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Posts posted by JessLS99

  1. Thanks so much for all the suggestions! I was trying to avoid a cooler, but I'm thinking I'm just going to have to suck it up and take one. Feeling a lot better about hitting the highway!

    Now about being the only sober one with all my drunken friends.... Doc was very specific about no alcohol until 3 months. Should be interesting.

  2. My surgery was April 9, 2014, and I am entering my week 6 food progression. My husband and I will be driving to Florida this weekend, and I'm having difficulty coming up with ideas of portable Protein foods that don't require refrigeration or heating. So far I've come up with Protein Bars, and that's about it. Any suggestions?

    My latest allowed additions to my diet. Still no fresh veggies or fruit.


  3. Doing better with Protein shakes as far as the consistency of them and getting my 60gm down. Made it over my Water goal yesterday. Still feel hungry, but I guess I'm going to have that until I start some more

    substantial foods.

    Tried to take my Vit D and Biotin (both medication and capsule size approved by surgeon) like I was taking before surgery and had horrible nausea and a tiny bit of vomiting from it. Yuck. First actual vomit of this whole experience.

    Anyone else having difficulty with preop Vitamins? I'd like to continue taking mine because the doses are much higher than are found in the bariatric Multivitamins.

    Took some Colace yesterday as per surgeons instructions for bowel function. Wow! Those are powerful!

    Seeing the scale moving a bit, which is encouraging.

    Hope everyone is well!

  4. Hi jess. R u on Protein shakes yet? Im on only Clear liquids until wed. Did start having some hunger. No cravings but have been smelling Sesame chicken. Lol I thought I was going nuts.

    Clear liquids and Protein Shakes for right now. Follow up appointment on Wednesday and hopefully I will be advanced to full liquid. The morning after surgery in the hospital I kept insisting to the night nurse at 6am that I could smell the sausage from the Breakfast trays. She just looked at me like I was really strange. They were giving me a lot of morphine. Lol.

    I finally caved and had a couple sips of pickle juice that helped the salt craving. My sodium on my labs in the hospital was low, so it makes sense I was craving salt.

  5. Ohh no I'm so sorry! That sucks Jess! I have read in different blogs that if you are not getting your liquids in you could mistake it for hunger?? You only know how you feel though. Hopefully it will get better. Have you called your Dr.? Losing 1.7 is better than gaining! ;) I still have not weighed myself because I know the Water weight is still here - it might piss me off & cause me to eat my feelings if I were to actually see a gain on the scale after the crazy pain I had on days 1 & 2.. I'm trying to retrain myself! I think this is fatty war & I'm going to win this damn battle once & for all!! I find that I am not necessarily hungry but I am managing to easily get down my full liquids! I am not feeling stuffed full but I am not hungry. I was surprised how quick I could wolf up a Protein shake or soup! I have been taking Dannon zero fat 80 cal 12 Proteins Greek flavored yogurt adding 6 oz of skim milk (60 cal & 6 more Proteins & blending w/ ice cubes! It is so yummy & so filling! I tried the Carmel Machaitto (spelling) anyway it was great! I stopped all pain meds after leaving the Hosp & had to push/ roll my fat self out of the bed - I was pretty active today! I did the dishes, a load of laundry & drove to Super Target! I was tuckered out by days end! I'm still pretty sore & ohhh crazy weak! I chalked it up to my malnourishment of 450 calories today! ;) I hope your "buyers remorse" goes away soon! I have read so many boards/blogs & there are so many emotions early on so hopefully for you This too shall pass. Hang in there!

    I may not be getting the whole 64 oz of Water, but I'm darn close. Doing Protein shakes too. Having real difficulty getting them down, but I'm getting in my. 60oz/day. Just Protein Shakes and clears until I see my doctor on Wednesday and can hopefully be advanced to full liquids.

    I did see a post from someone farther along who said that they also had a hunger feeling with liquids that wasn't there once they were putting real food into their belly.

    Yogurt sounds amazing! I just wonder how it's going to go down with my issues getting the Protein shakes down. They're just too thick and rich for me. Water, broth, and Decaf coffee go down with no issues. Jello is a lot of a struggle too.

    "Fatty War" ... Lol

    I'm just having a moment. Hopefully it gets better soon.

    Still have some internal like pain and my bottom right incision burns. Still taking the liquid lortab occasionally for pain. Did manage to sleep on my stomach last night for the first time, which was wonderful.

    Did a lot of walking when I first got home from the hospital, but yucky weather the last 2 days has pushed me inside and decreased the amount of walking. Going to go shopping with my sister today. Hopefully that will help to be up and out for a while.


  6. Gripe alert

    Feeling hungry tonight. Very disappointing, as I didn't think I'd have to deal with it for a long time, if ever.

    Also craving salt.

    Only lost 1.7lbs as of this morning. Can't help but to compare and feel like it's not working very well for me.

    Knew I would probably eventually have some buyers remorse, just didn't expect it to be this soon.

  7. I saw egg drop Soup somewhere on these boards. Don't know that it's technically a clear liquid, but it's super low cal and no carbs. I had some on Monday (um, 3 bowls from the local Chinese place) when I was feeling homicidal and like giving up. I had surgery on Wednesday and my liver was still small.

  8. Well, surgery went well according to my

    Doctor. Waking up in PACU was painful and somewhat scary. Medications helped greatly. I was up and walking within about 3 hours of the end up surgery. Helped greatly with the air causing chest pain like symptoms. Didn't sleep except for in hour increments and was up every couple hours to use the bathroom and do some walking.

    Home now waiting for prescriptions for lortab elixir and zofran to be filled so I can send the hubby back out for them.

    I managed to drink an entire Protein shake and have a couple bites of broth, Jello, some Water, and some crystal light. I never really felt full and was surprised to not get full from what I considered a decent amount of volume. Has anyone else experienced this? It's almost like I still have my whole stomach in there! I only believe it's gone because I saw it myself during the barium swallow study. Just doesn't seem different yet.

    How is everyone else getting along?

  9. Stress from surgery can cause your heart to flip into a fib. So can sitting on the couch. Hopefully it behaves. If you're on rate controlling medications, make sure you get those down. If for some reason after surgery you can't take pills, I'd contact your cardiologist for a back up plan medication regimen that can be given IV. Let your surgeon in MX know what it is beforehand. Metoprolol and diltiazem, even amiodorone can be given IV. Best of luck!

    Also, my mom has dealt with a fib for about 15 years. Had gastric bypass 2 years ago and didn't have any problems with going into a fib in the OR or post op.

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