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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by scarlet333

  1. We have a mom like that at my sons baseball games. She is always in heels, a mini skirt or short shorts. She also likes to bend down and contort her body in front of the bleachers while she is "taking pictures" of the kids so all the dads can see her thong. I find it hysterical and think man she must be desperate for attention. Oh well she is actually not bad to talk to but must be so insecure deep down.

    Getting back to in-laws I am actually looking forward to the holidays for the first time in a long time. I am no longer stressed out about how I look and what I will wear. I actually was happy to go to the funeral of a dad of and old college friend a few weeks ago. Is that weird. So strange to look forward to social things for the first time in a long time. Going out to dinner this weekend with a group of college friends I havent seen in a few months. I may need to buy new pants only have a few that fit but might not be dressy enough. Shopping now is like a dream.

  2. Jdmama is so right. I am 8 months post surgery and still sometimes feel like maybe they didnt take enough of my stomach or maybe my stomach has stretched. But the truth of the matter is that only happens when I am eating something that is not Protein (like crackers, Peanut Butter, cookies). If I am eating a big piece of chicken, fish or even steak after half I now my sleeve is full. Also when compared to what I was able to eat before- well lets just say the sleeve is definitely intact. I agree dont weight every day. In the first few months I weighed 2x per week with only 1 per week being my official weigh in. Stalls will happen and slowed weight loss will happen but if you make the right choices and follow the plan you will loose weight. Also, keep reading these boards, they are chock full of inspiration, tips and motivation. Good luck.

  3. I agree with lipstick lady for me it stopped around 6-7 months out. Until then its Protein, Protein, protein. The other thing I did is if you can get away with it try to cut down on your hair washing. I would wrap my head in a towel and try to wash only 2x per week since I lost the most when shampooing. I also would use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush just in the mornings to comb my hair. Basically trying to just leave my hair alone as much as possible. This helped a little.

  4. For me its anything chocolate. New this was my trigger and waited until the day before of buy Halloween candy. But instead of buying starburst, or pretzels something that wouldn't tempt me I bought mini hersheys and lets just say the bags did not make it in the car ride home unopened. I have been struggling ever since. So lesson learned I can not keep chocolate in my house.

  5. I agree so much with the other posters. I finally broke down and bought some new pants since nothing fit except sweat pants and I had absolutely no idea what size to buy. I started with a 14, too big, size 12, too big and to my shock and delight I fit comfortably into a size 10. But every time i am putting on the size 10s I can't believe how tiny they look and still have anxiety that I'm not going to be able to pull them up over my thighs. I am still surprised every time that they fit. Only bought a couple of pair because hoping to still loose. Life is great! The sleeve is the best health decision I have ever made.

  6. I know I am looking at the "glass half empty" side of things gamergirl. My husband often says this about me too. I am so proud of the 71 pounds lost. It is like a dream come true to me and something I thought I couldnt do. I think some of my negativety is concern about what my surgeon will say at my next appointment if I haven't lost any weight in 3 months which seems like a distinct possibility.

    Thanks for the c25k tip I have spent days reading it recently and think runners are awesome. I have seen you over there too and hope it will help with my willpower to not snack too much at night.

  7. Thanks LisaT678 and deedadouble for your responses -its nice to know I'm not alone in fighting the carb cravings and night time snacking. One of my strategies is to increase my Water drinking. I am realizing that has also been slacking off and think it might be making me hungrier at night when I finally have time to sit and relax. I'm going to tell myself to drink 2-3 glasses of water before reaching for anything to eat.

    And thanks for the advice on the c25k. I think I will be slowing down when I start running for longer periods. Did my strength training dvd today and tomorrow will be on w1 d2. I still have a month to that doctors appointment and could still loose maybe 5 pounds by then I hope.

    Have a great time on the cruise and I'm sure you can active to help counteract any extra calories.

  8. I too was thrilled to reach the overweight mark. Being normal is about 18 pounds away. Doesn't sound like a lot but I haven't lost an ounce in 2 months. I admit this is my own doing since night time snacking has snuck back into my life. I am going to try to have my Protein drink (EAS at only 100 calories for 17 grams of protein) and possibly a greek yogurt for night time Snacks. I do not know why this is such a hard time for me to curb my cravings for sliders.

    Anyway my next goal is to get in the 140s. I have not been that weight in about 20 years. I know I can do it. I am hoping changing up my excerise (just started c25k) will give me the kick in the pants I need.

  9. Wow, it took me days but I just read through this whole thread and find it so inspirational. I downloaded the app and started yesterday. Prior to this I had been doing my own thing of walking 2 minutes and jogging 2 minutes for 45 minutes to an hour and worked my walking and jogging speed up to 4.2 ad 5.7. I excercise 5 days a week and alternate between the treadmill, a strength training dvd and an eliptical. I am about 8 months post surgery and weight loss has come to a screeching halt so looking for something new. I know weight loss does slow but I am blaming this on old eating habits creeping back. My calories which used to 800-900 per day are now 1200-1300 and not good calories sneaking in some sliders at night (which has always been my weak time).

    I have a very strict surgeon which I will be seeing for 9 month check-up in about a month and I'm very nervous about it. I don't want to go back after 3 months and have lost nothing! I am hoping this app and coming to this thread will change things up for me.

  10. I was shedding like crazy starting with month 3 post op but then by around month 6 it slowed significantly and then by month 8 or so I think its back to normal. My theory on this is to really monitor and focus on Protein intake. And keep in mind that there is a time lag between when you start eating alot of Protein and when you seen results. I think thats why hair loss only starts around month 3 for most people. So if you up protein then it might take 2 to 3 months before you see improvement.

  11. I have the whole set and did these dvds regularly and definitely saw a difference in my abs. I think I will start them again to change -up my workouts. I think the best thing is to constantly change your workkouts every few weeks. I always walk/jog but like to supplement with dvds, either jillian michaels, hip hop abs, or power sculpt. I think the hip hop abs is fun and does help.

  12. This is my first post although I have been reading these forums since before my surgery over 8 months ago but I just felt compelled to add my 2 cents. I to have a SIL who has always been very competitive. I find that it helps a great deal when working out and I feel like I can't do another push-up or run for another minute to to think of my delightful SIL and it gives me that little push to keep going. I think of this as turning a negative into something positive.

    Looking forward to the holidays for the first time in a long time.

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