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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fluffnomore

  1. Fluffnomore

    Starting mushy foods

    My general advice was try one thing at a time so you can tell if it doesn't agree with you. So I tried different things at different meals. Probably scrambled egg, refried black Beans with cheese, and rotisserie chicken blended into mashed potatoes for the first couple of days. Then as that went well, I'd add in something else. Meatloaf. Unblended chili. Etc. My gallbladder bit the dust long ago and I don't find there is much rhyme or reason to the BMs these days. The other day after taking Nyquil I was quite "busy" the next morning. I rarely get constipated, but before surgery I never did; I probably had at least one loose stool every morning. So it's hard to say what is related.
  2. Fluffnomore

    4 week stall...UGH

    Just reporting back, because it's crazy. This morning's weight was 193.6, a new low…so obviously I did not lose almost 5 pounds in one day. I think it's so important for me to keep perspective about this. These are snapshots, nothing else.
  3. Fluffnomore

    Sports bra suggestions

    This is it. I have bought it on sale, and for around $55: http://www.essentialapparel.com/wacoal-sport-underwire-bra.html?gclid=CLq0jK-S4rsCFew7MgodUGQASA
  4. Fluffnomore

    How long was the list to schedule your surgery?

    My surgeon does surgeries every Thursday. I was approved on a Tuesday and had surgery the next Thursday (8-9 days out.) All I needed was to be able to get in my two pre-surgical appointments (one with them, one with my PCP) and do the 5 day liquid diet.
  5. Fluffnomore

    Valentine's Challenge

    CW: 193.6 GW: 182 Thank you.
  6. Fluffnomore

    Always Hungry

    It is really helpful to track for a couple of reasons. You will figure out quickly what the better choices are nutritionally. And also, when I'm feeling hungry I can check my intake to see what I've really eaten and make an educated choice about *how* hungry I am.
  7. Fluffnomore

    January fitness challenge

    Poor Butter. I can relate. I was thinking you might try to buddy tape that, but I'm not sure if it would work. Does your pool have swim fins? It might hurt like a b***h to put them on but they would probably support that toe. Even so, 750 m is completely respectable, especially doing uncomfortable strokes! Good for you. Maybe try taping across the foot, just to support it?
  8. Fluffnomore

    Always Hungry

    I don't think there is a norm, necessarily. But I'm not sure how you're not getting your Protein in. Today, I had a Protein shake for breakfast (Premier Protein, 30g.) Three chicken strips for lunch, about 4.5 ounces (this was admittedly more than I usually eat, but I was hungry today), and that was over 30 g of protein. dinner was 3/4 cup of chili. About 25 g of protein. I'm supposed to try for at least 60 grams. A boiled egg doesn't have very much protein, as these things go. I would try for a denser protein, like chicken breast. I do find that when I start the day with a meal that has higher carbs, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. I'm 10 weeks out, eat about 1,000 calories a day. I will say that I am not often hungry, but when I am I find something to eat and try to make it very protein dense. Then again, I also try to make sure that my meals are in the 250-300 calorie range and that they won't go right through me.
  9. I have to set mine aside and be very clear about leftovers. And they still get taken, more frequently than I'd like. On the other hand it is hard to eat with my family because they all eat so much! And my husband says it's hard to eat with me because how little I eat makes him feel guilty.
  10. Fluffnomore

    January fitness challenge

    One CF session down, 9 or 10 to go...
  11. Fluffnomore

    Happy New Year from Scotland

    Lots of Irish up in here too. On the other side I have German and French and English. I'm a mutt. Husband has Scottish, English, French and Italian. My son says that he relates the most to his Scottish side. Because he likes weapons, and bagpipes, and yelling. Though I have tried to explain to him that there's more to it than that, he is 11 and bloodthirsty.
  12. I feel like this a little during TOM. Was able to eat 4.5 ounces of chicken today with no problem. (I thought it was 3-4, saved a piece to weigh, and realized later it was 4.5 ounces.) Oh well, at least it wasn't twinkies.
  13. Fluffnomore

    Let's make mistakes in 2014

    Great thoughts!
  14. Fluffnomore

    My chunka monka

    So adorable!!
  15. Fluffnomore

    Weight gain after surgery?

    Sabredy, with all due respect it is really impossible at this point for you to tell what might be causing what. Lots of people have been where you are and you will lose once your body regulates and figures it out. I am very sorry you're going through this.
  16. Fluffnomore

    January fitness challenge

    It's possible that you're building muscle. I haven't been losing too quickly the last few weeks but one positive I notice is that considering what my weight is, I'm wearing at least a size smaller than I was the last time I weighed this much.
  17. Golf claps for Lipstick Lady!!
  18. Fluffnomore

    4 week stall...UGH

    I'll chime in at 9 weeks. My weight has gone up 1-2 pounds several times; almost always followed by a drop of 2-3 pounds. There are 100 reasons this could be happening: salt intake, increased exercise, too much food, too little food…Just to give you a gross example, this morning when I woke up I weighed in at 198. My ticker is at 194(.6 really…) from a Tuesday weigh in. Turns out, after drinking about 28 ounces in fluids and losing what seemed to be half my body weight in a series of BMs…I'm back down to 196. The cough medicine didn't agree with me. I never weigh twice in a day but was interested to see. (And as for my ticker, maybe I gained 2 pounds from Tuesday, but maybe I didn't. It is also TOM.) Again, these blips are quite common for me. All that truly matters is that week to week (or month to month) I see loss. The point is, I didn't lose 4 pounds in 2 hours. It's water/fluids/whatever. The only measurements you can truly trust are the ones that show up over a time period. And although I'm sure it sounds like we're beating a dead horse: eat clean. Push fluids. Move around. The weight will go down.
  19. Fluffnomore

    Happy New Year from Scotland

    Aye. T' be sairtain I ken weel.
  20. Fluffnomore

    Happy New Year from Scotland

    I will commence singing the line he always did, which was the last line of a verse of a song that I have not been able to find... "An' a wee drap in the bo''le far the maaaaaarnin'!" That is bottle, but he never pronounced the ts in the song. For those of you who don't speak Scottish it is "And a small drop in the bottle for the morning." Which is of course to presume that you drink almost everything but leave yourself some hair of the dog. /overexplainer
  21. I don't get an "asking for support" vibe from the OP. Not at all. If anything, this has more of a pro-ana type of vibe. I would hope we're here to support each other in making good choices; not in getting around making bad choices. You are of course free to do as you wish with your body and your weight loss. But if I were posting about how I was taking in all of my calories from wine or doritos and "this is how you can do this safely also" I would expect a bit of a backlash to that. Because the majority of us know what the rules/recommendations are. Chewing and spitting are not recommended.
  22. Fluffnomore

    January fitness challenge

    Fluff, I have to say, you are improving my vocabulary. I have had to look up a word in the dictionary at least twice this week to get the definition. I appreciate you helping me with brain fitness also. Sigh. I'll try to dial it back. In other news I am battling both a head cold and TOM right now and don't want to move or make anyone else sick. I've put back on 2-3 pounds of Water weight too. Sigh. I'll reevaluate as I get closer to my class time, but I am glad there are 31 days in January. Okay, whining over.
  23. Fluffnomore

    Happy New Year from Scotland

    My grandfather was from Glasgow. We still do imitations of him when we're all together. Though they probably sound more like a caricature... I don't think we had anyone come by on Hogmanay. How does it work? Does it extend if no one shows up here for another few days?
  24. Fluffnomore

    January fitness challenge

    Fiddle, on the contrary…I find this very helpful. While I was swimming the other day I was thinking specifically about how it might help my posture. Despite being a singer, my posture is (overall) piss poor and I have a kyphosis as well. Filing this all away.
  25. Fluffnomore

    January fitness challenge

    Oh ouch, Butter! I'm 3 weeks back into exercising and cringe every time I think about the fact that sooner or later I will have an injury. I'm hoping for later!! Do you regularly run in the Vibrams? Did you use them for CF too? I'm looking at new shoes and hate ordering shoes over the web.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
