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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gohelpyourself

  1. gohelpyourself

    Your opinion counts....... but maybe not.

    Oh I will get used to it... and they will get used to me too.
  2. gohelpyourself

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    I love the before and after pics... I hope more ppl post theirs. I see your surgery was over 3 years ago... are you still losing or are you maintaining at this point? You look amazing btw.
  3. gohelpyourself

    normal not to be overly nervous?

    My anesthesiologist injected me with numbing meds before he started my IV (I was surprised)...and crazy as it sounds..... they are making needles SOOOOOOOO sharp these days you barely feel it when you are getting stuck.
  4. gohelpyourself

    normal not to be overly nervous?

    I was stoked the entire time too! I was smiling all the way into the O.R. Ppl probably thought I was nuts... I even sent my husband home.
  5. I can barely get much food in myself being only one week post op and I do not feel much like eating to be honest. I definitely hope to be able to get in more than 700 calories, eventually.... I personally do not think (for me) that would be healthy in the long run to try and sustain on such few calories. You have had great success and I congratulate you. I can't wait til I get 50 lbs off and be out of the 200plus club.
  6. gohelpyourself

    Time off after Sleeve

    what a meanie! Jeez
  7. Fast or Slow... I know without the sleeve I would probably either be heavier or the same come summer. I am so happy to have this tool. Even if it takes me two years to get to my goal, I knew I wouldn't be able to do it without the help of this sleeve. If it were that easy, I would have not spent half my life overweight. Thanks for everyone who posted their progress... I just think it is great motivation. Even those who consider themselves 'slow losers' are still winners in my book.
  8. gohelpyourself

    Your opinion counts....... but maybe not.

    Oh what I would give to have a margarita!!! LOL
  9. gohelpyourself

    Your opinion counts....... but maybe not.

    thanks for that I was pretty fired up.
  10. That is really awesome. I weighed in at 235 this morning. I was 242 day of surgery I am 10 days post op. I bet you feel great. That was inspiring thank you.
  11. Wheelchair is a great suggestion!
  12. gohelpyourself

    Time off after Sleeve

    I am a nurse manager at a rather busy outpatient clinic. I took 3 weeks off. I could probably go back next week b/c I feel good but I am just so fatigued still from the actually surgery. Our surgeon allows up to 4 weeks. Many ppl on here seem to go back after two weeks if they have a sit down job. Hope this helps. My son and hubby are driving me nuts.... I can't wait to get back.
  13. Congrats! There are a lot of ppl on here who genuinely want to help and offer suggestions that are useful. All the other unwanted useless inaccurate comments I plan to ignore moving forward. I am not going to let the ignorance of some ppl run me off.
  14. Ask if they will give you heparin shots post op. Make sure they do (I am sure they do... it is kind of standard). If you are prone to clots they may even suggest you do lovenox shots after you are discharged. The plane ride is a short one, right? I don't think you will have any problems. Get up a few times and walk around during your trip back.
  15. gohelpyourself

    starting to get cold feet

    I was starting to think what did I get myself into but its worth it....I still have trouble getting up and sitting down because he cut into my stomach muscle but its getting easier! Do you notice on of your incisions hurts more?? Its the one where they pull your stomach out of. They do must of the 'work' at one incision site. My doctor used just steri strips on all the puncture sites but the bigger one (the aforementioned one) he put a couple dissolvable stitches in. That one bugs me the most. If you have adhesive tape marks lil nail polish remover will get rid of that.. the acetone will melt it off you. My belly is so itchy from the incisions healing.
  16. Try making your own Protein drinks out of Greek yogurt... one cup equals over 20g of protein. Hopefully you are not lactose intolerant. Splenda isn't good for us anyway. Another suggestion... I stumbled upon a product called Hemp Protein High Fiber Powder made by Nutiva (got it at Wegmans grocery store).... you can put that in your shake too (has 11g of protein AND 12g of fiber in 3 tablespoons). P.S. Frozen organic berries, Kale or Spinach in those shakes are GREAT!! If you put greens in your shake I recommend using a dash of cinnamon to cut the bitterness.
  17. gohelpyourself

    starting to get cold feet

    Isn't it crazy... day two you feel like there is NO WAY you can imagine tomorrow you could feel better... but you do! I am a week in a half out and everyday I feel better. That's great news. Glad to hear you are feeling better
  18. gohelpyourself

    Got the date !

  19. Thank you! I appreciate that. Good Lord. I am here for encouragement and support not to listen to some accuse me of comparing myself or 'setting myself up for failure' merely b/c I am inquisitive.
  20. THANK YOU! That is all I wanted to know was how other did. I don't expect the same results. It amazes me how wonderfully ppl have done and it also is enlightening to know about ppl's plateaus and stalls. Many of those ppl have posted they eat under 800 calories a day.... it just reinforced what I already know.... I won't lose if I put myself in starvation mode. I really don't appreciate ppl critiquing me by comments implying that I am trying to compare myself to others. I plan to do well regardless. I know all personalities are not going to get along here, its human nature but I can't stand a know it all smart ass.
  21. Honey Dear.... I could give a rats patoot about your opinion about me needing coaching. I am not on here because I need to be educated!! I am an educated medical professional. I know how to read research and articles and find answers to most questions on the web. I come here for either positive encouragement or ideas because despite my knowledge base... I am not a know it all. I simply was curious about weight loss successes. Keep your two cents to yourself when it pertains to me moving forward. Got it?
  22. I had my sleeve done Monday and came home yesterday afternoon. Tuesday was not fun. Lots of stomach spasming. Today I feel like I didn't even have surgery. Able to drink without any problems. I had two Protein shakes today, yogurt, a little Soup and a good amount of Water. The only thing is the gurgling sound in my upper airway...throat and belly. I feel super blessed but I am amazed at how good I feel. Has anyone else felt like they were back to normal this soon post op?
  23. That is incredible! You rock Thank you BellaDonna!! :-) Why can't everyone answer simply as you did without all the "you are setting yourself up for disappointment" blah blah blah..... I just want some incentive... I am not expecting to have the same results. I am NOT a frikken idiot.

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