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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rjnkajun

  1. Everyone is different my after my 1st week I was not getting enough substance. Soups where just giving me bubbly gut. So I asked my doc and he said I could go to purée at one week and slowly work up to mush each week. But if I had any problem with any food go back to what worked. I also had a hiatal hernia which made it had to swallow the 1st 2 weeks. So I stuck with eggs for. A while. Once I started to get real protien in my system I felt so much better. Small steps.

  2. I can eat about a 3rd of a normall can of Beans. and that is pushing it. and I was eating solids (in some form) like eggs and grits 5-7 days out. I am 2months out now. and I can almost get 2 reg size eggs scrambled with cheese for Breakfast. nothing else. or 1 hard toast with PB on it. i cant eat much at each sitting but i eat something every 2-3 hrs. what kills me is out to dinner with the family. I can be done eating and push the left overs away while i wait for them tofinish. and i will PIC! its a bad habbit i have always had.

    where picking helps me is when i cook at home i taste the food i cook as i cook it. So when i feed the kids and wife i really don't eat. it gives me time to watch my news which i haven't enjoyed since my twins where born 3 yrs ago LOL!

    you need to find out what works for you. and find what food you can and cant deal with. i have a prob with DENSE sausages. like home made deer. I can chew it till mush but i can bearly get 1-3 oz of it. it just kills my gut.

  3. and men go threw it too. I saw myself as huge. everyone I deal with on a day to day basis and have worked with over the last 15 yrs never thought I weighed nearly what I did! ( I was always pretty big guy, mainly from working out allot) once my back gave out it went to crap. and I felt like a TUB. and now I fit in my jeans when I thought I was in the best shape of my life and I still see me loosing another 30-40 lbs. so its not just yall! I think its in our DNA?

  4. What is funny is our men see us in a different light than we see ourselves. I bought an extra airline seat to keep from embarrassing my sweet husband, scared he could not fit in the seat (he did). He is still begging me after 23 years (I will be 68 in a month) to get a bikini. Think that will ever happen if it hasn't happened yet? NO! Even overweight he begged me to buy sexy clothes LOL. I think men who try to get you on the rides have no conception of our body weight and feelings about ourselves. Counting the blessings.....

    blinded by love that is all. we see the real you. not what is on the outside! granted when my wife asks me anything about how she looks my 1st answer is a question. So how do you feel in it? keeps me out of trouble cause if I answer how I see her Which in my eyes is amazing. I like a women with a lil (lets just call it) substance to her! I get in trouble. so I learned how I see her and how she sees herself and how others see her are 3 different things! she thinks shes fat. I think she is Beautiful her friends all think she is skinny ( granted she is much smaller then most of her friends) but not nearly boney like her sister. so her perception at times is way off!

  5. best luck! I am prior military so I know how your husbands training keeps him fit. I never had a weight issue until much later. mainly due to the back issues that Parachuting in the Army brought on some 5-10yrs later. I had the sleeve done in March and I have to say I like it. granted the weight is not coming off as fast as I was expecting and I am able to eat ANYTHING I have tried and I still crave foods. this is not the golden ticket so many people think it is. its still work. you still have to walk away from foods. Sugars do not bother me. I haven't had a type of food really stop me from eating it except I tasted a Soft Taco which I threw up. and some deer sausage that i didn't chew good enough. i threw that up as well! my biggest challenge isn't walking away its eating it slowly after living that Military life of eat fast and get back to training. its hard but the surgery def. makes you slow down. so with that being said . good luck the sleeve is a great TOOL i hope you don't have the issues i had getting approval. the worse part for me so far was the second day in the hospital when they made me do the swallow test. I never hurt or threw up so bad in my life. but i soldiered threw it and got enough down for them to see no leaks and it was smooth sailing since. i even drink Water how i want. large sips don't bother me 7 weeks post op which is great since i live in South Louisiana its HOT and i do allot of outside activities. so staying hydrated has been easy for me. again BEST OF LUCK!

  6. glad I read this too. I thought I was messing up big time. granted I moved Into puree the week after and soft 1.5weeks later. the liquid was killing me I felt so weak. so I thought maybe I stretched my sleeve while it was healing. but the doc said everything looked great. but since about week 5 I have been going up and dow2-5 lbs cant break and keep below the 230# mark. I think its extra sodium living in south Louisiana its Crawfish season. well I cant eat many crawfish but I can suck the heads and eat a few tails. so I think the sodium in the crawfish is kickin my butt. so I think ill try to not get any this week and see if I will start going down on e scale! I did go down another belt loop during this time but the weight stayed. I did start using my suspension trainer I built to try to keep some muscle seems I lost allot right off the back. especially in chest and arms! I know muscle takes longer to build up then this stall so I cant say its muscle gain. ALSO anyone feel hungry all the time? granted I don't eat much but I feel hungry like cramp in tummy I am so hungry ever 2-3hrs. I know we are supposed to eat like that but damn I hear so many people having to force themselves to eat! lol.

  7. if PB is your VICE as it is for me look for PB2 it is amazing I throw a tble spoon or 2 in with my vanilla shake and BAM!! its awesome. they also have a PB/choc flavor. here is a link. http://www.pb-too.com/ my local stores carry it so I don't have to order it.

    I keep seeing people suggesting putting PB2 in your Protein shake, but when I tried it, it didn't dissolve. It was gritty and gross. How do you do it?

    I never have an issue. I use a good shaker bottle with the little spring ball in it. After I shake the sh-t out if it i turn it upside down for about 2 min and shake again. Then I put it in fridge for a half hr-1hr. I nibble on a banana to hold off my morning hunger. Until the shake is fully desolved. What protien are you using? I use walmarts body fortress whey ISOLATE. Some times if I don't mix either up enough (say I'm in a rush) it is a little gritty. But I kinda like my PB 2 not to fully blend so when I freeze my shake I get this tiny chunky PB bite like a treat from sonic lol. It's not gritty it's more like PB as it's wet enough but it's not desolved. Hard to explain. Hope my process helps. For a late night protien kick try to freeze your shakes after u let them stand in the fridge a while to get rid of the grit. Talk about a treat. Yum

  8. if PB is your VICE as it is for me look for PB2 it is amazing I throw a tble spoon or 2 in with my vanilla shake and BAM!! its awesome. they also have a PB/choc flavor. here is a link. http://www.pb-too.com/ my local stores carry it so I don't have to order it.

    not sure how yall are doing it. after the surgery I wasbearly eating or drinking lost 10 1st week. then when I got home the liquid diet was killing me I felt so down so drained I couoldnt get the shakes down 4oz was hard. so I started to nibble on shrimp and flacky fish (id make it a purée in my mouth) man I felt like a champ after that. but now 5 weeks out I have tried almost everything granted I have to CHEW CHEW CHEW if not I feel like crap when it hits the bottom. but other then that I eat almost anything. I even cut a small slice of my wifes personal pizza(thin crust) and ate a one inch by 4 inch and a half cup of Tomato basil Soup. During Lent down in south Louisiana we do seafood every Friday. I was eating shrimp 5-8ea and maybe a small fillet of fish. I ate it different ways fried and grilled. the fried I ate much less even tried to remove some of the breading. nothing bothered me. but EASTER is killing me the damn sweets in my house have to GO I NEVER EAT SWEETS unless its in the house we never buy it except for Halloween and easter. so this is slowing me down the last couple weeks. best of luck and get your Protein in. my doc said after my 1st week I could jump to puree then 2 weeks later to mash I just did the puree and mash in my mouth! it was easier and faster for me. OH and red Beans have been a live saver for me its fast and easy and fills me up fast oh and hummus. both fill me up fast

  9. My wife and I went to a sushi rest. I figured if test things out so I went with egg drop Soup. The egg went down fine. She started her dinner with snow crab salad I did take a bite but chewed until it was purée and it went down fine and I feel fine now 3 hrs later. Even the bubbly gut I have had kinda subsided all the liquid I think was keeping me gassy and bloated so a lil substance made me feel pretty good. Tomorrow at the hotel I might try a small amount of egg. I need to get my Protein in I tried mixing the beneprotien with my soup and that works but the taste sucks. My normal Protein Shake seems to be to foamy and I feel like air is stuck in my chest and it's hard to get any down without feeling like crap. Anyone else have hiatal hernia? They repaired mine and it seems any thing I drink gets aerated at that spot, it's a weird feeling. It feels like every sip I am getting air no matter how small the sip. Good luck and keep the post coming seems we are all doing well just each having our own journey no two are the same.

  10. 4 days post op. 1st two days was bad with nausea once they changed me from morphine to dilauted I was good to go. Pain was manageable from the start but morphine made me gag so bad made the pain increase. The swallow test sucked as well but It didn't last long at all. 3rd day plenty of hiccups and couldn't get much down. Say 3 I had a full cup of Tomato Soup. And almost 4 oz of Protein Shake and steady sipping my Water and g2. Every sip I still swallow to much air I hope the air when I sip gets better. It's the only thing keeping me from really getting my fluids I think. If it wouldn't hurt between sips I wouldn't stop so long between sips. And suggestions on how to keep the air down?

  11. Had my sleeve this morning. Felt rough at 1st but I am doing pretty good now had a few nausea bouts. Not I am gettin hiccups. I guess the contractions from the hiccups are getting me a lil nauseous now?! Dry heaving makes me hurt but I am very surprised how little I hurt but tomorrow is a new day. We shall see good note I haven't hit my morphine pump in about 3-4 hrs. The journey begins!!! Hope everyone else is feeling a well as I am or better!

  12. I am sooooo dreading the stinking pre-op diet. My plan is ALL liquid no light meal yikes my poor husband have to deal with his cranky wife and a cranky 22 year old daughter at the same time rotflmbo. I guess we could have been sleeved on a different day but nope we wanted to do it together. When's ur surgery? I love Vitamin Water zero and Powerade zero so far it hasn't hindered my weight loss this far but I haven't been sleeved yet.

    2 days. I leave tonight for Jackson, MS. some labs in the morning then off to surgery WED morning! I am so glad the doc gave me a diet that wasn't just liquid. I am getting in the same Cal as I would with just liquid but I feel simi human by eating something. but tonight is my last night with salad. then tomorrow ill try to due full liquid before the surgery just to make sure im cleaned out! unless at my apt tomorrow they tell me somthig different. then I might eat a light meal. but ill be eatin gout so that will be hard to do. I am bringin up bad supplies of Vit water/ G2 and my Protein so I should be ok!

    might just have to make it a bit thicker to keep the hunger pains at bay! good luck with yours!

  13. sodium will make you retain Water more then anything. and if you have BP issues prob not the best to drink. but being that sodium makes you retain fluids can be a god thing as once you have the surgery its hard to maintain good hydration. so it can have its benefits. that is what sports drinks are used for. similar to Pedialite (sp) for the kids try one of those popsicles, taste like a salt block! but its all about keeping you from dehydrating a few more days of pre op diet. thank god it was only 2 shakes and a healthy meal. the head aches on top of my Lumbar Pain make me cranky as all get out. but the headaches have gotten better. just hope once the weight comes off the spine of mine reacts positively I don't want another fusion! GL ALL! god bless

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