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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gohelpyourself

  1. gohelpyourself

    chat room... ?

    Oh you don't get to play on the internet all day at work? That is too bad. Another reason why I don't look for a new job.
  2. gohelpyourself

    Surgery places

    P.S. I would have guessed either France or Montreal, Canada.
  3. gohelpyourself

    Surgery places

    no problem. Not I think most ppl on here are from the U.S and many have gone to Mexico for bariatric surgery. Best of luck.
  4. gohelpyourself

    Surgery places

    where is that?
  5. My surgeon said I will be getting IV Acetaminophen(Ofirmev). My friend who is an anesthesiologist said it is very effective but hell...he didn't have gastric surgery. I want to know from experience. Who has had it and does it really work... this "IV Tylenol"?? Thanks is advance.
  6. gohelpyourself

    Question about 2 week liquid diet

    Oh.. Duh. I totally missed that! I just started mine and I have lost 9 lbs hope its more like 14 since I usually retain 5 lbs of water although I do not feel the least bit bloated on this pre op diet. I am ravished though. :/
  7. Hello there!! I love my Queen City neighbors! Dr. Caruana did a few ppl I know. He is the best. Well he hasn't been doing the lap VSG's as long as the bypass but I still have all my faith in him. He no longer operates out of Sisters. He is exclusively at ECMC now. They built him his own OR suites and the recovery unit is like a resort! It is gorgeous. All private rooms and brand spanking new. I will keep you posted. Not sure I want pics even as a nurse I don't think I want to see my insides gutted. AHAHHAHHAAA. How much have you lost?
  8. gohelpyourself

    Question about 2 week liquid diet

    Close to getting your monthly?
  9. gohelpyourself

    4 months post op pics

    Oh my good Lord in heaven that is amazing!!!!!!! Gorgeous! Thank you for posting! Great job.
  10. gohelpyourself

    Losing it- Stall advice

    Your psych meds are more than likely the culprit!!! I guarantee it! Inbox me.
  11. gohelpyourself

    Losing it- Stall advice

    I just re-read your original post in detail. Your body is readjusting from going off your meds. Were you on HCTZ? Give it one more week before you panic. Your body has been used to having that diuretic on board. You are experiencing a little more water retention is all. No worries!!!
  12. gohelpyourself

    Losing it- Stall advice

    I feel like I've got the fitness aspect under control. I really feel like they're high quality. Definitely getting my protein and supplements. I drink water like a fish and have had two glasses of wine since the beginning of December. Do you agree with the tdee and bmr stuff above? Definitely makes sense. Sometimes your body just stalls but rest assured your weight loss will resume... keep on doing everything you are doing and you will see the number on the scale will start to move. Any chance you are building up muscle with your work outs? That is a strong possibility too.
  13. The sun seems to be shining for me. I am interviewing today for the Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Masters Program. Monday is my surgery. I am ready for some life changes! I feel so positive and motivated! This site is so invigorating and inspiring.
  14. Thanks everyone!!! Interview went beyond fantastic. I am very very hopeful. Thanks of all the encouraging words. I feel like I am starting a new chapter in my life and I am overwhelmed with excitement.
  15. I'm sorry... I just saw your profile. You are in FL. Lucky you! It is a heatwave today in Buffalo, NY as we are supposed to have a high of 27 degrees!!! Woo Hoo.
  16. EMT's transition very nicely into ER setting. Good luck. Keep me in the loop. What state are you in?
  17. Thank you very much!! I didn't get my BSN until 2010. I have been a nurse since 1997. I was planning on going for CRNA but I had a baby at 40... found out I was pregnant one month after graduating with my BSN. Needless to say... CRNA is a no can do with a toddler. I am interviewing at SUNY Stony Brook (phone interview) because it is a distance learning program. I am in Buffalo, NY and the school is in Long Island. I am going to do part-time so if I am lucky enough to get in I will complete the program in 3 years. I currently manage an outpatient mental health clinic but I have only been doing psych for 2 years. My background is ER/ICU. Keep working toward your education, never stop...you will get there. We picked the best profession!!!!
  18. gohelpyourself

    Waiting on new date

    that is painfully long. Are you able to eat anything? Where do you live? I am in Buffalo, NY and the weather has been miserable here too!!!
  19. gohelpyourself

    Down 150 lbs

    You look awesome! You don't even look like you need to lose anymore from that picture!!
  20. gohelpyourself

    Waiting on new date

    Great news that that the tumor is benign!!! How long have you been on the diet? You are a trooper! If you made it through this you can do anything! Keep that in mind. Stay positive. How long have you been on pre op diet now? How much have you lost? Good news is the more weight you lose pre op the less likely you will have any complications and you will reach your goal sooner! Hang in there.
  21. Hi there neighbor!!! I am going to Dr. Caruana at Synergy Bariatrics. My insurance would only pay if it was done at a Bariatric Center of Excellence and I know so many ppl who went to him and did very well. Dr. Caruana used to operate out of Sisters but on January 1st of this year he started operating exclusively out of ECMC. They built him his own OR suite and the unit we are recovering in is like a resort! It is going to be like a vacation! (that is what I am hoping at least!)
  22. gohelpyourself

    4 months post op

    very inspiring!!! Great job! That is fantastic. You must feel awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Thank you! Very excited to embark on this journey to my 'rebirth' LOL.
  24. gohelpyourself

    Did you keep it a secret?

    OMG... I have been telling everyone. Only person I refuse to tell is my mom. She wouldn't understand and it will only infuriate her and I don't need her two cents. Most ppl have been super encouraging. I am the type of person who doesn't really care what others think.
  25. gohelpyourself

    Losing it- Stall advice

    Sometimes on the weight loss journey, the scale stops moving... Our bodies may be taking a break and we just need to persist... Yet sometimes its helpful to mix things up... You Control 3 Variables: Fitness, food, & supplements... Fitness: - There are 3 variables we control: frequency, duration, and intensity - Frequency: how many times per week are you working out? Might be time to bump it up to 5 days per week. - Duration: how long are your workouts? Might be time to bump the workout from 30 mins to 45 mins. - Intensity: how focused and intense are your workouts? Might be time to weave in some interval training, super-sets, CrossFit, etc. important variables are frequency and intensity; high quality workouts 4-5 days per week is a recipe for success - are you doing that? Nutrition & Lifestyle: - Food: getting in enough calories and all your Protein? - Water: being hydrated helps your metabolism by around 25% - Wine? Alcohol is a "volumizer", you'll retain Water and your metabolism will function slower. You may want to abstain or minimize until your goal is achieved, then it's about moderation for maintenance. Supplements: Are you making sure you are getting in your Vitamins and minerals and enough protein? If not make sure you are supplementing.

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