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Posts posted by cjs_journey

  1. I use my fitbit one and love it!! I use fitbit.com for everything...journaling, food logging, etc. I like doing it in one place. I am cjsfitbit@gmail.com if you want to add me. I love the groups and the friendly competition. It really was the motivation I needed to get active!

  2. For me, I had a rough couple of weeks after surgery and combined with a couple of really mean spirited people I read comments from I just don't comment much. I do when I feel I have something of value to add. I had surgery Dec 2 and now am 45 pounds down. I have hit that dreaded 4 week stall and have been there for 8 days now. I have been fortunate to have met a local to me buddy and consider her an invaluable friend now!! CJ

  3. My bowel was actually nicked and they tried to cauterize it and it burnt it some...that and finding that the bowel was actually twisted the surgeon said no more we are opening her up to fix this properly. I'm glad they found it...it could have been life threatening at any time and would have warranted an emergency surgery, so in the end I"m thankful that I had the surgery when I did!


  4. I started as a laparoscopic and ended up having an open procedure during the surgery. I had a twisted bowel they found once in there. I have to say the first week was terrible, the second week was slightly better and nu the third week I finally felt like I was improving. It was rough but worth every single minute of that experience! I am now 32 days out and doing really well.

    I don't want to scare you or anyone off because it is worth it...but I wished I had been more prepared or known going in. I had no idea until I woke up after surgery and I just freaked out because everything prior to that was text book.

    The pain of standing up straight for me was the worse. Also just the last two nights have I been able to lay on my back without that pulling sensation in my chest.

    The good thing is I never experienced the gas pains everyone talks about. I guess because it all escaped during the open part of the surgery!

    I also had to deal with 54 stAples to be removed but literally I only felt 4 of them and they weren't bad. I started proving daily once they were taken out.

    I hope this helps? I am a person that can handle anything if I know the details upfront!!

    Good luck on your journey and if you have any specific questions I'm happy to try to answer from my experience.

  5. For me...

    1) although the percentage is so low that you would have to be converted from a lap procedure to an open procedure...it could be you and what that means regarding pain and recovery.

    2). Your emotions can be an absolute roller coaster for the first couple of weeks post surgery.

    3) how quickly your body makes changes and how strange it feels to you!

    I'm so grateful and happy I had this surgery...those are just the things I was not prepared for.

  6. Hey all!!

    Today is the first day I feel as if I can even try to work at getting the required Protein and fluids in. This has been a lot rougher because of the complications during surgery but I feel today I'll 'make it'!!

    I am pretty weak so I'm getting up each and every hours to get my own Protein Drink and move around. After the game my husband will try to walk with me outside for as long as I can. It has been complicated to go outside also because it has been been between 5 and 15 degrees and slick for over a week!

    I'm feeling like today could be the turning point...finally!!! Really not bad considering how complicated surgery was and it is day 7. I wish it would have gone as planned but you know I will NEVER take this for granted. I have gone through a LOT to make these life changes!!!

    Hope all is going good for everyone!!!!

  7. Hello all. I am finally home tonight, dec 5, after having surgery on Dec 2. As I mentioned in a short update previously, it didn't go exactly as planned.

    I was to have a lap rny and ended up with not only the lap 'holes' but an incision from between my breasts to my belly button. I guess my bowel was twisted and caused problems so they had to go to the open procedure. I don't mind that other than the recovery is MUCH harder.

    In addition I had diabetes going into surgery and now I'm struggling to keep my sugars in the 80's. They were dropping into the 50's and that caused a lot of emotion and confusion on my part. I can now keep them between 80 and 95 but it is a balancing act. Lol I actually have to test my blood sugars more now!!!

    I hadn't given more of an update before now because I seriously questioned my decision to have the surgery. I couldn't be positive and didn't want to be a 'downer' to those about to have their surgeries.

    I still am in intensive pain and I am fighting my emotions BIG time but when I'm clear headed I know I did the right thing. It is just going to take me a little longer to heal is all.

    I have over 100 states in me so I look a bit like a freak and that isn't helping my self esteem right now.

    I would still advise others to do the surgery for your life's sake...but maybe be a bit more realistic and prepared than I was if things change during surgery.

    Looking forward to just be able to walk upright at this point ;).

  8. Day 2 after surgery. I'll be in the hospital at least until tomorrow afternoon.

    Things didn't go exactly as planned...they got 4 holes poles in me and decided because of my anatomy they had to revert to an open rny. I'm in a lot of pIn tonight from the muscles and all being cut, but I have no gas pains.

    I was doing really well up until this evening but now the pain is crazy bad. They have upped feh delodid and Tylenol. I'm hoping tonight is the worse of it.

    More later or tomorrow.

  9. Well I'm counting down the hours now...I have surgery tomorrow at 12:55 (weird time!). I'm hyper nervous....not about the surgery per se but I fight anxiety and it is pretty high tonight.

    I am SO ready...I did a three week pre op diet of high proteins/low carbs (20 grms max) and lost 20 pounds so I'm starting at 247 unless I lose more after today's horrendous colon cleansing drink and liquids only today!! My goal was to be at 245 on surgery day so maybe I will be!!

    Looking forward to checking in after surgery!!!

  10. Is anyone else having trouble seeing this thread ? I can see the first page and when I go next or try to jump to the last it says the page doesnt exist. I see there are recent posys but I cant read them!! Can someone please message me of there is something I can do ??

    I have found I have to go to the next to last page then select the last page for it to load.

  11. We'll I had my final visit today at the surgeons office...4.5 hours long!! Good thing is I'm 12 pounds down from my first visit with him.

    I am on info overload tonight!! Plus I have a 3 hour drive one way so it has been a LONG day!!

    They require a high protein/very low carb (20 gms or less) diet from now until my surgery Dec 2. The day before Clear Liquids only...

    Have more to share but it will have to wait until tomorrow...

  12. This has been one of my big worries - I have thin hair to begin with! I did start taking 10,000 IUs of dissolving Bioten every day about 2 months ago, and I've already seen a change and I don't have surgery until Dec. 2nd!

    I don't see Hair loss other than a couple of strands daily, and my hair actually started growing new strands and the worse part is I fight the 'fuzzies' constantly...but I'm ok with that :)


  13. I have struggled with this myself - I know I'm the one making drastic changes that will affect the way I will interact in certain relationships. I'm giving those that are feeling 'anger, confusion, and threaten' a chance to get to acceptance. If they don't, I've resolved that unfortunately they will probably no longer be a part of my life.

    Part of 'getting healthy' for me and my journey is finding the positive influences and ridding myself of the negative ones. To me, this all is mixed up together and I won't be successful at one if I don't work on the other.

    I went to my five closest friends and began the conversation like this; "I have made a really big decision for ME, and I don't want to hear a lot of negative input. This is what is best for me now, and I'm asking for your support. I am telling very few people, but you are one of those really important people to me, and I want to share with you." . This seems to have been the right way for me...I haven't lost any close friends, and the others I'm choosing not to say anything. If they have the need to ask me, they will. This is MY choice, no one else...I had to get to that place though...it didn't happen overnight.

    I, like you, was ready to lose friends if necessary. If they can't ultimately support me, they are not what I need in my life at this time. I encourage you to give your closer friends a chance to 'adjust and accept' your decision...they need the time to digest it too!

    Wishing you the best...


  14. Is anyone buying things pre op to prepare ? What kind of Protein are you using ? I currently use Premier Protein as a ready made shake but I just ordered a sample pack of Chike to try different flavors of powders. Any must have items your surgeon has mentioned ?

    I am going Wednesday to my last visit before surgery on Dec. 2nd. The surgeon's office gives you a 10% discount on day of consent signing (part of Wednesday's visit) and requires if you don't buy there to bring in your supplies so they know you have the right protein and Vitamins ready for when you go home...if not, they will not do surgery! I'm buying my supplies there...I've been using the nectar products and LOVE the chocolate truffle and PB2 mixed together. For 8 ounces of milk and powders it is the pure protein at 36 grams. I love it and actually drink one every morning now.

    I also will buy all of my bariatric vitamins from them - it is easier. They have all of them needed in chewables and they are bariatric specific so at least the first 3 months worth I'm buying there.

    I also will buy the chicken broth and flavored protein liquid for Water both at 15 grams per serving. He requires 3 whole weeks on post surgery on nothing but liquids...it is going to be tough! Every surgeon seems to have their own ideas/program...at the 3 week post surgery mark you go in and get a check up and a nutritional consult to move to the next eating stage - I thought this was just to charge us more money, but they don't charge for the visit at all at 3 weeks, so...guess they are just conservative! he has a GREAT results record and is an Excellence in Bariatrics surgeon.

    They are suppose to tell me more of things to get that will help at the hospital and after surgery on Wednesday so I'll share more then!

  15. I'm really dealing with a lot of anxiety waiting for Dec 2 to get here. My surgeons office told me people have made it to the pre-op room day of surgery and walked out last minute!!! I told my friend that and she said she could see me doing that...didn't help a bit!! I'm afraid to say too much about my anxiety to the MD because I don't want them to change their minds!!! It is going to be a longing for me....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
