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Posts posted by catered1

  1. I have never heard of GENEPRO. I looked it up and all I found is a geneololgy sight. I really like powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury and nectaur protiens. I am a chocolate lover but can't seem to be able to like the chocolate Protein powders that need to be mixed. So with the Unjury I use the strawberry and unflavored one. With the Nectaur brand I really like a whole slew of their fruit flavored Proteins. I mix my Proteins with zero vitiman Water using just half the bottle. (10 oz.) They need to be mixed at room temperature and then if they can sit for 5 min. you can either put ice in the bottle or refridegerate it. This helps to avoid clumping. Use within 48 hours of mixing. I also have a premeir Protein for my Breakfast most days. These are already to go (called RTD) and I like the choclate with this one so haven't tried their vanilla. They might have a strawberry out too. (?)

    Hope this helps.

  2. I love my Syntrax Nectaur proteins! I mix them with Zero Vitamin Water. The Water comes in many flavors and I use about half the bottle which would be 10 oz. The trick is mixing the Protein powder with a room temperature Vitamin water. I try to do this the night before and put them in the fridge. It works best if the mixed drink can sit for about 5 min. on the counter before being made cold in the fridge. If I am on the run I put ice cubes in it and go. The key is to mix it at room temp. and then put it in the fridge or add ice after waiting 5 min. or so. Or else you will get some clumps.

    The flavors I like are Roadside Lemonade, Twisted cherry, grapefruit, carribean cooler, grape, fuzzy peach. The green apple is just a so, so for me but I don't mind it. I like powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein too and it mixes a little better than the Nectaur but doesn't have as many flavor options.

  3. I did real well before and lost 35 lbs. I thought I could do it on my own but after 2 years gained it all back and then some. I have learned that I cannot do it on my own and wish that I had proceeded as planned. I would have been that much further ahead in the long run. You are on a positive track to changing your eating habits. Keep it up. The surgery was the best thing ever for me. I still backslide once in a while but with the surgery I can get right back to eating healthy so much easier. It's a wonderful miracle for me in my life and I am thankful for it everyday.

  4. Your comments are wonderful! I use to wake up everyday saying I can do this. I can eat well today. And then when I win I go to bed crazy hungry. But when I failed and ate too much I went to bed hating myself for failing. I didn't really win either way. Now I win each day. It is easier, way easier. But I am still fighting the healthy food choices everyday. I hope in a few years I will be able to make the better food choices always. You are right-it is easier way easier.

  5. I am 55. I have had a vertical sleeve done. My main reason for this procedure was the absorption of more nutrients and the non routing of the plumbing. I have had great success with this and am very pleased. It is still a lot of work and thought each day. I am now 7 months out and losing only 1-1 1/2 lbs. now a week. I do eat pretty much all foods and am learning moderation still. I am fearful of stretching my new stomach. I am now off all blood pressure medicine. Take nothing for arthritis pain and can now exercise because my knees and feet can now handle it. I still have arthritis pain but it is very manageable now especially in my knees. This has been the best thing I have ever done and wish I would have done it 10 years ago. Good Luck on deciding.

  6. All i can say is Wow! That is a great accomplishment. i have read that it might take VS up to 2 years to loose the weight. I am like you and would like to reach goal weight at my year mark but I don't think so with a weight loss of a pound per week. You have done exceptional though. So way to go. My arms are bad too. Good Luck!!

  7. Welcome and way to go. You'll find this is the best thing you've ever done. I am 4 months out. And already loving the new me. I had some of your same issues like arthritis, heart skipping, blood pressure. I am now down to 1/3 of my blood pressure meds, very, very few heart palpatations, and this winter have not taken any medication for my arthritis. It's still there but now I can manage with out medicine for pain. I was taking 800mg. ibprofen 3 times a day in the winter and none this year. I too live in the East and it has been cold, cold, cold which kills my joints. Welcome and take care.

  8. When I started this ordeal my husband's only request was that I do tell people. I had a friend that didn't tell and she always seemed to be the topic of discussion. I am only losing 2 1/2 lbs. a week and wish I hadn't told anyone since it is about what I do on a normal diet. I feel there is more that defines me than that women over there that had weight loss surgery. But all in all I think either way this journey makes us dammed if we do tell and dammed if we don't. Good luck.

  9. Hi, I have not gotten to my old ways of eating and I hope not too!! I do have cravings, but so far have been able to walk away and not partake. I avoid vending machines by not having cash on me, I also pack healthy foods if I know I will be out running around so I can stop and eat so I dont have the temptation to stop somewhere. Hope these tips help!!

    Yes, they all help, thank you, thank you.

  10. Catered...you are SO CLOSE to being in the 100s! Three-four pounds away! Focus on that short term goal. You are so close. Don't let (whatever) rob you of that. It's right in front of you; just a few more steps. C'mon, you can do it!!

    Thanks for the motivation. I am able to run up the stairs, tie my shoes, have lower blood pressure, and a myriad of other great things. I need to remember all that.

  11. I'm struggling right now too - going back to 'old' ways... eating until I'm super full, and burping all the time too - whereas I should be thinking more about what i'm eating and stopping before I get to 'that point' - I think that 'thinking' is going to be the key - need to concentrate on other things too - get more involved in hobbies, taking care of me, exercise when I can.. really need to do this as, as you say - why did we go through the surgery if we are only going to be going back to our old ways? :(

    I am eating too much also and finally recognizing that full feeling. But yes, thinking, and possibly planning my day better will be a help. Thanks

  12. That has happened to me. I think that it starts small...maybe a little bit of something here...why not a little bit of that there, hey while I'm at it, I'll have this the next day. It's very hard mentally. I just reflected on the reasons why I had the surgery in the first place: to get healthier, to be happier, to be able to do the things I want to do that I currently can't because of my weight. I say to myself, after everything that I've been through to get this surgery, am I really going to sabotage myself and not reach my goals because of what I want to eat right now? It has helped me stay on track.

    All your are saying sounds very familiar to me. A little here a little there. And you're right, why sabotage this unbelievable opportunity I have to be able to lose weight. We had surgery the same month-let's stay in touch.

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