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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bethgrove

  1. bethgrove

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Question: My dh bought me the watch to so with my bodybugg for mothers day but the faceplate keeps falling off. I was riding in the car yesterday and it just fell off. Has anybody had a problem with this or is mine defecitve? I know i can be hard on things but I would think this would be made to withstand exercise so any advise? thanks beth
  2. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Mine lasted about three months. I had stopped having the protein shake for breakfast and that had 25grams of protein so my diet was lacking. It took me about a month to figure it out. Yeah i tried shampoo and vitamins but none helped. So not to my dr.s advise i still drink my am protein shake I don't drink anymore thru the day but found that if i get the protein back in my hair stays. (i don't have much more to lose so i need it). I am tight in the morning so i only eat from around noon till 6pm not enough to get my protein in. but this has helped. beth
  3. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    That sight is wonderful. i love that it does the calculations for u. I have a body bugg but it doesn't tell me what to do to lose. Thank you for the information. And yes this week i have flipped my meals (as suggested) and changed my workout so we will see. You girls must know what i need when i need it. You guys are always posting when i am thinking things. (maybe we are hitting the same problems at the same time) thanks girls
  4. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I agree with the wls. If we don't work at it we will lose nothing. I could eat enough ice cream to pack the pounds back on but I don't and it bothers me that people think this is easy and fast with gastirc you can eat whatever you want and lose. But after awhile you put it back on because you did not change your lifestyle. Never before would I have been getting up at 4:30 in the morning to exercise. If i would have thought this process thru probably would have backed out. But I am proud of how far I have come and work and count every food I put in and what I do to take it off. I just would like them to now we are working not just sitting and losing. But nobody understands that. Anyway hope all is well with everyone today sorry for the rant. I am constantly asked why my weight has stopped it has not just getting closer to target and people don't understand. beth
  5. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well where I live in north carolina my gas is 3.60 a gallon and going up daily. Unfortunatly I live in a rurual area no walking to work or the store. I live about 5 miles from walmart and 7 miles from work. We live 2 hours from a mall so we are in the middle of nowhere. Well enough of that. I am so proud of you guys running i am not to that point I have started the couch to marathon but lord help it is hard no 10 min mile for me. but i will continue to advance. beth
  6. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay guys can't remember if it was on this one or another one but somebody did pork chops in the crockpot with frozen veg. Anybody body remember the marinade? I bought the stuff to do and can't find the reciepe . Great planning on my part but I am trying to find something new. we have been eating the same stuff and i am getting tired and find myself wanting other stuff. Like tonight I had steak I have not had that in 8 months. Actually fixed it at home and did well with it. So we are going to try pork chops tomorrow if I can find the reciepe. thanks girls beth
  7. bethgrove

    Does flying make band tighter?

    My band got tighter when i flew to south africa, but recently went to hawaii and my band was not effected. I can't eat most of the food on the plane but that is a choce not being able to is different. (i did not like the food before the band). Africa was in sep and hawaii in march who knows why it is different but just try to keep the Water going and it want effect you after the flight. Hot tea helped on the way to africa with the band so maybe try that if yu have a problem beth
  8. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    All of you guys pictures look great. What a shock I will have dh to take my picture this weekned. You guys have to be proud of the work and the results. It is awesome to see how quickly things have changed for everybody. beth
  9. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well here goes. I went to Hawaii on a cruise definetly tried to eat correctly but there we a few times i pb. Well we get home and about three days later i pb everything. So to liquids i went well two days later I could not get Water down. Called the dr. he told me to come in. When aunt flo is coming i am tight and barely can eat but this was bad. So the doctor thought i was being a baby but i went and they do it with fluro nothing would pass thru the band due to swelling or prolapse. So they unfilled it on March 31st since then have had all the test done but still unsure cause or reason. They will refill it in one week. But i am two hours from the center and because of my job will be unable to go till the end of the month. Work has been great about being off but I need to save the days if possible. ( have three kid and you never know). I have fridays off so will wait till they have an appt available. So i have been very discouraged and buring my head in the sand. But today is a new day and just trying to get back on the band wagon. It may have been my fault with the band but we all make mistakes we just have to learn from them. (expensive lesson) beth
  10. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay so this is what happens when i am a slacker. Ever since I got the band unfilled I have not been on here. (even though that is when i need the support). Anyway got on today and all is weird. I will try to get on more so to figure it out, but back to work beth
  11. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay girls I am back but I have been having one Hell of a trip. We got back from Hawaii and could not keep anything down. So To the doctor I called. I have not had a fill since nov. Well anyway after fighting for nutrion on liquids had to have the band unfilled and studies done. Everything looks good but they will not fill my band back for one month. That is going to be hard because I can eat again. It is only mental i am not hungry just old habit. Anyway I am done venting. Glad to still see all you guys here. beth
  12. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    thank you that website looks great and i can figure out what i can have. I told my husband he has to be very supportive of it. (it is his freinds) He normally teases me about how slow i eat but promises to be good. He could run acouple of laps before i am done with the new eating process but he is very supportive except for that . thanks again beth
  13. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Help girls. Some friends want to go to Lonehorn steak house. this will be the first time i have eaten out with them and they don't know about the surgery. It is a restaurant that is 2 hrs away so w don't visit it. Does anyone eat there and can share some suggestions? we eat at the local places and i know what will make me pb or slime. but this will be hard with them not knowing about the surgery. (and no i will not telling them they are skinny and would give me hell) beth
  14. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Happy easter to all. Glad to see everyone doing well. Just returned from Hawaii and now it is cold in north carolina. I feel the weather alot more since I have lost weight. Hope everyone has a great easter. beth
  15. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Peaches: thank you that is a wonderful idea i will do that tonight. I think that is better since i am buying new bras ans panties often. I can't stand them to sag. And a word of encouragement to all. I was getting depressed in dec. I do this on a normal year but this was worse due to not losing like i thought i should, so my dh made me take measurements of my self. To date I have lost 13.5 inches in two months the scales may not have changed much but i know i have changed. I have a problem still seeing myself as fat, but this is helping me realize i have changed. I hope this helps alittle. I mostly read but you girls have been so helpful to me i hope to start being more active. By the way on the last post there were no e in it. the letter was stuck on my home computer. sorry for that. beth
  16. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Okay girls I need some help. My husband is taking me to Hawaii for 10 year anniversary. He has bought me a beautiful dress.(I thought I would not fit it in but we leave in two weeks and it fits perfect) I guess he knew. ANyway it is a haltr style and i need suggestions on a strapless or haltr type bra. I have not had a strapless bra on since high school graduated 1995 so it has been a while. Any good brands that may work? I need them to fill out the dress. Any help. thanks girls beth
  17. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just a reply to this when my af is due i pb and slim everything for about 1 week and then i can eat everything in sight for a week then back to normal this is hurting becasue for 2 weeks out of the month i am different. I am unsure about getting another fill my last was the first of nov. I currently have the lfu and have not lost anything but also can't keep anything down. I WANT TO THANK all you girls i read this board everyday. I love that you guys address the reality and not just make me think i am crazy. This is the best board and am glad it is here. (I should post more just a slacker) beth
  18. bethgrove

    bodybugg chat

    question about the bodybugg? i just worked an extra shift to purchase one but i have a question do you have to enter your food into the computer or does it just know the calories you have taken in? Just wondering i currently do fitday so not a problem just wondering beth
  19. bethgrove

    GAS Pains Post-Op Surgery

    I drank hot tea. It help alot. My physician did not tell me this but i had gallbladder and the told me this would help with the gas pain so i did it and it helped also a heating pad helped. beth
  20. bethgrove

    Can we talk about clothing???

    What type are u guys using? I am at that point that i need something to suck it in. I don't want to waste money but i must hide this tummy. beth
  21. bethgrove

    Bathing Suits?!

    I just recently went to disney with my kids and had no swimsuit i was a 24 before and now need a 16-18. Target has cute suits for less than 35.00. I bought a tankini because my chest is alot smaller than my rear end and you can mix and match. I love the one i bought. In the past i have paid great prices for swim wear but remember we are going down and i don't want to waste money just to be out of in 6 months. good luck with the search beth
  22. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    thank you for the suggestions i was able to get 4 pairs from jcpenney for next to nothing. I bought capri's. I have not wore shorts in years but thought i might but they would be way to short so i will stick to capris. thanks beth
  23. bethgrove

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just realized today that we are going to disney on Jan 19th . We have had it planned but I have not thought about it till i was getting out the kids clothing to make sure we all had shorts.YIKES mom does not.I bought at clearance for the kids but have not thought about my shorts from last year absolutely falling off. They are a 26 and i am in a 16w any suggestions as to where to get I have been on ebay and target but can't find. Any help beth
  24. bethgrove

    Low cost clothing for weight loss

    glad to know i am not the only one who doesn't want to spend money on clothing. I took a hint from my mil for my bday she gave me a gift card for goody's only local store we have. she normally just cooks for us but said i look llike i could use some new clothes. so i went shopping i started this at a size 26 and currently bought a 16. but bought clearance and saved some for the next size. yes my husband says i am cheap but i think it is wasteful. thanks for the lane bryant clearance site. beth
  25. bethgrove

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Let us know how the slim fast goes. I am at 207-210 and have been for the last two weeks. My mine goal was to be in onederland by jan 1. Still hoping and trying to speed it up. beth

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
