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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pvchickie

  1. I never had a unfill during pregnancy. I was 215 day I found out I was pregnant and day I had my son I was 218 (I had lost down to 208 but by end of preg had gotten back up).

    My son is now almost 10 months old and I weighed 176 this am. I've still not had another fill (last fill was about 1 yr before I got pregnant).

    I am breastfeeding my son, it's all going well.....in the beginning my supply was low but, that had nothing to do with the band.....my son was in the NICU and so had trouble latching. We are doing great now! I will stop breastfeeding when he's 1 yr old.

    I highly recommend bf'ing....he's had one cold in 9 months!

    I am burning on average they say 500 calories a day bf'ing!

  2. Any of those fast food places do have salads usually.......so you could try a salad with some chicken on top

    I work in a hospital..........and nursing homes........i take my lunch most generally.

    If your child is in the hosp., all floors have refridgerators and most staff are kind to let you stick a few things in the fridge if they know your circumstances.

    below are some ideas though, i like the heart healthy/diabetes diet myself so will combine prot and carb at each meal/snack

    also, take a cooler if you want

    Peanut Butter on celery or apple

    beef Jerky

    cheese sticks

    Protein bars

    Jello snack cups or pudding cups (sugar free)

    Peanut Butter on a graham cracker

    taco bell has refried Beans

    bring a bowl of Soup (the nurses will let you heat it up)

    thats all i can think of right now, i've got a sick little one myself and him and I are both tired so heading to bed......hope your son feels better soon. You may not do great on the ole' Protein counting but you still can make wise choices as far as wtih snacking..........stick to snacking small amts and only on nutricious type food........no vending machines!

    take care

  3. well lol, this would be a topic I might can help you with......I too had problems before the band as well as after with Constipation.

    I finally saw my families gastroenterologist and he did a colonoscopy to just make sure all was well inside (we have a lot of folks who have had colon cancer in my family). Anyway, all was well except he said I have a "lazy colon" lol at the medical term there............anyway, doc recommended for me to take milk of mag every single day.

    I do this and it works pretty well for me. In the past I had tried every Fiber drink/pill, laxatives, stool softeners, ect..........doc said get off all that and he put me on a script which worked well........then I got pregnant and couldn't take the script.......for some reason the milk of mag (which is dirt cheap and doc told me totally safe.....works well.

    Oh, the magnesium citrate is safe as well but it's something you wouldn't want to take all the time my doc told me. I had to drink 2 bottles of that and 6 laxative pills the two days prior to my colonoscopy I had such constipation problems!

    have fun on your trip..........try to eat Fiber rich foods (add some flax seed to foods if you can)

  4. you might ask yourself these things in my opinion

    A) Why wouldn't I want to tell? am I ashamed of having the surgery?

    :) Are the opinions of negative/unsupportive people really important to me?

    C) Do I ever want the stigma of weight loss surgery to be less......do I want to help educate others about obesity and ways to help it?

    For me it was a matter of........I will not be ashamed of having surgery.......I did this surgery to get better......yes, it's maybe not the way some folks would havee done it but, it is the way I chose.

    Now, the topic rarely comes up anymore (i was banded back in 07) but when I first had surgery I told people and got nothing, nothing but support and encouragement. Now, maybe some talked behind my back and said "i'd of never done that" but, I never heard one negative comment.

    For those that do think weight loss surgery is the easy way out............they saw me.......they saw me struggle and fight for this just as anyone does who tries to lose weight. I thought it good first hand education for folks.

    How do we expect people to ever understand if we keep it hidde. in in a closet........like we should be ashamed for having surgery

    anyway, just my 2 cents

  5. I had bad itching after my surgery. The anesthesia can do it sometimes but that was not my problem. I was allergic to the glue they used to close the incisions.

    It lasted about 2 weeks but I took benedyl to help the symptoms. The itching gradually lessened and all is well now.

    I had surgery oct 2007

    So, don't scatch, take a soaky back in oatmeal, ask doc about denedryl and take care!

  6. As for me I am 34 but will be 35 for the baby's due date thus they call me 'of advanced maternal age'.

    People in 30's and 40's have children all the time but the risks do greatly go up for many different diagnoses. I work in Occupational Therapy and have worked with many pedicatrics who have had very difficult lives.....as have the parents dealing with the disabilities.

    My risks were even higher because my sister had died of spina bifida when she was 4 weeks old and when I got pregnant I was taking a medication that increases your risks for spina bifida.

    I am very thankful to God that through all the ultrasounds (I've had 10 during this pregnancy) they have not found any serious abnormalities........I am due for a c-section in 6 days because of a fibroid tumor but all looks well with baby.

    So, no I'm not over 40 but, I am still in that age range they consider advanced. I think each person has to pray about it, decide if something is wrong with your child are you willing to take care of him/her. Disabled children can be a huge joy in your life (I know they are in mine working with them in my job) but, they are a ton of work, emotional stress, financial strain, ect...........but, like I said well worth it.

    I just hate how many times in the beginning of my pregnancy that the OB asked me if I want to abort if something is wrong. I finally said nothing will ever be so wrong that I would abort, so don't ask me again...........and he didn't.

    I wish you the best!

  7. I am very much in favor of breastfeeding and am sure going to do it. I have asked both my lapband surgeon as well as my high risk OB doc and neither feel I will have any trouble with doing so, in relation to the lapband.

    I did not have any of my fills taken out during the pregnancy and will most likely continue with the same amount after I have the baby (I have him in 7 days).

  8. I am due for a c-section in 7 days, so very excited and ready........as is my bladder!

    I've had a rather easy pregnancy thus far, have not needed an unfill with the lapband and have not gained any weight during pregnancy.

    When first getting pregnant I was 215, then by the 8th month I was 206...........then during this past 3 weeks I have jumped back up to 215 today! Good thing the baby is almost here! The specialist is happy about my maintaining my weight........although, I did develop gestational diabetes. Both my parents are diabetic which put me at higher risk for having gestational.

    I have kept my gestational diabetes under control through diet management.........being sure to eat a good amount of carb's and Protein.

    The only thing about the lapband that has concerned me, in my 5th month of pregnancy I woke up one day with a large bulge where my port is. No pain at all, just a buldge......I saw the lapband doctor and she said if it doesn't hurt then lets not worry about it until after birth......there has been no problems with lack of restriction.

    Now that I am 7 days from delivery the buldge is still very large, like the size of a lemon I'd say......lol, I work at a hospital and a coworker who is a nurse said ohhh how sweet it's the baby's foot........I said nope, it's a lapband port!

    I am hoping all is well with the port after Zakry gets here.....this pregnancy has been a terrific experiece thus far......I am soooo anxious to see if I lose much right after having the baby.

  9. Hi all

    Just had to give a shot out to the springfield bunch, I lived there for 13 yrs.........when I first wanted the lapband St. Johns was not yet a center of excellence hospital........and I worked at Cox and they did not do the surgery at all there........

    I see that things have probably changed, I am glad for you all. I moved away from Springfield and back to my home town in Oklahoma.........I had the lapband surgery one yr ago this month and tomorrow will be 10 months pregnant..........so things are going good! :grouphug:

    take care all.......when you pass lamberts think about me and threw me a roll, but you don't stop there and eat!!!!!!

  10. Just thought I'd write about my getting pregnant. I have been banded one year and the surgeon says I can keep my fills in as long as I'm not having trouble.

    In May I turned 34 and thought good grief, I just don't want to wait any longer to get pregnant......but I am not married. So.....I made an appt with a fertility doc and found a sperm donor through a bank.

    I called the doc on my start of period, 7 days later I started ovulation pee sticks, then I got a positive and made an appt with the doc for the interuterine insemination.

    First try did not work, second one BINGO!

    I am now 8 weeks pregnant and have seen the baby twice on ultrasound.....everything looks good so far :biggrin:

    Question: in your first trimester did your doc say it was ok for the flu shot? I work in a hospital and the fertility doc said yes, get it, and the ob doc said NO! not until after first trimester. I am worried about the flu as I am around sick people all the time.

    Studies from march of dimes and hopkins say it's fine during first tri......just curious what you were told?


  11. I see doctor Nelson, in Norman, OK..........I was banded Oct 07......

    I just was passing this along, I had heard that sometime this summer there will be a state wide bariatric conference in Tulsa, OK.......

    I am not attending but thought maybe someone might want to, so thought i'd pass it along.


  12. I was diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebrii 9 years ago. Over the past 3 years symptoms have gotten much much better and i no longer need medication for it.

    I was banded in Oct of 07 and all is going well.

    Please know that I just said a prayer for you and your health. Praying your symtoms subside and you feel better. Take care, GBYalways


  13. Y'all have got me excited......and thinking.......my goal is for the first two months of the year........exercise 30 min a day 6 days a week. Then bump it up to 45 min.

    I can do this if I try. I want to make they weight loss journey a successful one.

  14. I was banded on Oct 2. Tomorrow is my two month mark...I plan to take pict. of me every two months. I am taking the pict. in shorts and a sleeveless shirt so to see the differences. Only problem is........next time i take pictures will be in Feb. and I am taking the pictures in front of our barn door. Burrrrrrr! My dad better get the short right the first time.

    So it's been exactly two months and I've lost 29 lbs. Next goal is to have lost 40 by Jan 1.

    I've had one fill in my 10cc band and that fill was 4 cc's...i still eat about a cup of food at eat meal....at that amt. i feel pleasantly full. My next fill is scheduled for mid December.


  15. I too feel bad for you...........be thankful no one was hurt. It is very difficult going through the experience of having a house fire.....my house caught on fire when i was a child. It was the first time my parents had left me and my bro. at home alone........and the hot Water heater caught on fire. I am thankful they came home just in time and everyone was safe. We must remember that God is good and He is our strength through times of trouble. You will get through this stressful time and you will be a stronger person because of it. Take care and know that you are in my prayers.

  16. I attempted suicide......I then was diagnosed as having bipolar and major depression. I attempted for many reasons and almost got my wish.

    food or obesity or the band didn't have a part in me attempting. But.....when i attempted I gained weight....lots of weight from all the depression/bipoar meds.

    It'll be five years ago this Jan 23 that my life took a turn and I didn't die. I had been thin (size 8) and taught an exercise class three times a week.......then mental illness happened. In five years i've gained 120 lbs.

    I decided to get the band because I want to feel good about myself. The band is helping to increase my self esteem. I am thankful for this.

    I know that I have a purpose in life. I am taking steps to lose weight and care for my life.

    God is good and I am thankful for that!

  17. I had my surgery on Oct 2.........had my first fill on nov. 12........all went very well.......took about 5 minutes and was painless. I am anxioius to starting seeing the results now :cool: I have a 10cc band and had 4cc's put in..........so i'm well on my way to a better me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
