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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gohelpyourself

  1. gohelpyourself

    New to this/What to pack

    seriously tho... I was in there two days. Don't overpack.... I showered as soon as I got home... I had a foley cuz I was retaining urine. Wet wipes are a good idea to keep you fresh. You won't need much. Do not bring any valuables NONE! Don't bring money or jewelry. That lip moisturizer was a life saver. Wishes you the best in your upcoming journey. This is the year is the year of radical transformations.... get ready!
  2. gohelpyourself

    New to this/What to pack

    loose loose fitting yoga or sweats... and tee's, or loose pajamas.... slippers... toothpaste toothbrush. Lip moisturizer! Your phone or iPad. Ask the nurses to use adhesive remover on you tape marks before you leave. I still have that mess stuck to my skin but if you forget nail polish remover works too. Picture of you baby or babies if you have any kids Good luck and keep us posted.
  3. gohelpyourself

    Ugh! Rock in my stomach!

    Elyquint... I am loving your ideas! I ate a morning star black bean burger (could only eat half) and it was painful. Not ready for that either... nearly 2 weeks post op.
  4. I absolutely love Hemp Protein Powder (I get the hi-Fiber kind). I have to start experimenting more with recipes that call for more plant based Proteins. I feel the best when I eat clean and stay away from as many processed, packaged things. That is why I am leaning more toward making my own shakes instead of the store bought.
  5. gohelpyourself

    If self-pay... What about complications?

    I do not think you will have a problem with short term DBL... long term only kicks in after you exhaust short term but some ppl carry supplemental short term DBL coverage and each policy differs and you must call and check prior to avoid disappointment later. Sadly, if you are one of the few ppl who experience complications immediately post of ie. leak... that will be your responsibility to pay if you are paying out of pocket and that can add up quickly. Even one additional night can end up costing you. Best thing to do is talk with your surgeon. Are you having your surgery in the U.S?
  6. I'm def worried about the fatigue! Bless your heart... I'm sure this is difficult with a toddler. How much have you lost? I started my pre op diet at 253 (10 days liver reduction diet.... cheated a couple times). On my surgery date (Feb 3) I was about 242. I haven't weighted myself today but yesterday I was 234. So nearly 20 lbs.
  7. gohelpyourself

    need ideas please

    Egg salad (you can use plain greek yogurt instead of mayo, its not bad). I made a black bean burger with a tiny side of sweet potato (tolerated that well) Ground Turkey Chili Hummus
  8. So that's a no. Premier is the most recommended RTD shake on this site. I love it with a splash of torani sf raspberry syrup and it has 30g carbs. Some ppl, like me, aren't allowed Greek yogurt on their preop. But I'll definitely give it a try after I'm cleared to. I've tried unjury, about time, new direction, bariatric fusion and Bariatric Advantage. The only one that didn't make me gag or make me sick was about time. It has like 5 ingredients and you can pronounce every one. Uses stevia as a sweetener. I didn't use it pre op (the greek yogurt) I wasn't allowed either. I don't like pre made shakes because in past experience, pre-made shakes have always had a gritty taste plus I am very happy with Fusion. If my insurance approves it will be the only way I try it. I think it would be beneficial to have a pre made shake (in my purse/car) available for times when I can't get to my kitchen blender and I am in a pinch to get something into my stomach. I honestly prefer using whole foods and plant Proteins to make my own shakes b/c many of those shakes have a lot of fillers and other ingredients I can't pronounce. My friend recommended Unjury but I am happy with Fusion so I am not really shopping around for anything else. Honestly.. the shakes are the only thing my stomach doesn't do flips when it hits my belly so I have been primarily doing shakes even though I have been cleared for a soft diet. BTW, how much are those Premier shakes?
  9. I love the chocolate Mousse! LOL I add powder Peanut Butter to it... delish! What do you to mix it with? Did you like that Orange Cream? I just bought a tube of it today. I buy it at a local pharmacy...they stock all flavors. How did you hear about fusion btw?
  10. Have u tried premier? I found them the most palatable of all I've tried I do not like pre-made shakes. If my insurance approves those I am going to certainly try but the bariatric shakes I get here locally are really good. I like to doctor my shakes up anyways. So I am always adding to them. Because those powders are expensive I often use 1/2 scoop and add greek yogurt to it along with other ingredients to up the Protein. Does your insurance cover Premier? What other powders have you tried? Have they all been bariatric shakes??
  11. I am 11 days post op... I am eating a soft diet.
  12. I'm assuming that would hold true for pre op as well? When was your surgery and how are you doing? I am not sure about pre op. I stuck to the directions on the canister. I just mixed fusion bariatric Protein powder with the almond milk and a couple ice cubes to add thickness. I had surgery Feb. 3rd so I am like 11 days post op. I am doing pretty good thanks for asking. I had a bad day today. Nothing was sitting well except Water. I am still extremely fatigued but I have one more week off for a total of 3 weeks. Its hard to catch up on rest since I have a three year old who is a boss.
  13. Well... I researched consumer reviews on Premier b/c I heard they take some insurances and I found a lot of ppl commenting that that brand is very unpalatable. There is a local company here in Buffalo, NY called fusion. Website is www.bariatricfusion.com. I really like their chocolate Mousse and strawberry Shortcake (only flavors I have tried thus far). I just bought orange flavor today and I heard it tastes like an orangesicle. In addition to Unsweetened Almond Milk I add a little greek yogurt for a little extra creaminess. I love powdered PB in the chocolate. In the Strawberry I add frozen organic berries. I also like adding flax and chia seeds and organic hemp powered. Look at www.nutiva.com as well. I prefer drinking these shakes over eating at this point b/c I tolerate them without any difficulty.
  14. Just make your own out of low fat or fat free greek yogurt. It has over 20g Protein per cup and you can add all types of goodness to them. If you need suggestions on what to put in them I can help with that too. Also.... what are you using to mix with it? My go to is Unsweetened Almond Milk (non flavored).
  15. Hi I am curious what the average amount of weight loss is the first 3-4 months. Please include your starting weight as I think it is a major factor in how quickly you lose the excess weight. Thanks so much!!!
  16. I dug out my written materials from the pre op nutrition classes I attended at my surgeons office. This is what they gave us as the 'general guidelines after weight loss surgery' I thought maybe I misunderstood what I should be taking in post op because so many members on here are on such strict regimens with regards to carbs and calories. I would love to see how these guidelines measure up to yours. I look forward to comparing notes. (yes, I am still up and posting b/c for some reason not only did this surgery take away my hunger but also my need for sleep @@ Less than one month post op (where I am) Fluid: 48-64oz Calories: Minimum of 800 kcal (although they did say it may be difficult at first for obvious reasons) Protein: 60-80g Carbs: 90-100g (NUT said Protein first so ideally not much room left for carbs) Fat: 18-22g Fiber: Less than 20g 1-6 months post op Fluid: 48-64oz Calories: About 1200 Protein: 80g-100g Carbs: 135g-150g Fat: 27g-33g Fiber: 20g-25g More than 6 months post op Fluid: 48-64oz Calories: Dependent on individual needs Protein: 30-35% of total kcal ex. 1200 kcal diet = 105g protein Carbs: 40-50% of total kcal Fat: 20-25% of total kcal Fiber: Less than age 50 = 25g for women 38g for men. Age over 50 = 14g per 1000 kcal It also emphasized to wait a half hour after eating b4 drinking so your nutrients will not get flushed to quickly out of your sleeve and you absorb as much of the nutrients as possible.
  17. just concentrate on getting in your protein first that is what was emphasized to me.
  18. I just read an article on here under the 'food and Nutrition' section. Written by a nutritionist.... I am attaching just a paragraph. Apparently it is obvious how confusing the whole topic is. "How much you should be eating is a hot topic on many online forums or support pages. If you have read the discussions it becomes clear that weight loss surgery clinics and support teams widely differ in how much they are recommending their patients eat. This is also clear when I chat with other health professionals at our obesity surgery conferences. If the professionals working in the area can’t get their story straight, how are people to know what to do?"
  19. I like mine better...LOL. Not that it really matters..... not like I can get anywhere near my doctors guidelines. Only thing I can suck down fairly well are the bariatric shakes.
  20. What I wouldn't do for a few sips of vino!

    1. Dee_1111


      I hear ya Sista!!! miss it big time!!! (sniffle-sniffle)

    2. Dee_1111


      a sip is fine..wine treats me more like a bag of chips

    3. gohelpyourself


      I know! I am trying my best to wait at least 6 weeks post op. I am actually afraid to drink.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  21. I started a new thread to see what other members doc's are recommending just b/c there are soooooo many variances from doctor to doctor. I had to dig out my pre op nutrition class materials but I posted what my surgeon post op recommendations are and they are sooooo drastically different than yours. It's like... how can that be? I mean.. shouldn't this be kind of standard. I am so confused!
  22. OMG.. I love that Hemp powder and b/c it is so high in Fiber is negates some of the carbs. I definitely will limit eating carbs but I don't think I want to count grams. I already have to count protein and Water intake. I think if I just stay away from carbs in general.. whatever carbs are in the meals I eat which are rich and protein and high in fiber I will be good. It does amaze me how different each surgeon is too!! I am going to ask about the carb intake at my 5 week follow up visit. Maybe I missed something at the nutrition class. Thanks for the feedback. Okay.. I went to dig out my written materials from nutrition class. This is what they gave us as the 'general guidelines after weight loss surgery' Less than one month post op (where I am) Fluid: 48-64oz Calories: Minimum of 800 kcal (although they did say it may be difficult at first for obvious reasons) Protein: 60-80g Carbs: 90-100g Fat: 18-22g Fiber: Less than 20g 1-6 months post op Fluid: 48-64oz Calories: About 1200 Protein: 80g-100g Carbs: 135g-150g Fat: 27g-33g Fiber: 20g-25g More than 6 months post op Fluid: 48-64oz Calories: Dependent on individual needs Protein: 30-35% of total kcal ex. 1200 kcal diet = 105g protein Carbs: 40-50% of total kcal Fat: 20-25% of total kcal Fiber: Less than age 50 = 25g for women 38g for men. Age over 50 = 14g per 1000 kcal
  23. gohelpyourself

    Pre op diet

    My bestie is almost two years out and still burps. After anything going in. And I swear I can sometimes hear her stomach across the entire room. Lol great! LOL Other problem I have had since surgery is insomnia. I am frikken exhausted and can't sleep. Have no idea WTH is up with that. I usually fall asleep around 430am and my son wakes me up bright and early at 730. Its been a barrel of fun lemme tell you.
  24. OMG.. I love that Hemp powder and b/c it is so high in fiber is negates some of the carbs. I definitely will limit eating carbs but I don't think I want to count grams. I already have to count protein and Water intake. I think if I just stay away from carbs in general.. whatever carbs are in the meals I eat which are rich and protein and high in fiber I will be good. It does amaze me how different each surgeon is too!! I am going to ask about the carb intake at my 5 week follow up visit. Maybe I missed something at the nutrition class. Thanks for the feedback.

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