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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kendra

  1. Kendra

    20 months out today !

    Thats amazing! Congrats on your accomplishments. Its good to hear updates. It keeps the rest of us going. -Kendra
  2. This sounds like myself and my partner Dawn. When she was going to get the band, I freaked out. I cried and cried, and seriously thought she was going to die. I thought our lives would be completely different after this, and that she would change more than her outside appearance. My partner was very caring, but basically said she was going through with the proceedure no matter what. I decided I loved her enough to put aside my feelings and be openminded while being there for her. It did wonders..I actually accompanied her through every step of her surgery and weight loss. We did it together..and it was enough to help me get over my fears. Honestly, you need to do whats right for you..your partner will understand. Just try and keep him involved in the process. I would honestly sit down, and try and figure out what the real issues are. Oh, and you can still get away with the fine dining, just not right away. Im 3 weeks banded, and I can still find something to order at a restaraunt. Remember, you can still eat whatever you want..you just need to make good food choices..but your portions are significantly smaller. It will be fine. Let us know how your doing! =-) -Kendra
  3. Kendra


    Ok everyone..I need someone to kick me in the behind. I do the local renaissance faire right? and we camp there over the weekend..well our groups cook is amazing.. and since were out there, pretty much no where close to any place where I can get food, I ate what they had. Im only about 3 weeks out of surgery, and I ate solid food. I was on mushies, but there really wasnt anything mushy out there to eat...so I ate corned beef!!! ahh!!. I felt this HORRIBLE pain in my esophigus, and it came in waves for about 5 mins. All I could do was pace back and forth because it hurt less when I stood. My partner said I was having a Port block. Lovely..It hurt...it finally went away..but it hurt. I hope I didn't screw anything up. I know I did a bad thing..but I figure others have done similar things? I dont know what im looking for..maybe some encouragement to stay on mushies or something. Only thing is..when eating mushies theres little to no restriction, and I like the restriction I get on more solid foods. When should I actually start attempting solids? My doctors plan says 4 weeks..one week liquids, 2 weeks mushies...Bah..
  4. Kendra


    Yes, thank you kathy.. =) :hides: Your completely right, and thats exactly what I needed. Your right..I should stay mushie because I want my band to be there for awhile. Thats pretty much what I was thinking..it HAD to be corned beef! aahhhh...but I love it so.. You do renfaire Vines? So you know what I mean. Yes, only good thing is that it was after hours.. At the faire I do now, there is no backstage. I would have had to try and pull it off somehow in front of quite a few patrons..eesh. Yeah, I did the best I could..but now I think Im permanantly scared of corned beef. Katerz- Ohh don't you love those drives where you are dying for something to eat, and all thats around are band unfriendly foods? I feel your pain. See, your smart though, because when I ate the corned beef, I was really really hungry, and though I did chew it sure wasn't enough to get it down. Im glad you did ok with it. I know what you mean about not even wanting to eat it anymore because its too much work..lol when I found that I could'nt even enjoy my food anymore because I had to chew it to death, is when I started to mourn it. I do really like the mushy stage though..for some reason I really tolerate mashed potatoes, which rocks..I love potatoes. Ive also been doing a Protein shake for Breakfast to get my protein in. The one thing I really really do miss is Pasta. Though, I did manage to get down a half a can of spaghetti-o's the other day..which sort of filled my craving. Again..thanks for the support guys..
  5. Kendra

    Support for my spouse

    Hi sara =) My partner actually had the lap band first...and I supported her just by planning meals to fit what she was able to eat. When your partner has it done, they will give her a plan to show what she can and cannot eat during the first weeks of after care. Just the best way to support her, is help her make good food choices without making her feel like your totally controlling her food intake. Just remember, she has to do this for herself too. =) When I had mine, there was more of the emotional support that was needed. I already knew how to eat like a bandster, but I freaked out at every little thing that happened to me. Its a strange feeling at first. Its great that you are looking here..she could definatly benefit from this group, as could you. Its nice to have a plethora of people in all stages of banding to ask for help. -Kendra
  6. Kendra

    I really need your help!!!

    I believe you can do it =)
  7. I was actually wondering..if anyone besides myself pictured themselves at the end of thier weightloss as still a bit chubby? I think we all have a picture of the size we want to be in our heads. Maybe Im weird..but I actually want to be around a size 14 when im done. Im a very big girl..(tall, big structure) and I really dont think I would look that bad at that size. When my partner and I were comparing notes on what we wanted to accomplish..hers was somewhere around a size 10. Mine was about a 14-16. Still, where I could fit into normal clothes..but not where I was "skinny". I like curves. So what do you see yourself at, your perfect weights? Just curious =) -Kendra
  8. Kendra

    How much did your lapband cost?

    de la garza? I considered him and the molding clinic...but Ive read some really bad things about both of them. Im not sure if Im allowed to say that..but now Im sort of worried. Anyway, I paid 7800 for my surgery at obesitygoodbye.com. My partner paid 8,600 at the same place 2 years ago.
  9. Kendra

    Lap band? or Gbp?

    I know what you mean. A few friends of mine are considering the gbp, and they condemned me when I got the band lol. Its ok to show your opinions right? as long as you are supportive in the end. I would seriously be warning this person, and sending them as many helpful links as I could...to me gbp is scary. I once considered it, but there were too many complications. I hope your hubby can get through to him.
  10. Kendra

    Lap band? or Gbp?

    your right paula. It definatly could be genetics. I know not everyones skin is the same.. Batwings..thats cute. Im going to have to remember that one lol. Im glad to hear of your friends sucess with Gbp! -Kendra
  11. Kendra

    Adios mi' Amigas & Amigos...

    Goodluck! =)
  12. Kendra

    partners reactions

    My partner was excited for me. She had hers 2 years prior, and knew most of the goods and bads of the band. Now me..when I first found out my partner was getting the band, I freaked. I freaked again when I found out she was going to Mexico. I cried...I was scared to death for her. Finally, we went and it wasn't so bad. I had alot of visions in my head about what it would be like...I was wrong. Day to day my opinion changed, as I saw how happy she was and how much easier her life was getting. -Kendra
  13. Kendra

    short of breath... normal?

    Im not sure..but I had the same thing. The first week or so after surgery, it was tough to breathe normally. I wasnt sure if it was my asthema acting up from something they used, or if it was the fact that my stomach was so sore, and I was used to breathing in using my diaphragm. (sp?) Not sure.. The hose, are those white things they put on your legs before surgery that look like thigh highs..I only used them for the surgery, and the day after. O.o I would suggest going to the doctor. Just in case. Let us know what happends though! I hope everything comes out ok. -Kendra
  14. How has the band been good for me? The band has, and will be good for me, because I really wish to lose weight, and keep it off. I want a tool to use, that will teach me better eating habits, and portion control. I want to make it really really hard for me to cheat at this, and instead of a diet, I want a life change. What made me decide to get the band? Im 23 years old..Ive been fat all of my life. Ive never had the chance of looking or feeling good about myself. I have never been able to walk into a store and find something that fit me just right, or been able to shop in the normal section. In high school, I had to have my prom dress specially made because they didnt make anything above a size 16. I never got to do sports, run around with the other kids or anything similar. In highschool I dreded P.E...Not because I wasn't willing to do the excersize...but because I knew all the slender kids would be looking at me, and I couldnt "run" the expected half a mile 2 times a week with everyone else. There were too many things that being obese were stopping me from doing. Im still young..and I wish to start living my life as a normal person should. Im sick of my weight using ME as its crutch. -Kendra
  15. Here here! lol. Thats pretty much where I stand with it. It would be nice just to be er..well balanced? To wear clingy types of clothes without looking like im smuggling pound cakes under my shirt. =P
  16. Actually, I wasnt aware of that fact. Marilyn is the poster girl of curvy. Wow. I really like what you wrote about the different cultures. Its true...My fathers side is Italian, and they seem to prefer the curvier women. My mothers side is Irish, and they prefer..well curvier women LOL. People were offering you jewelry and yacts? O.o! Where do I sign up for that lol. Thats amazing to me..I would love to visit a place where they find the chubbier women to be a thing of beauty. Also, congrats on your weightloss! From a size 28-30 to a 14! wow. Thats great. I was once at a size 30..what a difference! -Kendra
  17. Kendra

    Story of Band Sabotage

    Sounds like he needs some support. Why not refer him to this group? -Kendra
  18. Kendra

    hoarding clothes

    Terrific question! Well, I just had my girlfriend build me a new closet..She claims I have too many clothes.. the problem is, when she lost weight I started to use her old clothes, and as she bought new ones our wardrobe expanded quite a bit. You can NEVER have too many clothes. If you really want incentive to give them away, send them to someone newly banded on the board when you grow out of em. Im sure that would brighten up someones day.
  19. Kendra

    pictures in my mind

    See, I at whatever size I am still look heavy. I always saw myself as fat. Even at the one time when I lost a crap load of weight, I still looked fat. When I gained a bunch of weight, I didn't even notice that..I was still just the same old fat me. I really wonder what im going to feel when I am thin. I wonder what issues my weight is covering up. Ive already had to give up my smoking habit..and that brought up some big problems. All I know, is that I did make the right choice...Ill be healthy. I used to dream about being thin (yes literally dream) and buying the small sized clothes..Not worrying if someone was looking at me because I was disgusting or what. It was weird, I never believed someone when they flirted with me. I always thought it was some cruel joke. Im pretty young, and when people look at me I cant tell if theyre staring at me because im fat, or because maybe they find me attractive. I dont feel I have a pretty face..but thats me. It would just be nice not to get the looks when I go to sit down at a restaurant. Did I ramble too much? x.x Great thread though!
  20. Kendra

    weird thoughts

    I don't want this to come out wrong..but one thing I heard about people who were overweight most of thier lives (or at least a long while) and losing weight, was that the fat usually was covering up more than thier body, and when it was lost, a whole new lot of problems and or issues come to light. My partner had something sort of similar happen to her. As she gradually got smaller, and people were complimenting her she started covering up more, or intentionally blowing her diet. She didn't like people looking at her. Eventually she came to odds with this, and is now ok with it..but strange things do happen. I lost 60 pounds before my surgery, and similar things to your problem were sprouting up. I suddenly had a problem wearing certain things that I was fine wearing before because as I was losing weight, I was studying my body and realizing little things that I didn't like about my body in general. Maybe I just became obsessed with appearance and other peoples view of it. Not sure. I suppose its too much to go into detail with, but I know how you feel.
  21. Kendra

    How do you feel about kids banded?

    Well I can say for myself, If I had a teen that was morbidly obese, and I felt they were ok in mind and well informed about the band, I would help them do it. I have been fat since the age of 5. My mother had me on a diet from that moment, on to the moment I left the house at 18. It usually has little to do with parenting, and alot to do with genetics. If I had hope of this when I was in highschool, perhaps I wouldn't have wished I was dead as well. Maybe I would have actually went to school instead of hiding in my room away from everyone. I do think, personally however, that banding at a young age (under 14) isn't that great of an idea due to puberty, emotions ect. Once again...I feel its important to be emotionally ready as well as physically. We have hardships as adults with the band..it would be hard to be an adolescent and explain to a bunch of friends that you cant have birthday cake with them because it gets stuck in your band. Or feeling those strange things we feel with the band when we eat something wrong. If I was in that place, and young I would probably freak out. Id wait till the body was done doing the majority of its major changes first thats all. My two cents -Kendra
  22. Kendra

    Constitutional change

    OOhh well, honestly and bluntly Im only 2 weeks post op..but I didnt really have a B.M until a week later. Then I finally did and now I have diaria. Speaking of gas..The other day I just started belching..and I couldn't stop. They were LOUD! and accompanied by farts. x.x I feel sorry for my Partner.
  23. Ok, from the liquid stage to the mushy stage, is it normal to gain back a few pounds of lost weight? I figure it should be due to increasing your calories just a bit..heres what happened.. I was on liquids for a week and a half..lost 20 pounds. Went to mushies, and gained 2 pounds...is this normal? Perhaps im not watching the caloric intake as well as I should be. Ive only been on mushies for a weekend..but it scares me that Ive gained back 2 pounds. eep!
  24. Kendra

    Question about mushies.

    Yes alex, I feel the same way. The main thing behind the weighing every day, is to figure out things that really effect my body. I figure if I keep checking, I can look back to the previous day (or few days) and see what I changed, and what could be the culprit. I don't know what I would do without you all. Thanks again!! -Kendra
  25. Kendra

    Question about mushies.

    Thank you delarla =) You explained it perfectly. Makes sence. I think I was just jumping the gun and apparently worrying for nothing. I weigh daily as well so.. x.x might be a good idea for me to stay away from the scales for awhile.

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