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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BryBro63

  1. BryBro63

    The Rules: Do you follow them?

    I think i have followed every single rule mentioned in this thread, since they were ALL either mentioned by my nutritionist or found during my research. I think it was because I was so afraid of failure that I wanted to assure any failure wouldn't be something of my own doing. Once I hit goal weight, my nutritionist recommended going into 'maintenance mode', which is a new set of rules in itself, since you hit the 'I'm at goal...now what???' mentality. Also I lost a bit of muscle which I'd like to gain back, but at the same time I don't want to gain back too much weight. Conclusion...it was, is, and continues to be a constantly learning process!!
  2. BryBro63

    When does it sink in?

    I think I was sort of the same way as you are when I was pre-op...and I think everything sank in for me when I had my first vomiting episode. That's when I realized that it's all happening now and it's all real, and that this HAD to be a definitive lifestyle change. From there, I was sure to make every necessary change needed, and I have been striving for success ever since...now the whole thing is second nature to me, and no longer a sacrifice but a part my newly successful life!!! Hope your surgery goes smoothly, and wish you the best!!
  3. If you have a GNC where you are, you can try the Isopure Protein drinks...they aren't shakes, and in most cases they go down pretty well during the initial stages after surgery. I suggest just getting one or two at first, and try different flavors...they come in quite a few different varieties. Also, I was told instead of just plain broths, you can try any Soups that you can see through, but need to strain all the solids out of it. Not as hearty, but more flavor than broth!! To get a little sweet flavor, try sugar-free ice pops...I still have those for snack even now!!
  4. BryBro63

    March 10th starts my journey

    Welcome, Bonnie!!! I think you'll like it here...everyone makes you feel quite comfortable!! There are a lot of great, understanding and knowledgeable folks here, who will can relate to and guide you though your journey. Again, welcome...and I wish you great success!!!
  5. Hello All...just curious... Prior to sleeve surgery, my gastroenterologyst said had a very slight (if that means anything!!) possible case of Chrohn's disease, and in order to follow up on this, he wanted to do an upper and lower endoscopy on me sometime soon. When I told my sleeve surgeon about this, he very strongly suggested that I put this off for at least 18 months after sleeve surgery, for I suppose obvious reasons...wouldn't want to be probing too much into the stomach too close to surgery. I think I'm with the sleeve surgeon on this one, but just wondering if anyone has had any similar experience like this? Thanks!!!
  6. BryBro63

    Bougie size

    I gotta say that this is truly all new to me...as much research I did and questions I asked, the actual size never really entered my mind to ask my surgeon. I imagine what the surgeon did for me did indeed work, since I hit my goal in what I thought was a reasonable time frame. But wow...certainly learned something new today!!! Thanks much for this!!!
  7. BryBro63


    Not sure if you want to hear a male perspective, but what has happened to me is the more and harder I work out, the hungrier I get...and I was told the same thing by my nutritionist...be sure to add more Protein to your diet, for 2 reasons. One is because protein stays with you longer and causes you to not to be quite as hungry, and two is because the food...especially protein foods...help you develop more muscle, which in turn helps you burn more fat. But in either case, since you are working your body harder, your body will be looking for more fuel along with burning fat, so there's no real danger in taking in a little more, as long as it's not in excess, which most of us can't really do anyway with the limitations of the sleeve. Hope this helps...wish you much success!!!
  8. BryBro63

    Beach 7 weeks post op?

    Check with your surgeon, but I was told that once your surgical wounds are fully healed over, you should be good...although I wouldn't go and challenge Michael Phelps to a race just yet!! LOL!!!
  9. BryBro63

    Bowel prep (just curious)

    I see tomorrow's the big day...congrats!!! Wishing you much success!!! Just remember...as soon as you're allowed to, walking is your best medicine, and whatever they give you to eat or drink, take it SLOWLY!!! Once again, congrats!!! Much success to you, and see you on the loser's side!!! Do this, my sistah!! LOL!!!
  10. Thanks very much for this...very interesting reading!!!
  11. BryBro63

    Bowel prep (just curious)

    I dunno, but if you're anything like me, once the MC starts kicking in, the last thing you're gonna be thinking about is how tart that stuff tastes!!! Magnesium Citrate does a great job in assuring that your bowels are quite clean!!! Just please stay close to the bathroom!!
  12. BryBro63

    Daily Diary 2/9/15

    Donald0717, your story sounds a great deal like mine...I don't think it's appropriate for me to get into the dirty details, because this is about you and your upcoming success!! Just know that you CAN definitely do this!!! I guess at first here I have no choice but to make a few assumptions...I'm guessing since you're posting in the Gastric Sleeve forum that you're preparing for the sleeve surgery. I'm also guessing that you have just started the process and have initially started the visits with the surgeons, nutritionist and such. If so, congratulations on taking the first step!!! As with just about all of us, there will be a few ups and downs, but believe me when I tell you that it's all worth it in the end!!! We're here to encourage, educate, and share experiences with you along the way!!! Much success...you can do this!!!
  13. BryBro63

    Eating Uncomfortable

    Chiming in with BLERDgirl, this is what got me through...just eating everything VERY SLOWLY...it's a bit annoying, but it does help you get through, get something in your system, and it does make you feel better...in time it does indeed get easier! I'm a little over a year out, and one thing that gets me now is seemingly the opposite. If I skip a meal and am very hungry, the next meal I have makes me a little bit uncomfortable...not painful, but just slight discomfort. Even though the meals are indeed smaller, they are important and should not be skipped.
  14. BryBro63

    4 wks post op

    I was going to say the same thing as JamieLogical...your question is a little too broad. If the assumption is you're at stage 4, you should be introducing yourself to more solid foods, but do this very slowly. Are you looking for Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack ideas? Breakfast - soft stuff like scrambled eggs, oatmeal, etc. Lunch should be like soft, moist meats like tuna with light mayo, etc. Dinner should be moist meat like chicken or something with vitamin-rich veggies and very light on the starches. Everything should try to be high Protein and high Vitamins, so you won't need to fully depend on Protein shakes and such for your protein intake. Again, based on this assumption, this is where you should be trying to train your body for the 'from now on' type of eating. Hope this helps...wish you the best!!
  15. Definitely worth celebrating, my man!! I mentioned this in a different thread, but when I hit onederland, I was for real doing the dance of joy!!! It's truly a great feeling!!!
  16. I keep saying this, but I REALLY gotta update that pic!!! LOL!!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      141 lbs down!!! GOAL - WooHoo!!! "do or do not - there is no try" yoda - we all want to see that new you - even more handsome than your present picture!!!! keep up the good work!!!!! congrats kathy


    2. BryBro63


      Thanks so much, proudgrammy...you're making me blush!!! LOL!!

  17. BryBro63

    Free Quest Bars

    Thanks very much for this!!! Will pass this on to my sister-in-law...a new sleever who I'm sure will be joining us here on BariatricPal!!
  18. BryBro63

    Post-op Day 1...NEED help

    The beginning was a little rough for me as well...but please take heart and be patient...it WILL INDEED get better and easier as things heal and you start adjusting to the changes. Getting through the first week is the hardest, and things will improve from there. From what you're describing, those are usually pretty common after effects of the surgery. Just be sure to take everything slowly...slow moving, slow drinking, and be sure to get in pain meds as needed and get in your Vitamins. Wishing you the best success!!
  19. BryBro63

    Recovery Time

    I have a desk job, but i do move around the office alot. Had my surgery on a Monday, got home from the hospital on Tuesday, took it easy for the week, and returned to work the following Monday, taking it slow for the first few days. Of course as everyone else is saying, each person is different, but when that Monday came, I was definitely ready to get back to work and back to life...if you are the same as I was, 2 weeks should be enough time for you.
  20. BryBro63


    Bryant...Cool Name!!
  21. Definitely headed down the right path, Dude!! I was the same way...it took me to lose a 50 lbs. or so just for me to even notice myself!! And for God's sake, Bob...please don't make the same mistake I did!! I got so excited that I lost some weight, I went and bought all these new clothes in my new size, just to have to give them all up and buy them all over again in a month or so!!! As far as the constipation and diarrhea, it does get better as your actual diet and eating habits become more regular...just be sure to keep up with the Fluid intake, since that helps both situations. A word of caution, though...the flatulence part doesn't go away!! A small price to pay, though!! Stay tuned, my man...it just keeps getting better!!! Wish you the best success, Bob!!!
  22. I've never heard of a nutritionist holding this over your head as such (if this is the case), but they can indeed hold up the process if they feel that you are not someone who they think will take the weight loss process seriously. In my situation, my nutritionist was much more concerned with building a good relationship and information exchange to make my weight loss journey a really successful one. Based on my goals and my lifestyle, she comes up with all sorts of different ideas to keep me motivated now that I have finally reached maintenance mode. Also (with our permission, of course), she shares her ideas along with ideas from other clients, to keep us all going well. I think if you just try to follow instruction, you should be fine. After surgery, you can always see a different one if you so choose. Wish you the best success!!!
  23. I hit my goal weight in 7 months. Are you working out? That truly does help quite a bit,especially if you're doing a good amount of cardio!! Wishing you success!!!
  24. BryBro63

    Why did you choose Gastric Sleeve?

    Like yourself, I did a great deal of research, and was first intent with getting the Lab Band...the I heard about all the 'fills' that you had to return back and forth to the surgeon's office for, until you get that 'just right fill', and then still have adjustments done accordingly. I had not had much previous knowledge about the sleeve until I saw the surgeon and he told me all about the procedure. I was skeptical at first, but then realized this would fit my lifestyle. I knew I wanted something permanent, but not something that seemed as drastic as the bypass. Now after being a year post-op, the only regret that I have about the entire decision is that I wish I had made the decision to do it sooner!! Everything has been great, I followed everyone's instructions to the letter, and I truly feel 100% better!!! Best of luck with your decision, and much success to you on your journey!!!

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