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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by bcsilverstar

  1. Thank u all! Pep talks and knowing this trial has been experienced by others is so emotionally helpful! Love the 1. 2. 3. of binge eating. Makes total sense, crazy how we folks make things so difficult when it doesn't have to be. Also love the idea of sf pudding w Protein powder. Easy treat and serves 2 purposes. Great. I got this. And I can't thank y'all enough for just taking the type to offer words of support.

    HW 234

    SW 221 10/7/2013

    CW 186

  2. I've been in a stall for the past 2 weeks. So that doesn't help with my cravings. And of course vise versa. Revolving door.

    I'm not phys hungry. Just want to snack. I'll only eat a half a serving. Ugh. Same old me. And I know better. Weak. weak. weak. Yup....down the hatch goes a whole serving.

    I do fine during the day while at work, no snacking, no urge to. But at night and while at home, munch munch munch. Why? Self destruction. Why? Who knows.

    I wake up the next morning....ok, I'm gonna stop this crap. Wth am I doing throwing this gift away. Bed time rolls around and I need something sweet. I've tried fruits and shakes to try and curb the sweet craving. My taste buds say lady ur crazy that ain't sweet!

    My abdomen rumbles like crazy now. Half growl, half gargle. It's so loud. Especially after a meal. I truly don't know if it's a happy satisfied noise or a warning of things yet to come, cuz that does happen several hours later.

    Anyone else going through or been through any if this? Just in a funk.

  3. @thinndskies I have noticed my cravings or wants have escalated as well this past week. I have given in to some, but in moderation. I found it weird as well that a week ago having something sweet didn't cross my mind; yet it's been on my brain A LOT this week. Crazy. i have noticed that I'm getting bored with my menu. So.....I'm thinking maybe I should add some new choices or try some new things and that could possibly take away my need to go back to bad habits.

    HW 234

    SW 221 10-7-13

    CW 184

  4. Haven't posted updates in a while. I'm so happy with me, learning so much and actually using this gift to get me where I want to be. I RELY on all of you daily. I may not post here often but I read here daily; for tips, advice, and food suggestions. You guys are such great motivators and supporters, and to complete strangers. Just want you all to know you have been to me anyway.

    My weight loss is going great. I have no complaints and it has exceeded my own expectations. I have good, great and bad days when it comes to eating. Some days I fall short of protein/water requirements. Some days I've grabbed a piece of chocolate and savored every melting second of it. Some days I've met all requirements and didn't grab the chocolate.

    I refuse to live restricted by food boundaries, but I also refuse to fail at this amazing shot at getting my health back. So this is where my own choices and will power and learning to live better has taken a slightly different road than before. My road now is navigated by ME. Just that simple. I am responsible and I will be responsible, for ME.

    My stats today:

    HW 234

    DOS 10-07-13 221

    CW 187

    That's almost averaging .5lb a DAY. WTH!?!?

    So yeah you could say I'm kinda thankful!!

  5. I'm at 2 wks and feeling quite different than before. I know my pouch has stepped into a new healed phase. My pouch is more sensitive to quantity, I can tell when I've swallowed to much. My appetite is lacking. I don't want anything, at all. I struggle to get fluids in and have failed 2 days straight to get all Protein in. The thought of puréed food makes me gag, and taking a bite of it makes me vomit. I'm hoping that this to shall pass and it's normal.

  6. This is crazy. I'm about 5 days post op and I "think" I'm hungry! I want to eat! Anything but fluid!!!!! Is this normal? Is this just me being completely over the Fluid stage?? I refuse to fail, but dang this is aggravating!!! I'm drinking 2.5/3 shakes daily to get my Protein in. I have tried Unjury unflavored and chicken Soup flavor to try and get some variety, it was NASTY. So I'm stuck with sweet shakes, broth, and Water with whatever flavoring I use. I need some words of wisdom from those of you that have successfully found their way around/through this DULL stage.

  7. I am post op October 7 .....I am still really sore on my left side.but other than that I feel ok. I am still blotted and lot of gas.

    But I walk as tolerated and sip Water all thru out the day. But in generay I am so glad I went thru this because I know in the end it is hoing to be worth it. What about you how is your experience going?

    I'm doing pretty good. Drinking so much I feel like I'm gonna float away. Constantly have gas, but it's moving about which I'm thankful for! I'm glad to hear your are doing well. I'm so excited for the future, just trying to be patient and that's hard!

  8. Hi All! 3 days post op and feeling good. Gas is moving out, Vitamins are moving in, and weight will soon be moving off! Can't wait. Major soreness, but no actual pain. Very blessed. Now just trying to "learn" a routine that's best for me for meds, Vitamins, and food/fluid. Congrats to all before me and after and I wish you the best of luck!!!

    DOS 10/7/13

    SW 221

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
