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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kendra

  1. Kendra

    Is this normal???

    well Not sure. I can pretty much eat anything too...as long as its small enough, and I can chew it in itty bitty pieces that is..lol I think really its possible to eat anything if you chew it enough.
  2. Kendra


    The big red one? I think thats my port O.o Im not sure. It didnt get red like that untill I laughed the whole day. There was probably some bleeding through under the skin. Im glad to hear yours look good! =) Hope you heal well as well. -Kendra
  3. Kendra


    Ok, heres the weird thing. I had no bruising near my incisions untill I went out with some friends, did entirely too much walking and laughed my head off. I went home with this.. This was taken about 6 days after my surgery.. There were no bruises, now suddently a monsterous one. Is this normal? or did I break myself. -Kendra
  4. Kendra

    A feeling of Fullness

    Well, Ive only had the band for a bit over a week..but Honestly, I dont feel anything but a feeling of being satisfied..which for some reason is enough to stop me from eating anymore, when it didnt before. I have gotten full once..and even then it wasnt painful..it just told me when. You learn you need to take small bites..and listen to your band. I can eat about 1/15th of what I could before and feel satisfied. If your worried about overeating, remember take it slow and watch the signs. Its different for everyone. My partner feels a tightness near her sternum. I dont.. Anyway, keep in touch and let us know how it goes. =) -Kendra
  5. Kendra


    Lmao!! Maybe thats what they had to do with me. Or maybe it was the " Im fine see!" :smack smack: thing right after anesthesia.
  6. Id like to take a moment to say everyone looks amazing. Its been a long road, but wether your on the way, or at your destination..I know its hard getting there. KUDOS to all of you who have done it. Your ALL beautiful. -Kendra
  7. Im right here with you. Im barely a week post op..and I already mourned the loss of food. It really is something that you need to do. Think of this..how long it took you to get that band. How much money/time you put into it. How you felt being overweight before getting it? Is that really and honestly worth a few extra meals? Just give it time. You will adjust to it. Its hell for now..I know. Also..MILKSHAKES?? Wow.. honestly I was told to avoid the high fat easy to down foods like milkshakes. If you drink a ton of fattening foods, it really nulls the purpose of the band doesnt it? I was told I can add soups..I added soup..and then if I can tolerate it potatoes. I thought maybe this was a mistake, but If I Water them down mashed tatoes work for me. remember EAT SLOW! Yogurt works for me to. I honestly just do what I can..otherwise I cant stick with it. Hang in there. You will be happy you did!
  8. Kendra

    Jailed for Fraud?

    The MX doctor who was jailed for fraud is not Dr Kuri's staff - it is Dr Sergio Verboonen of the Molding clinic. This is widely known on the Yahoo boards. Here is a link about Verboonen : There were actually several doctors that were arrested. Dr Verboonen is also from obesitygoodbye. I wasnt aware he even worked for the molding clinic. I have heard rumors however.
  9. well, I really really wanted a board bout this. I was even going to post one if thier wasnt. Ok basically heres what happened when I went to Mexico for my surgery. Bare in mind, Ive been through two down there, as my partner Dawn (newly signed up here yay!) had hers 2 years prior to mine a week ago. Ok here goes. As we drove the 3 hours from our home to the border, we arrived a half an hour early to our meeting time (11:00am). They told us to park in a local paid lot, and we eagerly awaited our ride to the clinic. We called marlon (the patient coordinator) on the phone, and he told us that someone would be by to pick us up as soon as they were able to get through the border. We decided to go sit at the mexicoach entrance, and wait. We were talking back and forth about our various worries, when a lady behind us said "excuse me, but are you going to mexico for shopping? or.." We said "No, actually Im having surgery down there". She then explained that her husband had just had his surgery by doctor kuri the day previous, and she had just had a baloon put in. They started asking my partner about her surgery experiances, her weight loss and such. We talked for awhile, assured her and her husband we hand'nt personally heard many bad things about Dr. Kuri, and they were set to leave. We were picked up by tony about 10 minutes later. Tony was a doll. He was very sweet, and helped us with our bags and me into the car (I took the help to be polite, eventhough I really didnt need it...it was sweet.) We drove to the clinic on revelucion ave, and I got out and walked in. The clinic was being remodled, and looked 10000 times better than it previously did. They took me back, gave me an xray, and ekg, blood tests, councelling, ect and finally I was on my way. My partner had been complaining that she wasnt having the same restriction, and could nearly eat as she was able to before. They asked if she wanted a fill as they were already going to have to take a patient over, and she said yes. I followed her over, and got to watch the fill proceedure. It looked scary..but she said it didnt hurt. So! off to the hospital for me now.. We arrived at the hospital. If I had not previously viewed it, I probably would have lost it...On the outside, the building is dirty, discolored, and well not what you would expect. On the inside..the floors shined and sparkled. We went inside and they showed me to my room. I was happy about having this room, as it was large and private. It was comfortable for both myself and my partner. Tony came in and introduced me to the nurse. She was nice..They told me to change into the hospital gowns..I did. They didnt even begin to cover me..and I wondered how much harder of a time some of the other patients had with this as well. I decided not to be modest..and tony came back in and the nurse put those special socks on my legs. Problem being..I have some of the hugest calf's I have ever seen myself, and she had some of the longest fingernails ever. The two didn't mesh well..lets just say OUCH!!!!!! Finally the socks were on. The nurse came in and asked if I was ready for my "two margaritas" I laughed. She administered, I felt dizzy and happy. They wheeled me down to the O.R, and with someone who has panic disorder, I thought it would be a bit of a fight to get me there...those "margaritas" must have helped. They put me on the bed, and I turned to the anesthesiologist and told him how scared I was. He said in perfect english "No need to be afriad, you'll be out before you know it". He asked me to count down..10...9..........8......SNOOOOOREEEEEEEE! (See The doctor and Dawn) Oh its dawn again...AM I DEAD??? Dawn laughs and says "No, kendra your fine". She asks if I feel ok or if im in pain. I say "NO!! SEE!!!" and proceed to pat myself fiercely on the stomach whilst giggling a bit insanely. She laughs and grabs my hands to get me to stop. The doctors come in, make sure Im ok and leave. The next few days are filled with lots of medication, sleeping, and attempting to walk to and from the bathroom. They also asked that I shower, which I did. I was released to tony the next day. I tried to talk them into letting me go home, as I was fine..but no go. I started to get angry, and my partner started to cry while we were in the hotel, because she felt as though we were stranded. We walked down to the lobby, got some juice, and some food for her. No one had even offered to take her to get something to eat while we were down there. Thats one complaint I have. They ask you bring someone, yet little attention is paid to the companion. We did..I fell asleep that night watching HBO..At least it was never ending movies to occupy your time down there. Tony drove us across the border that next day..and we left for home. It was good to be back. Now, Im not going to try and direct anyone towards mexico. I think delarla put it best, when she said it is a gamble. You must be aware..reguardless mexico does not have half the protection of patients in the united states. Ive heard of cases of old medications being used and a patient going into a coma (happened when my partner had her surgery) and even switching records. This happened to my partner. They got the charts mixed, gave her an anti axiety medication and thought she was there for an amputation. Andres the patient co-ordinator joked with Dawns uncle that there would be a skinny guy with a lap-band and a fat girl with no leg. (YES..this really happened.) Though it was cleared up fast, things still do happen. She has had no complications with her surgery, and I haven't so far..but they can happen. I say research, research, research! Make sure you know everything you can before doing this..and NEVER be afraid to ask your doctor questions.
  10. have done 3,000+ lap bands. Andres, their patient coordinator, has had his band for 8 years. Weird..When andres was working for obesity goodbye, he told us he had gastric bypass and it didnt work, so dr verboonen inserted a lap-band into him. Ive heard hes told other people he just has a band..others dr huacuz did it for him. Wonder what hes telling everyone else.
  11. Kendra


    Thats true. It really could have just been it took that long. THanks for all the replies! Word to the wise, stay away from friends that make you laugh too hard after surgery. lol -Kendra
  12. Kendra


    Ok. Thanks for the reply. I was sort of worried I had ruined something.
  13. hey everyone =). Im finally after 4 years of trying, getting my surgery. I am both scared and excited. The only thing saving my sanity is the fact that my partner got banded by the same facility (obesity goodbye and dr Ponce de leon and verboonen) and had no complications. Still, I can't help but think I will be one of the unlucky ones. I have been reading over alot of the posts here, and I say thank you. If it had not been for alot of you posting your personal experiances here, my partner wouldn't have had it done and nor would I. Its good to hear both the risks and the sucesses (though extremely saddened by the people going through problems.) Wish me luck please. -Kendra P.s Ill post as soon as I get back and share my experiance if anyone wishes to hear it =-)
  14. What a beautiful couple! You both loook amazing. Congrats!
  15. Kendra

    Surgery april 1st ponce de leon

    "Kendra, do you have your aftercare lined up NOW" Well, Ive got a band doctor near me thats willing to see me if there are any problems, and for fills if thats what you mean. =)
  16. Kendra

    Surgery april 1st ponce de leon

    Yep =) my actual band date was april 5th. And thank you!
  17. Kendra

    Surgery april 1st ponce de leon

    Sorry everyone. My banding was posponed, due to family problems to the 5th of may..but I did it! Im doing great..my wounds are healing very well, Im up and about walking everywhere and Ive lost 10 pounds already. The only hard part is trying to relearn how to eat. All I can do is eat slow and listen to what my tummy says. Its nice actually stopping to enjoy my meal instead of swallowing it as fast as I can. Once again..thank you! -Kendra
  18. hey everyone =). Im finally after 4 years of trying, getting my surgery. I am both scared and excited. The only thing saving my sanity is the fact that my partner got banded by the same facility (obesity goodbye and dr Ponce de leon and verboonen) and had no complications. Still, I can't help but think I will be one of the unlucky ones. I have been reading over alot of the posts here, and I say thank you. If it had not been for alot of you posting your personal experiances here, my partner wouldn't have had it done and nor would I. Its good to hear both the risks and the sucesses (though extremely saddened by the people going through problems.) Wish me luck please. -Kendra P.s Ill post as soon as I get back and share my experiance if anyone wishes to hear it =-)
  19. im glad you didnt remove this post. Reguardless if the alligations are true or not people need to hear this stuff. The good, and the bad.

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