey in sept. 2013

    HW 347

    SW 305 April 28,2014

    CW 252

    Loss of 53 since surgery.

    Size 30 to size 18-20. Smallest I have been in 20 years.

    Swimming at least 3 times a week and walking.. Oh my new love of walking!!!

    I have had 2 stalls but I don't think of them as stalls I think of them as my body readjusting to the weight loss.

    I have lost over 50 inches all over my body.

    What a first quarter of this year! I believe I have scored big! I wanted to be further ahead but I will take the lead and keep running the race toward the prize of health and less pain and final hernia surgery!!! Never lose sight of the goals!!!

  15. Hi everyone. Hope everyone is doing wonderful learning about their new lifestyle. One thing I am painfully learning about is the sun. I would never get sun burnt before surgery, but since surgery I have gotten burnt twice with sun block on and this time after only 1 hour in the sun. I am not sure if surgery is the reason but just be careful anyways...

    HW 347

    SW 305

    CW 263

    Surgery date 4/28/14

  16. First time to hospital after surgery. ER visit for blood in urine. Found out just a bad UTI but that is after CT scan, 5 tubes if blood removed and everything else.. Got informed all the precautions was because I had gastric bypass and need to be very careful to make sure everything is normal. At least did find out surgery worked everything healed and looks great!!

  17. I had nausea after surgery too and I had my dr call in suppositories. Yes I know???? but not having to swallow a pill was so worth it and it took care of the nausea quick. I Also use s/f popcicles for the upset stomach my theory is the cold takes it away.. All my drinks have to be super cold..

  18. I actually don't think that sounds odd. I think many women are into clothes no matter what their size. I also think it's hard to dress a new body you are not use too, especially in the in between phases. How much more weight do you want to lose?

    Amylif2 I agree a new body is hard to dress. I have at least 100 pounds to go. I think the problem is I haven't been this size in 15 years so learning to dress a body I haven't seen or felt like now as a 37 year old is different. And to be honest I haven't been below a size 22 since high school the smallest I ever remember being in my life was a size 16-18 at 200 pounds at the age of 13. My goal is 175-160.

    My size and weight are so different after surgery, 3 kids and just life... I am shocked a little about the sizes 275- size 22.. Before I thought I was 250- size 22...

    I understand everything is just numbers and only one way to measure this process..

    I will say I enjoy getting my life back.. I can't imagine what more things I am going to experience as my body changes...

    Just this weekend alone I rode a bike not far but first time in 25 years... I got on a Water trampoline and was strong enough to move my body around on and off!!!! My kids were so excited!!

    That is my largest goal, I want my 15,13,10 year old to meet the woman I was and the new me as I enjoying living...

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