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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kendra

  1. thank you everyone. Sorry for the late responce. Im having a hard time getting and staying online lately. x.x

    I will get a fill asap. I didn't want to be agressive with my fills, as I was told if your filled too often and too quickly you have a greater chance of slippage. I suppose also im basing my goals and achievements off of my partners. Shes one of those that can lose like crazy and kinda makes me feel like im doing something wrong lol. Im happy for her success though =)

    I wish you all great weight loss, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. You guys keep me on track! hehe you all rock.


  2. My partner was banded when andres was the patient coodinator for obesity goodbye. We liked him personally well enough, and he spent tons of time with us, but he did lie alot.

    I think thats the problem with most of those doctors..they shedual so many surgeries that there is hardly enough time for them to be there. I was left in a room for 24 hours and I was debating calling my parents to come get me because I was told I couldnt leave and I was freaking out. My gilfriend was crying and such. We are two rather young girls left in Mexico alone and scared because neither of us spoke spanish either. Thankfully though the driver tony spent alot of time helping us.

    Please, post your situation around mexican bandsters ect. Alot of people are being brought to that clinic unknowing there is soo much bad publicity about them. Warn people...

  3. Ive only been able to lose a total of 24 pounds since surgery. I have had one fill already, and lost 4 pounds from that but now I have very little restriction again and am able to eat alot more.

    Im not sure what im doing wrong, or whats going on but im getting really discouraged. I should have lost alot more by now. x.x

    I just had my first fill in September, and Im already debating getting another. Is this ok? Should I be getting another fill so soon eventhough I have lost little to no weight since the last one?

    Anyone have similar problems? Thanks.


  4. Heya =)

    Im 24 years old, 23 when I got my band, and Im doing great. Im greatful to have gotten this surgery at such a young age so that I am able to enjoy my remaining years at a healthy weight. My weight was stopping me from doing things that I normally would have, such as attend college again. I dropped out due to self esteem issues. I do plan to attend once I have lost enough weight so that I am comfortable.

    I was banded on april 5th 05, and ive lost 24 pounds so far. I need a fill soon x.x

    Good luck on your journey, and let us know how your doing.


  5. Hello everyone! =)

    Some of you may remember me from before, some may not..but after being banded since april 5th, I wanted to update everyone just to let them know Im alright. I missed everyone from this board, but at the moment life is as hectic as ever.

    I have lost nearly 25 pounds total since surgery..along with going from a size 41 waist to a size 38. I saw a friend yesterday at the grocery store who hasn't seen me since I was roughly 50 pounds heavier and made the comment of "I didn't think it was you, it didn't look like you, god you have lost alot of weight".

    It was enough to make me smile from ear to ear.

    Im doing alot of things I probably would have hesitated to before, or even not done at all. The band may very well be helping with saving a part of my life.

    I hope all is well with everyone else!


  6. Well, Ive lost a total of 21 pounds since surgery right? and I was getting really depressed because the scale hasnt moved since week 2 of being banded. Well, I tried on a skirt I made for myself about 3 weeks before being banded and guess what? It was 4 inches too big in the waist! 4 inches! It fell off of me when I put it on. WHOOT!

    Also I saw a friend who came back from the army this week and he said "wow I can tell youve lost weight..expecially in the face" and he still cant get over the change in a short amount of time.

    Gotta love moments like this =)

    :hugs to all:


  7. I still dont feel much restriction a month out. BUT I cant eat anything I want. I can test my band, but it does bite back. For a few weeks I was wondering if it really was there so I tested it. Trust me, its there. I freak out from time to time thinking I can eat WAY more than the 2 ounces they claim the bands max capacity is..then I realize that I still cant eat anywhere near what I could pre-band..and it will only get better as you get filled.

    My partner went to a doctor 3 weeks out and made them take an xray of her band because she honestly believed there was no band there. Restriction was gained after a few fills. 2 years later and shes lost 130 pounds with 3 fills total.

    Just hang in there.

  8. Yeah, I got a 9cc midband which I chose after weeks of research, and hours in a room playing with 4 types of bands. I picked at all of them, and felt the midband was the way for me to go. Since I dont have to worry about fills since there is a doctor who will fill it, and Im 2 hours away from Mexico.

    From what the doctors were saying,is that they determine the actual size on the band by how much you need to lose, how thick your stomach is, and many other different things. Some band sizes just arent right for everyone.

    I knew going in, I didnt want the sweedish band. I also heard of alot of slippage and erosion problems with the inamed band because of the thickness of it, and how little give it has. Playing with it, I noticed the port slips off of the tube rather easily, as the midband can also slip off the end, it has a bar which locks it into place. The johnson band was sort of a hybrid looking band..didnt really like it. I liked how the midband was soft yet durable. The inamed was probably however the most durable feeling one..but it was ALOT harder. Of course, the midband is also newer, so there is less documentation. However, my partner had a midband, and shes done great with it.

    anyway, just do some reasearch. I don't think there really is much info out there on which is better or whatnot. If there was, I wasnt able to find much besides personal opinions.

  9. Hey flower =)

    I was banded on the fifth, and I joked with my partner that I would be up and shopping as soon as the next day. She said if I was ready to, she would let me go on a spree..guess what? I did..lol.

    I was up and walking around probably an hour after surgery. It was still sore, but I could walk to the bathroom. By the day after that, I was able to walk around fine. Within 4 days I was able to walk a few blocks. (dont ask why I did..but still.)

    People generally heal differently, but you shouldnt really be laid up for more than a few days. My partner had her surgery friday and went to work that monday. Just dont stress yourself.

  10. "So obviously it has come out into the open that we have very different ideas on how marriages/relationships/life works."

    And that, will probably never change. You have to figure out if your willing to compromise, or give up what you feel you need for him.

    "I am not going to school and spending $66,000 out of my own pocket to get a Bachelors degree just so I can be a housewife and live with my husbands entire family."

    Then you shouldnt settle. Why give up your dreams right? it seems like you know what you want..and he doesn't see it the same way you do.

    This makes me wonder... is it worth it to stay with someone, now that I know that we may not have much of a future together?

    I am not willing to compromise on this, and obviously neither is he.

    Trouble is, I love him.

    Why drag it on even further when your not compatible with someone long term? Love is harsh, and so is life. If you keep dating this guy, you will just make things more complicated. You can work through it...but would that be fair to you?

    Do I stay with him knowing we have very different ideas on how we are going to spend our future? Or do I break up with someone that I love, care about, get along well with?

    People generally date others because they want to see if they are compatible long term.. Maybe you are better as friends? You can still love and care about him.

    How do I respond to this?

    Be blunt. Be real..because this IS your future. Don't compromise with someone who won't compromise with you. Tell him how you feel and see what he says. If he says things like "deal with it or leave" well, then leave. Hes obviously not willing to put your feelings into consideration. Its a take it or leave it deal. A marriage is about working together to accomplish similar goals, and being a companion for life, in more ways than one.

  11. Yes.. you can get back on track.

    When I would blow my diet, it was usually like this.. I pick up a piece of chocolate..shove it in my mouth, grin, love it, savor it. Then when its done I feel guilty and I figure ive already blown it, so one more can't hurt. I pick up another...rinse, wash, repeat. Then I feel even worse, and I continue to make bad food choices. Heres the thing..if you make one mistake, just keep trying. Don't punish yourself, but don't allow yourself to keep going either. You don't have to completely give up what you like to eat, but you do have to monitor it.

    Just remember, you worked hard to get this band. Wether you paid out of pocket, or had to talk your insurance company into it, this is something you wanted and you need to treat it well. Its a tool, its there... use it! =)

    I tend to avoid exercise because I hate it. The only thing I can think of to counteract this, is to make the exercise fun again. I play my favorite music, lock myself in my bedroom and have a little "me" time while pampering myself with a fun exercise video such as "bellydancing" or something like that. Its something I grow to look forward to.

    Remember though, no matter how many times you fail you are NOT a failure. You can pick right up and do it again. Don't allow yourself to excuse the behavior as in "well I had one, so I may as well have another" Just realize you did it once, and move on.

    Were here for you as well. It helps to have support.

  12. Ohh banded on my birthday! well now I have a birthday wish to make..that your surgery goes well =)

    I bet your really excited. As to Vitamins..actually I take flintstones chewable vitamins. They have alot of what we need and theyre easy to take (and taste good). For energy? get lots of Protein. You would be surprised how much it makes a difference. Its a natural way for you to get your energy, and it doesnt have adverse effects such as not allowing you to sleep at night.

    Congrats btw =)

  13. Ouch, Im really sorry your having so much pain. Remember, if your doctor wont listen, make him/her listen. Don't take no for an answer..this is your body.

    I had little to no pain..well at least comparitively..after passing kidney stones, having blood poisoning, losing a finger (but I got it back!) ect I have a rather high pain tolerance. Are you sure its not gas?

    I was prescribed supradol. It was in pill form, but rather small and easy to take. It worked, but I only used it for the day after and the next day.

    Good luck! I hope you feel better. and welcome to Bandlandia (as vines called it)


  14. Ive taken both. I can say the welbutrin is ok...but the topamax...I would SERIOUSLY get a second opinion. I was on topamax for nearly 2 years for the treatment of bi-polar disorder. It worked..but not without a price. I started to forget simple words, mumble and lost my thought pattern. I couldn't hold a simple conversation because I wasn't able to think correctly. Then at night when I was trying to sleep I would get these horrible patterns in my head that nearly drove me more insane than I previously was (lol). I also got tingling in my head, extremities ect. Sometimes my tongue would itch as well. I told my doctor, and he reported it, but not without saying "ive never heard of that happening" I still haven't fully recovered from the drug. My vocabulary is slowly comming back.. I talked to a friend who was on it, and It did nearly the same things to her. The two of us were on it simultaniously, and when we would do something stupid, my partner would say "forgive them, theyre the topie twins" Seriously, stray from this medication..

    If you have been taking it for awhile, getting off of it is hell.. Just taper off slowly.

    It really ticks me off theyre still prescribing this drug. I was one of the inital testers for it, before it became the weight loss drug..Nearly every person taking it reported negative side effects that greatly outweighed the positive ones, and this was only at my clinic! I can't imagine how it did nationwide.

  15. Rny is gastric bypass or one of the forms of. Good luck on your journey joe! Were all rooting for you. I wish I had the chance at your age. Just remember, its a long road..but you can do it. Make sure your doctor is on your side. Maybe bring your doctor some paperwork on the band verses gastric bypass?

  16. How long have you been banded? 3 weeks! yay

    What do you eat each day? Breakfast: half of a Hood carb countdown lowfat yogurt smoothie Lunch: 1/2 of a can of chicken noodle Soup. Dinner: 1/2 a can of refried Beans, with a sprinkle of cheese, a dash of fat free sour cream, and some salsa.

    How much do you eat? WAY less than preband, but Im not filled yet..so I can eat quite a bit when I want to.

    Do you eat sweets? I loathe sugar..so no.

    How much have you lost? 21 pounds so far, though I keep bouncing up and down 2 pounds on the weekends (when I mess up)

    Do you feel its worth it? Ohh yeah.

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