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Posts posted by teacherlady2133

  1. Being married 16 years I would suggest that sex in relationships goes in stages... Sometimes very hot and other times cold as ice... This surgery changed my body, but most, it changed my mental state... How I see myself and constantly trying to be comfortable in my own skin, gets exhausting...Being a 38 year old woman and trying to find yourself like a 6grader plays with your mind...I am

    8 months post-op and 135 down...so 4 months is still new to this all...

    I would suggest making it not all about her looks and focus on the changes.. What about her personality, the way she makes you laugh.. The strength to work the way she does...the joy she brings you everyday...

  2. Yes, I would have the surgery again , for the weight loss and for having control over food. I am 7 months out and no complications physically except hair loss but that is normal.

    No, I would not have the surgery for the mental changes. I just wish I knew how much I was going to change mentally before hand. I was a strong woman before my surgery. I could face many stressful disruptions in my life and keep pressing forward. Today any stress makes me sick. I throw up, I cry, I shut down. I feel like I can't handle things like I normally would. I am forgetful and at times confused.

    I thought under all this weight was a firecracker of a woman, but really I found I am uncovering a broken little girl. At times this is hard to deal with and I miss not having to deal with these emotions or feelings. The overwhelming feeling of not fitting in and being normal is stronger now then when I weighted 350.

    Like any choice there are two sides. I understand all the yeses, I too would do it again. I also understand the when others say No.

  3. What do you consider a significant number? I am 7 months out and hit my first major stall. It has been 3 weeks same weight but I have been considering other things like does my body have a memory of weights it has been? I have lost 130 in a year 90 since surgery and am stuck at 218. Here is my thought from age 13-25, I would weigh between 200-230 longest time I had a consistent weight. Does my body think this is normal weight? More than just fighting food, exercise and Water am I fighting something in my own body's wiring?

    I keep thinking if I can break this two hundred mark I will then be in unknown area and my body will have to give in. I know might be wishful thinking but I can still hope!! My goal weight is 160-175.

  4. I am 6 1/2 months out. Down 130.

    88 pounds since surgery date. Weight has came off steady. I lose in chucks then body plays catch up.. I started at 347HW. SW 305 current weight of last week 217. The inches are amazing. I have went from a size 28/30 to a 14/16. 3-4x to a large/xlarge depending on clothing.

    I think my losses could be even more if I could find more time to exercise..

  5. Just checking in with everyone. Hope all is doing well.

    I am struggling with food. It seems like instead of having to deal with over eating I am dealing with under eating. Nothing taste good, have no desire to eat anything. If I could live on hot tea and Popsicles I would. It has nothing to do with the fear of gaining weight that really isn't a concern of mine. It has to do with I ate for enjoyment and comfort before surgery, now food doesn't bring either of these feelings. My doctor said it isn't a bad thing we should only eat for survival. It feels like I am always force feeding my body.

    I have felt the signs of not eating too. Lightheadedness, grouchy, tired, shaking. I am trying to keep those feelings away some days it is harder than others.

    Anyone else finding this struggle going on? What foods are you eating?

    On the positive side 135 pounds gone. 40 pre-op 95 since surgery.

  6. I believe you will. I think we are so programed to failing on diets, we have a hard time believing this time it will work!

    It does work. Stay strong. At first I kept thinking what if? What if in a month or next year I need these clothes back? My family finally had to encourage me and help me see this part of my life was over and to let it go and give the clothes away.

    Good luck!!!

  7. I agree try liquids and talk to your Dr. I also went through this about the same time. To be honest mine was stress. I have learned really quickly that my new stomach and body doesn't handle stress or getting upset the same way any more. I get nausea and then if I eat it causes the dry heaving. Another time I would dry heave is during brushing my teeth. I felt like I couldn't breath and too much foam and I would start heaving.

    Sorry you are going through this. It has calmed down for me in learning how to adjust to my emotions.

  8. I did not remove my clothes until they were too big. I am glad I did it in these stages. For my own enjoyment I would try on every piece then place in a To go clothes basket. At first the amount of clothes leaving was overwhelming and I had a hard time. Could be it was about all my clothes gone. After working 7 years to make this professional closet full of clothes.

    I have since did this two more times.

    The last times weren't as hard because clothes were from goodwill and yard sales. Plus in and out of them too fast for attachments.

    I have went from a size 30/28 to a 16/18. In 10 months down 125 pounds.

    I wear a lot if skirts now can keep them longer.

    I would keep them just for you can see the changes happen...

  9. I can say I like this thread. Not only on the fact of hearing what others think, but it makes me self reflect why I chose to tell or not tell. It is easy to blame others and people around me why I did or didn't tell but the truth is it was about me. It was about the shame not so much of having the surgery but needing the surgery. That is a personal issue of my own guilt.

    I think we have to remember just like other things shouldn't define us WLS shouldn't either.

    I an not a WLS person but a person who had WLS. That is only part of my life. I have other characters, qualities and traits. This world loves to label people and try to define others by these labels.

    I still do not see a problem with saying I changed from diet and exercise first! Those changes were harder than the surgery. I want credit for the hard work I do everyday.

    I do not condone people tricking others into believing something that isn't true, but I have always believed what and where people take the truth is on them. It isn't my job to control other peoples thoughts or ideas on a topic.

    I think this topic does bring up a topic people don't want to talk about and that is "shame".

    Where did it come from? How do each one of us react to it? Not just shame of surgery, but other choices we make too.

  10. This is a FABULOUS thread. I love reading all the different responses, the thought processes, and the outcomes.

    I too live in a smaller community. I "got" pregnant with twin girls when I was 15 and delivered when I was 16. For years it felt like everyone in town knew my business before I did and it made me a little wary of sharing anything that had the potential to hurt me... I'm an extrovert so people assumed that since I'm friendly and "open" that they knew the whole story and whatever was shared at church, in the community, or from my own lips was pretty much all that was going on in my life.

    About 7 years ago I went through one of those life changing series of events that good memoirs are written about and my life radically changed. I moved to another state and had some really real life experiences and then a year later moved back home. When I came back, everyone knew things were different. At first I was really closed off, I fed people information here and there but no one knew what exactly happened from start to finish. Until I started teaching a girls youth group. About half way through the year we had a lock-in and I decided to share some of my experiences. And when I prayed for courage to tell my story that I KNEW would impact these young ladies, I felt like I needed to start my talk off with something I never dreamed of saying: "This is MY story. I'm choosing to share it with YOU because I care about you. Please don't tell my story for me. If you think someone in your life needs to hear my story, tell them to talk to me or me to talk to them."

    Months afterwords I realized how drastically things had changed. Some people knew my story and it wasn't spread around town. I think that by giving my story value and asking other people to respect that value, it kept it from being common gossip. As I get ready for my WLS, I am seeing over again that if I think this process is a valuable teaching tool and I communicate that to others when I share, they will respect my wish to let me tell my own story. Also, I noticed that many of the girls I shared my story with felt special, that I would share something so personal with them and trust them to handle it with dignity.

    Anyway, I know that was lengthy but maybe it helped someone.

    I loved what you said about it being "your story" I think many of us have had others around us tell "our story" and found out others versions can be hurtful.

    I have even been threaten to tell my story or they will.(thinking they were helping and supporting a wonderful change in my life) that is the key my life.

  11. Ok I am 6 months out and talked to my Dr about this. I still hurt and ache. Little things are more painful than others. When I asked the Dr about it I found his answer interesting and things I never considered about the body.

    He said being heavy for so long can create nerves and muscle damage from being over stretched. He said some of that can never be fixed but can be managed.

    He then talked about how the center of gravity has shifted and now my bones and body is getting a natural readjustment. Even bones are shifting back into place.

    Areas of my body need time to realign and heal and that is the pain and aching.

    Exercise will help with strengthening the weaker areas

    Just wanted to share what I found out.

  12. I think that each person has many reasons for telling or not telling. I have told and been open about my gastric bypass, but to be honest it doesn't change the fear of being judged for my choices.

    When people ask what I did or am doing to have my results, first I tell them about my diet and exercise then add in my tool info. Some people give strange looks like you believe what you want, but the surgery is why the weight is gone.

    Should I care not really, but I do.

    I worked hard before I had the surgery to lose 40 pounds with just diet and exercise and I still work hard just a different way. I still make good choices and limits and Portion Control is needed. Could I have done this without the surgery, I know I couldn't have! Am I blessed to have this chance to change my life, Yes!!! And I hold dear to that blessing!! Still I am always worried about the judgements others have... It does come from bring judged as heavy now judged in a different way.

    Have never lied about my weight loss, but why I did it does changed with who I am talking too! If someone who is judging the issue, having to have another surgery and too heavy to have it comes up. If not a judgement then the personal reasons get shared.

    One thing I have learned from

    Being heavy is to protect myself from others! People can be mean. But they also can be trying to be supportive and just miss the mark.

  13. I am trying to schedule in the exercise I do feel better when I am moving. The sun is an idea too! I felt better during the summer. I am also done being a doormat!! Mainly tired of not being respected. I think for too many years I let others speak to me disrespectful because I didn't want to make a scene. Now I don't care if all eyes are on me. There is a new confidence when you feel like you are in control of yourself. I have proven to myself I can face my demons and win some big battles.

  14. Sorry your gallbladder stopped. I had mine removed when I was 17, so I understand how hard it is when it stops working. You will feel much better once it is not there. As for weight goals I am in the same place as you. Not sure how small I will get or want to be. I think it has to do with never being small my whole life so nothing to compare it to. I was thinking 160-175 would be my goal I think that will make me a size 12. I am 225 and am an 18 almost 16. I would be so content there..my

    Dr has never set a goal or discuss this. He keeps saying just keep losing and exercising. Keep doing what you are doing.

    In my mind I think it will all level off my body will find its balance.

    Glad to be hearing everyone's reports.

  15. Sorry your gallbladder stopped. I had mine removed when I was 17, so I understand how hard it is when it stops working. You will feel much better once it is not there. As for weight goals I am in the same place as you. Not sure how small I will get or want to be. I think it has to do with never being small my whole life so nothing to compare it to. I was thinking 160-175 would be my goal I think that will make me a size 12. I am 225 and am an 18 almost 16. I would be so content there..my

    Dr has never set a goal or discuss this. He keeps saying just keep losing and exercising. Keep doing what you are doing.

    In my mind I think it will all level off my body will find its balance.

    Glad to be hearing everyone's reports.

  16. Dr appointment went good. Dr thinks moods and no patience is body telling me to feed it. He called me a snickers commercial. He said all labs were great and better than he thought, weight loss is 10-15 pounds ahead of game.

    Next time I see my family Dr. I think I will have hormones levels checked but right now going to try to control it with more Protein and better eating schedule... And some of what all you said... Learn to love self and find balance with others...

  17. Dr visit went great all labs were perfect. He said I was 10-15 pounds ahead of what he expected so that is even better news. He does want at least 20 mins of formal exercise 3-4 times weekly, not for weight loss but for strength and help with pain. He said pain is from body shifting from weight and nerve damage but hopefully might get better. I also loved his view point on the grouchiness, called me a snicker commercial.. And that is good thing... Body needs nutrition so feed it.. Good thing, not about comfort but about survival...pay attention to moods based on food... Might be new hunger clues. All in all happy Dr report!

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