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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bondgirl

  1. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    Oh! Where are you girls going? I have no children and it would be perfect if it is near? Let me know. Angie
  2. I know, it was easier today and each day will get easier. It was so hard yesterday though. I missed her. I missed her today too. And she was soo excited to see Mommy pull around the loop to pick her up. That is awesome to see too. Tomorrow is day three. <sigh> Angie
  3. bondgirl

    Spouse/Family Support

    You dont need negative forces around you at this place and time. Keep it away from you at all costs and make sure this is a decision that will make YOU happy, know one else! This is your body and you can do as you see fit. Yes Momma birthed you but she doesnt have the say in what you do with your body anymore. It is totally yours now! LOL Good luck and find that inner peace and know this is the right decision for you. Angie
  4. bondgirl

    Save the date....

    I am not sure where that is? Anyone else know? Jill you crack me up!! DH=damn husband... Who knew! I am there on the 9th woot! I wont have the children. It will just be little ole me. Can you handle that Kathy? WIll you miss the girls? They love you. I always hear about Kathy, when are we going to see Miss Kathy again? They love you all but for some reason Kathy is special? Why do you think girls? lol They will miss this meeting. They love coming to them. lol Count me in! Angie
  5. bondgirl

    NSVs & Scale Victory

    Karen! That is so awesome babe! You rock and you will continue rockin! Don't lose this spirit and keep those pounds a droppin! Angie
  6. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    Hey Ladies! I am sorry I have been out of the loop but with the kids starting school and all my bday partying last weekend, I've been a busy girl! Also trying to find a job. Boy I have been busy. I havent been being a good bandster at all. I need to kick myself and stop this or I wont lose anything. GRRRR!!!!!! I need to exercise and get moving, yadda, yadda, yadda!!! Same ole song and dance. It's crazy. Why can't I get my motivation, why can't I do what I did last year and work hard and eat right? WTF is wrong with me! Sorry for the language but I am getting very discouraged with myself. <sigh> Jill, good luck! And always follow the bandster rules. Don't follow in my foot steps. You guys are probably saying to yourselves, what is wrong with her! She has gone off the deep end and we need to fish her out of there. lol I think I have but everyone already knew I was nutty! I dont need to prove that anymore. lol But seriously I need to do this. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I am such a cry baby sometimes. Well I hope you all are doing well. I hope you are being good bandster ladies and following the rules and not eating everything under the sun like bondgirl is! Love you girls! Cant wait to see you on the 9th of September. It's my middle girl's bday but I will make it and still get to see her since she will be with her Daddy. I am sure he will let me see her on her bday. Ok I am outta here its getting long and very crazy and I need some sleep. :notagree Nighty Night!!! Angie
  7. bondgirl


    YAY Jill! I am so happy for you. Rest up, walk, sip slow, enjoy your liquids! It will pass quickly and you will enjoy the weight loss. Happy Band Day! Angie
  8. bondgirl

    Celebrity Fit Club~Carnie Wilson

    check this link out about Celebrity Fit Club. Looks interesting! http://www.movieweb.com/tv/news/84/13884.php Angie
  9. bondgirl

    Save the date....

    Tonya can't wait to meet you too! Let us know when you are in Concord and we can set up a little something to meet up! Angie
  10. bondgirl


    I went straight to Dr. B's but you may want to go see your Family Doctor and see what they think. Check on your BMI and all that fun stuff to see if you qualify. I would give the doctor of choice a call because sometimes it takes a while to get in there. So I would get an appointment and then go see your PCP. Angie
  11. bondgirl


    Donna, The lapband was my only option because I didnt want to go so drastic with the Gastric Bypass. Plus the death rate with the bypass is much more than with the lapband. The Lapband is also reversable. It is a great tool and you have to work with it. You can't just put it in there and there is magic weight loss. You have to exercise, eat right, plan your meals, and drink your Water. You need to chew, chew, chew until mushed so you dont get anything stuck. It is something you will have to decide on but I personally am very happy with my band and would do it all over again. But this is something you need to figure out as an individual and would it work for you? There is maintanence involved with getting your fills and follow up tests. But they are far and between. Are you from the Charlotte area? If so from where? And do you know a Doctor you would like to use? I used Dr. Bauman and loved him. There are others on here that has used Dr. Voelinger? Plus we have a lapbander that used a Mexico Doctor. So there are a lot of choices. Let me know if you need anything else or have anymore questions? Angie
  12. bondgirl

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    How cute we are! :scared: Thanks to you Kim for hosting it, and thanks to your grandparents, and your Mom for helping out. It was a great time even though the rain got us. The girls didnt want to leave and they loved your MOM!!! Because she sent home so many goodies with them. lol Angie
  13. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    Ok, 4pm sounds good. I have all three of the rugrats too. Would we all fit in your car? I need to go to the store and get my potato salad stuff and get that done. Plus, Ive been working in the house and all so Ive got a bunch to do. With the girls starting school and all its been crazy!! Angie
  14. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    Sorry to hear that!! I hope you are feeling better? I had that headache thing but really think it's stress. But then I talked to my MIL and she said that my BIL had a headache and so did my niece? So maybe its some type of virus going around? Who knows? Hopefully you are all better tomorrow so we can all hang out together! What time are we meeting up tomorrow? I need to know and hopefully I can make it on the gas I have. I am getting low on fundage. :phanvan Being a single parent is tough especially when you have school and all coming up. I will let you know if I can't make it. The girls start school on Monday and I need to get out with them and have a good time. So we will see ya I will figure out a way!!! See you tomorrow. Let me know what time ok? Angie
  15. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    thanks kathy, dianne, and jill! its my bday~ woot
  16. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    awwwww, thanks photonut! i love your singing.
  17. bondgirl

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    thanks teresita!
  18. bondgirl

    August Chat - NC

    Woot, It's my Month too! My Birthday Month! I love my birthday each and every year and it is tomorrow! 35! And proud of it. We just got back from DC and Roanoke Va. It was a bunch of fun and we really enjoyed it. I got to see the White House and My Aunt I havent seen in a great while. The girls had a blast. Can't wait for Saturday for our pool party! Angie
  19. bondgirl

    Its July

    It's ok I understand. We can always Celebrate on the 5th! Angie
  20. bondgirl

    Its July

    Are you serious!!!! I wanna SEE, I wanna SEE!!! I need to make an appointment! :target: :heh: Is He married? What do ya know? Hey, You all my Birthday is Wednesday the 2nd of August and I would love for you all to come out and join me for some trivia fun! If you are interested PM me and I will tell you where. It is a lot of fun and they have Karaoke afterwards. I want to have a good group of people there to Celebrate with me. Let me know if you would like to attend? Angie
  21. bondgirl

    Saturday Aug 5th

    Yes we will be there when ever you tell us too. I will bring the potato salad but not sure if everyone will want that? Tell me if you want me to bring something else? Greenbean casserole? I can switch it. Angie
  22. bondgirl

    Its July

    Congrats Denika! You have done great and will continue doing great. I guess enjoy your unfill and try not to gain if you can. Angie
  23. bondgirl

    Question re: Dr. B

    I havent "used him" :huggie: lol Dr. B is really cool and I just got my fill on Friday and I have lost 7 pounds. I got a lecture and told only I can change this and only I can make the weight come off. The band is just a tool and is there to help me. And if I ignore the help and eat past the band then shame on me. Angie
  24. bondgirl

    Its July

    Yes Kim, I am doing great! I feel much better and apparently am looking good to my neighbor that hasnt seen me in over two weeks. She got home tonight and said wow you have lost some weight! So the fill is working! I have lost 7.8 pounds so far! And it hasnt been a week. I am so excited. I have been eating very good. Followed the liquids and mushies. I think that helped in me getting that migraine. I had some yummy shrimp today, and some chicken, and then some salad with chicken at the mexican restaurant. It was rather yummy. I am feeling full again. I feel my band and I am so happy about that. Hopefully I can get exercise in there and it will start dropping again. I need to get focused and motivated! WOO HOO! I think I am getting there. I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your days of summer. Ours is coming to an end soon. The girls start school on the 7th of August. YAY! :huggie: Then hopefully I can get some structure to my days and get things in order. Wish me luck on that. Then I need to get a job and start getting back in the work force. I do miss it. Thanks for calling me today Dianne. It was nice chatting with you and I will PM you that stuff soon. It has been a crazy day. Angie
  25. bondgirl

    Question re: Dr. B

    Wow, I can't believe that? Why would he do that if you are trying to better yourself? You lost 20 pounds and showed you had the commentment? Dr. B is great and you will absolutely love him. He does have dry humor but you can get past that. :confused: He's not bad on the eyes either. Angie

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