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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by roundisashape

  1. Packet submitted to BCBS AZ today. Wonder how long it will take?

    1. pjpanda


      I have BCBS AZ, it took them 2 days to give me an answer. I would say you should have an answer witthin 5 days (not sure how they are on weekends.)

    2. roundisashape


      Thanks! As soon as the coordinator said she sent it, my "useless" switch got flipped. I haven't gotten anything done at work today, lol.

  2. Hi Ladies! How often did you find you needed to replace your bras during the weight loss process? Even in jeans and a loose t-shirt, the right bra can mean the difference between "casual" and "sloppy", and I'm trying to work on a budget to make sure I can keep myself outfitted in the right size hooter holsters. Thanks!
  3. roundisashape

    Over the shoulder boulder holders

    That's good news - bras are so darn expensive, and not something I like the idea of buying used!
  4. roundisashape


    My gym sells it - I tried a sample and thought it tasted like feet. It's also ridiculously expensive.
  5. roundisashape


    I had my last visit today and should be getting my packet submitted to insurance soon. It was a nutrition class, and the nutritionist leading it said something about caffeine that I hadn't heard before. She said that they're starting to see sleevers farther out who are developing ulcers along the staple line, and the current theory is that it's caffeine related. Because of that, she said no caffeine for the 1st two months, and no more than 1 cup / day after that. I'm okay giving it up, it's not a big deal for me, but wanted to share what she said because I hadn't heard anything about the issue before today.
  6. roundisashape


    That's what I thought, too - it seemed like a stretch. Sounds like no one else has heard this either! Makes me feel better about choosing not to worry about it.
  7. roundisashape

    Maybe Help

    Hi, I haven't been sleeved yet, but I HAVE had another open abdominal surgery - it could possibly be scar tissue but it's still worth talking to your doctor about. There's still a chance you could be developing an infection or something. I know I never felt any pain even if I poked my incision, in fact I still have no feeling at all in a section of my stomach about 2" wide by 4" long (that is to say, you might not feel the pain even if something is starting to go wrong). Hope you get things resolved quickly and it turns out to be nothing major, and congrats on your surgery!
  8. roundisashape

    WLS has made me a judgemental jerk!

    The only thing I can think about is that you might need to have your dosages changed more frequently as you lose weight. It might be worth trying to get them adjusted again. Good luck, I hope you're able to get things under control again.
  9. roundisashape

    Total % lost calculation

    I got 78% and 64.5%, but then, math isn't my strongest subject!! Either way, your success is inspiring!
  10. roundisashape

    What are your excuses?

    Still pre-op, but one of my favorites for people I don't want to eat around is, "I had a late lunch"
  11. roundisashape

    Suggestions for Zumba DVDs and a great blog!

    Hit up Youtube and search for "beginner zumba" or something to that effect - there's a LOT out there, and you can try them out until you find what you like.
  12. "Passed" the psych eval last night!

  13. roundisashape

    Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...

    So true. People behave differently when you work your way into that element. I remember trying to do the Run For Your Lives 5k at almost 330 pounds (yeah, hilly mud runs are something best saved for 100 pounds down). People that I am sure would never have spoken to me in "real life", that I would have crossed the street to get away from, certain that they'd give me a hard time, were the ones circling back and holding out their hands to help me over the obstacles.
  14. roundisashape

    Water aerobics for non-swimmers

    In my Quest to get more fit before surgery, I've been doing some things that are outside of my comfort zone. Last week, I finished a bellydancing series at the gym. Now, I'm thinking about trying some of the Water aerobics, but the classes that are most convenient for me to get to are almost all at the deep end. I'm 300 pounds and can't swim. I know they have those floaty waist things, but will they really hold someone my size out of the water? Has anyone else tried this that might have some suggestions or experiences to share?
  15. roundisashape

    Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...

    I used to go to Curves. A lot of people love it, but it wasn't for me. Because of the timed interval nature of it, by the time I'd get my flubber off of one machine and settled onto another, it seemed like it was time to switch again so I never really got to do anything long enough to see or feel any progress. None of the equipment was adjustable either, and as a short / oddly proportioned person, some of the exercises just hurt. Plus - and this is just me, most people aren't this neurotic - there was no time to wipe the equipment off before getting on it.
  16. roundisashape

    Being a fat lady at a skinny gym...

    I'm your height and 100 pounds larger, and can honestly tell you the gym is one of the few places I DO feel comfortable. I've never gotten any crap - definitely some encouragement from time to time, but mostly I'm ignored. Go for it!
  17. You said you were having trouble believing that it could hurt you - do you think it would help if you psych yourself out a little by watching surgery videos on youtube? It might help reconcile the reality in your head that you're still healing and don't want to risk getting a dorito chunk wedged in your staple line. You can do this!
  18. roundisashape

    Surgery Cancelled

    I'm so sorry that happened - you've made a great start, and we're all cheering you on!
  19. roundisashape

    Water aerobics for non-swimmers

    Took the first step and emailed the coordinator to get into an adult swimming class - I'm going to get some goggles this weekend (I'm blind as a bat without contacts)
  20. roundisashape

    Water aerobics for non-swimmers

    Thanks, all! The gym where I go has 3 pools - the one that these classes are held in is 92 degrees (I do my Water walking in the 82 degree main pool) and I'm not sure how deep. The class name is just "Aqua fusion Deep", lol. Learning to swim and ride a bike are two things on my list. I've been considering skipping the aerobics and signing up for swimming lessons there instead, but it's a little spendy right now. As, uh..."floaty" and well padded as I am, I should levitate ABOVE the water!
  21. roundisashape

    Shape Management

    No advice - just commenting to follow the suggestions you get and let you know you aren't alone! I'm inverted too. The bigger I get, the more I look like a melting ice cream cone. **editing to mention that I once read somewhere that a lot of supermodels are inverted triangles...maybe once our outer layer is gone, we'll have new careers waiting for us? LOL!
  22. roundisashape

    Psych eval

    Just had mine last week - it was fine, she split it into 2 sessions. The first session we talked about my diet history, my understanding of the procedure and what rules I'd have to follow afterwards, goal setting, etc. The second one, we went over my medical history and she had me take some evaluations (like the multiple choice scan-tron stuff from school). Easy-peasy. I don't know how most offices handle it, but this one set up another appointment to review the results and go over some customized tips for success before sending the recommendation off to the surgeon.
  23. That's so exciting! Congratulations, you're going to be at goal before you know it!
  24. roundisashape

    New Dating Site for Bariatric Patients!

    I'd start hitting up places like Craigslist, too
  25. roundisashape

    Underwear that stay put?

    Hi! I have undie troubles too - for me, it's mostly that my belly is disproportionately larger than my hips / legs, so the legs always stretch out and leave a gap. Seriously awkward! Anyway, I discovered vassarette boy shorts at Wal-Mart a few weeks go. I'm in a 22/24/26 jeans depending on how they're cut, and the 3x fits perfectly - no gaps or weirdness and the legs stay put without pinching. They say "light control", but I didn't notice any control - they just fit. Under $4 online, but I found them in the store for ~$2.50 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Women-s-Vassarette-Undershapers-Light-Control-Boyshort/27167738

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
